National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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Variable NameVariable DescriptionData File NameData File DescriptionBegin YearEndYearComponentUse Constraints
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CHLM_E_RChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaCHLM_E_RChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUGCUrinary GonorrheaCHLM_E_RChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus IIHSV_E_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HSV_E_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTH_EAlcohol Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTH_EAlcohol Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQYTH_EAlcohol Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips? ALQYTH_EAlcohol Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQYTH_EAlcohol Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTH_DAlcohol Use - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTH_DAlcohol Use - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQYTH_DAlcohol Use - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips? ALQYTH_DAlcohol Use - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQYTH_DAlcohol Use - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXAISCInterview Status Code SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031When you first had vaginal, anal, or oral sex, how old were you? SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many females have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ021The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex? SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ101In your lifetime, with how many males have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex? SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many females have you had sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had vaginal or anal sex without using a condom?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ350With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ400With how many of these females have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many males have you had anal or oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ430With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ450In the past 12 months, with how many males have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ470With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many females have you had sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ510In the past 12 months, with how many females have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ530With how many of these females have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many males have you had anal or oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ570With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal or anal sex?SXQYTH_DSexual Behavior - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQYTH_EMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUAISCDrug use questionnaire status codeDUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380DWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380EWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQYTH_EDrug Use - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD042What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD152Which month of pregnancy {are you/is she} in?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD442{Are you/Is SP} taking birth control pills now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ205Did {you/SP} breast feed {{your/her} child/any of {your/her} children} for at least one month?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ395{Do you/Does SP} experience bulging or something falling out that {you/she} can see or feel in the vaginal area?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} birth control pills?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ510{Have you/Has SP} ever used Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ520{Are you/Is SP} now using Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ558{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing estrogen only now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ562{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing progestin only (like Provera)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ566{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing progestin only now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing progestin only?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ574{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ584{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing estrogen only now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ600{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_E_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSFOLFolic Acid ng/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSFOLSIFolic Acid pmol/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSFOLTOTTotal Folate ng/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSFOLTSITotal Folate pmol/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSMETMethyltetrahydrofolate ng/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSMETSIMethyltetrahydrofolate pmol/mlSSFOL_BFolic Acid - Unmetabolized (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTHAlcohol Use - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQYTHAlcohol Use - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQYTHAlcohol Use - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips? ALQYTHAlcohol Use - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQYTHAlcohol Use - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
LB2BAPBone alkaline phosphotase (ug/L)L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2CRPC-reactive protein(mg/dL)L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between 1st and 2nd examL11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FBFibrinogen (mg/dL)L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FBSIFibrinogen (g/L) L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NTN-telopeptides (nmol BCE)L11_2_RC-Reactive Protein & Others, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus IIHSV_DRHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HSV_DRHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes IIl09rdc_cHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l09rdc_cHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes IIl09rdc_aHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth19992000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l09rdc_aHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth19992000LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes IIl09rdc_bHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l09rdc_bHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
DX2DAYNumber of days between the primary and the second day exams.DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2EXSTS DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEAHead Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEBMCHead Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEBMDHead Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEBVHead Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEFATHead Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HELEHead Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HELIHead Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HEPFHead Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HETOTHead Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2HETVHead Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LAALeft Arm Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LABMCLeft Arm Body Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LABMDLeft Arm Body Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LABVLeft Arm Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LAFATLeft Arm Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LALELeft Arm Lean excl Body Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LALILeft Arm Lean incl BMC (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LAPFLeft Arm Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LATOTLeft Arm Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LATVLeft Arm Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLALeft Leg Area(cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLBMCLeft Leg Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLBMDLeft Leg Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLBVLeft Leg Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLFATLeft Leg Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLLELeft Leg Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLLILeft Leg Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLPFLeft Leg Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLTOTLeft Leg Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LLTVLeft Leg Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LRALeft Ribs Area(cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LRBMCLeft Ribs Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LRBMDLeft Ribs Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LSALumbar Spine Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LSBMCLumbar Spine Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2LSBMDLumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2PEAPelvis Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2PEBMCPelvis Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2PEBMDPelvis Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2) DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RAARight Arm Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RABMCRight Arm Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RABMDRight Arm Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RABVRight Arm Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RAFATRight Arm Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RALERight Arm Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RALIRight Arm Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RAPFRight Arm Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RATOTRight Arm Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RATVRight Arm Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLARight Leg Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLBMCRight Leg Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLBMDRight Leg Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLBVRight Leg Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLFATRight Leg Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLLERight Leg Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLLIRight Leg Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLPFRight Leg Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLTOTRight Leg Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RLTVRight Leg Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RRARight Ribs Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RRBMCRight Ribs Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2RRBMDRight Ribs Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STASubtotal Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STBCCSubtotal Bone Validity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STBMCSubtotal Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STBMDSubtotal Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STFATSubtotal Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STLESubtotal Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STLISubtotal Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STPFSubtotal Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STPFCSubtotal Percent Fat Validity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2STTOTSubtotal (Total excl Head) (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TECHTechnicians for the primary and the second day exams.DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOATotal Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOBCCTotal Bone Mineral Density Validity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOBMCTotal Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOBMDTotal Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOFATTotal Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOLETotal Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOLITotal Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOPFTotal Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOPFCTotal Percent Fat Validity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TOTOTTotal Lean incl BMC and Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRATrunk Bone area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRBMCTrunk Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRBMDTrunk Bone BMD (g/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRBVTrunk Bone Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRFATTrunk Fat (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRLETrunk Lean excl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRLITrunk Lean incl Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRPFTrunk Percent FatDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRTOTTrunk Total (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TRTVTrunk Tissue Invalidity CodeDXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TSAThoracic Spine Area (cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TSBMCThoracic Spine Bone Mineral Content (grams)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
DX2TSBMDThoracic Spine Bone Mineral Density (grams/cm^2)DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
SEQN DXX_2_00Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Whole Body, Second Exam20002000ExaminationRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between the 1st and 2nd exams HP2_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1), Second Exam20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HP1Helicobacter pylori (HP1)HP2_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1), Second Exam20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HP2_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1), Second Exam20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHP1Helicobacter pylori (HP1)HP_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1)20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HP_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1)20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
WTMEC1YRFull sample 1 year MEC weightHP_01_RHelicobacter pylori (HP1)20012001LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L05RDC_AChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth19992000LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, urineL05RDC_AChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth19992000LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUGCGonorrhea, urineL05RDC_AChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth19992000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ010The next set of questions ask about things you may have done that can get people in trouble. In the last year, have you been expelled from school for misbehavior—that is, told you could never go back to that school at all?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ020In the last year, have you shoplifted—that is, stolen something from a store when you thought no one was looking?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ030In the last year, have you lied to get money or something else you wanted?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ040In the last year, have you snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ050In the last year, have you broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ060In the last year, have you stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ070In the last year, have you been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ080In the last year, have you broken into a house, a building, or a car?YCQMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
LB2B12Vitamin B12, serum (pg/mL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2B12SIVitamin B12, serum (pmol/L) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BCDCadmium (ug/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BCDSICadmium (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BPBLead (ug/dL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BPBSILead (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2COTCotinine (ng/mL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2COTSICotinine (nmol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYThe number of days between the first and second collectionsL06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2EPPErythrocyte protoporphyrin (ug/dL RBC) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2EPPSIErythrocyte protoporphyrin (umol/L RBC) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FERFerritin (ng/mL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FERSIFerritin (ug/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FOLFolate, serum (ng/mL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FOLSIFolate, serum (nmol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GTCGamma tocopherol (ug/dL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GTCSIGamma tocopherol (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HCYHomocysteine (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2IRNIron (ug/dL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2IRNSIIron (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MMAMethylmalonic acid (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2PCTTransferrin saturation (%)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RBFFolate (ng/mL RBC)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RBFSIFolate (nmol/L RBC)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RPLRetinyl palmitate (ug/dL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RPLSIRetinyl palmitate (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RSTRetinyl stearate (ug/dL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RSTSIRetinyl stearate (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TIBTIBC (ug/dL)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TIBSITIBC (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIAVitamin A (ug/dL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIASIVitamin A (umol/L) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIEVitamin E (ug/dL) L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIESIVitamin E (umol/L)L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L06_2_00Cadmium, Lead, Ferritin, Serum Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Methylmalonic acid, Cotinine & Other Selected Nutritional Biochemistries - Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between first and second examsVID_2_00Vitamin D, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIDVitamin D (ng/mL)VID_2_00Vitamin D, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.VID_2_00Vitamin D, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2CPC-peptide: pmol/mLl10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2CPSIC-peptide SI(nmol/L)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between the 1st and 2nd examsl10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GHGlycohemoglobin (%)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GLUPlasma glucose (mg/dL)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GLUSIPlasma glucose: SI(mmol/L)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2INInsulin (uU/mL)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2INSIInsulin: SI(pmol/L)l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l10_2_00Glycohemoglobin, Plasma Glucose, Serum C-peptide, & Insulin, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYThe number of days between the collection of the first and second examl18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FSHFollicle stimulating hormone (mIU/mL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2FSHSIFollicle stimulating hormone (IU/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LHLuteinizing hormone (mIU/mL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LHSILuteinizing hormone (IU/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SALAlbumin (g/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SALSIAlbumin (g/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SAPSIAlkaline phosphotase (U/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SASSIAspartate aminotransferase (U/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SATSIAlanine aminotransferase (U/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SBUBlood urea nitrogen (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SBUSIBlood urea nitrogen (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SC3SIBicarbonate (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCATotal calcium (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCASITotal calcium (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCHCholesterol (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCHSICholesterol (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCLSIChloride (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCRCreatinine (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SCRSICreatinine (umol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SGLGlucose (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SGLSIGlucose, serum (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SGTSIGamma glutamyltransferasel18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SIRIron (ug/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SIRSIIron (umol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SKSIPotassium (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SLDSILactate dehydrogenase (U/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SNASISodium (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SPHPhosphorus (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SPHSIPhosphorus (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STBBilirubin, total (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STBSIBilirubin, total (umol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STPProtein, total (g/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STPSITotal protein (g/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STRTriglycerides (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2STRSITriglycerides (mmol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SUAUric acid (mg/dL)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2SUASIUric acid (umol/L)l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l18_2_00Standard Biochemistry Profile & Hormones, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between 1st and 2nd exam l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HDLHDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HDLSIHDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LDLLDL-cholesterol (mg/dL) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LDLSILDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TCTotal cholesterol (mg/dL) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TCSITotal cholesterol (mmol/L) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TRTriglyceride (mg/dL) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2TRSITriglyceride (mmol/L) l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l13_2_rCholesterol - Total, HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have money to get more.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost food to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because (I was/we were) running out of money to buy food.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because (I/we) couldn't afford that.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because (I/we) just couldn't afford enough food.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money to buy food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because you couldn't afford enough food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because you didn't have enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? Would you say . . .FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were the children} ever hungry but you just couldn't afford more food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD401In the last 30 days, {did you cut the size of (your/ child's name) meals/ was the size of your meals cut} because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD411In the last 30 days, did {you/ child's NAME} skip {meals/ a meal} because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD421In the last the last 30 days, did {you/ child's name} eat less than you {felt/ thought} {you/she/he} should because {there wasn't/your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD431In the last 30 days, {were you/ was child's name} hungry but {didn't eat because (you couldn't afford/ your family didn't have) enough food/ you just couldn't afford more food}?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD451In the last 30 days, did {you/ child's name} not eat for a whole day because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZCDid {SP} receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZWThese next questions are about participation in programs for women with young children. Did {you/SP} personally receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children Program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZW{Are you/Is SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZWThinking about {your/SP's} {pregnancy/recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancies}, how long {did you receive/have you been receiving/did she receive/has she been receiving} benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675{Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program} Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of 1 to {SP AGE} years old?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about the Food Stamp Program. Food stamps are usually provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the {{STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in {{STATE}}}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ171In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ440In the last 30 days, did you lose weight because you did not have enough money for food?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_E_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
LB2DAYThe number of days between the collection of the first and second examL19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MEMeaslesL19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RURubellaL19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RUIURubella antibody (international units) L19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VARVaricellaL19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L19_2_RMeasles, Rubella, & Varicella, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYThe number of days between the collection of the first and second examL16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCRCreatinine, urine (mg/dL)L16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCRSICreatinine, urine (umol/L)L16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UMAAlbumin, urine (ug/mL)L16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UMASIAlbumin, urine (mg/L) SIL16_2_RCreatinine & Albumin - Urine, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BANOBasophils number (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2BAPCTBasophils percent (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYDays between first and second examl25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2EONOEosinophils number (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2EOPCTEosinophils percent (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HCTHematocrit (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2HGBHemoglobin (g/dL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LYMNOLymphocyte number (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2LYPCTLymphocyte percent (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MCMCHC (g/dL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MCHSIMean cell hemoglobin (pg)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MCVSIMean cell volume (fL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MONOMonocyte number (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MOPCTMonocyte percent (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2MPSIMean platelet volume (fL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2NENOSegmented neutrophils num (1000 cell/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2NEPCTSegmented neutrophils percent (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2PLTSIPlatelet count (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RBCSIRed blood cell count (million cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RDWRed cell distribution width (%)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2WBCSIWhite blood cell count (1000 cells/uL)l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l25_2_rComplete Blood Count with 5-part Differential - Whole Blood, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2DAYThe number of days between the collection of the first and second examVIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GTCgamma-tocopherol(ug/dL)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2GTCSIgamma-tocopherol(umol/L)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RPLRetinyl palmitate(ug/dL)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RPLSIRetinyl palmitate(umol/L)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RSTRetinyl stearate(ug/dL)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2RSTSIRetinyl stearate(umol/L)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIARetinol(ug/dL)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIASIRetinol(umol/L)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIEalpha-tocopherol(ug/dL)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LB2VIESIalpha-tocopherol(umol/L)VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.VIT_2_RVitamin A & Vitamin E, Second Exam20002000LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBVBacterial Vaginosis l34_b_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBVPHPH of Bacterial Vaginosis Specimenl34_b_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTVTrichomonas Vaginalis l34_b_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l34_b_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBVBacterial Vaginosis l34_c_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBVPHPH of Bacterial Vaginosis Specimenl34_c_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTVTrichomonas Vaginalis l34_c_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.l34_c_rBacterial vaginosis (BV) & Trichomonas vaginalis - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXAISCInterview Status Code SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031When you first had vaginal, anal, or oral sex, how old were you? SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many females have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ021The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex? SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ101In your lifetime, with how many males have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex? SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many females have you had sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had vaginal or anal sex without using a condom?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ350With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ400With how many of these females have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many males have you had anal or oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ430With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ450In the past 12 months, with how many males have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ470With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many females have you had sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ510In the past 12 months, with how many females have you had vaginal, anal, or oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ530With how many of these females have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many males have you had anal or oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ570With how many of these males have you had only oral sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal or anal sex?SXQYTH_ESexual Behavior - Youth20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDH06HPV type 06SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH11HPV type 11SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH16HPV type 16SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH18HPV type 18SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH26HPV type 26SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH31HPV type 31SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH33HPV type 33SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH35HPV type 35SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH39HPV type 39SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH40HPV type 40SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH42HPV type 42SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH45HPV type 45SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH51HPV type 51SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH52HPV type 52SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH53HPV type 53SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH54HPV type 54SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH55HPV type 55SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH56HPV type 56SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH58HPV type 58SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH59HPV type 59SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH61HPV type 61SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH62HPV type 62SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH64HPV type 64SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH66HPV type 66SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH67HPV type 67SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH68HPV type 68SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH69HPV type 69SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH70HPV type 70SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH71HPV type 71SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH72HPV type 72SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH73HPV type 73SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH81HPV type 81SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH82HPV type 82SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH83HPV type 83SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH84HPV type 84SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDH89HPV type 89SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDHPCRHPV summary variableSWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDHPIHPV type IS39SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH2RLHybrid Capture high risk (RLU)resultSWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH3RLHybrid Capture low risk (RLU)resultSWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXNSTother HPV strip typesSWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SWA_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Prototype Line Blot Assay - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlSWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlSWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultSWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SWR_C_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
DED031If after several months of not being in the sun, {you/SP} then went out in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing for a half hour, which one of these would happen to {your/his/her} skin?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DED120The next questions ask about the time you spent outdoors during the past 30 days. By outdoors, I mean outside and not under any shade. How much time did you usually spend outdoors between 9 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon on the days that you worked or went to school?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DED125During the past 30 days, how much time did you usually spend outdoors between 9 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon on the days when you were not working or going to school?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DEQ034AWhen {you go/SP goes} outside on a very sunny day, for more than one hour, how often {do you/does SP} Stay in the shade?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DEQ034CWear a long sleeved shirt? Would you say . . .DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DEQ034DUse sunscreen? Would you say . . .DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DEQ038GHow many times in the past year {have you/has SP} had a sunburn?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
DEQ038QHow many times in the past year {have you/has SP} had a sunburn?DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DEQ_E_RDermatology20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBXB27Human Leukocyte Histocompatibility Surface Antigen B-27(HLA-B27)B27_F_RHuman Leukocyte Antigen B-2720092009LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.B27_F_RHuman Leukocyte Antigen B-2720092009LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSH1N1_EHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH11976Geometric mean hemagglutination inhibition titer against influenza A/H1H1 virus A/New Jersey/8/1976SSH1N1_EHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH12007Geometric mean hemogglutination inhibition titer against influenza A/H1N1 virus A/Brisbane/59/2007SSH1N1_EHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH12009Geometric mean hemogglutination inhibition titer against influenza A/H1N1Virus A/California/7/2009SSH1N1_EHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
WTH1N1H1N1 sample weightSSH1N1_EHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus IIHSV_F_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HSV_F_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CHLM_F_RChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaCHLM_F_RChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGHHPV High Globulin Band resultOHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGLHPV Low Globulin Band resultOHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH06HPV Type 6OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH11HPV Type 11OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH16HPV Type 16OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH18HPV Type 18OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH26HPV Type 26OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH31HPV Type 31OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH33HPV Type 33OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH35HPV Type 35OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH39HPV Type 39OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH40HPV Type 40OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH42HPV Type 42OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH45HPV Type 45OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH51HPV Type 51OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH52HPV Type 52OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH53HPV Type 53OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH54HPV Type 54OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH55HPV Type 55OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH56HPV Type 56OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH58HPV Type 58OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH59HPV Type 59OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH61HPV Type 61OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH62HPV Type 62OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH64HPV Type 64OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH66HPV Type 66OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH67HPV Type 67OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH68HPV Type 68OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH69HPV Type 69OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH70HPV Type 70OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH71HPV Type 71OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH72HPV Type 72OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH73HPV Type 73OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH81HPV Type 81OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH82HPV Type 82OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH83HPV Type 83OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH84HPV Type 84OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPCHPV CP 6108OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPIHPV Type IS39OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPVOral HPV ResultOHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OHPV_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
RHD042What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD152Which month of pregnancy {are you/is she} in?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD442{Are you/Is SP} taking birth control pills now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ205Did {you/SP} breast feed {{your/her} child/any of {your/her} children} for at least one month?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ395{Do you/Does SP} experience bulging or something falling out that {you/she} can see or feel in the vaginal area?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} birth control pills?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ510{Have you/Has SP} ever used Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ520{Are you/Is SP} now using Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ558{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing estrogen only now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ562{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing progestin only (like Provera)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ566{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing progestin only now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing progestin only?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ574{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ584{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing estrogen only now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ600{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_F_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_F_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD231RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_E_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD241RWhat kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_E_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD391RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_E_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD392RThinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_E_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OCQ_E_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20072008QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_F_RAlcohol Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_F_RAlcohol Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_F_RAlcohol Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_F_RAlcohol Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_F_RAlcohol Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_F_RSexual Behavior - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CHLMD_DRChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaCHLMD_DRChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUGCUrinary GonorrheaCHLMD_DRChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L05RDC_CChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaL05RDC_CChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUGCUrinary GonorrheaL05RDC_CChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20032004LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.L05RDC_BChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, urineL05RDC_BChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUGCGonorrhea, urineL05RDC_BChlamydia & Gonorrhea - Urine - Youth20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN01Were any * responses coded in YDQA02--YDQA03D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN01Were any * responses coded in YDQA02--YDQA03D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN02Were any * responses coded in YDQA25--YDQA26D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN02Were any * responses coded in YDQA25--YDQA26D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN03Was a * response coded in YDQA29--YDQA30D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAAN03Was a * response coded in YDQA29--YDQA30D?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1mInattention type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1mInattention type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1yInattention type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1yInattention type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1YMInattention type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA1YMInattention type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2MHyperactive type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2MHyperactive type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2YHyperactive type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2YHyperactive type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2YMHyperactive type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA2YMHyperactive type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3mCombined type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3mCombined type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3yCombined type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3yCombined type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3YMCombined type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDA3YMCombined type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1amFails to give close attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1amFails to give close attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1ayFails to give close attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1ayFails to give close attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1bmDifficulty sustaining attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1bmDifficulty sustaining attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1byDifficulty sustaining attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1byDifficulty sustaining attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1cmDoes not listen MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1cmDoes not listen MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1cyDoes not listen YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1cyDoes not listen YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1dmFails to follow through on instructions MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1dmFails to follow through on instructions MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1dyFails to follow through on instructions YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1dyFails to follow through on instructions YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1emDifficulty organizing tasks MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1emDifficulty organizing tasks MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1eyDifficulty organizing tasks YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1eyDifficulty organizing tasks YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1fmAvoid task requiring sustained attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1fmAvoid task requiring sustained attention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1fyAvoid task requiring sustained attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1fyAvoid task requiring sustained attention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1gmLoses things MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1gmLoses things MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1gyLoses things YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1gyLoses things YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1hmEasily distracted by extraneous stimuli MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1hmEasily distracted by extraneous stimuli MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1hyEasily distracted by extraneous stimuli YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1hyEasily distracted by extraneous stimuli YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1imForgetful MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1imForgetful MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1iyForgetful YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1iyForgetful YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1mInattention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1mInattention MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1yInattention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa1yInattention YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2amFidgets MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2amFidgets MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2ayFidgets YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2ayFidgets YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2bmLeaves seat MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2bmLeaves seat MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2byLeaves seat YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2byLeaves seat YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2cmRuns about or climbs excessively MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2cmRuns about or climbs excessively MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2cyRuns about or climbs excessively YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2cyRuns about or climbs excessively YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2dmDifficulty playing quietly MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2dmDifficulty playing quietly MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2dyDifficulty playing quietly YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2dyDifficulty playing quietly YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2emOften on the go/driven by a motor MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2emOften on the go/driven by a motor MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2eyOften on the go/driven by a motor YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2eyOften on the go/driven by a motor YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2fmTalks excessively MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2fmTalks excessively MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2fyTalks excessively YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2fyTalks excessively YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2gmBlurts out answers MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2gmBlurts out answers MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2gyBlurts out answers YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2gyBlurts out answers YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2hmDifficulty awaiting turn MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2hmDifficulty awaiting turn MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2hyDifficulty awaiting turn YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2hyDifficulty awaiting turn YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2imInterrupts or intrudes MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2imInterrupts or intrudes MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2iyInterrupts or intrudes YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2iyInterrupts or intrudes YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2mHyperactivity-impulsivity MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2mHyperactivity-impulsivity MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2yHyperactivity-impulsivity YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAa2yHyperactivity-impulsivity YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAAMEither inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAAMEither inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAAYEither inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAAYEither inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAbOnset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAbOnset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAB1Inattention -- Onset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAB1Inattention -- Onset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAB2Hyperactivity-impulsivity -- Onset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAB2Hyperactivity-impulsivity -- Onset before age 7YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC1MInattention -- Impairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC1MInattention -- Impairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC1YInattention -- Impairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC1YInattention -- Impairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC2MHyperactivity-impulsivity -- Impairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC2MHyperactivity-impulsivity -- Impairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC2YHyperactivity-impulsivity -- Impairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAC2YHyperactivity-impulsivity -- Impairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcmImpairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcmImpairment in two or more settings MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr1mADHD type 1 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr1mADHD type 1 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr1yADHD type 1 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr1yADHD type 1 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr2mADHD type 2 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr2mADHD type 2 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr2yADHD type 2 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr2yADHD type 2 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr3mADHD type 3 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr3mADHD type 3 Criteria - Past Month [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr3yADHD type 3 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcr3yADHD type 3 Criteria - Past Year [Count]YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcyImpairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAcyImpairment in two or more settings YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAHSYMADHD Hyperactivity Symptom Count YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAHSYMADHD Hyperactivity Symptom Count YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA2Intermediate rating --Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA2Intermediate rating --Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA3Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA3Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult/there were problems with grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult/there were problems with grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA5Intermediate rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA5Intermediate rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC2Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC2Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC3Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC3Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult/there were problems with grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult/there were problems with grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC5Severe rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC5Severe rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAmAny type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAmAny type MYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAsympADHD Symptom CountYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAsympADHD Symptom CountYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDATSYMADHD attention deficit Symptom Count YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDATSYMADHD attention deficit Symptom Count YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAyAny type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAyAny type YYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYMAny type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDAYMAny type MODIFIED WITHOUT AGEYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01Everybody has times when they have trouble concentrating or keeping their mind on what they are doing. What we want to know is whether ________ has had difficulty concentrating or keeping [his/her] mind on what [he/she] is doing most of the time.<p> In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] did [he/she] often have trouble keeping [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing for more than a short time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01Everybody has times when they have trouble concentrating or keeping their mind on what they are doing. What we want to know is whether ________ has had difficulty concentrating or keeping [his/her] mind on what [he/she] is doing most of the time.<p> In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] did [he/she] often have trouble keeping [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing for more than a short time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01ADid [he/she] have this trouble keeping [his/her] mind on things for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01ADid [he/she] have this trouble keeping [his/her] mind on things for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often have trouble keeping [his/her] mind on things?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often have trouble keeping [his/her] mind on things?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] often had trouble keeping [his/her]mind on what [he/she] was doing? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA01DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] often had trouble keeping [his/her]mind on what [he/she] was doing? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02n the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often try not to do things where [he/she] would have needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02n the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often try not to do things where [he/she] would have needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02ADid [he/she] try not to do things like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02ADid [he/she] try not to do things like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often try to get out of doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often try to get out of doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often tried not to do things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA02DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often tried not to do things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often dislike doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often dislike doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03ADid [he/she] dislike doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03ADid [he/she] dislike doing things where [he/she] had to pay attention like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often dislike doing things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often dislike doing things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] disliked doing things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA03DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] disliked doing things where [he/she] needed to pay attention for a long time? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04n the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often find it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04n the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often find it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04AWas [he/she] like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04AWas [he/she] like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often find it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often find it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] was doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often found it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] has been doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA04DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often found it hard to keep [his/her] mind on what [he/she] has been doing when other things were going on?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05Some people are very disorganized. They can't remember where they put their clothes or their books or their projects. They try to do too many things at the same time so they're often late, or they don't go where they're supposed to go or they never have time to do things properly.<p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was [he/she] disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05Some people are very disorganized. They can't remember where they put their clothes or their books or their projects. They try to do too many things at the same time so they're often late, or they don't go where they're supposed to go or they never have time to do things properly.<p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was [he/she] disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05AWas [he/she] disorganized like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05AWas [he/she] disorganized like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often very disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often very disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] been disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] been disorganized?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often have trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often have trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06ADid [he/she] have this trouble finishing things for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06ADid [he/she] have this trouble finishing things for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often have trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often have trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] had trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA06DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] had trouble finishing ([his/her] homework or other) things [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often lose (things like assignments or books or other) things [he/she] needed?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often lose (things like assignments or books or other) things [he/she] needed?