Consider This

Consider the questions below. Compare your responses to the responses provided.
All done! Proceed to Part 2: Exiting the Situation.

Question 1: Why do you think Sylvia was caught "off guard" by Deborah's unexpected turn to threats of violence?

Sylvia believed that she had developed a good rapport with her client. She lost sight of the reality that this was a troubled family household. So when the violence spilled over to include her she was unprepared.

Question 2: What could Sylvia have done to better prepare herself for the possibility of violence?

Although Sylvia's agency conducted an initial pre-home visit assessment, periodic re-assessments might have provided Sylvia with an objective reminder of the level of risk involved. For example, Sylvia later learned that Deborah carried a knife, ostensibly for self protection and that she harbored feelings of guilt and anger for losing custody of her son.

Page last reviewed: May 16, 2024