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National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

"CBRN Protective Ensemble Standard for Law Enforcement"


This National Institute of Justice Standard is a voluntary performance standard for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) protective ensembles for use by law enforcement. It defines both performance requirements and the methods used to test performance. In order for an ensemble manufacturer or other entity to claim that a particular CBRN protective ensemble model satisfies this NIJ standard, the model must be in compliance with this standard as determined in accordance with this document and the associated forthcoming document, Law Enforcement CBRN Protective Ensemble Certification Program Requirements, NIJ CR-0116.00. This standard and the associated certification program requirements document are produced as a part of the Standards and Testing Program of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, NIJ, as is a third associated forthcoming document, the Law Enforcement CBRN Protective Ensemble Selection and Application Guide, NIJ Guide-0116.00.

Standard Type(s)

An explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, system, or service: Examples of specifications include, but are not limited to, requirements for; physical, mechanical, or chemical properties, and safety, quality, or performance criteria. A specification identifies the test methods for determining whether each of the requirements is satisfied.

Test Method

A definitive procedure that produces a test result: Examples of test methods include, but are not limited to: identification, measurement, and evaluation of one or more qualities, characteristics, or properties. A precision and bias statement shall be reported at the end of a test method.

Personal Protective Equipment
Body Protection

All items of clothing and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured to provide specific protection. This includes bullet-proof clothing, general protective clothing and full body ensembles that protect from cuts, radiation, temperature extremes, hot splashes from molten metals and other hot liquids, potential impacts from tools, machinery and materials and hazardous chemicals. Examples of body protection include laboratory coats, coveralls, vests, jackets, aprons, surgical gowns and full body suits

  • Chemical protective clothing
  • Radiation protective clothing
Foot and Leg Protection

All equipment and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured specifically to protect the foot and/or the leg and to provide anti-slip protection. This category includes protection against static electricity, risk of explosion, falling or rolling objects, crushing or penetrating, protection from exposure to hot substances and/or corrosive or poisonous materials

  • Chemical protective footwear
  • Radiation protective footwear
Hand and Arm Protection

All equipment and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured specifically to protect the arm and/or the hand this includes all garments protecting the hand or part of the hand, including gloves, fingerless gloves, mittens, garments protecting the fingers only or the palm only, etc. Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful substances, chemical or thermal burns, electrical dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations.

  • Chemical protective gloves
  • Radiation protective gloves
  • Biohazards
  • Radiation
  • Nuclear Particulate
  • Chemical
SOC Codes
33-0000 Protective Service Occupations
  • 33-3000 Law Enforcement Workers
    • 33-3050 Police Officers
    • 33-3051 Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers
Standard References
Referenced Standard

NFPA 1999 - 2018 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19992018edition) - Standard on protective clothing for emergency medical operations

NFPA 1951 - 2020 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19512020edition) - Standard on protective ensembles for technical rescue incidents

NFPA 1971 - 2018 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19712018edition) - Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting

NFPA 1991 - 2016 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19912016edition) - Standard on Vapor-Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies and CBRN Terrorism Incidents

NFPA 1994 - 2018 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19942018edition) - Standard on Protective Ensembles for First Responders to Hazardous Materials Emergencies and CBRN Terrorism Incidents

ASTM F1868 - 23(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/ASTMF186823) - Standard Test Method for Thermal, Evaporative Resistance and Total Heat Loss Measurements of Clothing Materials Using a Sweating Hot Plate

ASTM F2588 - 12(2020)(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/ASTMF258812(2020)) - Standard Test Method for Man-In-Simulant Test (MIST) for Protective Ensembles

NFPA 1992 - 2018 edition(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NFPA19922018edition) - Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles and Clothing for Hazardous Materials Emergencies

NIJ CR-0116.00(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJCR011600) - Law enforcement CBRN protective ensemble certification program requirements

Conformity Assessment Notes

In order for an ensemble manufacturer or other entity to claim that a particular CBRN protective ensemble model satisfies this NIJ standard, the model must be in compliance with this standard as determined in accordance with this document and the associated forthcoming document, Law Enforcement CBRN Protective Ensemble Certification Program Requirements, NIJ CR-0116.00.

This standard and the associated certification program requirements document are produced as a part of the Standards and Testing Program of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, NIJ, as is a third associated forthcoming document, the Law Enforcement CBRN Protective Ensemble Selection and Application Guide, NIJ Guide-0116.00. Many ASTM, NFPA, CFR and European standards are referenced in the text as documents used to established criteria for this standard. However, they are not incorporated by reference as a standard to be complied with.

Testing Laboratories
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) - Gaithersburgh, Maryland, 20899-2140

In 2006, the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Office of Science and Technology requested the establishment of a NVLAP program to accredit laboratories that test ballistic- and stab-resistant personal body armor to support the voluntary minimum performance standards developed for NIJ by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES).

The U. S. DOJ has established a product certification program administered by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC). NLECTC reviews test reports from laboratories that have been designated by DOJ and lists products that meet DOJ standards. In order to be designated by the DOJ, a laboratory must be accredited by NVLAP and must sign a letter of agreement with the DOJ committing itself to abide by the certification program requirements.

While NVLAP may accredit any laboratory that meets NVLAP administrative and technical requirements, the DOJ has additional requirements. These requirements include: all laboratories performing additional compliance testing services for the Compliance Testing Program in accordance with NIJ Standards must be independent third-party laboratories owned, located, and which perform all testing to NIJ Standards within the United States. Additionally, all laboratories must be free of and demonstrate their freedom from any potential conflicts of interest with respect to other services they and/or their subsidiaries and affiliates may provide, particularly regarding services pertaining to consultation on the design and manufacturer of the types of products the laboratory will perform NIJ compliance testing services for.


Phone Number: (301) 975-4016
Email: NVLAP@nist.gov


ISO 17025

Scope of Accreditation

NIJ Standard-0104.02(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard010402) , NIJ Standard 0106.01(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard010601) , NIJ Standard 0108.01(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard010801) , NIJ Standard-0101.06(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard010106) , NIJ Standard-0115.00(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard011500) , NIJ CR-0116.00(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJCR011600) , NIJ Standard-0116.00(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/NIJStandard011600)


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