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07ADid this problem with losing things go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07ADid this problem with losing things go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often lose things [he/she] needed?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often lose things [he/she] needed?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of /the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] often lost things?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA07DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of /the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] often lost things?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often forget what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often forget what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08AWas [he/she] forgetful like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08AWas [he/she] forgetful like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often forget what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often forget what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often forgotten what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA08DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often forgotten what [he/she] was supposed to be doing or what [he/she] had planned to do? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often made a lot of mistakes because it's hard for [him/her] to do things carefully?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often made a lot of mistakes because it's hard for [him/her] to do things carefully?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09ADid [he/she] make careless mistakes like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09ADid [he/she] make careless mistakes like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often make a lot of careless mistakes?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often make a lot of careless mistakes?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] made a lot of careless mistakes?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA09DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] made a lot of careless mistakes?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often not listen when people were speaking to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often not listen when people were speaking to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10ADid this problem with not listening to people go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10ADid this problem with not listening to people go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often not listen when people spoke to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often not listen when people spoke to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often not listened when people were speaking to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often not listened when people were speaking to [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10EDid [he/she] not listen because [he/she] had difficulty hearing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10EDid [he/she] not listen because [he/she] had difficulty hearing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10GHas this hearing problem been diagnosed by a doctor?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA10GHas this hearing problem been diagnosed by a doctor?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11Some people are always starting things without finishing them. They start a game or project or activity, but after a few minutes they think of something else, and they start doing that other thing instead.<P> Has ________ been like that? In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often not finish things because [he/she] started to do something else?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11Some people are always starting things without finishing them. They start a game or project or activity, but after a few minutes they think of something else, and they start doing that other thing instead.<P> Has ________ been like that? In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often not finish things because [he/she] started to do something else?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11ADid this problem with not finishing things go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11ADid this problem with not finishing things go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11B When [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often not finish things because [he/she] started to do something else?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11B When [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often not finish things because [he/she] started to do something else?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often not finished things? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA11DNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often not finished things? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [he/she] did not have trouble with paying attention or concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [he/she] did not have trouble with paying attention or concentratingYDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12CDid that time when [he/she] didn't have trouble with paying attention or concentrating last for six months or more?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12CDid that time when [he/she] didn't have trouble with paying attention or concentrating last for six months or more?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12DyYou said that [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G] in the last year.<p> How old was [he/she] when having trouble paying attention or concentrating started this time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12DyYou said that [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G] in the last year.<p> How old was [he/she] when having trouble paying attention or concentrating started this time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12EDid [he/she] start having trouble with paying attention or concentrating again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12EDid [he/she] start having trouble with paying attention or concentrating again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12yYou said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G].<p> How old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started to have trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12yYou said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G].<p> How old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started to have trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA12zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA13yHow old was [he/she] when trouble paying attention or concentrating started to cause problems for [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA13yHow old was [he/she] when trouble paying attention or concentrating started to cause problems for [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA13zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA13zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA14Did [he/she] have problems in first grade or kindergarten because [he/she] had trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA14Did [he/she] have problems in first grade or kindergarten because [he/she] had trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA15You said that in the last year ________ [NAME SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G].<P> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when [his/her] having trouble paying attention or Concentrating like this caused the most problems.<P> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was having trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA15You said that in the last year ________ [NAME SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G].<P> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when [his/her] having trouble paying attention or Concentrating like this caused the most problems.<P> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was having trouble paying attention or concentrating?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA15AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA15AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA16At that time, did __________'s trouble with paying attention or concentrating keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA16At that time, did __________'s trouble with paying attention or concentrating keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA16AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA16AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA17At that time, did [his/her] trouble with paying attention or concentrating keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA17At that time, did [his/her] trouble with paying attention or concentrating keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA17AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA17AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA18When the problems were worst, did having trouble paying attention or concentrating [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA18When the problems were worst, did having trouble paying attention or concentrating [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA18AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA18AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA19At that time, did having trouble paying attention or concentrating cause __________'s teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA19At that time, did having trouble paying attention or concentrating cause __________'s teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA19AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA19AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA20When the problems were worst, did it seem like having trouble paying attention or concentrating made [him/her] feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA20When the problems were worst, did it seem like having trouble paying attention or concentrating made [him/her] feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA20AHow bad did this seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA20AHow bad did this seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21You said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G]. <P> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time [he/she] turned five years old up until the last twelve months. <P> Since [he/she] turned five years old, was there ever a time when [he/she] had more trouble paying attention or concentrating than [he/she] has in the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21You said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME SYMPTOMS IN YDQA01--YDQA10G]. <P> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time [he/she] turned five years old up until the last twelve months. <P> Since [he/she] turned five years old, was there ever a time when [he/she] had more trouble paying attention or concentrating than [he/she] has in the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21AyHow old was [he/she] when it was worst?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21AyHow old was [he/she] when it was worst?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA21AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22I would now like to ask you some questions about being overactive or hyperactive. <p> Everybody has times when they are very active. What we want to know is whether ________ is overactive most of the time.<p> In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was [he/she] often "on the go" or did [he/she] move around as if [he/she] was "driven by a motor"?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22I would now like to ask you some questions about being overactive or hyperactive. <p> Everybody has times when they are very active. What we want to know is whether ________ is overactive most of the time.<p> In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was [he/she] often "on the go" or did [he/she] move around as if [he/she] was "driven by a motor"?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22ADid [he/she] move around this much for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22ADid [he/she] move around this much for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often "on the go" or did [he/she] move around as if [he/she] was "driven by a motor"?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often "on the go" or did [he/she] move around as if [he/she] was "driven by a motor"?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] moved around a lot?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA22DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] moved around a lot?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was [he/she] often fidgety or restless? That is, fiddling with [his/her] hands or jiggling [his/her] feet or twisting around in [his/her] seat?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was [he/she] often fidgety or restless? That is, fiddling with [his/her] hands or jiggling [his/her] feet or twisting around in [his/her] seat?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23AWas [he/she] fidgety or restless like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23AWas [he/she] fidgety or restless like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often fidgety or restless?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23BWhen [he/she] was at home, was [he/she] often fidgety or restless?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often been fidgety or restless? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA23DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often been fidgety or restless? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24Sometimes people are supposed to stay in their seats, like at school or when they go somewhere like to the movies or to a library or to a restaurant. <p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often left [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24Sometimes people are supposed to stay in their seats, like at school or when they go somewhere like to the movies or to a library or to a restaurant. <p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often left [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24ADid this trouble with staying in [his/her] seat go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24ADid this trouble with staying in [his/her] seat go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often leave [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often leave [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often left [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA24DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often left [his/her] seat when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often climb on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often climb on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25ADid this problem of climbing or running around too much go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25ADid this problem of climbing or running around too much go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often climb on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often climb on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often climbed on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA25DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often climbed on things or run around when [he/she] wasn't supposed to?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when ________ had to sit still, for say more than ten minutes, did [he/she] nearly always seem restless, as if [he/she] wanted to kick [his/her] feet or get up and move around?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when ________ had to sit still, for say more than ten minutes, did [he/she] nearly always seem restless, as if [he/she] wanted to kick [his/her] feet or get up and move around?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26ADid this problem of being restless go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26ADid this problem of being restless go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often seem restless when [he/she] had to sit still?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often seem restless when [he/she] had to sit still?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often seemed restless when [he/she] had to sit still? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA26DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often seemed restless when [he/she] had to sit still? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often talk a lot more than other children/people [his/her] age?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often talk a lot more than other children/people [his/her] age?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27ADid this trouble with talking too much go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27ADid this trouble with talking too much go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often talk too much?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often talk too much?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often talked a lot more than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA27DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often talked a lot more than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often make much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age] when [he/she] was [playing/having fun]? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often make much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age] when [he/she] was [playing/having fun]? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28ADid [he/she] often make a lot of noise when [he/she] was [playing/having fun] for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28ADid [he/she] often make a lot of noise when [he/she] was [playing/having fun] for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often make much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often make much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often made much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA28DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often made much more noise than other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often interrupt other people when they were talking or when they were busy?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often interrupt other people when they were talking or when they were busy?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29ADid [he/she] interrupt people often for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29ADid [he/she] interrupt people often for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often interrupt other people?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often interrupt other people?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often interrupted other people?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA29DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often interrupted other people?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often butt in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did ________ often butt in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30ADid [he/she] often butt in on what other people were doing for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30ADid [he/she] often butt in on what other people were doing for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often butt in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often butt in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end o of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often butted in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA30DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end o of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often butted in on what other people were doing?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often blurt out answers before someone could finish asking the question?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did [he/she] often blurt out answers before someone could finish asking the question?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31ADid [he/she] often blurt out answers like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31ADid [he/she] often blurt out answers like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often blurt out answers before someone could finish their question?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often blurt out answers before someone could finish their question?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often blurted out answers before someone could finish their question? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA31DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often blurted out answers before someone could finish their question? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often had trouble waiting for [his/her] turn, like when [he/she] was standing in line, or playing a game?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] often had trouble waiting for [his/her] turn, like when [he/she] was standing in line, or playing a game?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32ADid this trouble with waiting for [his/her] turn go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32ADid this trouble with waiting for [his/her] turn go on for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] have trouble waiting for [his/her] turn?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32BWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] have trouble waiting for [his/her] turn?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32CHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often had trouble waiting for [his/her] turn? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA32DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] often had trouble waiting for [his/her] turn? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often get [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation where [he/she] could have been injured because [he/she] wasn't thinking? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did [he/she] often get [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation where [he/she] could have been injured because [he/she] wasn't thinking? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33BWas this something [he/she] did suddenly, without thinking about it first?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33BWas this something [he/she] did suddenly, without thinking about it first?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33CDid [he/she] do dangerous things like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33CDid [he/she] do dangerous things like this for six months or longer?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33DWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often get [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation because [he/she] wasn't thinking?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33DWhen [he/she] was at home, did [he/she] often get [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation because [he/she] wasn't thinking?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33EHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33EHow about when [he/she] was (at [school/work] or) other places?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] gotten [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation because [he/she] wasn't thinking? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA33FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] gotten [himself/herself] into a dangerous situation because [he/she] wasn't thinking? YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [he/she] was not overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [he/she] was not overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34CDid that time when [he/she] wasn't overactive last for six months or more?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34CDid that time when [he/she] wasn't overactive last for six months or more?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34DyYou said that [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F] in the last year.<P> How old was [he/she] when being overactive began this time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34DyYou said that [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F] in the last year.<P> How old was [he/she] when being overactive began this time?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34EDid [he/she] start being overactive again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34EDid [he/she] start being overactive again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34yYou said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> How old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started to be overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34yYou said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> How old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started to be overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA34zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA35yHow old was [he/she] when being overactive started to cause problems for [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA35yHow old was [he/she] when being overactive started to cause problems for [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA35zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA35zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA36Did being overactive cause problems back when [he/she] was in first grade or kindergarten?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA36Did being overactive cause problems back when [he/she] was in first grade or kindergarten?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA37You said that in the last year ________ [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when ________'s being overactive caused the most problems.<P> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA37You said that in the last year ________ [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when ________'s being overactive caused the most problems.<P> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was overactive?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA37AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA37AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA38At that time, did being overactive keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA38At that time, did being overactive keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA38AHow often did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?<P> Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA38AHow often did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?<P> Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA39At that time, did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA39At that time, did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA39AHow often did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA39AHow often did being overactive keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA40When the problems were worst, did being overactive [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA40When the problems were worst, did being overactive [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA40AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA40AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA41At that time, did being overactive cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA41At that time, did being overactive cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA41AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA41AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] was like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA42When the problems were worst, did it seem like being overactive made [him/her] feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA42When the problems were worst, did it seem like being overactive made [him/her] feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA42AHow bad did being overactive seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA42AHow bad did being overactive seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43You said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME SYMPTOMS INYDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time [he/she] turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<P> Since [he/she] turned five years old, was there ever a time when [he/she] was more overactive than [he/she] has been in the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43You said that in the last year [he/she] [NAME SYMPTOMS INYDQA22--YDQA32F].<P> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time [he/she] turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<P> Since [he/she] turned five years old, was there ever a time when [he/she] was more overactive than [he/she] has been in the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43AyHow old was [he/she] when it was worst?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43AyHow old was [he/she] when it was worst?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA43AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44In the last year, has [he/she] taken any medicine for being overactive, being hyperactive, or having trouble paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44In the last year, has [he/she] taken any medicine for being overactive, being hyperactive, or having trouble paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44BDid [he/she] take this medicine most of the time during the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44BDid [he/she] take this medicine most of the time during the last year?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44CNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] taken any medicine for being overactive, being hyperactive, or having trouble paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA44CNow, what about the last four weeks?<P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has [he/she] taken any medicine for being overactive, being hyperactive, or having trouble paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA45In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] was overactive, hyperactive, or had problems paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA45In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] was overactive, hyperactive, or had problems paying attention?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA45ADoes [he/she] have an appointment set up to see someone because of this?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQA45ADoes [he/she] have an appointment set up to see someone because of this?YDQAMental Health - Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN01Was a * response coded in YDQC12C and "13 yrs or younger" coded in YDQC12Fy (or grade = 44, 55, 01 &#8209; 07 in YDQC12Fz)? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN01Was a * response coded in YDQC12C and "13 yrs or younger" coded in YDQC12Fy (or grade = 44, 55, 01 &#8209; 07 in YDQC12Fz)? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN02Were any * responses coded in YDQC13--YDQC13Gz?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN02Were any * responses coded in YDQC13--YDQC13Gz?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN03Was a * response coded in YDQC18C and "13 yrs or younger" coded in YDQC18Hy (or grade = 44, 55, 01&#8209;07 in YDQC18Hz)? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN03Was a * response coded in YDQC18C and "13 yrs or younger" coded in YDQC18Hy (or grade = 44, 55, 01&#8209;07 in YDQC18Hz)? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN04Were any * responses coded in YDQC20--YDQC21Fz? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN04Were any * responses coded in YDQC20--YDQC21Fz? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN05AWas a * response coded in YDQC25--YDQC26z?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN05AWas a * response coded in YDQC25--YDQC26z?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN05BWas a ? response coded in YDQC25--YDQC26Fz? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDACN05BWas a ? response coded in YDQC25--YDQC26Fz? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDC39ARDerived Item: Has [he/she] been in trouble with the police in last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDC39ARDerived Item: Has [he/she] been in trouble with the police in last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa10mPast 6 months: broken into building, carYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa10mPast 6 months: broken into building, carYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa10yPast year: broken into building or carYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa10yPast year: broken into building or carYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa11mPast 6 mo.: lie for benefit, avoid costYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa11mPast 6 mo.: lie for benefit, avoid costYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa11yPast year: lie for benefit, avoid costYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa11yPast year: lie for benefit, avoid costYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa12mPast 6 months: steal without confrontYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa12mPast 6 months: steal without confrontYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa12yPast year: stolen without confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa12yPast year: stolen without confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa13mPast 6 months: stays out lateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa13mPast 6 months: stays out lateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa13yPast year: stays out lateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa13yPast year: stays out lateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa14mPast 6 months: run away from homeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa14mPast 6 months: run away from homeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa14yPast year: run away from homeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa14yPast year: run away from homeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa15mPast 6 months: truantYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa15mPast 6 months: truantYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa15yPast year: truantYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa15yPast year: truantYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa1mPast 6 months: bullies, threatens othersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa1mPast 6 months: bullies, threatens othersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa1yPast year: bullies, threatens, othersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa1yPast year: bullies, threatens, othersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa2mPast 6 months: initiates physical fightsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa2mPast 6 months: initiates physical fightsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa2yPast year: initiates physical fightsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa2yPast year: initiates physical fightsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa3mPast 6 months: used a weaponYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa3mPast 6 months: used a weaponYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa3yPast year: used a weaponYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa3yPast year: used a weaponYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa4mPast 6 mo.: physically cruel to peopleYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa4mPast 6 mo.: physically cruel to peopleYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa4yPast year: physically cruel to peopleYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa4yPast year: physically cruel to peopleYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa5mPast 6 mos.: physically cruel to animalsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa5mPast 6 mos.: physically cruel to animalsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa5yPast year: physically cruel to animalsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa5yPast year: physically cruel to animalsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa6mPast 6 months: stolen with confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa6mPast 6 months: stolen with confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa6yPast year: stolen with confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa6yPast year: stolen with confrontationYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa7mPast 6 months: forced sexYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa7mPast 6 months: forced sexYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa7yPast year: forced sexYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa7yPast year: forced sexYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa8mPast 6 months: fire settingYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa8mPast 6 months: fire settingYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa8yPast year: fire settingYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa8yPast year: fire settingYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa9mPast 6 months: destroyed propertyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa9mPast 6 months: destroyed propertyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa9yPast year: destroyed propertyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCa9yPast year: destroyed propertyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCamPast 6 mo.: repeat/persist in behaviorYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCamPast 6 mo.: repeat/persist in behaviorYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCayPast year: repeat/persist in behaviorYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCayPast year: repeat/persist in behaviorYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCcrtmCD Criteria Count - Last 6 MonthsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCcrtmCD Criteria Count - Last 6 MonthsYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCcrtyCD Criteria Count - Last YearYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCcrtyCD Criteria Count - Last YearYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA2Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA2Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA3Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA3Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA5Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA5Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC2Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC2Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC3Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC3Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC5Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC5Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCmPast 6 months: conduct disorder diagnosisYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCmPast 6 months: conduct disorder diagnosisYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMAImpairment A -- 6 last months -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMAImpairment A -- 6 last months -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMBImpairment B -- last 6 months -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMBImpairment B -- last 6 months -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMCImpairment C -- last 6 months -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMCImpairment C -- last 6 months -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMDImpairment D -- last 6 months -- impairment B or CYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCMIMDImpairment D -- last 6 months -- impairment B or CYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCPSYMCD Symptom Count - Last YearYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCPSYMCD Symptom Count - Last YearYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCsympCD Symptom Count - Whole LifeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCsympCD Symptom Count - Whole LifeYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCWWhole Life: diagnosis for conduct disorderYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCWWhole Life: diagnosis for conduct disorderYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCyPast year: conduct disorder diagnosisYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCyPast year: conduct disorder diagnosisYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC01Now I want to ask you some questions about other things ________ may have done that can get people into trouble.<p> For this set of questions I will start off by asking if [he/she] has done something at any time in [his/her] life, and then I'll ask whether [he/she] did it in the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year].<p> Some of the questions are very personal, but all of your answers are confidential and won't be repeated to anyone else.<p> Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has ________ ever secretly stolen money or other things from [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family] or from other people [he/she] lives with? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC01Now I want to ask you some questions about other things ________ may have done that can get people into trouble.<p> For this set of questions I will start off by asking if [he/she] has done something at any time in [his/her] life, and then I'll ask whether [he/she] did it in the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year].<p> Some of the questions are very personal, but all of your answers are confidential and won't be repeated to anyone else.<p> Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has ________ ever secretly stolen money or other things from [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family] or from other people [he/she] lives with? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC02Has [he/she] ever shoplifted, that is stolen something from a store when [he/she] thought no one was looking?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC02Has [he/she] ever shoplifted, that is stolen something from a store when [he/she] thought no one was looking?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC03Has [he/she] ever stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC03Has [he/she] ever stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC04Has [he/she] ever faked someone's name on a check or used someone's credit card without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC04Has [he/she] ever faked someone's name on a check or used someone's credit card without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has ________ [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC04]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has ________ [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC04]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05AHas [he/she] [stolen/shoplifted/faked someone's name] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05AHas [he/she] [stolen/shoplifted/faked someone's name] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05BDid [he/she] do [this/these things] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05BDid [he/she] do [this/these things] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05CDid [he/she] [steal/shoplift/fake someone's name] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05CDid [he/she] [steal/shoplift/fake someone's name] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05DIn the last year, when [he/she] [stole/shoplifted/faked someone's name] did [he/she] ever [take/get] anything worth more than $20?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05DIn the last year, when [he/she] [stole/shoplifted/faked someone's name] did [he/she] ever [take/get] anything worth more than $20?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05EDid [he/she] ever take anything worth more than $5?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05EDid [he/she] ever take anything worth more than $5?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05FHas [he/she] [stolen/shoplifted/faked someone's name] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC05FHas [he/she] [stolen/shoplifted/faked someone's name] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC06yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC04]? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC06yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC04]? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC06zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC06zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC07Has ________ ever snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC07Has ________ ever snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC08Has [he/she] ever held someone up or attacked somebody to steal from them?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC08Has [he/she] ever held someone up or attacked somebody to steal from them?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC09Has [he/she] ever threatened someone in order to steal from them?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC09Has [he/she] ever threatened someone in order to steal from them?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has ________ [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has ________ [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10AHas [he/she] done [this/these things] more than once in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10AHas [he/she] done [this/these things] more than once in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10BDid [he/she] do [this/these things] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10BDid [he/she] do [this/these things] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10CDid [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10CDid [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10DHas [he/she] done [this/these things] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC10DHas [he/she] done [this/these things] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC11yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC11yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQC07--YDQC09]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC11zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC11zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12Has ________ ever gotten into trouble because [he/she] stayed out at night more than two hours past the time [he/she] was supposed to be home?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12Has ________ ever gotten into trouble because [he/she] stayed out at night more than two hours past the time [he/she] was supposed to be home?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12AHas [he/she] gotten into trouble for staying out this late in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12AHas [he/she] gotten into trouble for staying out this late in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12BHas [he/she] gotten into trouble for staying out this late more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12BHas [he/she] gotten into trouble for staying out this late more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12DDid [he/she] stay out late more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12DDid [he/she] stay out late more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12EHas [he/she] stayed out at night this late in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12EHas [he/she] stayed out at night this late in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] got into trouble for staying out too late?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] got into trouble for staying out too late?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC12FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13Has [he/she] ever run away from home overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13Has [he/she] ever run away from home overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13AHas [he/she] run away overnight in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13AHas [he/she] run away overnight in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13BHas [he/she] run away overnight more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13BHas [he/she] run away overnight more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13DDid [he/she] run away overnight more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13DDid [he/she] run away overnight more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13EIn the last year when [he/she] ran away, did [he/she] stay away for as long as two whole weeks?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13EIn the last year when [he/she] ran away, did [he/she] stay away for as long as two whole weeks?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13FHas [he/she] run away overnight in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13FHas [he/she] run away overnight in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] ran away overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] ran away overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC13GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC14Has ________ ever lied to get money or something else [he/she] wanted?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC14Has ________ ever lied to get money or something else [he/she] wanted?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC15Has [he/she] ever lied so that [he/she] wouldn't have to pay back money [he/she] owed or to get out of something important [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC15Has [he/she] ever lied so that [he/she] wouldn't have to pay back money [he/she] owed or to get out of something important [he/she] was supposed to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16Has [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16Has [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16AHas [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16AHas [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16BDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16BDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16CDid [he/she] lie [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16CDid [he/she] lie [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16DHas [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC16DHas [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC17yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC17yHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] lied [to get something [he/she] wanted/to get out of something]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC17zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC17zWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18Has [he/she] ever skipped [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18Has [he/she] ever skipped [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18AHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18AHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18BHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18BHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18DDid [he/she] skip [school/work] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18DDid [he/she] skip [school/work] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18EIn the last year, did [he/she] skip [school/work] because [he/she] was nervous or afraid to be there?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18EIn the last year, did [he/she] skip [school/work] because [he/she] was nervous or afraid to be there?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18FWhen [he/she] skipped [school/work], did [he/she] usually stay home?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18FWhen [he/she] skipped [school/work], did [he/she] usually stay home?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18GHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18GHas [he/she] skipped [school/work] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] skipped [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] skipped [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC18HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19Has [he/she] ever broken into a house, a building, or a car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19Has [he/she] ever broken into a house, a building, or a car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19AHas [he/she] broken into a house, a building, or a car in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19AHas [he/she] broken into a house, a building, or a car in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19BHas [he/she] broken into someplace or something more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19BHas [he/she] broken into someplace or something more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19DDid [he/she] break into someplace or something more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19DDid [he/she] break into someplace or something more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19EHas [he/she] broken into a house, a building, or a car in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19EHas [he/she] broken into a house, a building, or a car in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke into a house, a building, or a car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke into a house, a building, or a car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC19FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20Has ________ ever broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20Has ________ ever broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20AHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20AHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20BHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20BHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20DDid [he/she] break things or mess up some place more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20DDid [he/she] break things or mess up some place more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20EHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20EHas [he/she] broken something or messed up some place on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke something or messed up some place on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke something or messed up some place on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC20FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21Has [he/she] ever broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21Has [he/she] ever broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21AHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21AHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21BHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21BHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21DDid [he/she] break or damage somebody else's things more than ten times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21DDid [he/she] break or damage somebody else's things more than ten times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21EHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21EHas [he/she] broken or damaged somebody else's things on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke or damaged somebody else's things on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] broke or damaged somebody else's things on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC21FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22Has ________ ever started a fire without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22Has ________ ever started a fire without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22AHas [he/she] ever started a fire that caused damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22AHas [he/she] ever started a fire that caused damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22BDid [he/she] ever mean for a fire to cause damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22BDid [he/she] ever mean for a fire to cause damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22CHas [he/she] started a fire to cause damage or hurt someone in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22CHas [he/she] started a fire to cause damage or hurt someone in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22DDid [he/she] do this more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22DDid [he/she] do this more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22FDid [he/she] do this more than ten times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22FDid [he/she] do this more than ten times in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22GHas [he/she] started a fire to cause damage or to hurt someone in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22GHas [he/she] started a fire to cause damage or to hurt someone in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] set a fire like this?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] set a fire like this?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC22HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23Has [he/she] ever been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23Has [he/she] ever been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23AHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23AHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23BHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23BHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23DWas [he/she] physically cruel to an animal more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23DWas [he/she] physically cruel to an animal more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23EHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23EHas [he/she] been physically cruel to an animal in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was physically cruel to an animal?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was physically cruel to an animal?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC23FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24Has ________ ever had a sexual experience with another person?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24Has ________ ever had a sexual experience with another person?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24AHas [he/she] ever hurt or threatened someone to make them do something sexual with [him/her] that they didn't want to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24AHas [he/she] ever hurt or threatened someone to make them do something sexual with [him/her] that they didn't want to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24BIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24BIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24CHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24CHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24DHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24DHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24EHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24EHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24FHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24FHas [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her] in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] forced someone to do something sexual with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC24GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25Now I want to ask you about bullying; you know, hitting or threatening or scaring someone who is younger or smaller than [him/her] or somebody who won't fight back. Has ________ ever bullied someone in this way? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25Now I want to ask you about bullying; you know, hitting or threatening or scaring someone who is younger or smaller than [him/her] or somebody who won't fight back. Has ________ ever bullied someone in this way? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25AWas this only with [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25AWas this only with [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25BHas [he/she] bullied other people besides [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25BHas [he/she] bullied other people besides [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25CHas [he/she] bullied someone like this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25CHas [he/she] bullied someone like this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25DHas [he/she] bullied someone more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25DHas [he/she] bullied someone more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25FDid [he/she] bully someone more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25FDid [he/she] bully someone more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25GHas [he/she] bullied someone in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25GHas [he/she] bullied someone in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] bullied someone ?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] bullied someone ?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC25HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26Has [he/she] ever threatened someone or frightened someone on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26Has [he/she] ever threatened someone or frightened someone on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26AHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26AHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26BHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26BHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26CDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26DDid [he/she] threaten or frighten someone on purpose more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26DDid [he/she] threaten or frighten someone on purpose more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26EHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26EHas [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26FyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened or frightened someone on purpose? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC26FzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27Has ________ ever been in a physical fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27Has ________ ever been in a physical fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27AHas [he/she] ever started a physical fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27AHas [he/she] ever started a physical fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27BHas [he/she] started a fight like this in the last year (that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27BHas [he/she] started a fight like this in the last year (that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27CWere these fights only with [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27CWere these fights only with [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27DDid [he/she] ever start a physical fight with someone else besides [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27DDid [he/she] ever start a physical fight with someone else besides [his/her] brother or sister?