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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 43 of 937 matching documents.

  • Electronic Waste Recycling: Working Safely

    Factsheet describes how exposures occur and the potential health effects of exposure. The factsheet also provides advice on minimizing exposure at the workplace, including use of safer alternatives (when available).
    California — Brochure — 8/1/2012 — 0 Views

  • Integrated Pest Management for Buildings

    Fact sheet on using Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, a common-sense approach to effectively controlling pests while eliminating or reducing the use of harmful pesticides. Includes where to find pest control operators who are certified in IPM.
    California — Brochure — 7/24/2012 — 0 Views

  • Psychiatric technician dies from a patient assault at a forensic psychiatric facility

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 7/24/2012 — 0 Views

  • Maintenance worker dies from exposure to dichloromethane (methylene chloride) while stripping the floor of a baptismal font in a church

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 7/19/2012 — 0 Views

  • OHW: Protecting Health Care Workers From Disease

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. July 2012 edition about a guide and resources available for hospital administrators creating or improving a respirator program to protect health care workers from infectious diseases.
    California — Newsletter — 7/18/2012 — 0 Views

  • Methylene chloride is dangerous... There are safer alternatives! (Spanish)

    El cloruro de metileno es peligroso... ¡Existen alternativas más seguras! Health hazard alert describes how exposure occurs, in what industries, and the potential health effects of exposure. The factsheet also provides advice on minimizing exposure at the workplace, including use of safer alternatives (when available).
    California — Brochure — 7/6/2012 — 0 Views

  • OHW: California Workers' Health

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. June 2012 edition about California Occupational Health Indicators.
    California — Newsletter — 6/28/2012 — 0 Views

  • Gender Differences in Pesticide-related Farmworker Illnesses

    Journal article abstract from American Journal of Industrial Medicine reports on findings of a study that used surveillance data to identify reasons why female farmworkers have a higher rate of acute pesticide-related illness and injury than male farmworkers,
    California — Journal Article — 6/15/2012 — 0 Views

  • Groundsman Dies When Thrown Against a Wood Chipper - Spanish

    ¡Podador de arboles muere al ser arrojado contra una astilladora de madera! Fact sheet based on CA FACE Program fatality investigations; highlights hazardous conditions and preventive measures.
    California — Brochure — 6/1/2012 — 0 Views

  • OHW: Keeping Salon Workers SafeĀ From Chemicals

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. May 2012 edition about California's groundbreaking legal settlement with makers of Brazilian Blowout, a hair smoothing product containing formaldehyde; provides links to a factsheet on Brazilian blowout and other information on the California Safe Cosmetics Program.
    California — Newsletter — 5/29/2012 — 0 Views

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