Question Evaluation Standards (QUEST) Workgroup
QUEST Background
The QUEST (QUestionnaire Evaluation STandards) network was established in 1997. Participants of the QUEST group are those currently involved in survey question and instrument evaluation.
The core of the group consists of members from
federal statistical agencies and research organizations in
the Unites States, Europe and other countries.
New methodology is presented and discussed at each QUEST workshop, which is held every 18 months. The general aim of the QUEST workshops is to
discuss questionnaire evaluation theory and practices to identify effective and efficient methods for evaluating new or existing surveys. The workshop is intended for active
practitioners of questionnaire evaluation research. The most important aspect of the workshop is to share experiences with fellow researchers.
- 2018 - Wiesbaden, Germany
- 2017 - Rome, Italy
- 2015 - Helsinki, Finland
- 2013 - Washington, DC, USA
- 2011 - Granada, Spain
- 2009 - Bergen, Norway
- 2007 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- 2005 - Heerlen, The Netherlands
The QDET 2 International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing in 2016