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27EHas [he/she] started a physical fight more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27EHas [he/she] started a physical fight more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27FHas [he/she] started a fight like this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27FHas [he/she] started a fight like this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27GHas [he/she] started a fight like this more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27GHas [he/she] started a fight like this more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27HHas [he/she] started a fight like this in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27HHas [he/she] started a fight like this in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27IyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started a fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27IyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] started a fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27IzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC27IzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28Has [he/she] ever tried to hurt someone badly or been physically cruel to someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28Has [he/she] ever tried to hurt someone badly or been physically cruel to someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28AHas [he/she] only been physically cruel to someone when [he/she] was in a fight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28AHas [he/she] only been physically cruel to someone when [he/she] was in a fight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28BWas [he/she] ever physically cruel to someone when [he/she] wasn't in a fight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28BWas [he/she] ever physically cruel to someone when [he/she] wasn't in a fight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28CHas [he/she] been physically cruel to someone when [he/she] wasn't in a fight in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28CHas [he/she] been physically cruel to someone when [he/she] wasn't in a fight in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28DWas [he/she] physically cruel to someone more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28DWas [he/she] physically cruel to someone more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28EDid [he/she] do this more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28FWas [he/she] physically cruel to someone more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28FWas [he/she] physically cruel to someone more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28GHas [he/she] been physically cruel to someone, other than in a fight, in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28GHas [he/she] been physically cruel to someone, other than in a fight, in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was physically cruel to someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was physically cruel to someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC28HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29Has ________ ever hurt someone with a weapon like a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, or gun?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29Has ________ ever hurt someone with a weapon like a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, or gun?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29AIn the last year (that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]), has [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29AIn the last year (that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]), has [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29BIn the last year, has [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29BIn the last year, has [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29CHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29CHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29DHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29DHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29EHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29EHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29FHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29FHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29GyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29HyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29HzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29IHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29IHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29JHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29JHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29KHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29KHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29LHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29LHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29MHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29MHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29NyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29NyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29NzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29NzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29OyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29OyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29OzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29OzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29PHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29PHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29QHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29QHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29RHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29RHas [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29SyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29SyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] hurt someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29SzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29SzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29THas [he/she] ever threatened someone with a weapon like a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, or gun?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29THas [he/she] ever threatened someone with a weapon like a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, or gun?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29UIn the last year, has [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29UIn the last year, has [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29VHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29VHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than once in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29WHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29WHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than five times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29XHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29XHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon more than ten times in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29YHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29YHas [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon in the last six months (that is, since [NAME EVENT/MONTH])?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29ZyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29ZyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] threatened someone with a weapon?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29ZzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC29ZzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC30You said that in the last year ___________ [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC29Zz].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when doing these things caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] did these things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC30You said that in the last year ___________ [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC29Zz].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when doing these things caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] did these things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC30AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] did things like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC30AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] did things like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC31At that time, did it keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC31At that time, did it keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC31AHow often did doing it keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC31AHow often did doing it keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you or [his/her] family/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC32At that time, did doing these things keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC32At that time, did doing these things keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC32AHow often did it keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC32AHow often did it keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC33When the problems were worst, did doing these things [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC33When the problems were worst, did doing these things [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC33AHow bad were the problems with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because [he/she] did these things? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC33AHow bad were the problems with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because [he/she] did these things? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC34At that time, did doing these things cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC34At that time, did doing these things cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC34AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC34AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC35When the problems were worst, did it seem like doing these things made ________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC35When the problems were worst, did it seem like doing these things made ________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC35AHow bad did doing these things make [him/her] seem to feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC35AHow bad did doing these things make [him/her] seem to feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36Has [he/she] ever been expelled from school for misbehavior that is, told that [he/she] could never go back to that school at all? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36Has [he/she] ever been expelled from school for misbehavior that is, told that [he/she] could never go back to that school at all? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36AHow many schools has [he/she] been expelled from for misbehavior?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36AHow many schools has [he/she] been expelled from for misbehavior?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36BWas [he/she] expelled from a school because of [his/her] behavior in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36BWas [he/she] expelled from a school because of [his/her] behavior in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36CWhy was [he/she] expelled in the last year? Was it for: Taking or selling drugs?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36CWhy was [he/she] expelled in the last year? Was it for: Taking or selling drugs?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36DFighting with or attacking another student?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36DFighting with or attacking another student?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36EViolence against a teacher?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36EViolence against a teacher?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36FSkipping school or classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36FSkipping school or classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36GSomething else?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC36GSomething else?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC37Has [he/she] ever been suspended from school for misbehavior that is, told that [he/she] could not go back to school for at least a day? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC37Has [he/she] ever been suspended from school for misbehavior that is, told that [he/she] could not go back to school for at least a day? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38Has [he/she] ever had an "in school" suspension that is, where [he/she] went to school but [he/she] wasn't allowed to attend [his/her] usual classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38Has [he/she] ever had an "in school" suspension that is, where [he/she] went to school but [he/she] wasn't allowed to attend [his/her] usual classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38AHow many times has [he/she] [been suspended from school/had an in school suspension]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38AHow many times has [he/she] [been suspended from school/had an in school suspension]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38BHas this happened in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38BHas this happened in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38CWhy [was [he/she] suspended/did [he/she] have an in school suspension] in the last year? Was it for: Taking or selling drugs? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38CWhy [was [he/she] suspended/did [he/she] have an in school suspension] in the last year? Was it for: Taking or selling drugs? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38DFighting with or attacking another student?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38DFighting with or attacking another student?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38EViolence against a teacher?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38EViolence against a teacher?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38FSkipping school or classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38FSkipping school or classes?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38GSomething else?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC38GSomething else?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39Has [he/she] ever been in trouble with the police? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39Has [he/she] ever been in trouble with the police? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39AHas [he/she] ever actually been arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39AHas [he/she] ever actually been arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39BHas [he/she] been arrested more than once?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39BHas [he/she] been arrested more than once?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39CHow many times has [he/she] been arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39CHow many times has [he/she] been arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39DyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39DyHow old was [he/she] the first time [he/she] was arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39DzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39EyHow old was [he/she] the last time [he/she] was arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39EyHow old was [he/she] the last time [he/she] was arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39FWas this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39FWas this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39KyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] was arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39KyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] was arrested by the police?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39KzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39KzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39LWas this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39LWas this in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39NIn the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] been in any trouble with the police where [he/she] wasn't arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC39NIn the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] been in any trouble with the police where [he/she] wasn't arrested?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC40Has [he/she] ever been fired from a job for fighting or stealing or breaking things on purpose or because [he/she] wouldn't do what [he/she] was asked to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC40Has [he/she] ever been fired from a job for fighting or stealing or breaking things on purpose or because [he/she] wouldn't do what [he/she] was asked to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC40AHas [he/she] been fired from a job in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC40AHas [he/she] been fired from a job in the last year?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC41You said that in the last year, [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC29Zz].<P> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] did these things? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC41You said that in the last year, [he/she] [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQC01--YDQC29Zz].<P> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] did these things? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC41ADoes [he/she] have an appointment set up to see someone because you do these things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC41ADoes [he/she] have an appointment set up to see someone because you do these things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43You said that there was a time when [he/she] [NAME BACK &lt; &gt; SYMPTOMS IN Q 1 29 AND NOTES 1 5].<p> Was there ever a time when [he/she] did [all/at least three] of these things in a single twelve month period?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43You said that there was a time when [he/she] [NAME BACK &lt; &gt; SYMPTOMS IN Q 1 29 AND NOTES 1 5].<p> Was there ever a time when [he/she] did [all/at least three] of these things in a single twelve month period?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43AyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] did these things most often?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43AyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] did these things most often?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43BAt that time, did [he/she] secretly steal things from other people? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43BAt that time, did [he/she] secretly steal things from other people? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43CAt that time, did [he/she] attack or threaten somebody in order to steal from them, or snatch somebody's purse or jewelry? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43CAt that time, did [he/she] attack or threaten somebody in order to steal from them, or snatch somebody's purse or jewelry? YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43DAt that time, did [he/she] often stay out late without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43DAt that time, did [he/she] often stay out late without permission?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43EAt that time, did [he/she] run away from home overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43EAt that time, did [he/she] run away from home overnight?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43FAt that time, did [he/she] often lie to get things [he/she] wanted or to get out of things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43FAt that time, did [he/she] often lie to get things [he/she] wanted or to get out of things?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43GAt that time, did [he/she] often skip [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43GAt that time, did [he/she] often skip [school/work]?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43HAt that time, did [he/she] break into a house, building, or car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43HAt that time, did [he/she] break into a house, building, or car?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43IAt that time, did [he/she] break things or mess up some place on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43IAt that time, did [he/she] break things or mess up some place on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43JAt that time, did [he/she] start a fire to cause damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43JAt that time, did [he/she] start a fire to cause damage or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43KAt that time, was [he/she] physically cruel to animals?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43KAt that time, was [he/she] physically cruel to animals?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43LAt that time, did [he/she] force someone to do something sexual with [him/her] that they didn't want to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43LAt that time, did [he/she] force someone to do something sexual with [him/her] that they didn't want to do?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43MAt that time, was [he/she] often a bully, or did [he/she] threaten or frighten other people on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43MAt that time, was [he/she] often a bully, or did [he/she] threaten or frighten other people on purpose?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43NAt that time, did [he/she] start more than one fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43NAt that time, did [he/she] start more than one fight in which someone was hurt or could have been hurt?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43OAt that time, did [he/she] try to hurt someone badly or was [he/she] physically cruel to somebody?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43OAt that time, did [he/she] try to hurt someone badly or was [he/she] physically cruel to somebody?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43PAt that time, did [he/she] use a weapon to threaten or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQC43PAt that time, did [he/she] use a weapon to threaten or hurt someone?YDQCMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth, Parent Version20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn01Were any * or [ ] responses coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn01Were any * or [ ] responses coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn02Was there a * response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn02Was there a * response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn03aWas there a * response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn03aWas there a * response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn03bWas there a # response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn03bWas there a # response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn04aWas there a * response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn04aWas there a * response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn04bWas there a # response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn04bWas there a # response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn05aWas there a * response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn05aWas there a * response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn05bWas there a # response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn05bWas there a # response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn06aWas there a * response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn06aWas there a * response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn06bWas there a # response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn06bWas there a # response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn07aWas there a * response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn07aWas there a * response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn07bWas there a # response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn07bWas there a # response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn08aWas there a * response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn08aWas there a * response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn08bWas there a # response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn08bWas there a # response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn09aWas there a * response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn09aWas there a * response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn09bWas there a # response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn09bWas there a # response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn10Were three or more [ ] responses coded in YDQD02--YDADn09b? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDADn10Were three or more [ ] responses coded in YDQD02--YDADn09b? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDARTYPERecord typeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDARTYPERecord typeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDD24BWhen did [he/she/they] die?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDD24BWhen did [he/she/they] die?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa1mDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa1mDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa1yDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa1yDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa2mDiminished interest or pleasureYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa2mDiminished interest or pleasureYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa2yDiminished interest or pleasureYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa2yDiminished interest or pleasureYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa3mWeight loss or gain or appetite changeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa3mWeight loss or gain or appetite changeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa3yWeight loss or gain or appetite changeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa3yWeight loss or gain or appetite changeYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa4mInsomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa4mInsomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa4yInsomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa4yInsomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa5mPsychomotor agitation or retardationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa5mPsychomotor agitation or retardationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa5yPsychomotor agitation or retardationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa5yPsychomotor agitation or retardationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa6mFatigue or loss of energyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa6mFatigue or loss of energyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa6yFatigue or loss of energyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa6yFatigue or loss of energyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa7mWorthlessness or guiltYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa7mWorthlessness or guiltYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa7yWorthlessness or guiltYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa7yWorthlessness or guiltYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa8mThinking problems, indecisivenessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa8mThinking problems, indecisivenessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa8yThinking problems, indecisivenessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa8yThinking problems, indecisivenessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa9mThoughts of death, suicidal ideationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa9mThoughts of death, suicidal ideationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa9yThoughts of death, suicidal ideationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDa9yThoughts of death, suicidal ideationYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDamFive symptoms same 2-week periodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDamFive symptoms same 2-week periodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDayFive symptoms same 2-week periodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDayFive symptoms same 2-week periodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDCRTmMajor Depressive Criteria count in Past MonthYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDCRTmMajor Depressive Criteria count in Past MonthYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDCRTyMajor Depressive Criteria count in Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDCRTyMajor Depressive Criteria count in Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDemCriteria E M MDYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDemCriteria E M MDYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDeyCriteria E Y MDYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDeyCriteria E Y MDYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima1Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima1Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima2Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima2Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima3Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima3Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima4Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima4Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima5Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima5Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima6Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDima6Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc1Major Depression: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc1Major Depression: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc2Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc2Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc3Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc3Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc4Major Depression: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc4Major Depression: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc5Major Depression: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc5Major Depression: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc6Major Depression: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDimc6Major Depression: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmPast month: major depression diagnosisYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmPast month: major depression diagnosisYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimdMajor Depression: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDmimdMajor Depression: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDsympMajor Depressive Disorder Symptom CountYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDsympMajor Depressive Disorder Symptom CountYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyPast Year: major depression diagnosisYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyPast Year: major depression diagnosisYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimaMajor Depression: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimbMajor Depression: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimcMajor Depression: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimdMajor Depression: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDDyimdMajor Depression: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYamDepressed mood or irritable mood YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYamDepressed mood or irritable mood YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYayDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYayDepressed mood or irritable moodYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb1Poor appetite or overeatingYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb1Poor appetite or overeatingYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb2Insomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb2Insomnia or hypersomniaYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb3Low energy or fatigueYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb3Low energy or fatigueYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb4Low self esteemYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb4Low self esteemYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb5Poor concentration, decision difficultyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb5Poor concentration, decision difficultyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb6Feelings of hopelessnessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYb6Feelings of hopelessnessYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYbmTwo symptoms when depressedYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYbmTwo symptoms when depressedYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYbyTwo symptoms when depressedYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYbyTwo symptoms when depressedYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYcNot without symptoms more than 2 monthsYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYcNot without symptoms more than 2 monthsYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYCRTmDysthymia Criteria count - Past MonthYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYCRTmDysthymia Criteria count - Past MonthYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYCRTyDysthymia Criteria count - Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYCRTyDysthymia Criteria count - Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYdmNot major depression YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYdmNot major depression YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYdyNot major depressionYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYdyNot major depressionYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima1Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima1Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima2Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima2Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima3Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima3Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima4Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima4Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima5Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima5Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima6Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYima6Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc1Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc1Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc2Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc2Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc3Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc3Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc4Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc4Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc5Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc5Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc6Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYimc6Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmDiagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past Month YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmDiagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past Month YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimdDysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYmimdDysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyDiagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyDiagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past YearYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last year --at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimaDysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last year --at least one intermediateYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimbDysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimcDysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimdDysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDYyimdDysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01I'm now going to ask you some questions about feeling sad and unhappy.<p> In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often felt sad or depressed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01I'm now going to ask you some questions about feeling sad and unhappy.<p> In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often felt sad or depressed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01AWas there a time in the last year when you felt sad or depressed for a long time each day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01AWas there a time in the last year when you felt sad or depressed for a long time each day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01BWould you say that you felt that way for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01BWould you say that you felt that way for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01CWas there a time when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01CWas there a time when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01DIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01DIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01EWhen you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01EWhen you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you felt sad or depressed? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD01FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you felt sad or depressed? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when nothing was fun for you and you just weren't interested in anything?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when nothing was fun for you and you just weren't interested in anything?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02AWas there a time when nothing was fun for you almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02AWas there a time when nothing was fun for you almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02BIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt nothing was fun almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02BIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt nothing was fun almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has there been a time when nothing was fun for you? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD02CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has there been a time when nothing was fun for you? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt grouchy or irritable and often in a bad mood, when even little things would make you mad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt grouchy or irritable and often in a bad mood, when even little things would make you mad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03AWas there a time in the last year when you felt grouchy or irritable for a long time each day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03AWas there a time in the last year when you felt grouchy or irritable for a long time each day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03BWould you say that you felt that way for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03BWould you say that you felt that way for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03CWas there a time when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03CWas there a time when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03DIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03DIn the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt grouchy or irritable and in a bad mood? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD03ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt grouchy or irritable and in a bad mood? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04AWere you on a diet or trying to lose weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04AWere you on a diet or trying to lose weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04BIn the last year, did you ever lose weight when you weren't trying? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04BIn the last year, did you ever lose weight when you weren't trying? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04CDid you lose so much weight that other people noticed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04CDid you lose so much weight that other people noticed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04DYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose weight during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04DYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose weight during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost weight? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD04ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost weight? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05AYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose your appetite or often feel less like eating during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05AYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose your appetite or often feel less like eating during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05BDid you lose your appetite or feel less like eating nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05BDid you lose your appetite or feel less like eating nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD05CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you gained a lot of weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you gained a lot of weight?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06ADid you gain so much weight that other people noticed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06ADid you gain so much weight that other people noticed?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06BYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you gain a lot of weight during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06BYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you gain a lot of weight during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gained weight? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD06CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gained weight? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you felt much hungrier than usual or when you ate a lot more than usual?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you felt much hungrier than usual or when you ate a lot more than usual?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07AYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Were you much hungrier or did you eat a lot more than usual during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07AYou told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Were you much hungrier or did you eat a lot more than usual during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07BDid you feel much hungrier or eat a lot more than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07BDid you feel much hungrier or eat a lot more than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt much hungrier or often eaten a lot more than usual? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD07CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt much hungrier or often eaten a lot more than usual? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when you had trouble sleeping, that is, trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when you had trouble sleeping, that is, trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08AWhen you had trouble sleeping, was that different from how you usually sleep?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08AWhen you had trouble sleeping, was that different from how you usually sleep?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have trouble sleeping during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have trouble sleeping during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08CDid you have trouble sleeping nearly every night for two weeks or longer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08CDid you have trouble sleeping nearly every night for two weeks or longer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had trouble sleeping? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD08DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had trouble sleeping? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you slept more during the day than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you slept more during the day than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you sleep more during the day during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you sleep more during the day during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09BDid you sleep more during the day nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09BDid you sleep more during the day nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you slept more during the day than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD09CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you slept more during the day than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt slowed down, like you walked or talked much slower than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt slowed down, like you walked or talked much slower than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10ADid other people notice that you were slowed down?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10ADid other people notice that you were slowed down?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10AADid [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt slowed down?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10AADid [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt slowed down?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel slowed down during the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel slowed down during the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10CDid you feel slowed down like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10CDid you feel slowed down like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt slowed down? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD10DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt slowed down? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt restless, like you just had to keep walking around?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt restless, like you just had to keep walking around?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11AWhen you felt restless like that, was that different from how you usually feel?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11AWhen you felt restless like that, was that different from how you usually feel?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11AADid [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt restless like this?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11AADid [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt restless like this?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11BDid other people notice that you were restless?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11BDid other people notice that you were restless?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11C(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel restless during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11C(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel restless during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11DDid you feel restless like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11DDid you feel restless like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt restless? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD11ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt restless? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you had less energy than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you had less energy than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have less energy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have less energy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12BDid you have less energy than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12BDid you have less energy than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12CNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had less energy than you usually do? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD12CNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had less energy than you usually do? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when doing even little things made you feel really tired?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when doing even little things made you feel really tired?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13AWhen you felt tired like this, was that different from how you usually feel?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13AWhen you felt tired like this, was that different from how you usually feel?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel really tired during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel really tired during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13CDid you feel really tired like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13CDid you feel really tired like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt really tired? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD13DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt really tired? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when your arms and legs felt heavy, like you were weighed down by them?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when your arms and legs felt heavy, like you were weighed down by them?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did your arms and legs feel heavy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did your arms and legs feel heavy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14BDid your arms and legs feel heavy like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14BDid your arms and legs feel heavy like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have your arms and legs felt heavy? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD14CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have your arms and legs felt heavy? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15AWas blaming yourself in that way different from how you usually feel about yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15AWas blaming yourself in that way different from how you usually feel about yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you blame yourself like that during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you blame yourself like that during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15CDid you blame yourself nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15CDid you blame yourself nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD15DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16AWhen you felt bad about yourself, was that different from how you usually feel about yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16AWhen you felt bad about yourself, was that different from how you usually feel about yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel bad about yourself during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel bad about yourself during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16CDid you feel like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16CDid you feel like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt like you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD16DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt like you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17A(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17BDid it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17BDid it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it seemed like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD17CNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it seemed like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18AWhen you had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things, was that different from how you usually are when you're doing things?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18AWhen you had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things, was that different from how you usually are when you're doing things?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you often have trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you often have trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18CDid you have trouble keeping your mind on your [schoolwork/work] or other things nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18CDid you have trouble keeping your mind on your [schoolwork/work] or other things nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD18DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when it was often hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when it was often hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19AWhen it was hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions, was that different from how you usually are?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19AWhen it was hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions, was that different from how you usually are?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Was it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Was it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19CWas it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19CWas it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it often been hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD19DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it often been hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often thought about death or about people who had died or about being dead yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often thought about death or about people who had died or about being dead yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20ADid you think about death or dying a lot more than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20ADid you think about death or dying a lot more than you usually do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think a lot about death or dying during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20B(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think a lot about death or dying during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20CDid you think about death or dying nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20CDid you think about death or dying nearly every day for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often thought about death or about people who have died or about being dead yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD20DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often thought about death or about people who have died or about being dead yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21In the last year, (that is since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you thought seriously about killing yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21In the last year, (that is since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you thought seriously about killing yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21ADid you think about killing yourself many times in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21ADid you think about killing yourself many times in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21BIn the last year, did you have a plan for exactly how you would kill yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21BIn the last year, did you have a plan for exactly how you would kill yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21C(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think about suicide during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21C(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think about suicide during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you thought seriously about killing yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21DNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you thought seriously about killing yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21EDid you think about killing yourself many times in the last four weeks?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21EDid you think about killing yourself many times in the last four weeks?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21FDid you plan exactly how you would kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD21FDid you plan exactly how you would kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22For the next question, I would like you to think about your whole life.<p> Have you ever, in your whole life, tried to kill yourself or made a suicide attempt? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22For the next question, I would like you to think about your whole life.<p> Have you ever, in your whole life, tried to kill yourself or made a suicide attempt? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22AHow many times have you tried to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22AHow many times have you tried to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22BNow thinking about the whole last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] have you tried to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22BNow thinking about the whole last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] have you tried to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22CHow many times did you try to kill yourself in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22CHow many times did you try to kill yourself in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22EDid you go to see a doctor, go to an emergency room, or go into the hospital because of trying to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22EDid you go to see a doctor, go to an emergency room, or go into the hospital because of trying to kill yourself?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22FYou told me earlier that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you try to kill yourself during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22FYou told me earlier that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you try to kill yourself during that time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22GNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you tried to kill yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD22GNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you tried to kill yourself? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you were not [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you were not [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23CDid that time when you weren't [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] last for two months or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23CDid that time when you weren't [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] last for two months or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23DyYou said that you were [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] in the last year. How old were you when these feelings began this time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23DyYou said that you were [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] in the last year. How old were you when these feelings began this time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23DzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23DzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23EDid you start to feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] again more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23EDid you start to feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] again more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23yYou said that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and that during that time you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b]. <p> How old were you the first time you ever felt like that?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23yYou said that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and that during that time you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b]. <p> How old were you the first time you ever felt like that?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23zWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD23zWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24You told me that in the last year you had problems with feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].<P> Did you start feeling this way soon after someone you were close to died? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24You told me that in the last year you had problems with feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].<P> Did you start feeling this way soon after someone you were close to died? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24CAfter [NAME PERSON IN A] died, did you feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] for two months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24CAfter [NAME PERSON IN A] died, did you feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] for two months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24DDid you ever feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] before [NAME PERSON IN A] died?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24DDid you ever feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] before [NAME PERSON IN A] died?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24EWas that in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24EWas that in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24FWhen you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] that time, did it last for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD24FWhen you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] that time, did it last for two weeks or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25In the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy], and then get better and then [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] again?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25In the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy], and then get better and then [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] again?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25ADid you start to [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] around the same time each year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25ADid you start to [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] around the same time each year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25BWas this in Winter or Fall?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25BWas this in Winter or Fall?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25CDid you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Spring or Summer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25CDid you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Spring or Summer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25DDid you start to get better in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25DDid you start to get better in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25EDid you ever get very hyper or excited in Spring or Summer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25EDid you ever get very hyper or excited in Spring or Summer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25FIn the last two years, did you ever [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at other times of the year, say in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25FIn the last two years, did you ever [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at other times of the year, say in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25GDid these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25GDid these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25HWas this in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25HWas this in Spring or Summer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25IDid you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25IDid you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25JDid you start to get better in the Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25JDid you start to get better in the Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25KDid you ever get very hyper or excited in Fall and Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25KDid you ever get very hyper or excited in Fall and Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25LIn the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at any other times of the year, say in Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25LIn the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at any other times of the year, say in Fall or Winter?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25MDid these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD25MDid these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD26You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD26You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD26AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD26AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD27At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD27At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD27AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD27AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD28At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD28At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD28AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD28AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD29When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD29When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD29AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because you felt this way? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD29AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because you felt this way? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD30At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy], cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD30At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy], cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD30AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD30AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD31When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD31When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD31AHow bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD31AHow bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD32In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD32In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD32ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD32ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34You told me that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<p> Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when you felt more [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] than you have in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34You told me that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<p> Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when you felt more [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] than you have in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34AyHow old were you when feeling this way was worse than in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34AyHow old were you when feeling this way was worse than in the last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34AzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD34AzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35During the last year - that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] - has there been a time when you felt sad or depressed a lot of the time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35During the last year - that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] - has there been a time when you felt sad or depressed a lot of the time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35ADid you feel sad or depressed for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35ADid you feel sad or depressed for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35BDuring these twelve months, were there more days when you felt sad or depressed than days when you felt okay?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35BDuring these twelve months, were there more days when you felt sad or depressed than days when you felt okay?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35CDid you feel this way for as long as two years?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35CDid you feel this way for as long as two years?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35DOn the days when you felt sad or depressed. Did you feel like this for most of the day? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35DOn the days when you felt sad or depressed. Did you feel like this for most of the day? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35E When you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35E When you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35FHave you felt sad or depressed like this in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD35FHave you felt sad or depressed like this in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36During the last year -- that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year -- has there been a time when you felt grouchy or irritable a lot of the time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36During the last year -- that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year -- has there been a time when you felt grouchy or irritable a lot of the time?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36ADid you feel grouchy or irritable for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36ADid you feel grouchy or irritable for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36BDuring those twelve months, were there more days when you felt grouchy or irritable than days when you felt okay? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36BDuring those twelve months, were there more days when you felt grouchy or irritable than days when you felt okay? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36CDid you feel this way for as long as two years? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36CDid you feel this way for as long as two years? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36DOn the days when you felt grouchy or irritable, did you feel like that for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36DOn the days when you felt grouchy or irritable, did you feel like that for most of the day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36EHave you felt grouchy or irritable like that in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of /the end of [LAST MONTH]]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD36EHave you felt grouchy or irritable like that in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of /the end of [LAST MONTH]]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD37You just said that there were twelve months when you were [sad or depressed/ grouchy or irritable] most of the time. Now I want to ask you about some other things that may happen when you feel this way.<p> When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you eat less or lose your appetite? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD37You just said that there were twelve months when you were [sad or depressed/ grouchy or irritable] most of the time. Now I want to ask you about some other things that may happen when you feel this way.<p> When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you eat less or lose your appetite? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD37AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel more hungry or eat too much? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD37AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel more hungry or eat too much? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD38When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you have trouble falling asleep or do you wake up too early?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD38When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you have trouble falling asleep or do you wake up too early?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD38A When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you sleep too much? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD38A When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you sleep too much? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD39When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel you don't have any energy and that it takes a big effort to do anything?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD39When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel you don't have any energy and that it takes a big effort to do anything?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD40When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bad about yourself...that you are no good at anything or that other people don't like you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD40When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bad about yourself...that you are no good at anything or that other people don't like you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD41When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to pay attention to your [schoolwork/work] or to other things you do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD41When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to pay attention to your [schoolwork/work] or to other things you do?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD41AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD41AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD42When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel that life is hopeless or do you feel full of despair?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD42When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel that life is hopeless or do you feel full of despair?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD42AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel like nothing good is ever going to happen to you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD42AWhen you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel like nothing good is ever going to happen to you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD43When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you often feel like you are about to cry or are you tearful?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD43When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you often feel like you are about to cry or are you tearful?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD44When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], does it seem like nothing is fun for you, even things you usually enjoy?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD44When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], does it seem like nothing is fun for you, even things you usually enjoy?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD45When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bored or just not interested in anything? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD45When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bored or just not interested in anything? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD46When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it hard for you to do ordinary, everyday things? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD46When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it hard for you to do ordinary, everyday things? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD47When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you think a lot about bad things that happened to you in the past?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD47When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you think a lot about bad things that happened to you in the past?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD48When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you want to be alone or away from other people?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD48When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you want to be alone or away from other people?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD49When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you talk a lot less? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD49When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you talk a lot less? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD50You have just told me that you have felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] a lot of the time for at least twelve months, and that when you feel [sad or depressed! grouchy or irritable] you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> During that twelve months, were there times that you felt better, more like your normal self again? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD50You have just told me that you have felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] a lot of the time for at least twelve months, and that when you feel [sad or depressed! grouchy or irritable] you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> During that twelve months, were there times that you felt better, more like your normal self again? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD50ADid you feel better or more like your normal self for two months in a row or longer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD50ADid you feel better or more like your normal self for two months in a row or longer? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51AWas that more than a year ago -- that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51AWas that more than a year ago -- that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51BSince that first time, was there ever a time when these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] went away completely?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51BSince that first time, was there ever a time when these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] went away completely?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51CDid these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] go away completely for two months in a row or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51CDid these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] go away completely for two months in a row or longer?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51DyYou said you were [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49] in the last year.<p> How old were you when these feelings began this time? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51DyYou said you were [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49] in the last year.<p> How old were you when these feelings began this time? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51DzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51DzWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51EDid you start to feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] again more than a year ago - that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51EDid you start to feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] again more than a year ago - that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51yThinking about your whole life, how old were you the first time you had twelve months of feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] most of the time? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51yThinking about your whole life, how old were you the first time you had twelve months of feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] most of the time? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51zWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD51zWhat grade were you in?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD52You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> Now, I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems. <p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD52You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> Now, I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems. <p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD52AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD52AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD53At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD53At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD53AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD53AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD54At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD54At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD54AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD54AHow often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD55When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] [make it difficult for you to do Your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD55When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] [make it difficult for you to do Your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]? YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD55AHow bad were the problems with your [schoolwork/work]? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD55AHow bad were the problems with your [schoolwork/work]? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD56At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD56At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD56AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD56AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD57When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD57When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD57AHow bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD57AHow bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD58In the last year-that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year - have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD58In the last year-that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year - have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD58ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD58ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60Some people feel very hurt if they are not invited to a party or if they are left off a team or a project.<p> Do you feel very bad or get upset if you are left out of something?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60Some people feel very hurt if they are not invited to a party or if they are left off a team or a project.<p> Do you feel very bad or get upset if you are left out of something?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60ADo you stay feeling upset for more than a day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60ADo you stay feeling upset for more than a day?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60BHave you ever dropped a friend completely because they left you out of something?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60BHave you ever dropped a friend completely because they left you out of something?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60CHas that happened with more than two friends?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQD60CHas that happened with more than two friends?YDQDMental Health - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN01Was height measured for study?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN01Was height measured for study?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN02Was weight measured for study?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN02Was weight measured for study?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN03Was child underweight (&le; chart weight for height, at time of lowest weight in past year)? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN03Was child underweight (&le; chart weight for height, at time of lowest weight in past year)? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN04Was a * response coded in YDAEN03 or in YDQE04? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN04Was a * response coded in YDAEN03 or in YDQE04? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN05Were any Δ responses coded in YDQE14 -- YDQE18E? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAEN05Were any Δ responses coded in YDQE14 -- YDQE18E? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDARTYPERecord TypeYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDARTYPERecord TypeYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCDAPCriterion D is ApplicableYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDCDAPCriterion D is ApplicableYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAcrmAnorexia Nervosa Count - Past MonthYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAcrmAnorexia Nervosa Count - Past MonthYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAcryAnorexia Nervosa Count - Past YearYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAcryAnorexia Nervosa Count - Past YearYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXamRefusal to maintain body weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXamRefusal to maintain body weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXayRefusal to maintain body weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXayRefusal to maintain body weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXbmIntense fear of gaining or becoming fatYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXbmIntense fear of gaining or becoming fatYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXbyIntense fear of gaining or becoming fatYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXbyIntense fear of gaining or becoming fatYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXcmDisturb experience, self-evaluate, denyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXcmDisturb experience, self-evaluate, denyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXcyDisturb experience, self-evaluate, denyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXcyDisturb experience, self-evaluate, denyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXdmAmenorrheaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXdmAmenorrheaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXdyAmenorrheaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXdyAmenorrheaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXmPast month: anorexia nervosa diagnosisYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXmPast month: anorexia nervosa diagnosisYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXyPast year: anorexia nervosa diagnosisYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEAXyPast year: anorexia nervosa diagnosisYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBcrmBulimia Nervosa Count - Past MonthYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBcrmBulimia Nervosa Count - Past MonthYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBcryBulimia Nervosa Count - Past YearYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBcryBulimia Nervosa Count - Past YearYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBMIBody mass index, lowest in last year YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBMIBody mass index, lowest in last year YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBMIMBody mass index, current month YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBMIMBody mass index, current month YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUamRecurrent episodes of binge eatingYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUamRecurrent episodes of binge eatingYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUayRecurrent episodes of binge eatingYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUayRecurrent episodes of binge eatingYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUbmCompensatory behaviorYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUbmCompensatory behaviorYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUbyCompensatory behaviorYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUbyCompensatory behaviorYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUcmBinge eat compensation 2/week,3 monthsYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUcmBinge eat compensation 2/week,3 monthsYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUcyBinge eat compensation 2/week,3 monthsYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUcyBinge eat compensation 2/week,3 monthsYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUdmSelf-evaluation influenced by weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUdmSelf-evaluation influenced by weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUdySelf-evaluation influenced by weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUdySelf-evaluation influenced by weightYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUemAnorexia not positiveYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUemAnorexia not positiveYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUeyAnorexia not positiveYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUeyAnorexia not positiveYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUmPast month: diagnosis for bulimiaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUmPast month: diagnosis for bulimiaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUyPast year: diagnosis for bulimiaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEBUyPast year: diagnosis for bulimiaYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEHCMCalculated height - centimeters YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEHCMCalculated height - centimeters YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA2Intermediate rating -- Prevented doing things with familyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA2Intermediate rating -- Prevented doing things with familyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA3Intermediate rating -- Prevented doing things with peersYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA3Intermediate rating -- Prevented doing things with peersYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA5Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA5Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMA6Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMCImpairment C -- at least one Severe YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMCImpairment C -- at least one Severe YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC2Severe rating -- Prevented doing things with familyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC2Severe rating -- Prevented doing things with familyYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC3Severe rating -- Prevented doing things with peersYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC3Severe rating -- Prevented doing things with peersYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC5Severe rating -- Caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC5Severe rating -- Caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMPast month: diagnosis for either anorexia nervosa or bulemia YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMPast month: diagnosis for either anorexia nervosa or bulemia YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMC Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMC Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEsympEating Disorders Symptom CountYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEsympEating Disorders Symptom CountYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEUWUnderweight flag, last year YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEUWUnderweight flag, last year YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEUWMUnderweight flag, last month YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEUWMUnderweight flag, last month YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEWKGCalculated lowest weight in last year - kilograms YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEWKGCalculated lowest weight in last year - kilograms YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEWKG1Calculated current weight - kilograms YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEWKG1Calculated current weight - kilograms YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYPast year: diagnosis for either anorexia nervosa or bulemia YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYPast year: diagnosis for either anorexia nervosa or bulemia YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDEYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE01ZNow I'm going to change the subject a bit and ask you some questions about eating and weight.<p> How tall are you?<p> (centimeters) YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE01ZNow I'm going to change the subject a bit and ask you some questions about eating and weight.<p> How tall are you?<p> (centimeters) YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE02LHow much do you weight now (pounds)?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE02LHow much do you weight now (pounds)?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE03LIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] what was your lowest weight (pounds)? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE03LIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] what was your lowest weight (pounds)? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE04In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has anyone worried that you were much too thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE04In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), has anyone worried that you were much too thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE04ANow, what about last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has anyone worried that you were much too thin? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE04ANow, what about last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has anyone worried that you were much too thin? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05Now I'd like to ask you some questions about the time [you weighed the least in the last year/other people worried that you were too thin].<p> Even though [you only weighed [NAME LOWEST WEIGHT]/other people worried you were too thin], were you worried about being fat or becoming fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05Now I'd like to ask you some questions about the time [you weighed the least in the last year/other people worried that you were too thin].<p> Even though [you only weighed [NAME LOWEST WEIGHT]/other people worried you were too thin], were you worried about being fat or becoming fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05AWas there a time when you worried nearly every day about being fat or becoming fat?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05AWas there a time when you worried nearly every day about being fat or becoming fat?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05BDid you sometimes worry about it so much that it was difficult for you to think about other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05BDid you sometimes worry about it so much that it was difficult for you to think about other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05CDid worrying about being fat or becoming fat make you try to keep your weight down?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05CDid worrying about being fat or becoming fat make you try to keep your weight down?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been worried about being fat or becoming fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been worried about being fat or becoming fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE06When you weighed the least in the last year, did you think you were overweight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE06When you weighed the least in the last year, did you think you were overweight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE06ADid you think you were too thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE06ADid you think you were too thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE07Do you think you are overweight now?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE07Do you think you are overweight now?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE07ADo you think you are too thin? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE07ADo you think you are too thin? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE08When you weighed the least in the last year did you think that your low weight could cause any health problems for you?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE08When you weighed the least in the last year did you think that your low weight could cause any health problems for you?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE09Do you think that what you weight now could cause any health problems for you? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE09Do you think that what you weight now could cause any health problems for you? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often felt bad about yourself because you thought you were fat or overweight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often felt bad about yourself because you thought you were fat or overweight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10ADid you think that losing weight would be the most important thing you could do to feel better about yourself?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10ADid you think that losing weight would be the most important thing you could do to feel better about yourself?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10BDid you feel that way at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10BDid you feel that way at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt bad about yourself because you thought you were fat or overweight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE10CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt bad about yourself because you thought you were fat or overweight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have there been times when you thought about food or about eating almost all of the time?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have there been times when you thought about food or about eating almost all of the time?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11AWhen this happened was it difficult for you to think about other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11AWhen this happened was it difficult for you to think about other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]), have there been times when you thought about food or about eating almost all of the time? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE11BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]), have there been times when you thought about food or about eating almost all of the time? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12Now I am going to ask you about eating binges. An eating binge is when someone stuffs themselves with a whole lot of food in a short time like several whole pizzas or a whole chocolate cake or several containers of ice cream and they don't seem to be able to control how much they eat. <p> In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had an eating binge like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12Now I am going to ask you about eating binges. An eating binge is when someone stuffs themselves with a whole lot of food in a short time like several whole pizzas or a whole chocolate cake or several containers of ice cream and they don't seem to be able to control how much they eat. <p> In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had an eating binge like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12ADuring an eating binge, did you eat a lot more than most [boys/girls] your age would have for a meal?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12ADuring an eating binge, did you eat a lot more than most [boys/girls] your age would have for a meal?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12BDid you eat this food in a very short time say, in less than two hours?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12BDid you eat this food in a very short time say, in less than two hours?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12CWhen you were on an eating binge, did you feel that you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from eating too much?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12CWhen you were on an eating binge, did you feel that you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from eating too much?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12DIn the last year, has there been a time when you had an eating binge at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12DIn the last year, has there been a time when you had an eating binge at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12EDid you have eating binges at least twice a week for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12EDid you have eating binges at least twice a week for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had several eating binges? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE12FNow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had several eating binges? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13Now, I'm going to ask you about things people sometimes do to lose weight or keep their weight down.<p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often refused to eat foods that you thought would make you fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13Now, I'm going to ask you about things people sometimes do to lose weight or keep their weight down.<p> In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often refused to eat foods that you thought would make you fat? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13ADid you refuse to eat fattening foods on most days for at least three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13ADid you refuse to eat fattening foods on most days for at least three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13BDid you refuse to eat fattening foods at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13BDid you refuse to eat fattening foods at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often refused to eat foods that you think are fattening? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE13CNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often refused to eat foods that you think are fattening? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you made yourself throw up?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you made yourself throw up?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14AHave you made yourself throw up to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14AHave you made yourself throw up to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14BIn the last year, was there a time when you made yourself throw up at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14BIn the last year, was there a time when you made yourself throw up at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14CDid you make yourself throw up at least twice a week for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14CDid you make yourself throw up at least twice a week for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14DDid you make yourself throw up at the same time that you were thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14DDid you make yourself throw up at the same time that you were thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14ENow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often made yourself throw up? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE14ENow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often made yourself throw up? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you taken any kind of pills or medicines to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you taken any kind of pills or medicines to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15BIn the last year, was there a time when you took medicine to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15BIn the last year, was there a time when you took medicine to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight at least twice a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15CDid you take the medication at least twice a week for as long as three months? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15CDid you take the medication at least twice a week for as long as three months? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15DDid you take medicine to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15DDid you take medicine to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15ENow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often taken any kind of pills or medicines to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE15ENow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often taken any kind of pills or medicines to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you done anything to make yourself go to the toilet a lot?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you done anything to make yourself go to the toilet a lot?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16BDid you do things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot because you wanted to lose weight or keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16BDid you do things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot because you wanted to lose weight or keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16CWas there a time when you did something at least twice a week to make yourself go to the toilet a lot?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16CWas there a time when you did something at least twice a week to make yourself go to the toilet a lot?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16DDid you often do things like this for as long as three months? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16DDid you often do things like this for as long as three months? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16EDid you do things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16EDid you do things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16FNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you done things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16FNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you done things to make yourself go to the toilet a lot? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16GHave you often done things to make yourself go to the toilet at least twice a week for the last four weeks? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE16GHave you often done things to make yourself go to the toilet at least twice a week for the last four weeks? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you eaten no food at all for at least a full 24 hours?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you eaten no food at all for at least a full 24 hours?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17ADid you do that to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17ADid you do that to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17BWas there a time when you would eat no food at all at least two days a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17BWas there a time when you would eat no food at all at least two days a week?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17CDid you eat no food two days a week or more for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17CDid you eat no food two days a week or more for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17DDid you refuse to eat food like this at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17DDid you refuse to eat food like this at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often eaten no food for a full 24 hours? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE17ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often eaten no food for a full 24 hours? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you spend a lot of time exercising to lose weight or keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you spend a lot of time exercising to lose weight or keep from gaining weight?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18AHave you spent so much time exercising that it got in the way of doing other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18AHave you spent so much time exercising that it got in the way of doing other things?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18BWas there a time when you spent so much time exercising that it got in the way of doing other things at least two days a week? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18BWas there a time when you spent so much time exercising that it got in the way of doing other things at least two days a week? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18CDid you exercise like this for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18CDid you exercise like this for as long as three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18DDid you spend a lot of time exercising like this at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18DDid you spend a lot of time exercising like this at the same time that you were your thinnest in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you spent so much time exercising that it often got in the way of doing other things? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE18ENow, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you spent so much time exercising that it often got in the way of doing other things? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE19You told me that you [NAME ( ) RESPONSES IN YDQE14--YDQE18E]. <P> In the last year, did you do things like this for at least three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE19You told me that you [NAME ( ) RESPONSES IN YDQE14--YDQE18E]. <P> In the last year, did you do things like this for at least three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20Have you started to menstruate that is, have you started to have monthly periods?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20Have you started to menstruate that is, have you started to have monthly periods?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20AHave you ever had regular menstrual periods? By regular, I mean every month for at least six months.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20AHave you ever had regular menstrual periods? By regular, I mean every month for at least six months.YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20BDid you start to have regular monthly periods more than a year ago?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20BDid you start to have regular monthly periods more than a year ago?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20CIn the last year, did you miss as many as three monthly periods in a row?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20CIn the last year, did you miss as many as three monthly periods in a row?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20DWhen you missed your periods, were you your thinnest?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20DWhen you missed your periods, were you your thinnest?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20EHave you had a menstrual period in the last three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20EHave you had a menstrual period in the last three months?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20FDo you take the birth control pill?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20FDo you take the birth control pill?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20GHave you taken it almost every month in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20GHave you taken it almost every month in the last year?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20HDuring the months when you weren't taking the pill, did you have your menstrual period?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20HDuring the months when you weren't taking the pill, did you have your menstrual period?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20IWhen you missed your periods, were you very thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE20IWhen you missed your periods, were you very thin?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21AWas that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [you weren't thin/other people didn't worry that you were too thin] and you stopped [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21BSince that first time, was there ever a time when [you weren't thin/other people didn't worry that you were too thin] and you stopped [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21CDid that time when [you weren't thin/other people didn't worry that you were too thin] last for two months or more?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21CDid that time when [you weren't thin/other people didn't worry that you were too thin] last for two months or more?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21DYYou said that [you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin] and you [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E] in the last year.<p> How old were you when you started being that way this time? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21DYYou said that [you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin] and you [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E] in the last year.<p> How old were you when you started being that way this time? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21DZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21DZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21EDid you start being that way again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21EDid you start being that way again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21YYou said that in the last year [you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin], and also that you [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E].<p> How old were you the first time you were like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21YYou said that in the last year [you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin], and also that you [NAME < > SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE18E].<p> How old were you the first time you were like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21ZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE21ZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22ADid you do [this/these things] more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22ADid you do [this/these things] more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you didn't do things like [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you didn't do things like [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22CDid that time when you didn't do these things last for two months or more?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22CDid that time when you didn't do these things last for two months or more?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22DYYou said that you were [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19] in the last year.<p> How old were you when you started doing these things this time?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22DYYou said that you were [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19] in the last year.<p> How old were you when you started doing these things this time?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22DZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22DZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22EDid you start doing these things again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22EDid you start doing these things again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22YYou said that in the last year you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19].<p> How old were you the first time you ever did things like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22YYou said that in the last year you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19].<p> How old were you the first time you ever did things like that? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22zWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE22zWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE23You said that in the last year <i> ([you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin] and also that) </i> you [NAME < > AND [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when doing things to keep from gaining weight caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because the things you did to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE23You said that in the last year <i> ([you were thin/other people worried that you were too thin] and also that) </i> you [NAME < > AND [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when doing things to keep from gaining weight caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because the things you did to keep from gaining weight? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE23AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE23AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE24At that time, did doing things so you wouldn't gain weight keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE24At that time, did doing things so you wouldn't gain weight keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE24AHow often did this keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE24AHow often did this keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE25At that time, did doing things so you wouldn't gain weight keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE25At that time, did doing things so you wouldn't gain weight keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE25AHow often did the way you ate keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE25AHow often did the way you ate keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE26When the problems were worst, did doing things to keep from gaining weight [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE26When the problems were worst, did doing things to keep from gaining weight [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE26AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because of the way you ate? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE26AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because of the way you ate? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE27At that time, did doing things to keep from gaining weight cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE27At that time, did doing things to keep from gaining weight cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE27AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE27AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE28When the problems were worst, did the things you did to keep from gaining weight make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE28When the problems were worst, did the things you did to keep from gaining weight make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE28AHow bad did these things make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE28AHow bad did these things make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE29In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you [NAME < > AND [ ] YDQE10--YDQE19]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE29In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you [NAME < > AND [ ] YDQE10--YDQE19]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE29ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you do [this/these things]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE29ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you do [this/these things]?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31You told me that in the last year you [NAME < > AND [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19]. <p> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<p> Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when you or other people were more worried about your weight or about things you were doing to keep from gaining weight than the last year? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31You told me that in the last year you [NAME < > AND [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQE10--YDQE19]. <p> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<p> Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when you or other people were more worried about your weight or about things you were doing to keep from gaining weight than the last year? YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31AYHow old were you when you or other people were most worried about this?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31AYHow old were you when you or other people were most worried about this?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31AZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQE31AZWhat grade were you in?YDQEMental Health - Eating Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcamRepeated passage of feces MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcamRepeated passage of feces MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcayRepeated passage of feces YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcayRepeated passage of feces YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcbmOne a month for 3 months MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcbmOne a month for 3 months MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcbyOne a month for 3 months YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcbyOne a month for 3 months YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLccmAge is at least 4 years MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLccmAge is at least 4 years MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLccyAge is at least 4 years YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLccyAge is at least 4 years YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcdmNot due to substance or medical conditionYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcdmNot due to substance or medical conditionYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcdyNot due to substance or medical condition YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcdyNot due to substance or medical condition YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA1Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA1Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA2Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA2Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA3Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA3Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA4Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA4Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA5Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA5Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA6Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIA6Encopresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC1Encopresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC1Encopresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC2Encopresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC2Encopresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC3Encopresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC3Encopresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC4Encopresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC4Encopresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC5Encopresis: Severe rating --conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC5Encopresis: Severe rating --conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC6Encopresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCIC6Encopresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcmPast month: diagnosis for encopresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcmPast month: diagnosis for encopresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNIAEncopresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNIAEncopresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNIBEncopresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNIBEncopresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNICEncopresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLCNICEncopresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcwEncopresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcwEncopresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcyPast year: diagnosis for encopresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLcyPast year: diagnosis for encopresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdamRepeated voiding D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdamRepeated voiding D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdayRepeated voiding D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdayRepeated voiding D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdbmFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdbmFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdbyFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdbyFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdcmAge is at least 5 years D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdcmAge is at least 5 years D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdcyAge is at least 5 years D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdcyAge is at least 5 years D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLddmNot due to substance or medical condition D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLddmNot due to substance or medical condition D MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLddyNot due to substance or medical condition D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLddyNot due to substance or medical condition D YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA1Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA1Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA2Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA2Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA3Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA3Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA4Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA4Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA5Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA5Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA6Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIA6Diurnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC1Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC1Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC2Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC2Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC3Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC3Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC4Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC4Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC5Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC5Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC6Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIC6Diurnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIMBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDIMBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdmPast month: diagnosis for diurnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdmPast month: diagnosis for diurnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMIADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMIADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMIBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMIBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDMICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDNICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDNICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDNMADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDNMADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdyPast year: diagnosis for diurnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLdyPast year: diagnosis for diurnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYIADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYIADiurnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYIBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYIBDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLDYICDiurnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA1Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA1Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA2Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA2Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA3Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA3Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA4Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA4Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA5Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA5Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA6Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIA6Nocturnal Enuresis: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC1Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC1Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conductYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC2Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC2Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with familyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC3Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC3Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peersYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC4Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC4Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC5Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC5Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC6Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLIC6Nocturnal Enuresis: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMCNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLLNMCNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMAEncopresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMAEncopresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMBEncopresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMBEncopresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMCEncopresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMCEncopresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnamRepeated voiding N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnamRepeated voiding N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnayRepeated voiding N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnayRepeated voiding N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnbmFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnbmFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnbyFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnbyFrequency of twice a week for 3 months or distress N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLncmAge is at least 5 years N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLncmAge is at least 5 years N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLncyAge is at least 5 years N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLncyAge is at least 5 years N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndmNot due to substance or medical condition N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndmNot due to substance or medical condition N MYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndwDiurnal enuresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndwDiurnal enuresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndyNot due to substance or medical condition N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLndyNot due to substance or medical condition N YYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnmPast month: diagnosis for nocturnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnmPast month: diagnosis for nocturnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMIANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMIANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMIBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMIBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMICNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMICNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMRRNocturnal Enuresis: alternative diagnosis monthlyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNMRRNocturnal Enuresis: alternative diagnosis monthlyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnnwNocturnal enuresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnnwNocturnal enuresis lifetimeYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnyPast year: diagnosis for nocturnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLnyPast year: diagnosis for nocturnal enuresisYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYIANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYIANocturnal Enuresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYIBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYIBNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYICNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYICNocturnal Enuresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYRRNocturnal Enuresis: alternative diagnosis yearlyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLNYRRNocturnal Enuresis: alternative diagnosis yearlyYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMAEncopresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMAEncopresis: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMBEncopresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMBEncopresis: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMCEncopresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMCEncopresis: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDLYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01Now I'd like you to think about __________'s whole life since [he/she] turned five years old (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart).<p> Was there ever a time when [he/she] wet the bed at night since [he/she] turned five years old? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01Now I'd like you to think about __________'s whole life since [he/she] turned five years old (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart).<p> Was there ever a time when [he/she] wet the bed at night since [he/she] turned five years old? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01ANow, what about the last year?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year], has [he/she] wet the bed at night? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01ANow, what about the last year?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year], has [he/she] wet the bed at night? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01BIn the last year, has [he/she] wet the bed three or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01BIn the last year, has [he/she] wet the bed three or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01CIn the last year, were there three months in a row when [he/she] wet the bed each month?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01CIn the last year, were there three months in a row when [he/she] wet the bed each month?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01DDid [he/she] wet the bed as often as twice a week for several weeks in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01DDid [he/she] wet the bed as often as twice a week for several weeks in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01EDid [he/she] wet [his/her] bed this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01EDid [he/she] wet [his/her] bed this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01FNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01FNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01GHas [he/she] wet [his/her] bed two or more times in the last four weeks?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01GHas [he/she] wet [his/her] bed two or more times in the last four weeks?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01HIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01HIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01IIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] bed as often as twice a month for three months in a row? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01IIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] bed as often as twice a month for three months in a row? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01JNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed two or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01JNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed two or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01KIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01KIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01LNow what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has he/she] wet [his/her] bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL01LNow what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has he/she] wet [his/her] bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL02In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] wet the bed during the night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL02In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] wet the bed during the night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL02BDid a doctor ever say that [he/she] wet the bed because of this medical condition?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL02BDid a doctor ever say that [he/she] wet the bed because of this medical condition?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without wetting the bed at night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without wetting the bed at night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't wet the bed at night for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] wet the bed again.<p> How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting the bed this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't wet the bed at night for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] wet the bed again.<p> How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting the bed this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03BDid [he/she] start wetting the bed again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL03BDid [he/she] start wetting the bed again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL04You said that in the last year __________ wet the bed at night. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when [his/her] wetting the bed at night caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] wet the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL04You said that in the last year __________ wet the bed at night. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when [his/her] wetting the bed at night caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] wet the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL04AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] wet the bed? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL04AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because [he/she] wet the bed? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL05At that time, did wetting the bed keep __________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL05At that time, did wetting the bed keep __________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL05AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL05AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL06At that time, did wetting the bed keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL06At that time, did wetting the bed keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL06AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL06AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL07When the problems were worst, did wetting the bed [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL07When the problems were worst, did wetting the bed [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL07AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL07AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL08At that time, did wetting the bed cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL08At that time, did wetting the bed cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL08AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL08AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL09When the problems were worst, did it seem like wetting the bed at night made __________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL09When the problems were worst, did it seem like wetting the bed at night made __________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL09AHow bad did wetting the bed seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL09AHow bad did wetting the bed seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL10In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] wets the bed at night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL10In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] wets the bed at night?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL10aDoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] wets the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL10aDoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] wets the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL12In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine for bedwetting?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL12In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine for bedwetting?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13You said that there was a time before the last year when [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at night. I want to ask you about that time.<P> Since [he/she] turned five (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart), was there ever a time when [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at night as often as twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13You said that there was a time before the last year when [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at night. I want to ask you about that time.<P> Since [he/she] turned five (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart), was there ever a time when [he/she] wet [his/her] bed at night as often as twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13ADid [he/she] wet [his/her] bed this often for as long as three months in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13ADid [he/she] wet [his/her] bed this often for as long as three months in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13BDid wetting the bed cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13BDid wetting the bed cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13CDid wetting the bed seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13CDid wetting the bed seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] wet the bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] wet the bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped wetting the bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped wetting the bed?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without wetting the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without wetting the bed? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started to wet the bed again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started to wet the bed again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL13GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14Again, thinking back to when __________ was five years old, until now, was there ever a time when [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14Again, thinking back to when __________ was five years old, until now, was there ever a time when [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14AIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14AIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14BIn the last year, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day three or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14BIn the last year, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day three or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14CIn the last year, were there three months in a row when [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day each month?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14CIn the last year, were there three months in a row when [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day each month?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14DIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] pants twice a week for several weeks in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14DIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] pants twice a week for several weeks in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14EDid [he/she] wet [his/her] pants this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14EDid [he/she] wet [his/her] pants this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14FNow what about the last four weeks?<P> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14FNow what about the last four weeks?<P> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14GHas [he/she] wet [his/her] pants two or more times in the last four weeks?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14GHas [he/she] wet [his/her] pants two or more times in the last four weeks?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14HIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14HIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14IIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] pants as often as twice a month for three months in a row? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14IIn the last year, did [he/she] wet [his/her] pants as often as twice a month for three months in a row? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14JNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants two or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14JNow what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants two or more times? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14KIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14KIn the last four weeks, has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants at all?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14LNow what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL14LNow what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] wet [his/her] pants?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL15In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] wet [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL15In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] wet [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL15BDid a doctor say that [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day because of this medical condition?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL15BDid a doctor say that [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day because of this medical condition?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without wetting [his/her] pants during the day?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without wetting [his/her] pants during the day?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't wet [his/her] pants for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day again. How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting [his/her] pants this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't wet [his/her] pants for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day again. How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting [his/her] pants this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16BDid [he/she] start wetting [his/her] pants during the day more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL16BDid [he/she] start wetting [his/her] pants during the day more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL17You said that in the last year [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when wetting [his/her] pants during the day caused the most problems. <p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL17You said that in the last year [he/she] wet [his/her] pants during the day. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when wetting [his/her] pants during the day caused the most problems. <p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL17AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL17AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL18At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day keep __________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL18At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day keep __________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL18AHow often did wetting [his/her] pants keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL18AHow often did wetting [his/her] pants keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL19At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL19At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL19AHow often did wetting [his/her] pants seem to keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL19AHow often did wetting [his/her] pants seem to keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL20When the problems were worst, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL20When the problems were worst, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL20AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL20AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL21At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL21At that time, did wetting [his/her] pants during the day cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL21AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL21AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL22When the problems were worst, did it seem like wetting [his/her] pants during the day made _________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL22When the problems were worst, did it seem like wetting [his/her] pants during the day made _________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL22AHow bad did wetting [his/her] pants seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL22AHow bad did wetting [his/her] pants seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL23In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office for help with any of these problems?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL23In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office for help with any of these problems?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL23ADoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL23ADoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL25In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine for wetting [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL25In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine for wetting [his/her] pants during the day? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26You said that there was a time before the last year when ________ wet [his/her] pants during the day. I want to ask you about that time.<P> Since [he/she] turned five (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart), did [he/she] ever wet [his/her] pants twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26You said that there was a time before the last year when ________ wet [his/her] pants during the day. I want to ask you about that time.<P> Since [he/she] turned five (INTERVIEWER: point out age five on whole life chart), did [he/she] ever wet [his/her] pants twice a week or more? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26ADid [he/she] wet [his/her] pants this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26ADid [he/she] wet [his/her] pants this often for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26BDid wetting [his/her] pants seem to cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26BDid wetting [his/her] pants seem to cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26CDid wetting [his/her] pants seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26CDid wetting [his/her] pants seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] wets [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped wetting [his/her] pants?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped wetting [his/her] pants?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without wetting [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without wetting [his/her] pants? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting [his/her] pants again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started wetting [his/her] pants again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL26GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27Since __________ turned four (INTERVIEWER: point out age four on whole life chart), has there ever been a time when [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? By soiled, I mean has [he/she] had a bowel movement, pooped in [his/her] pants, or on the floor, or somewhere not in a toilet.YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27Since __________ turned four (INTERVIEWER: point out age four on whole life chart), has there ever been a time when [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? By soiled, I mean has [he/she] had a bowel movement, pooped in [his/her] pants, or on the floor, or somewhere not in a toilet.YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27AIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27AIn the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27BIn the last year, did [he/she] only soil [himself/herself] when [he/she] was physically sick and had diarrhea? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27BIn the last year, did [he/she] only soil [himself/herself] when [he/she] was physically sick and had diarrhea? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27CIn the last year, did [he/she] soil [himself/herself] every month for as long as six months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27CIn the last year, did [he/she] soil [himself/herself] every month for as long as six months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27DDid [he/she] soil [himself/herself] every month for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27DDid [he/she] soil [himself/herself] every month for as long as three months?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27ENow what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL27ENow what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], has [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL28In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] soil [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL28In the last year, has [he/she] suffered from any medical condition that made [him/her] soil [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL28BDid a doctor ever say that [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] because of this medical condition? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL28BDid a doctor ever say that [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] because of this medical condition? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without soiling [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29Thinking about [his/her] whole life, has [he/she] ever gone a whole year without soiling [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't soil [himself/herself] for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] again. <p> How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started soiling [himself/herself] this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29AyNow you just told me that [he/she] didn't soil [himself/herself] for a whole year, but that in the last year [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] again. <p> How old was [he/she] when [he/she] started soiling [himself/herself] this time? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29AzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29BDid [he/she] start soiling [himself/herself] more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL29BDid [he/she] start soiling [himself/herself] more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL30You said that in the last year ___________ soiled [himself/herself]. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when soiling [himself/herself] caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]]get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL30You said that in the last year ___________ soiled [himself/herself]. <p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when soiling [himself/herself] caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]]get annoyed or upset with __________ because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL30AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL30AHow often did [you (or [his/her] [CARETAKERS])/[his/her] [CARETAKERS]] get annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL31At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL31At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] keep ________ from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL31AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL31AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with [you (or [his/her] family)/[his/her] family]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL32At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL32At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL32AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL32AHow often did this keep [him/her] from doing things or going places with other [children/people [his/her] age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL33When the problems were worst, did soiling [himself/herself] [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL33When the problems were worst, did soiling [himself/herself] [make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] schoolwork or cause problems with [his/her] grades/make it difficult for [him/her] to do [his/her] work]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL33AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL33AHow bad were the problems [he/she] had with [his/her] [schoolwork/work] because of this? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL34At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL34At that time, did soiling [himself/herself] cause __________'s [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with [him/her]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL34AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL34AHow often [were/was] [his/her] [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with [him/her] because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL35When the problems were worst, did it seem like soiling [himself/herself] made __________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL35When the problems were worst, did it seem like soiling [himself/herself] made __________ feel bad or made [him/her] feel upset?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL35AHow bad did soiling [himself/herself] seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL35AHow bad did soiling [himself/herself] seem to make [him/her] feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36ADid the doctor or person [he/she] saw say the problem was due to constipation? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36ADid the doctor or person [he/she] saw say the problem was due to constipation? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36BDoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] soils [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL36BDoes [he she] have an appointment set up to see someone because [he/she] soils [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL38In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL38In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] has [he/she] taken any medicine because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39You said that there was a time before the last year when ________ sometimes soiled [himself/herself]. I want to ask you about that time.<p> Since [he/she] turned four (INTERVIEWER: point out age four on whole life chart), was there ever a time when [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] as often as once a month? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39You said that there was a time before the last year when ________ sometimes soiled [himself/herself]. I want to ask you about that time.<p> Since [he/she] turned four (INTERVIEWER: point out age four on whole life chart), was there ever a time when [he/she] soiled [himself/herself] as often as once a month? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39ADid [he/she] soil [himself/herself] this often for as long as three months in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39ADid [he/she] soil [himself/herself] this often for as long as three months in a row?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39BDid soiling [himself/herself] seem to cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39BDid soiling [himself/herself] seem to cause any serious problems for [him/her] at home, at school, or with [his/her] friends?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39CDid soiling [himself/herself] seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39CDid soiling [himself/herself] seem to make [him/her] feel really unhappy or bother [him/her] a lot?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39DDid [he/she] ever see a doctor, counselor, or some other person like that because [he/she] soiled [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped soiling [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39EyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] stopped soiling [himself/herself]?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39EzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without soiling [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39FBefore [he/she] was [NAME AGE IN E/NAME GRADE IN E], did [he/she] ever go a whole year without soiling [himself/herself]? YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started soiling [himself/herself] again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39GyHow old was [he/she] when [he/she] started soiling [himself/herself] again?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQL39GzWhat grade was [he/she] in?YDQLMental Health - Elimination Disorders - Youth20002004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAGN01Was a † response coded in YDQG10A or YDQG11A?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDAGN01Was a † response coded in YDQG10A or YDQG11A?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGAMAnxiety, multiple causes, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGAMAnxiety, multiple causes, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGAYAnxiety, multiple causes, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGAYAnxiety, multiple causes, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGBMControl difficult, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGBMControl difficult, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGBYControl difficult, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGBYControl difficult, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC1MRestlessness, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC1MRestlessness, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC1YRestlessness, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC1YRestlessness, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC2MEasily fatigued, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC2MEasily fatigued, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC2YEasily fatigued, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC2YEasily fatigued, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC3MConcentration difficulty, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC3MConcentration difficulty, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC3YConcentration difficulty, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC3YConcentration difficulty, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC4MIrritability, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC4MIrritability, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC4YIrritability, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC4YIrritability, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC5MMuscle tension, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC5MMuscle tension, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC5YMuscle tension, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC5YMuscle tension, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC6MSleep problems, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC6MSleep problems, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC6YSleep problems, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGC6YSleep problems, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCMSomatic symptoms, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCMSomatic symptoms, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCRIMGeneralized Anx Criteria Count - Last MonthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCRIMGeneralized Anx Criteria Count - Last MonthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCRIYGeneralized Anx Criteria Count - Last YearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCRIYGeneralized Anx Criteria Count - Last YearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCYSomatic symptoms, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGCYSomatic symptoms, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA2Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA2Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA3Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA3Intermediate rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA5Intermediate rating --Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA5Intermediate rating --Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA6Intermediate rating --Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMA6Intermediate rating --Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by trouble concentratingYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC2Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC2Severe rating -- Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with familyYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC3Severe rating --Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC3Severe rating --Trouble paying attention/concentrating prevented doing things with peersYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC5Severe rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC5Severe rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMGeneralized anxiety disorder, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMGeneralized anxiety disorder, monthYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGSYMPGeneralized Anxiety Symptom CountYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGSYMPGeneralized Anxiety Symptom CountYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYGeneralized anxiety disorder, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYGeneralized anxiety disorder, yearYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDGYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01In the last year that is, since [NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH of last year] did you often get very worried before you [took a test or handed in an important assignment/had to get something ready for a deadline]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01In the last year that is, since [NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH of last year] did you often get very worried before you [took a test or handed in an important assignment/had to get something ready for a deadline]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry even when you didn't need to, say [in a subject/about something at work] where you were well prepared and always did well?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry even when you didn't need to, say [in a subject/about something at work] where you were well prepared and always did well?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying before [tests or assignments/deadlines]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying before [tests or assignments/deadlines]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you often gotten very worried before you [took a test or handed in an important assignment/had to get something ready for a deadline]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG01DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you often gotten very worried before you [took a test or handed in an important assignment/had to get something ready for a deadline]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you often worry a lot before you were going to play a sport or game or do some other activity?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you often worry a lot before you were going to play a sport or game or do some other activity?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry like that even when you were going to do something you were pretty good at?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry like that even when you were going to do something you were pretty good at?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying before you played in a game or did some other special activity like that?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying before you played in a game or did some other special activity like that?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gotten very worried before you were going to play in a game or before you were going to do some other special activity?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG02DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gotten very worried before you were going to play in a game or before you were going to do some other special activity?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you often worry a lot when you made small mistakes doing (your homework or on other) projects or activities?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you often worry a lot when you made small mistakes doing (your homework or on other) projects or activities?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry about these things even when you didn't need to, say when no one would even notice the mistake (or it wouldn't count against you in your grade)?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry about these things even when you didn't need to, say when no one would even notice the mistake (or it wouldn't count against you in your grade)?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about these things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about these things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would do okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried a lot when you made small mistakes?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG03DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried a lot when you made small mistakes?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did you often worry about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year did you often worry about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry even when you didn't need to, because you had plenty of time to get where you were going?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04AIn the last year, was there a time when you would worry even when you didn't need to, because you had plenty of time to get where you were going?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would be on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04CWhen you were worried like that, did you keep asking other people if you would be on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG04DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried about being on time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you worried a lot that you might have some sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you worried a lot that you might have some sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05AIn the last year, was there a time when you worried a lot more than other [children/people your age] that you might have a sickness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05AIn the last year, was there a time when you worried a lot more than other [children/people your age] that you might have a sickness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about having some sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05BWas it very hard for you to stop yourself from worrying about having some sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05CWhen you were worried like this, did you keep asking other people if you were okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05CWhen you were worried like this, did you keep asking other people if you were okay?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried a lot about having some serious sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG05DNow, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried a lot about having some serious sickness or illness?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG06You said that you worried about [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQG01--YDQG05B]. Thinking about the whole last year, was there a time when you worried about one thing or another on at least four days a week?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG06You said that you worried about [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQG01--YDQG05B]. Thinking about the whole last year, was there a time when you worried about one thing or another on at least four days a week?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG06ADid you worry like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG06ADid you worry like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07Now I'm going to ask you about how you felt when you worried in the last year - that is since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year. <P> When you were worried, did your muscles feel tight or tense?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07Now I'm going to ask you about how you felt when you worried in the last year - that is since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year. <P> When you were worried, did your muscles feel tight or tense?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have your muscles felt tight or tense when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG07BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have your muscles felt tight or tense when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08In the last year, when you were worried, did you feel very restless or keyed up?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08In the last year, when you were worried, did you feel very restless or keyed up?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of/[LAST MONTH]]), have you felt very restless or keyed up when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG08BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of/[LAST MONTH]]), have you felt very restless or keyed up when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you were worried, did you get tired very easily?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you were worried, did you get tired very easily?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gotten tired very easily when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG09BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gotten tired very easily when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you have problems keeping your mind on what you were doing because you were so nervous?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you have problems keeping your mind on what you were doing because you were so nervous?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10ADid you have problems keeping your mind on things on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10ADid you have problems keeping your mind on things on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had problems keeping your mind on what you were doing because you've been so nervous?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG10BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had problems keeping your mind on what you were doing because you've been so nervous?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year when you felt worried, did your mind sometimes start to go blank?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year when you felt worried, did your mind sometimes start to go blank?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11ADid this happen on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11ADid this happen on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has your mind sometimes started to go blank when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG11BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has your mind sometimes started to go blank when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you worried, did you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or did you feel tired when you woke up in the morning?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you worried, did you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or did you feel tired when you woke up in the morning?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12ADid you feel like this on most nights for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12ADid you feel like this on most nights for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had trouble sleeping when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG12BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had trouble sleeping when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you were worried, were you grouchy or irritable bothered even by little things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), when you were worried, were you grouchy or irritable bothered even by little things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13ADid you feel like this on most days for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been grouchy or irritable when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG13BNow, what about the last four weeks? <p>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been grouchy or irritable when you were worried?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14AWas that more than a year ago- that is, before [[NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14AWas that more than a year ago- that is, before [[NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you did not worry about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you did not worry about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14CDid that time when you weren't worried about different things last for two months or more?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14CDid that time when you weren't worried about different things last for two months or more?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14DYHow old were you when worrying about a lot of different things began this time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14DYHow old were you when worrying about a lot of different things began this time?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14DZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14DZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14EDid you start worrying about different things again more than a year ago - that is before [[NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14EDid you start worrying about different things again more than a year ago - that is before [[NAME EVENT/NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14YYou said that in the last year you worried about one thing or another at least four days a week. How old were you the first time you ever worried about a lot of different things like that?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14YYou said that in the last year you worried about one thing or another at least four days a week. How old were you the first time you ever worried about a lot of different things like that?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14ZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG14ZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG15You said that in the last year you worried about a lot of different things.<p>Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when worrying caused the most problems.<p>At that time did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you worried about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG15You said that in the last year you worried about a lot of different things.<p>Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when worrying caused the most problems.<p>At that time did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you worried about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG15AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG15AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG16At that time, did worrying about different things keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG16At that time, did worrying about different things keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG16AHow often did worrying like that keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG16AHow often did worrying like that keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG17At that time, did worrying about different things keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG17At that time, did worrying about different things keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG17AHow often did worrying like that keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG17AHow often did worrying like that keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG18When the problems were worst, did worrying about different things [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG18When the problems were worst, did worrying about different things [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG18AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because you worried like that? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG18AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because you worried like that? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG19At that time, did worrying about different things cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG19At that time, did worrying about different things cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG19AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you worried like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG19AHow often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you worried like that? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG20When the problems were worst, did worrying about different things make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG20When the problems were worst, did worrying about different things make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG20AHow bad did worrying like that make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG20AHow bad did worrying like that make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG21In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you worried about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG21In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you worried about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG21ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you worry about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG21ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because you worry about a lot of different things?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23Now I'd like to ask you a few more questions about feeling nervous or uncomfortable in the last year. Are you the kind of person who is often very tense, or who finds it very hard to relax?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23Now I'd like to ask you a few more questions about feeling nervous or uncomfortable in the last year. Are you the kind of person who is often very tense, or who finds it very hard to relax?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23AHave you been tense like this in the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23AHave you been tense like this in the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23BHave you been tense like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23BHave you been tense like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23CNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been very tense or has it been hard for you to relax?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG23CNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you been very tense or has it been hard for you to relax?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often been worried that you have made a mistake or have done something the wrong way?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often been worried that you have made a mistake or have done something the wrong way?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried that you've made a mistake or done something the wrong way?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG24BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried that you've made a mistake or done something the wrong way?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often worried that you made a fool of yourself in front of other people?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often worried that you made a fool of yourself in front of other people?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried that you made a fool of yourself in front of other people?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG25BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried that you made a fool of yourself in front of other people?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often worried about whether other people liked you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you often worried about whether other people liked you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26AHave you worried like this a lot of the time for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried about whether other people liked you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG26BNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often worried about whether other people liked you?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had a lot of headaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had a lot of headaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27BHave you had a lot of headaches when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27BHave you had a lot of headaches when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27C Did you keep having headaches like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27C Did you keep having headaches like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of headaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG27DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of headaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you had a lot of stomachaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you had a lot of stomachaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28BHave you had a lot of stomachaches when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28BHave you had a lot of stomachaches when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28CDid you keep having stomachaches like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28CDid you keep having stomachaches like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of stomachaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG28DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of stomachaches?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you had a lot of other aches and pains?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), have you had a lot of other aches and pains?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29AWas that when you were sick, say with a cold or the flu, or because of another medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29BHave you had a lot of aches and pains when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29BHave you had a lot of aches and pains when you weren't sick or didn't have a medical problem?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29CDid you keep having aches and pains like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29CDid you keep having aches and pains like this for as long as six months?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of other aches and pains?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG29DNow, what about the last four weeks? <P>(Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had a lot of other aches and pains?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30You said that in the last year there was a time when you worried about one thing or another at least four days a week. Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30You said that in the last year there was a time when you worried about one thing or another at least four days a week. Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30AYSince you turned five years old, was there ever a time when worrying about different things was worse than it has been in the last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30AYSince you turned five years old, was there ever a time when worrying about different things was worse than it has been in the last year?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30AZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQG30AZWhat grade were you in?YDQGMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1A1Panic attack type 1YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1A1Panic attack type 1YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1AMPanic attack type 1, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1AMPanic attack type 1, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1AYPanic attack type 1, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1AYPanic attack type 1, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 1YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP1CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 1YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2A1Panic attack type 2YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2A1Panic attack type 2YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2AMPanic attack type 2, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2AMPanic attack type 2, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2AYPanic attack type 2, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2AYPanic attack type 2, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 2YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP2CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 2YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3A1Panic attack type 3YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3A1Panic attack type 3YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3AMPanic attack type 3, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3AMPanic attack type 3, last monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3AYPanic attack type 3, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3AYPanic attack type 3, last yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 3YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDP3CNot due substance/medic condtn - type 3YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA1Panic attackYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA1Panic attackYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2AMPersistent concern added attack, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2AMPersistent concern added attack, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2AYPersistent concern added attack, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2AYPersistent concern added attack, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2BMWorry about attack implications, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2BMWorry about attack implications, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2BYWorry about attack implications, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2BYWorry about attack implications, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2CMSignificant behavior change, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2CMSignificant behavior change, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2CYSignificant behavior change, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2CYSignificant behavior change, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2MAttack concern or behavior change, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2MAttack concern or behavior change, monthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2YAttack concern or behavior change, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPA2YAttack concern or behavior change, yearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPCRIMPanic Criteria Count - Last MonthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPCRIMPanic Criteria Count - Last MonthYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPCRIYPanic Criteria Count - Last YearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPCRIYPanic Criteria Count - Last YearYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMAImpairment A -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA1Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA2Intermediate rating -- Problem prevented doing things with familyYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA2Intermediate rating -- Problem prevented doing things with familyYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA3Intermediate rating -- Problem prevented doing things with peersYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA3Intermediate rating -- Problem prevented doing things with peersYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA4Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA5Intermediate rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA5Intermediate rating -- Trouble concentrating caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA6Intermediate rating --Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMA6Intermediate rating --Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMBImpairment B -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMCImpairment C -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC1Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyedYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC2Severe rating -- Problem prevented doing things with familyYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC2Severe rating -- Problem prevented doing things with familyYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC3Severe rating -- Problem prevented doing things with peersYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC3Severe rating -- Problem prevented doing things with peersYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC4Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficultYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC5Severe rating -- Problem caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC5Severe rating -- Problem caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upsetYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPIMC6Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worstYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMPast month: panic disorderYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMPast month: panic disorderYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMAImpairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMBImpairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMCImpairment C -- last month -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPMIMDImpairment D -- last month -- impairment B or CYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPSYMPPanic Symptom CountYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPSYMPPanic Symptom CountYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYPast year: panic disorderYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYPast year: panic disorderYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMAImpairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediateYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMBImpairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediatesYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMCImpairment C -- last year -- at least one SevereYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDDPYIMDImpairment D -- last year -- impairment B or CYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] have you had an attack when all of a sudden you felt very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] have you had an attack when all of a sudden you felt very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01AHave you had an attack like that more than once?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01AHave you had an attack like that more than once?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01BDid you only have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you saw or heard something that scared you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01BDid you only have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you saw or heard something that scared you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01CDid you ever have an attack like that when something hadn't scared you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01CDid you ever have an attack like that when something hadn't scared you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01DDuring an attack, did you feel that it was hard to breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01DDuring an attack, did you feel that it was hard to breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01EDid you get dizzy or light headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01EDid you get dizzy or light headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01FDid your heart pound or beat too fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01FDid your heart pound or beat too fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01GDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01GDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01HDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01HDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01IDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01IDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01JDid your mouth feel dry during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01JDid your mouth feel dry during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01K During an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01K During an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01LDid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01LDid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01MWhen you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, did you feel very hot or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01MWhen you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, did you feel very hot or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01N During an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01N During an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01OWhen you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01OWhen you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01PDid you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01PDid you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01Q Sometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01Q Sometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01RSometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel the world around them is unreal, like it is on the other side of a glass window, or that the people around them are like puppets or actors in a movie.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01RSometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel the world around them is unreal, like it is on the other side of a glass window, or that the people around them are like puppets or actors in a movie.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01SYou said that during an attack of feeling very afraid or strange you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP01D--YDQP01R]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01SYou said that during an attack of feeling very afraid or strange you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP01D--YDQP01R]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01THave you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01THave you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01UDid you ever have an attack when you hadn't drunk soda or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01UDid you ever have an attack when you hadn't drunk soda or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01V Have you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01V Have you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01WDid you ever feel this way when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01WDid you ever feel this way when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01XNow, what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you had an attack when you felt very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP01XNow, what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you had an attack when you felt very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02In the last year, have you had a time when you suddenly felt that you were suffocating or you couldn't breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02In the last year, have you had a time when you suddenly felt that you were suffocating or you couldn't breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02AWas there some good reason for you to feel like you having an asthma attack or because you were choking on something?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02AWas there some good reason for you to feel like you having an asthma attack or because you were choking on something?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02BWas there some good reason for you to feel like that like you were having an asthma attack or because you were choking on something?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02BWas there some good reason for you to feel like that like you were having an asthma attack or because you were choking on something?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02CDid you ever feel this way when there wasn't a good reason?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02CDid you ever feel this way when there wasn't a good reason?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02DYou said that you had a time when you suddenly felt that you couldn't breathe. When that happened, did you also have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02DYou said that you had a time when you suddenly felt that you couldn't breathe. When that happened, did you also have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02EDuring an attack, did you get dizzy or light-headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02EDuring an attack, did you get dizzy or light-headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02FDid your heart pound or beat too fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02FDid your heart pound or beat too fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02GDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02GDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02HDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02HDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02IDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02IDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02JDid your mouth feel dry?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02JDid your mouth feel dry?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02KDuring an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02KDuring an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02LDid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02LDid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02MWhen you couldn't breathe and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, did you feel very hot...or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02MWhen you couldn't breathe and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, did you feel very hot...or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02NDuring an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02NDuring an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02OWhen you couldn't breathe and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02OWhen you couldn't breathe and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02P Did you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02P Did you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02Q Sometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02Q Sometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world.YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02RDid you feel like that when you had an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02RDid you feel like that when you had an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02SYou said that during an attack of feeling very afraid or strange you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP02E--YDQP02R]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02SYou said that during an attack of feeling very afraid or strange you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP02E--YDQP02R]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02THave you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02THave you only had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02UDid you ever have an attack when you hadn't drunk soda or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02UDid you ever have an attack when you hadn't drunk soda or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02VHave you only had these times when you couldn't breathe and you attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02VHave you only had these times when you couldn't breathe and you attacks of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02WDid you ever feel this way when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02WDid you ever feel this way when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02XNow, what about the last four weeks? Since [NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH], have you had a time when all of a sudden you felt like you couldn't breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP02XNow, what about the last four weeks? Since [NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH], have you had a time when all of a sudden you felt like you couldn't breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03In the last year, have you had a time when your heart suddenly started to beat very fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03In the last year, have you had a time when your heart suddenly started to beat very fast?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03AWas there a good reason for your heart to beat so fast, like you'd just been running or exercising?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03AWas there a good reason for your heart to beat so fast, like you'd just been running or exercising?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03AANow, what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you had a time when all of a sudden your heart started to beat very fast and you felt very afraid orYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03AANow, what about the last four weeks? Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you had a time when all of a sudden your heart started to beat very fast and you felt very afraid orYDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03BWas your heart beating fast because you were angry with someone or because you felt embarrassed or shy?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03BWas your heart beating fast because you were angry with someone or because you felt embarrassed or shy?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03C Did your heart suddenly start to beat fast when you didn't have a good reason that is [you hadn't been running or exercising/you weren't angry or embarrassed]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03C Did your heart suddenly start to beat fast when you didn't have a good reason that is [you hadn't been running or exercising/you weren't angry or embarrassed]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03DHas your heart suddenly started to beat very fast more than once?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03DHas your heart suddenly started to beat very fast more than once?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03EDid you have a medical problem that made your heart beat that way?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03EDid you have a medical problem that made your heart beat that way?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03GYou said that you had a time when your heart started to beat very fast. When that happened, did you also have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03GYou said that you had a time when your heart started to beat very fast. When that happened, did you also have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03HDuring an attack, did you feel that it was hard to breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03HDuring an attack, did you feel that it was hard to breathe?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03IDid you get dizzy or light headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03IDid you get dizzy or light headed and feel you might pass out?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03JDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03JDuring an attack, did you tremble or shake?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03KDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03KDuring an attack, did you sweat?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03LDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03LDid you feel like you were choking?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03MDid your mouth feel dry?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03MDid your mouth feel dry?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03NDuring an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03NDuring an attack, did you have a stomach ache, or feel like you were going to throw up or like you had to go to the bathroom?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03ODid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03ODid your hands or feet tingle or feel numb?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03PWhen your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange like this, did you feel very hot or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03PWhen your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange like this, did you feel very hot or very cold?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03QDuring an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03QDuring an attack, did you have pain in your chest, or did your chest feel tight?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03RWhen your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange like this, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03RWhen your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange like this, were you afraid that you were going crazy or losing control?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03SDid you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03SDid you think that you were going to die during an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03TSometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world. Did you feel like that when you were having an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03TSometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel as if they are not real or that their body doesn't belong to them or that they are not part of the real world. Did you feel like that when you were having an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03USometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel the world around them is unreal, like it is on the other side of a glass window, or that the people around them are like puppets or actors in a movie. Have you felt like that when you were having an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03USometimes when people have attacks like this, they feel the world around them is unreal, like it is on the other side of a glass window, or that the people around them are like puppets or actors in a movie. Have you felt like that when you were having an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03VYou said that during a time when your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP03H-YDQP03U]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03VYou said that during a time when your heart beat fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, you [NAME * SYMPTOMS IN YDQP03H-YDQP03U]. Did most of these feelings happen shortly after the attack started?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03WHave you only had these times when your heart beat very fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03WHave you only had these times when your heart beat very fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange after you have drunk a lot of soft drinks or sodas, or coffee, or after you have taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03XDid you ever have these times when you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you hadn't drunk soft drinks or soda, or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03XDid you ever have these times when you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you hadn't drunk soft drinks or soda, or coffee or taken medication?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03YHave you only had these times when your heart beat very fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03YHave you only had these times when your heart beat very fast and you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange after you have smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol or taken drugs?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03ZDid you ever suddenly feel very afraid or strange like this when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP03ZDid you ever suddenly feel very afraid or strange like this when you hadn't smoked or taken drugs or alcohol?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had three or more of these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you had three or more of these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04AHow many of these attacks have you had in the last year?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04AHow many of these attacks have you had in the last year?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04BIn the last year, was there a time when you had four attacks of feeling very afraid or strange like this within a four week period?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04BIn the last year, was there a time when you had four attacks of feeling very afraid or strange like this within a four week period?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04CHow many of these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange have had in the last four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP04CHow many of these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange have had in the last four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), after you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you worried that you might have another attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), after you had an attack of feeling very afraid or strange, were you worried that you might have another attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05ADid you go on worrying nearly every day about having another attack for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05ADid you go on worrying nearly every day about having another attack for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried about having another attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP05BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you worried about having another attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06Did having these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange make you think there was something wrong with your heart or with some other part of your body?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06Did having these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange make you think there was something wrong with your heart or with some other part of your body?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06ADid you worry about that for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06ADid you worry about that for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06BHave you worried about something being wrong with your body in the last four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP06BHave you worried about something being wrong with your body in the last four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you worry that you were going crazy because you were having these attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), did you worry that you were going crazy because you were having these attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07ADid you worry about that for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07ADid you worry about that for at least four weeks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07BIn the last four weeks, have you worried that these attacks meant you were going crazy?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP07BIn the last four weeks, have you worried that these attacks meant you were going crazy?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you stopped going places because you thought you might have an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you stopped going places because you thought you might have an attack?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08AWould you go to these places if someone was with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08AWould you go to these places if someone was with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you not gone places because you thought you might have an attack there?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08BNow, what about the last four weeks? (Since [the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you not gone places because you thought you might have an attack there?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08CWould you go to these places if someone was with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP08CWould you go to these places if someone was with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP09In the last year, did these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange come on when you were embarrassed because other people were looking at you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP09In the last year, did these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange come on when you were embarrassed because other people were looking at you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP09ADid you ever have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you weren't embarrassed because other people were looking at you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP09ADid you ever have an attack of feeling very afraid or strange when you weren't embarrassed because other people were looking at you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP10In the last year, did these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange happen at times when you were upset about having to be away from [ATTACHMENT FIGURE]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP10In the last year, did these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange happen at times when you were upset about having to be away from [ATTACHMENT FIGURE]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP10AHave you ever had an attack when you weren't upset about having to be away from [ATTACHMENT FIGURE]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP10AHave you ever had an attack when you weren't upset about having to be away from [ATTACHMENT FIGURE]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12A Was that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12A Was that more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you did not have attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12BSince that first time, was there ever a time when you did not have attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12CDid that time when you did not have attacks last for two months or more?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12CDid that time when you did not have attacks last for two months or more?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12DYYou said that you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange in the last year. How old were you when these attacks began this time?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12DYYou said that you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange in the last year. How old were you when these attacks began this time?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12DZWhat grade were you in?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12DZWhat grade were you in?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12EDid you start having attacks again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12EDid you start having attacks again more than a year ago that is, before [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12YYou said that in the last year you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange. How old were you the first time you ever felt like that?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12YYou said that in the last year you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange. How old were you the first time you ever felt like that?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12ZWhat grade were you in?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP12ZWhat grade were you in?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP13You said that in the last year you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange. <p>Now, I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when having these attacks caused the most problems. <p>At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were having these attacks. YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP13You said that in the last year you had attacks of feeling very afraid or strange. <p>Now, I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when having these attacks caused the most problems. <p>At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were having these attacks. YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP13AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP13AHow often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because of this? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP14At that time, did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP14At that time, did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with your family?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP14AHow often did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP14AHow often did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP15At that time, did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP15At that time, did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP15AHow often did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP15AHow often did these attacks keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP16When the problems were worst, did having these attacks [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP16When the problems were worst, did having these attacks [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP16AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because of these attacks? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP16AHow bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because of these attacks? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP17At that time, did having these attacks cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP17At that time, did having these attacks cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP17AAt that time, did having these attacks cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP17AAt that time, did having these attacks cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP18When the problems were worst, did having these attacks make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP18When the problems were worst, did having these attacks make you feel bad or make you feel upset?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP18AHow bad did having these attacks make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP18AHow bad did having these attacks make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP19In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP19In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you had these attacks of feeling very afraid or strange?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP19ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because of these attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP19ADo you have an appointment set up to see someone because of these attacks?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when these attacks of feeling afraid or strange were worse than in the last year?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when these attacks of feeling afraid or strange were worse than in the last year?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21AYHow old were you when these attacks were the worst?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21AYHow old were you when these attacks were the worst?YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21AZ"During which single year of age were you the worst?" IF MORE THAN ONE YEAR STILL REPORTED, ENTER YOUNGEST AGE.)YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YDQP21AZ"During which single year of age were you the worst?" IF MORE THAN ONE YEAR STILL REPORTED, ENTER YOUNGEST AGE.)YDQPMental Health - Panic Disorder - Youth19992004QuestionnaireRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.] LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.] LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.] LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC1(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC1(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC1(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital StatusLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital StatusLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital StatusLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDSCHOL{Are you/Is SP} now . . . LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDSCHOL{Are you/Is SP} now . . . LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDSCHOL{Are you/Is SP} now . . . LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time SP has been in the US.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time SP has been in the US.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time SP has been in the US.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMQMILITDid {you/SP} ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMQMILITDid {you/SP} ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
DMQMILITDid {you/SP} ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRPoverty income ratio (PIR) - a ratio of family income to poverty thresholdLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRPoverty income ratio (PIR) - a ratio of family income to poverty thresholdLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRPoverty income ratio (PIR) - a ratio of family income to poverty thresholdLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the sample personLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the sample personLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the sample personLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXBest age in months at date of examination for individuals under 85 years of age at screening.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXBest age in months at date of examination for individuals under 85 years of age at screening.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXBest age in months at date of examination for individuals under 85 years of age at screening.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNBest age in months at date of screening for individuals under 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNBest age in months at date of screening for individuals under 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNBest age in months at date of screening for individuals under 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRBest age in years of the sample person at time of HH screening. Individuals 85 and over are topcoded at 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRBest age in years of the sample person at time of HH screening. Individuals 85 and over are topcoded at 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRBest age in years of the sample person at time of HH screening. Individuals 85 and over are topcoded at 85 years of age.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status at the time of MEC exam.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status at the time of MEC exam.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status at the time of MEC exam.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and ethnicity information.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and ethnicity information.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and ethnicity information.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and Examination Status of the Sample Person.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and Examination Status of the Sample Person.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and Examination Status of the Sample Person.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6FFasting Los Angeles, California Sub-Sample.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6FFasting Los Angeles, California Sub-Sample.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6FFasting Los Angeles, California Sub-Sample.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F01Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 01LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F01Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 01LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F01Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 01LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F02Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 02LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F02Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 02LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F02Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 02LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F03Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 03LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F03Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 03LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F03Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 03LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F04Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 04LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F04Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 04LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F04Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 04LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F05Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 05LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F05Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 05LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F05Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 05LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F06Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 06LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F06Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 06LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F06Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 06LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F07Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 07LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F07Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 07LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F07Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 07LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F08Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 08LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F08Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 08LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F08Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 08LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F09Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 09LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F09Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 09LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F09Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 09LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F10Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F10Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F10Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F11Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F11Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F11Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F12Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F12Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F12Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F13Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F13Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F13Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F14Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F14Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F14Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F15Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F15Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F15Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F16Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F16Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F16Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F17Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F17Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F17Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F18Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F18Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F18Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F19Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F19Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F19Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F20Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F20Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F20Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F21Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F21Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F21Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F22Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F22Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F22Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F23Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F23Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F23Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F24Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F24Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F24Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F25Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F25Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F25Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F26Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F26Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F26Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F27Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F27Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F27Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F28Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F28Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F28Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F29Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F29Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F29Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F30Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F30Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F30Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F31Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F31Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F31Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F32Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F32Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F32Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F33Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F33Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F33Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F34Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F34Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F34Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F35Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F35Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F35Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F36Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F36Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F36Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F37Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F37Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F37Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F38Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F38Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F38Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F39Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F39Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F39Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F40Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F40Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F40Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F41Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F41Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F41Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F42Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F42Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F42Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F43Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F43Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F43Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F44Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F44Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6F44Final 6 Year LA Fasting Wt: Rep 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6MBoth Interviewed and MEC Examined Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6MBoth Interviewed and MEC Examined Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6MBoth Interviewed and MEC Examined Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6M44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California MEC Exam Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6QInterviewed Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6QInterviewed Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6QInterviewed Sample Persons in Los Angeles, CA.LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q01Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 1LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q02Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 2LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q03Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 3LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q04Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 4LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q05Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 5LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q06Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 6LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q07Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 7LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q08Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 8LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q09Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 9LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q10Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 10LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q11Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 11LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q12Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 12LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q13Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 13LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q14Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 14LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q15Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 15LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q16Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 16LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q17Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 17LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q18Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 18LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q19Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 19LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q20Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 20LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q21Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 21LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q22Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 22LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q23Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 23LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q24Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 24LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q25Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 25LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q26Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 26LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q27Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 27LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q28Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 28LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q29Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 29LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q30Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 30LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q31Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 31LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q32Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 32LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q33Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 33LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q34Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 34LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q35Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 35LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q36Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 36LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q37Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 37LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q38Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 38LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q39Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 39LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q40Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 40LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q41Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 41LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q42Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 42LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q43Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 43LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSF6Q44Final 6 Year Los Angeles, California Interview Replicate Weight 44LA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSTVPSUTaylor Series-Variance PSU IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSTVPSUTaylor Series-Variance PSU IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSTVPSUTaylor Series-Variance PSU IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSVSTRATaylor Series-Variance Strata IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSVSTRATaylor Series-Variance Strata IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
WTSVSTRATaylor Series-Variance Strata IdentifierLA_DEMOLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992004DemographicsRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH2RLDigene HPV Swab High Risk RLU/CBHPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ211Have you ever smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for more than one year?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ213How old were you when you started smoking marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215QHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215UHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ217During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how often would you usually use it?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ219During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how many joints or pipes would you usually smoke in a day?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380DWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380EWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQY_F_RDrug Use - Youth20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ010The next set of questions ask about things you may have done that can get people in trouble. In the last year, have you been expelled from school for misbehavior—that is, told you could never go back to that school at all?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ020In the last year, have you shoplifted—that is, stolen something from a store when you thought no one was looking?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ030In the last year, have you lied to get money or something else you wanted?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ040In the last year, have you snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ050In the last year, have you broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ060In the last year, have you stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ070In the last year, have you been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ080In the last year, have you broken into a house, a building, or a car?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ010The next set of questions ask about things you may have done that can get people in trouble. In the last year, have you been expelled from school for misbehavior—that is, told you could never go back to that school at all?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ020In the last year, have you shoplifted—that is, stolen something from a store when you thought no one was looking?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ030In the last year, have you lied to get money or something else you wanted?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ040In the last year, have you snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ050In the last year, have you broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ060In the last year, have you stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ070In the last year, have you been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ080In the last year, have you broken into a house, a building, or a car?YCQ_CMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSUECD_RElectrolytes - Urine20032006LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUCLPUrine Chloride (mmol/L)SSUECD_RElectrolytes - Urine20032006LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUKPUrine Potassium (mmol/L)SSUECD_RElectrolytes - Urine20032006LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUNAPUrine Sodium (mmol/L)SSUECD_RElectrolytes - Urine20032006LaboratoryRDC Only
SSWT0306Subsample weightSSUECD_RElectrolytes - Urine20032006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUCLHPUrine Chloride (mmol/L) First morning voidSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUCLMPUrine Chloride (mmol/L)SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUKHPUrine Potassium (mmol/L) First morning voidSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUKMPUrine Potassium (mmol/L)SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUNAHPUrine Sodium (mmol/L) First morning voidSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUNAMPUrine Sodium (mmol/L) MEC spot urineSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
T_VPSUTaylor Series-Variance PSU IdentifierSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
T_VSTRATTaylor Series-Variance Strata IdentifierSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNASSUE10_R 1 year weightSSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA01SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 01SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA02SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 02SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA03SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 03SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA04SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 04SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA05SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 05SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA06SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 06SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA07SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 07SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA08SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 08SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA09SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 09SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA10SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 10SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA11SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 11SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA12SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 12SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA13SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 13SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA14SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 14SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTNA15SSUE10_R 1 year weight - Jackknife replicate weight 15SSUE10_RSodium, Potassium & Chloride - Casual Urine20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXS06MKHPV 06 (Merck competitive Luminex assay)HPVS_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXS11MKHPV 11(Merck competitive Luminex assay)HPVS_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXS16MKHPV 16 (Merck competitive Luminex assay)HPVS_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXS18MKHPV 18 (Merck competitive Luminex assay)HPVS_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
OCD231RCoding based on OCQ.230 What kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_D_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD241RCoding based on OCQ.240 What kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_D_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD392RCoding based on OCD392r Thinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_D_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberOCQ_D_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
ORXGHHPV High Globulin Band resultOHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGLHPV Low Globulin Band resultOHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH06HPV Type 6OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH11HPV Type 11OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH16HPV Type 16OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH18HPV Type 18OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH26HPV Type 26OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH31HPV Type 31OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH33HPV Type 33OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH35HPV Type 35OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH39HPV Type 39OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH40HPV Type 40OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH42HPV Type 42OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH45HPV Type 45OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH51HPV Type 51OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH52HPV Type 52OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH53HPV Type 53OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH54HPV Type 54OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH55HPV Type 55OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH56HPV Type 56OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH58HPV Type 58OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH59HPV Type 59OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH61HPV Type 61OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH62HPV Type 62OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH64HPV Type 64OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH66HPV Type 66OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH67HPV Type 67OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH68HPV Type 68OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH69HPV Type 69OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH70HPV Type 70OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH71HPV Type 71OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH72HPV Type 72OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH73HPV Type 73OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH81HPV Type 81OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH82HPV Type 82OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH83HPV Type 83OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH84HPV Type 84OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPCHPV CP 6108OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPIHPV Type IS39OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPVOral HPV ResultOHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OHPV_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberCHLM_G_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaCHLM_G_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus II HSV_G_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHSV_G_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have money to get more.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost food to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because (I was/we were) running out of money to buy food.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because (I/we) couldn't afford that.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because (I/we) just couldn't afford enough food.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money to buy food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because you couldn't afford enough food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because you didn't have enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? Would you say . . .FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were the children} ever hungry but you just couldn't afford more food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD401In the last 30 days, {did you cut the size of (your/ child's name) meals/ was the size of your meals cut} because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD411In the last 30 days, did {you/ child's NAME} skip {meals/ a meal} because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD421In the last the last 30 days, did {you/ child's name} eat less than you {felt/ thought} {you/she/he} should because {there wasn't/your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD431In the last 30 days, {were you/ was child's name} hungry but {didn't eat because (you couldn't afford/ your family didn't have) enough food/ you just couldn't afford more food}?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD440In the last 30 days, did you lose weight because you did not have enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD451In the last 30 days, did {you/ child's name} not eat for a whole day because {there wasn't/ your family didn't have} enough money for food?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZCDid {SP} receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZWThese next questions are about participation in programs for women with young children. Did {you/SP} personally receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children Program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZW{Are you/Is SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZWThinking about {your/SP's} {pregnancy/recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancies}, how long {did you receive/have you been receiving/did she receive/has she been receiving} benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675{Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program} Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of 1 to {SP AGE} years old?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about the Food Stamp Program. Food stamps are usually provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the {{STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in {{STATE}}}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ171In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_F_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD231RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_F_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD241RWhat kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_F_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD391RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_F_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD392RThinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_F_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OCQ_F_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20092010QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQYTH_DMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20052006QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH1N1BRTiter against influenza A/H1N1 virus/Brisbane/59/2007SSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH1N1CATiter against Influenza A/HIN1A/California/7/2009 l/L)SSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH3N2BRTiter against influenza A/H3N2 virus B/Brisbane/60/2008SSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH3N2PRTiter against influenza A9H3N2 virus A/Perth 16/2009SSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
WTSFM102010 one year MEC weightsSSHN10_RHemagglutination inhibition antibody titers to influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_G_RSexual Behavior - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ211Have you ever smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for more than one year?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ213How old were you when you started smoking marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215QHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215UHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ217During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how often would you usually use it?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ219During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how many joints or pipes would you usually smoke in a day?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380DWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380EWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQY_G_RDrug Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBX06HPV 06 resultSER_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX11HPV 11 resultSER_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX16HPV 16 resultSER_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX18HPV 18 resultSER_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SER_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_G_RAlcohol Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_G_RAlcohol Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_G_RAlcohol Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_G_RAlcohol Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_G_RAlcohol Use - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD042What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD152Which month of pregnancy {are you/is she} in?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD442{Are you/Is SP} taking birth control pills now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ205Did {you/SP} breast feed {{your/her} child/any of {your/her} children} for at least one month?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ395{Do you/Does SP} experience bulging or something falling out that {you/she} can see or feel in the vaginal area?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} birth control pills?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ460UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ510{Have you/Has SP} ever used Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ520{Are you/Is SP} now using Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ541CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ558{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing estrogen only now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ562{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing progestin only (like Provera)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ566{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing progestin only now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing progestin only?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ568UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ574{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ584{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing estrogen only now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ600{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_G_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBX06HPV 06 result SER_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX11HPV 11 resultSER_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX16HPV 16 result SER_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX18HPV 18 result SER_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SER_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16 & 18 Antibody - Serum - Youth20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_G_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSH7N9_RAvian Influenza A (H7N9) & Seasonal Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSH3N2PRInfluenza A/H3N2 virus HI A/Perth/16/2009 seasonal H3N2 influenza virusSSH7N9_RAvian Influenza A (H7N9) & Seasonal Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSHIH7N9Influenza A BPL inactivated Anhui/H7N9 2013 wild type virus/Brisbane/59/2007SSH7N9_RAvian Influenza A (H7N9) & Seasonal Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSM3N2PRInfluenza A9H3N2 virus MN A/Perth 16/2009SSH7N9_RAvian Influenza A (H7N9) & Seasonal Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSMNH7N9Influenza A/Anhui/H7N9/1/2013/wild type virusSSH7N9_RAvian Influenza A (H7N9) & Seasonal Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV11HPV11 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV16HPV16 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV18HPV18 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV31HPV31 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV33HPV33 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV45HPV45 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV52HPV52 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV58HPV58 9-plex coded resultHPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPV6 HPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVM_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Multiplexed 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58 Antibody - Serum - Youth20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSHP_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) Viral Load - Oral Rinse - Oral High-Risk HPV Infections - Youth (Surplus)20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSHPTYPEOral HPV typeSSHP_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) Viral Load - Oral Rinse - Oral High-Risk HPV Infections - Youth (Surplus)20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSHPVCELOral HPV Cell NumberSSHP_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) Viral Load - Oral Rinse - Oral High-Risk HPV Infections - Youth (Surplus)20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSHPVLDOral HPV viral loadSSHP_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) Viral Load - Oral Rinse - Oral High-Risk HPV Infections - Youth (Surplus)20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSHPVNLDOral HPV normal viral loadSSHP_F_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) Viral Load - Oral Rinse - Oral High-Risk HPV Infections - Youth (Surplus)20092010LaboratoryRDC Only
CSAEFFRTMEC Technician's overall rating for participant's understanding of and cooperation with exam procedures.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ241Are you currently pregnant or breast feeding a baby?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ245Have you ever had a skin rash or allergy caused by quinine?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260aDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? Sneeze Frequently?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260dDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? Green, Yellow or Brown Mucus Discharge?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260gDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? Completely blocked up noseCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260iDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? Sinus Pain?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260jDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? A head cold or flu?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260mDo you now have any of the following problems with your nose? None of the above?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ260nA Runny Nose?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ270Was {your/SPs} nose blocked up on both sides, or on just one side?CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ450First practice light 85 candelas/ m2 (low intermediate light)CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ460Second practice light 493 candelas/ m2 (high intermediate light)CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ470First test light 193 candelas/ m2 (medium light level)CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ480Second test light 4.3 candelas/ m2 (low light level)CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSQ490Third test light 1000 candelas/ m2 (high light level)CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXCHOODForced Choice Odor Selection, Chocolate ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXEXCMTComment Code for the MEC Taste & Smell ExaminationCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXEXSTSOverall Status for the MEC Taste & Smell ExaminationCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXGRAODForced Choice Odor Selection, Grape ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXLEAODForced Choice Odor Selection, Leather ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNAPGgLMS rating when 1M NaCl solution is painted on the tongue tip.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNAPTName of substance examinee tasted when 1M NaCl was painted on the tongue tip.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNARGName of substance examinee tasted when replicate .32 M NaCl was sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNARTgLMS rating for salty taste when replicate .32 M NaCl is sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNASGgLMS rating when .32 M NaCl is sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNASTName of substance examinee tasted when .32 M NaCl was sampled in the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXNGSODForced Choice Odor Selection, Natural Gas ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXONODForced Choice Odor Selection, Onion ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXQUIPGgLMS rating for bitter when 1 mM quinine solution is painted on the tongue tip.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXQUIPTName of substance examinee tasted when 1mM quinine was painted on the tongue tip.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXQUISGgLMS rating for bitter when 1 mM quinine solution is sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXQUISTName of substance examinee tasted when bitter taste 1 (1 mM quinine) was sampled in the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSBODForced Choice Odor Selection, Strawberry ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSLTRGName of substance examinee tasted when replicate 1M NaCl was sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSLTRTgLMS rating for salty taste when replicate 1M NaCl is sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSLTSGgLMS rating for salty taste when 1M NaCl is sampled with the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSLTSTName of substance examinee tasted when 1 M NaCl was sampled in the whole mouth.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSMKODForced Choice Odor Selection, Smoke ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXSOAODForced Choice Odor Selection, Soap ScentCSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
CSXTSEQSequence in which whole mouth taste tests were administered.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CSX_G_RTaste & Smell20122012ExaminationRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH2RLDigene HPV Swab High Risk RLU/CBHPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_G_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20112012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD030How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ020The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ040During your life, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ050The last time you had sex, did you or your partner use a condom?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ100In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ120In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ150In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ170In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ190In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ200In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ220In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ240In the past 30 days, with how many partners have you had sex?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ250In the past 30 days, how many times have you had sex without using a condom?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTHSexual Behavior - Youth19992000QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSFA_B_RFolate - Folic acid & 5-methyltetrahydrofolate - Serum (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSSF15-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (nmol/L)SSFA_B_RFolate - Folic acid & 5-methyltetrahydrofolate - Serum (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
SSSF2Folic Acid (nmol/L)SSFA_B_RFolate - Folic acid & 5-methyltetrahydrofolate - Serum (Surplus)20012002LaboratoryRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years at screeningSSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAAIC2Influenza A/Aichi/2/1968 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSABAN1Influenza A/Bangkok/1/1979 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSABEI3Influenza A/Beijing/3/2/1992 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSABRI10Influenza A/Brisbane/10/2007 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAFUJ4Influenza A/Fujian/4/11/2002 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAIND17Influenza A/Indiana/17/2013 H3N2 SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAIND6Influenza A/Indiana/6/ 2013 H3N2 SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAOHI13Influenza A/ Ohio/12/2012 H32N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSASHA11Influenza A/Shanghai/11/1987 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSASYD5Influenza A/Sydney 5/1997 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAVIC3Influenza A/Victoria/3/1975 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SSAWU359Influenza A/Wuhan/359/1995 H3N2SSIF_F_RInfluenza A (H3N2) Variant Virus & Historical Seasonal H3N2 Influenza Viruses Antibodies (Surplus)20102010LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSUIFG_RIodine - Urine - Pregnant Women (Surplus)20092012LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSUIFG_RIodine - Urine - Pregnant Women (Surplus)20092012LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUIOUrine iodine (ug/L) SSUIFG_RIodine - Urine - Pregnant Women (Surplus)20092012LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUIOUrine iodine (ug/L) SSUIFG_RIodine - Urine - Pregnant Women (Surplus)20092012LaboratoryRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.]LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC3What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDFMSIZTotal number of people in the FamilyLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital statusLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time the participant has been in the US.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRA ratio of family income to poverty guidelines.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
LATVPSUVariance unit: PSU variable for variance estimationLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
LATVSTRAVariance unit: stratum variable for variance estimationLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the participant.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXAge in years of the participant at the time of examination. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNAge in months of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals 80 and over are topcoded at 80 years of age.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status for females between 20 and 44 years of age at the time of MEC exam.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin informationLDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and examination status of the participant.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAF8YRSubsample 8-year fasting weight for participants aged 12 years and older who were examined in the morning sessions in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAI8YRFull sample 8-year interview weight for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAM8YRFull sample 8-year MEC exam weight for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R018-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R028-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R038-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R048-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R058-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R068-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R078-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R088-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R098-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R108-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R118-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R128-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R138-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R148-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R158-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R168-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R178-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R188-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R198-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R208-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R218-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R228-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R238-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R248-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R258-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R268-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R278-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R288-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R298-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R308-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R318-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R328-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R338-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R348-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R358-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R368-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R378-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R388-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R398-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R408-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R418-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R428-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R438-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R448-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R458-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R468-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R478-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R488-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R498-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R508-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R518-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R528-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R018-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R028-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R038-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R048-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R058-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R068-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R078-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R088-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R098-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R108-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R118-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R128-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R138-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R148-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R158-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R168-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R178-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R188-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R198-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R208-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R218-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R228-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R238-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R248-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R258-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R268-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R278-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R288-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R298-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R308-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R318-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R328-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R338-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R348-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R358-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R368-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R378-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R388-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R398-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R408-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R418-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R428-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R438-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R448-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R458-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R468-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R478-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R488-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R498-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R508-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R518-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R528-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R018-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R028-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R038-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R048-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R058-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R068-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R078-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R088-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R098-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R108-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R118-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R128-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R138-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R148-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R158-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R168-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R178-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R188-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R198-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R208-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R218-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R228-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R238-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R248-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R258-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R268-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R278-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R288-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R298-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R308-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R318-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R328-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R338-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R348-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R358-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R368-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R378-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R388-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R398-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R408-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R418-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R428-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R438-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R448-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R458-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R468-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R478-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R488-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R498-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R508-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R518-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R528-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in Los Angeles, California. LDEMO_ADLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have money to get more.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost food to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because (I was/we were) running out of money to buy food.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because (I/we) couldn't afford that.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because (I/we) just couldn't afford enough food.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money to buy food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because you couldn't afford enough food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because you didn't have enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? Would you say . . .FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were the children} ever hungry but you just couldn't afford more food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230{Do you/Does any member of your household} currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZCDid {SP} receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZWThese next questions are about participation in programs for women with young children. Did {you/SP} personally receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children Program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZW{Are you/Is SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZWThinking about {your/SP's} {pregnancy/recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancies}, how long {did you receive/have you been receiving/did she receive/has she been receiving} benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675{Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program} Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of 1 to {SP AGE} years old?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about the Food Stamp Program. Food stamps are usually provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the {{STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in {{STATE}}}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ171In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_G_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_H_RSexual Behavior - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberCHLM_H_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLUrinary ChlamydiaCHLM_H_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2HSV_H_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHSV_H_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TRIC_H_RTrichomonas - Urine -Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, urineTRIC_H_RTrichomonas - Urine -Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGHHPV High Globulin Band resultOHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGLHPV Low Globulin Band resultOHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH06HPV Type 6OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH11HPV Type 11OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH16HPV Type 16OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH18HPV Type 18OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH26HPV Type 26OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH31HPV Type 31OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH33HPV Type 33OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH35HPV Type 35OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH39HPV Type 39OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH40HPV Type 40OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH42HPV Type 42OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH45HPV Type 45OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH51HPV Type 51OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH52HPV Type 52OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH53HPV Type 53OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH54HPV Type 54OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH55HPV Type 55OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH56HPV Type 56OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH58HPV Type 58OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH59HPV Type 59OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH61HPV Type 61OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH62HPV Type 62OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH64HPV Type 64OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH66HPV Type 66OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH67HPV Type 67OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH68HPV Type 68OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH69HPV Type 69OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH70HPV Type 70OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH71HPV Type 71OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH72HPV Type 72OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH73HPV Type 73OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH81HPV Type 81OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH82HPV Type 82OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH83HPV Type 83OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH84HPV Type 84OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPCHPV CP 6108OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPIHPV Type IS39OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPVOral HPV ResultOHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OHPV_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1009Were you able to keep the storage containers cold in the cooler with ice packs or in the refrigerator until this appointment?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1010How long was the sample not kept cold (minutes)? UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1011Did you perform this collection on a day that you also went to work?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1012When collecting the sample, did you have any difficulty in remembering or carrying out the instructions? UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1013Did you have any other problem when collecting the 24-hour urine sample?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1014Did you eat or drink more or less than you normally do because you were collecting your urine?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1904AWhere was the urine collection started?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1904BWhere was the urine collection ended?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1ASSIGAssigned to collect the 24-hour urine specimen on a weekday or weekend?UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1AVOLAdjusted 24-hr urine volume (mL)UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1COLLDay of the week the 24-hour urine specimen was collected.UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1DBMUNumber of days between the urine collection day and the day of MEC examination.UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1REASReason(s) a urine specimen was incompleteUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1TOTIMTotal collection time (hours)UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1TOVOLTotal urine volume (mL) UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNCSPNumber of complete 24-hour urine specimensUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightUR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15UR1_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CLChloride, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CLSIChloride, Urine 1st Collection (mmol/L)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1KPotassium, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1KSIPotassium, Urine 1st Collection (mmol/L)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1NASodium, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1NASISodium, Urine 1st Collection (mmol/L)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCL1LCChloride, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNA1LCSodium, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CACalcium, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MAAlbumin, Urine 1st Collection (ug/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MGMagnesium, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1OXOxalate, Urine 1st Collection (mg/L)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1PHPhosphorus, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection status U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UNUrea Nitrogen,1st Collection (mg/dL)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMG1LCMagnesium, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUN1LCUrea Nitrogen, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYEDay of the Week (PM Collection)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYEDay of the Week (PM Collection)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYMDay of the Week (AM Collection)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYMDay of the Week (AM Collection)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHENumber of days between the day of the evening home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHENumber of days between the day of the evening home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHMNumber of days between the day of the morning home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHMNumber of days between the day of the morning home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHCSTSHUC Status CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHCSTSHUC Status CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLEVolume of PM CollectionsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLEVolume of PM CollectionsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLMVolume of AM CollectionsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLMVolume of AM CollectionsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMAELCAlbumin, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMAELCAlbumin, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDOXELCOxalate, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDOXELCOxalate, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDOXMLCOxalate, Urine AM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDOXMLCOxalate, Urine AM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDPHELCPhosphorus, Urine PM Comment Code HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDPHELCPhosphorus, Urine PM Comment Code HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUNELCUrea Nitrogen, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUNELCUrea Nitrogen, Urine PM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUNMLCUrea Nitrogen, Urine AM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUNMLCUrea Nitrogen, Urine AM Comment CodeHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCAECalcium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCAECalcium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCAMCalcium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCAMCalcium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRECreatinine, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRECreatinine, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRMCreatinine, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRMCreatinine, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMAEAlbumin, Urine PM Collection (ug/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMAEAlbumin, Urine PM Collection (ug/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMAMAlbumin, Urine AM Collection (ug/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMAMAlbumin, Urine AM Collection (ug/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMGEMagnesium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMGEMagnesium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMGMMagnesium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHMGMMagnesium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHOXEOxalate, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHOXEOxalate, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHOXMOxalate, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHOXMOxalate, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHPHEPhosphorus, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHPHEPhosphorus, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHPHMPhosphorus, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHPHMPhosphorus, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHUNEUrea Nitrogen PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHUNEUrea Nitrogen PM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHUNMUrea Nitrogen AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHUNMUrea Nitrogen AM Collection (mg/dL)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightHUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15HUKM_H_RKidney Markers - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCLELCChloride, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCLELCChloride, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCLMLCChloride, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCLMLCChloride, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYEDay of the Week (PM Collection)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYEDay of the Week (PM Collection)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYMDay of the Week (AM Collection)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDAYMDay of the Week (AM Collection)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHE HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHE HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHMNumber of days between the day of the morning home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDBUHMNumber of days between the day of the morning home urine collection and the first 24-hour urine collectionHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHCSTSHUC Status CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHCSTSHUC Status CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLEVolume of PM CollectionsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLEVolume of PM CollectionsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLMVolume of AM CollectionsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDHVOLMVolume of AM CollectionsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDKELCPotassium, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDKELCPotassium, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDKMLCPotassium, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDKMLCPotassium, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNAELCSodium, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNAELCSodium, Urine PM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNAMLCSodium, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNAMLCSodium, Urine AM Comment CodeHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLEChloride, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLEChloride, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLESIChloride, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLESIChloride, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLMChloride, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLMChloride, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLMSIChloride, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCLMSIChloride, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRECreatinine, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRECreatinine, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRMCreatinine, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHCRMCreatinine, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKEPotassium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKEPotassium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKESIPotassium, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKESIPotassium, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKMPotassium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKMPotassium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKMSIPotassium, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHKMSIPotassium, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAESodium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAESodium, Urine PM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAESISodium, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAESISodium, Urine PM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAMSodium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAMSodium, Urine AM Collection (mg/dL)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAMSISodium, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URHNAMSISodium, Urine AM Collection (mmol/L)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightHULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15HULT_H_RElectrolytes - Home Urine Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1IOIodine, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection status U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORN2 LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.]LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC3What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDFMSIZTotal number of people in the FamilyLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital statusLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time the participant has been in the US.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMIN2Total family income (reported as a range value in dollars)LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRA ratio of family income to poverty guidelines.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHIN2Total household income (reported as a range value in dollars)LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
LATVPSUVariance unit: PSU variable for variance estimationLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
LATVSTRAVariance unit: stratum variable for variance estimationLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the participant.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXAge in years of the participant at the time of examination. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNAge in months of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals 80 and over are topcoded at 80 years of age.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status for females between 20 and 44 years of age at the time of MEC exam.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin informationLDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and examination status of the participant.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAF8YRSubsample 8-year fasting weight for participants aged 12 years and older who were examined in the morning sessions in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAI8YRFull sample 8-year interview weight for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLAM8YRFull sample 8-year MEC exam weight for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R018-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R028-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R038-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R048-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R058-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R068-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R078-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R088-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R098-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R108-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R118-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R128-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R138-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R148-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R158-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R168-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R178-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R188-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R198-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R208-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R218-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R228-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R238-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R248-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R258-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R268-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R278-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R288-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R298-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R308-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R318-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R328-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R338-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R348-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R358-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R368-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R378-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R388-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R398-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R408-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R418-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R428-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R438-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R448-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R458-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R468-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R478-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLF8R488-year fasting weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for fasting subsample in Los Angeles, California. A missing value indicates the participant was not included in the fasting subsample.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R018-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R028-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R038-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R048-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R058-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R068-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R078-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R088-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R098-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R108-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R118-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R128-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R138-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R148-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R158-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R168-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R178-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R188-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R198-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R208-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R218-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R228-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R238-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R248-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R258-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R268-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R278-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R288-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R298-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R308-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R318-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R328-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R338-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R348-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R358-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R368-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R378-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R388-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R398-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R408-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R418-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R428-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R438-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R448-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R458-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R468-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R478-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLI8R488-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R018-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R028-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R038-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R048-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R058-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R068-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R078-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R088-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R098-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R108-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R118-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R128-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R138-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R148-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R158-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R168-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R178-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R188-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R198-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R208-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R218-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R228-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R238-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R248-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R258-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R268-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R278-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R288-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R298-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R308-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R318-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R328-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R338-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R348-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R358-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R368-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R378-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R388-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R398-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R408-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R418-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R428-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R438-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R448-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R458-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R468-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R478-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTLM8R488-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in Los Angeles, California.LDEMO_EHLos Angeles County, California - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
CATVPSUVariance unit: PSU variable for variance estimationCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
CATVSTRAVariance unit: stratum variable for variance estimationCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORN2In what country {were you/was SP} born?CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.]CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC3What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDFMSIZTotal number of people in the FamilyCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital statusCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time the participant has been in the US.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMIN2Total family income (reported as a range value in dollars)CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRA ratio of family income to poverty guidelines.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHIN2Total household income (reported as a range value in dollars)CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the participant.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXAge in years of the participant at the time of examination. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNAge in months of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals 80 and over are topcoded at 80 years of age.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status for females between 20 and 44 years of age at the time of MEC exam.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin informationCDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and examination status of the participant.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCAI8YRFull sample 8-year interview weight for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCAM8YRFull sample 8-year MEC exam weight for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R018-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R028-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R038-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R048-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R058-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R068-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R078-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R088-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R098-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R108-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R118-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R128-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R138-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R148-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R158-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R168-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R178-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R188-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R198-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R208-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R218-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R228-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R238-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R248-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R258-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R268-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R278-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R288-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R298-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R308-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R318-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R328-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R338-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R348-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R358-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R368-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R378-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R388-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R398-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R408-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R418-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R428-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R438-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R448-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R458-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R468-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R478-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R488-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R498-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R508-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R518-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R528-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R018-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R028-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R038-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R048-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R058-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R068-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R078-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R088-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R098-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R108-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R118-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R128-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R138-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R148-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R158-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R168-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R178-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R188-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R198-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R208-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R218-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R228-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R238-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R248-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R258-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R268-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R278-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R288-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R298-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R308-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R318-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R328-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R338-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R348-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R358-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R368-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R378-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R388-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R398-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R408-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R418-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R428-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R438-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R448-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R458-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R468-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R478-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R488-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R498-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R508-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R518-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R528-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in California.CDEMO_EHCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights20072014DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CLChloride, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CLChloride, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CLSIChloride, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CLSIChloride, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2KPotassium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2KPotassium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2KSIPotassium, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2KSIPotassium, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NASodium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NASodium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NASISodium, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NASISodium, Urine 2nd Collection (mmol/L)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNA2LCSodium, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNA2LCSodium, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2LT_H_RElectrolytes - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2IOIodine, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2IOIodine, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2IO_H_RIodine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CACalcium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CACalcium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MAAlbumin, Urine 2nd Collection (ug/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MAAlbumin, Urine 2nd Collection (ug/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MGMagnesium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MGMagnesium, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2OXOxalate, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/L)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2OXOxalate, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/L)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2PHPhosphorus, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2PHPhosphorus, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UNUrea Nitrogen, 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UNUrea Nitrogen, 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMG2LCMagnesium, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMG2LCMagnesium, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUN2LCUrea Nitrogen, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUN2LCUrea Nitrogen, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2KM_H_RKidney Markers - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2009Were you able to keep the storage containers cold in the cooler with ice packs or in the refrigerator until this appointment?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2010How long was the sample not kept cold (minutes)?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2011Did you perform this collection on a day that you also went to work?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2012When collecting the sample, did you have any difficulty in remembering or carrying out the instructions?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2013Did you have any other problem when collecting the 24-hour urine sample?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2014Did you eat or drink more or less than you normally do because you were collecting your urine?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2904AWhere was the urine collection started?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2904BWhere was the urine collection ended?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2ASSIGAssigned to collect the 24-hour urine specimen on a weekday or weekend?UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2AVOLAdjusted 24-hr urine volume (mL)UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2COLLDay of the week the 24-hour urine specimen was collected.UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2DBMUNumber of days between the urine collection day and the day of MEC examination.UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2REASReason(s) a urine specimen was incompleteUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2TOTIMTotal collection time (hours)UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2TOVOLTotal urine volume (mL)UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNCSPNumber of complete 24-hour urine specimensUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightUR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15UR2_H_R24-Hour Urine Collection Data Processing - SecondCollection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ211Have you ever smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for more than one year?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ213How old were you when you started smoking marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215QHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215UHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ217During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how often would you usually use it?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ219During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how many joints or pipes would you usually smoke in a day?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380DWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380EWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQY_H_RDrug Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_H_RAlcohol Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_H_RAlcohol Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have {DISPLAY NUMBER} or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_H_RAlcohol Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010English Text: The following questions ask about alcohol use. This includes beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. This does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes. How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_H_RAlcohol Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_H_RAlcohol Use - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
CATVPSUVariance unit: PSU variable for variance estimationCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
CATVSTRAVariance unit: stratum variable for variance estimationCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.]CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC3What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDFMSIZTotal number of people in the FamilyCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital statusCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRSUSLength of time the participant has been in the US.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRA ratio of family income to poverty guidelines.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the participant.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEEXAge in years of the participant at the time of examination. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNAge in months of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals aged 959 months and older are topcoded at 959 months.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals 80 and over are topcoded at 80 years of age.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status for females between 20 and 44 years of age at the time of MEC exam.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin informationCDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and examination status of the participant.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCAI8YRFull sample 8-year interview weight for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCAM8YRFull sample 8-year MEC exam weight for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R018-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R028-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R038-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R048-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R058-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R068-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R078-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R088-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R098-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R108-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R118-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R128-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R138-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R148-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R158-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R168-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R178-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R188-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R198-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R208-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R218-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R228-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R238-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R248-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R258-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R268-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R278-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R288-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R298-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R308-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R318-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R328-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R338-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R348-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R358-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R368-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R378-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R388-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R398-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R408-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R418-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R428-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R438-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R448-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R458-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R468-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R478-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R488-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R498-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R508-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R518-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCI8R528-year interview weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R018-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R028-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R038-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R048-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R058-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R068-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R078-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R088-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R098-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R108-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R118-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R128-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R138-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R148-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R158-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R168-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R178-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 17 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R188-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 18 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R198-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 19 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R208-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 20 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R218-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 21 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R228-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 22 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R238-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 23 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R248-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 24 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R258-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 25 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R268-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 26 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R278-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 27 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R288-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 28 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R298-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 29 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R308-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 30 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R318-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 31 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R328-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 32 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R338-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 33 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R348-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 34 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R358-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 35 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R368-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 36 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R378-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 37 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R388-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 38 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R398-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 39 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R408-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 40 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R418-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 41 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R428-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 42 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R438-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 43 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R448-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 44 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R458-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 45 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R468-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 46 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R478-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 47 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R488-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 48 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R498-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 49 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R508-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 50 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R518-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 51 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
WTCM8R528-year MEC exam weight: Fay's-adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 52 for participants in California.CDEMO_ADCalifornia - Demographic Variables & Sample Weights19992006DemographicsRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_H_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD043What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ074The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP} ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ076{Have you/Has SP} ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because {you have/she has} been unable to become pregnant?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ078{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated for an infection in {your/her} fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542DWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_H_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD012NIn the last 12 months, how many people in your household received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have money to get more.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost food to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because (I was/we were) running out of money to buy food.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because (I/we) couldn't afford that.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because (I/we) just couldn't afford enough food.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money to buy food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because you couldn't afford enough food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because you didn't have enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? Would you say . . .FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were the children} ever hungry but you just couldn't afford more food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230{Do you/Does any member of your household} currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZCDid {SP} receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD650ZWThese next questions are about participation in programs for women with young children. Did {you/SP} personally receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children Program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZW{Are you/Is SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZWThinking about {your/SP's} {pregnancy/recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancy/most recent pregnancies}, how long {did you receive/have you been receiving/did she receive/has she been receiving} benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675{Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program} Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of 1 to {SP AGE} years old?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ012In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. SNAP benefits are provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the DISPLAY STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in STATE}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_H_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSDUCLLCChloride, Urine Comment CodeSSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSDUKLCPotassium, Urine Comment CodeSSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSDUNALCSodium, Urine Comment CodeSSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUCLChloride, Urine (mg/dL)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUCLSIChloride, Urine (mmol/L)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUKPotassium, Urine (mg/dL)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUKSIPotassium, Urine (mmol/L)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUNASodium, Urine (mg/dL)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSUNASISodium, Urine (mmol/L)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumSSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightSSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15SSLT_H_RElectrolytes - MEC Urine Collection - Surplus20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVP_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Results from Penile Swab Samples: Roche Linear Array (Youth)20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URDACT2Second albumin creatinine ratio (mg/g)ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URDCR2LC2nd creatinine urine(mg/dL) comment codeALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URDMA2LC2nd albumin, urine (ug/mL) comment codeALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUCR2SSecond Creatinine, urine (umol/L)ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUMA2SSecond albumin, urine (mg/L)ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCR2Second creatinine (mg/dL)ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUMA2Second albumin, urine (ug/mL)ALCR_G_RAlbumin & Creatinine - Urine20112011LaboratoryRDC Only
DXDLSPSTInstant Vertebral Assessment (IVA) Lateral spine scan statusDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1CGGenant L1 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1COOriginal L1 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1FGGenant L1 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1FOOriginal L1 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1G1Genant L1 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1G2Genant L1 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL1G3Genant L1 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2CGGenant L2 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2COOriginal L2 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2FGGenant L2 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2FOOriginal L2 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2G1Genant L2 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL2G2Genant L2 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3CGGenant L3 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3COOriginal L3 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3FGGenant L3 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3FOOriginal L3 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3G1Genant L3 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL3G2Genant L3 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4CGGenant L4 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4COOriginal L4 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4FGGenant L4 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4FOOriginal L4 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4G1Genant L4 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4G2Genant L4 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXL4G3Genant L4 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10CGGenant T10 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10COOriginal T10 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10FGGenant T10 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10FOOriginal T10 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10G1Genant T10 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT10G2Genant T10 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11CGGenant T11 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11COOriginal T11 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11FGGenant T11 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11FOOriginal T11 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11G1Genant T11 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT11G2Genant T11 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12CGGenant T12 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12COOriginal T12 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12FGGenant T12 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12FOOriginal T12 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12G1Genant T12 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12G2Genant T12 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT12G3Genant T12 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4CGGenant T4 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4COOriginal T4 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4FGGenant T4 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4FOOriginal T4 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4G1Genant T4 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4G2Genant T4 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT4G3Genant T4 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5CGGenant T5 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5COOriginal T5 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5FGGenant T5 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5FOOriginal T5 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5G1Genant T5 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5G2Genant T5 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT5G3Genant T5 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6CGGenant T6 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6COOriginal T6 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6FGGenant T6 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6FOOriginal T6 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6G1Genant T6 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT6G2Genant T6 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7CGGenant T7 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7COOriginal T7 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7FGGenant T7 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7FOOriginal IVA T7 Fracture ScoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7G1Genant T7 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT7G2Genant T7 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8CGGenant T8 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8COOriginal T8 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8FGGenant T8 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8FOOriginal T8 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8G1Genant T8 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8G2Genant T8 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT8G3Genant T8 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9CGGenant T9 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9COOriginal T9 fracture invalidity codeDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9FGGenant T9 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9FOOriginal T9 fracture scoreDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9G1Genant T9 comment 1DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9G2Genant T9 comment 2DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXT9G3Genant T9 comment 3DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXVFASGGenant Vertebral fracture status summaryDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
DXXVFASOOriginal vertebral fracture status summaryDXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DXXV_H_RDual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Vertebral Fracture Assessment Results Comparison Study 20132014ExaminationRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHP2CCobas HPV Swab High RiskHPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas & Roche Linear Array - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDHCIHepatitis C Antibody (confirmed) SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSUSSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumSSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR011 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 01SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR021 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 02SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR031 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 03SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR041 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 04SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR051 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 05SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR061 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 06SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR071 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 07SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR081 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 08SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR091 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 09SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR101 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 10SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR111 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 11 SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR121 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 12SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR131 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 13 SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR141 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 14SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR151 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 15SSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
WTMEC1YRFull Sample 1 Year MEC Exam WeightSSHC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201520152015LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2HSV_I_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-2 - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHSV_I_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-2 - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberCHLM_I_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, UrineCHLM_I_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TRIC_I_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, UrineTRIC_I_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDHCIHepatitis C Antibody (confirmed)HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSUHEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumHEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR011 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 01HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR021 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 02HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR031 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 03HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR041 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 04HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR051 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 05HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR061 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 06HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR071 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 07HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR081 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 08HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR091 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 09HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR101 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 10HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR111 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 11 HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR121 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 12HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR131 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 13 HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR141 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 14HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTM1YR151 Year MEC Weight - Jackknife replicate weight 15HEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
WTMEC1YRFull Sample 1 Year MEC Exam WeightHEPC_I_RHepatitis C: Confirmed Antibody (INNO-LIA) - 201620162016LaboratoryRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_I_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_I_RSexual Behavior - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD231RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_G_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD241RWhat kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_G_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD391RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_G_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD392RThinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_G_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OCQ_G_ROccupation - Industry & Occupation Codes20112012QuestionnaireRDC Only
ORXGHHPV High Globulin Band resultOHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXGLHPV Low Globulin Band resultOHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH06HPV Type 6OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH11HPV Type 11OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH16HPV Type 16OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH18HPV Type 18OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH26HPV Type 26OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH31HPV Type 31OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH33HPV Type 33OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH35HPV Type 35OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH39HPV Type 39OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH40HPV Type 40OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH42HPV Type 42OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH45HPV Type 45OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH51HPV Type 51OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH52HPV Type 52OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH53HPV Type 53OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH54HPV Type 54OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH55HPV Type 55OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH56HPV Type 56OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH58HPV Type 58OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH59HPV Type 59OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH61HPV Type 61OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH62HPV Type 62OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH64HPV Type 64OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH66HPV Type 66OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH67HPV Type 67OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH68HPV Type 68OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH69HPV Type 69OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH70HPV Type 70OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH71HPV Type 71OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH72HPV Type 72OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH73HPV Type 73OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH81HPV Type 81OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH82HPV Type 82OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH83HPV Type 83OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXH84HPV Type 84OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPCHPV CP 6108OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPIHPV Type IS39OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ORXHPVOral HPV ResultOHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OHPV_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - Oral Rinse - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_I_RAlcohol Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_I_RAlcohol Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have {'4' Female, '5' Male - DISPLAY NUMBER} or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_I_RAlcohol Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_I_RAlcohol Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_I_RAlcohol Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD043What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ074The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP} ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ076{Have you/Has SP} ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because {you have/she has} been unable to become pregnant?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ078{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated for an infection in {your/her} fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542DWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_I_RReproductive Health - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ211Have you ever smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for more than one year?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ213How old were you when you started smoking marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215QHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215UHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ217During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how often would you usually use it?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ219During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how many joints or pipes would you usually smoke in a day?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380DWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380EWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQY_I_RDrug Use - Youth20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
BG2KCensus 2000 Block GroupGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
BG2KCensus 2000 Block GroupGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
BLOCK2KCensus 2000 Block ID - first character is the Census Block GroupGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
BLOCK2KCensus 2000 Block IDGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
CBSACore Based Statistical Area (CBSA) Lowest Level CodeGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
CBSACBSA Lowest Level Code. Contains the first of: Metropolitan Division; Micropolitan Area; Metropolitan Area; in this orderGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
CNTY2KCensus 2000 FIPS County Code (3-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
CNTY2KCensus 2000 FIPS County CodeGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LATLatitude (Decimal)GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LATLatitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LONLongitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LONLongitude (Decimal) GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LVL2K Census 2000 Geocoder LAT/LONG Geocoding Level Return Code GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
LVL2KReference Census 2000 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
RC2KReference Census 2000 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
RC2KCensus 2000 Geocoder General Return CodeGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
STATE2KCensus 2000 FIPS State Code (2-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
STATE2KCensus 2000 FIPS State CodeGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
STM2KCensus 2000 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
STM2KReference Census 2000 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
TRACT2KCensus 2000 Tract (contains leader zeros with the decimal point implied)GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
TRACT2KCensus 2000 TractGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
URUrban/Rural IndicatorGEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
URUrban/Rural Indicator (U = Urban, R = Rural, blank = unknown) [TIGER/Line RcdType 'S'; UR value]GEO_2000Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2016, Census 200019992016DemographicsRDC Only
BG2KXCensus 2010 Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
BG2KXCensus 2010 Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
BG2KXCensus 2010 Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
BLOCK2KXCensus 2010 Block ID - first character is the Census Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
BLOCK2KXCensus 2010 Block ID - first character is the Census Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
BLOCK2KXCensus 2010 Block ID - first character is the Census Block GroupGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CBSACBSA Lowest Level Code. Contains the first of: Metropolitan Division; Micropolitan Area; Metropolitan Area; in this orderGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CBSACBSA Lowest Level Code. Contains the first of: Metropolitan Division; Micropolitan Area; Metropolitan Area; in this orderGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CBSACBSA Lowest Level Code. Contains the first of: Metropolitan Division; Micropolitan Area; Metropolitan Area; in this orderGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CNTY2KXCensus 2010 FIPS County Code (3-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CNTY2KXCensus 2010 FIPS County Code (3-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
CNTY2KXCensus 2010 FIPS County Code (3-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LATLatitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LATLatitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LATLatitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LON Longitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LON Longitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LON Longitude in decimal format with up to 6 decimal precisionGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LVL2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LVL2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LVL2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
RC2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
RC2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
RC2KXReference Census 2010 Geocoder RCs (Return Codes) tabGEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STATE2KXCensus 2010 FIPS State Code (2-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STATE2KXCensus 2010 FIPS State Code (2-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STATE2KXCensus 2010 FIPS State Code (2-digit numeric with leading zeros significant)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STM2KXCensus 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STM2KXCensus 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
STM2KXCensus 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
TRACT2KXCensus 2010 Tract (contains leader zeros with the decimal point implied)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
TRACT2KXCensus 2010 Tract (contains leader zeros with the decimal point implied)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
TRACT2KXCensus 2010 Tract (contains leader zeros with the decimal point implied)GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
UR2KXUrban/Rural Indicator (U = Urban, R = Rural, blank = unknown) [TIGER/Line RcdType 'S'; UR value]GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
UR2KXUrban/Rural Indicator (U = Urban, R = Rural, blank = unknown) [TIGER/Line RcdType 'S'; UR value]GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
UR2KXUrban/Rural Indicator (U = Urban, R = Rural, blank = unknown)[TIGER/Line RcdType 'S'; UR value]GEO_2010Geocoded Data, NHANES 1999-2018, Census 201019992018DemographicsRDC Only
LBXHP2CCobas HPV Swab High RiskHPVC_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVC_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 52HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD030How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD240In the past 30 days, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ020The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ040During your life, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ050The last time you had sex, did you or your partner use a condom?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ100In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ120In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ150In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ170In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ190In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ200In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ220In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ250In the past 30 days, how many times have you had sex without using a condom?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as... SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as... SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD030How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ020The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ040During your life, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ050The last time you had sex, did you or your partner use a condom?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ100In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ120In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ150In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ170In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ190In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ200In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ220In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ241In the past 30 days, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ250In the past 30 days, how many times have you had sex without using a condom?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as...SXQYTH_CSexual Behavior - Youth20032004QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlSWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlSWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultSWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH2RLDigene HPV Swab High Risk RLU/CBSWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH3RLDigene HPV Swab Low Risk RLU/CBSWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SWR_E_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth20072008LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 51SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlSWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlSWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultSWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH2RLHybrid Capture high risk (RLU) resultSWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXH3RLHybrid Capture low risk (RLU) resultSWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SWR_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Digene Hybrid Capture & Roche Linear Array - Youth 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNDUMMYU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1DAZDaidzein, Urine 1st collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1DMAo-Desmethylangolensin, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1EQUEquol, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1ETDEnterodiol, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1ETLEnterolactone, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1GNSGenistein, Urine 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDA1LCDaidzein, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDM1LCo-Desmethylangolensin, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDEL1LCEnterolactone, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDEQ1LCEquol, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDET1LCEnterodiol, Urine 1st Collection CommentU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDGN1LCGenistein, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URIDUrine sequence numberU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSU U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for BRRU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for BRRU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 01U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 02U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 03U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 04U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 05U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 06U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 07U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 08U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 09U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 10U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 11U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 12U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 13U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 14U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 15U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 16U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight - Jackknife 01U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight - Jackknife 02U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight - Jackknife 03U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight - Jackknife 04U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight - Jackknife 05U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight - Jackknife 06U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight - Jackknife 07U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight - Jackknife 08U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight - Jackknife 09U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight - Jackknife 10U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight - Jackknife 11U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight - Jackknife 12U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight - Jackknife 13U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight - Jackknife 14U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight - Jackknife 15U1PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNDUMMYU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2DAZDaidzein, Urine 2nd collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2DMAo-Desmethylangolensin, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2EQUEquol, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2ETDEnterodiol, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2ETLEnterolactone, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2GNSGenistein, Urine 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDA2LCDaidzein, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDDM2LCo-Desmethylangolensin, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDEL2LCEnterolactone, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDEQ2LCEquol, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDET2LCEnterodiol, Urine 2nd Collection CommentU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDGN2LCGenistein, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URIDUrine sequence numberU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSU U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for BRRU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for BRRU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 01U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 02U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 03U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 04U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 05U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 06U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 07U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 08U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 09U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 10U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 11U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 12U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 13U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 14U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 15U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 16U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight - Jackknife 01U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight - Jackknife 02U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight - Jackknife 03U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight - Jackknife 04U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight - Jackknife 05U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight - Jackknife 06U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight - Jackknife 07U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight - Jackknife 08U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight - Jackknife 09U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight - Jackknife 10U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight - Jackknife 11U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight - Jackknife 12U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight - Jackknife 13U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight - Jackknife 14U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight - Jackknife 15U2PT_H_RPhytoestrogen- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
FCX02DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 2nd molar (2M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX03DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 1st molar (1M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX04DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX05DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX06DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right cuspid (C)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX07DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right lateral incisor (LI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX08DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper right central incisor (CI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX09DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left central incisor (CI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX10DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left lateral incisor (LI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX11DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left cuspid (C)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX12DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX13DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX14DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 1st molar (1M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX15DIFluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 2nd molar (2M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX18DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 2nd molar (2M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX19DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 1st molar (1M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX20DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX21DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX22DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left cuspid (C)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX23DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left lateral incisor (LI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX24DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower left central incisor (CI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX25DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right central incisor (CI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX26DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right lateral incisor (LI)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX27DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right cuspid (C)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX28DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX29DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX30DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 1st molar (1M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
FCX31DIFluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 2nd molar (2M)FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FLXC_H_RFluorosis - Clinical 20-29 Years 20142014ExaminationRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 52HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHPVP_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Penile Swabs: Roche Linear Array - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
OCD231RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_H_ROccupation20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD241RWhat kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_H_ROccupation20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD391RWhat kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_H_ROccupation20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
OCD392RThinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_H_ROccupation20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OCQ_H_ROccupation20132014QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2HSV_J_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHSV_J_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-2 - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE1Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1HSVA_J_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2HSVA_J_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberHSVA_J_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172018LaboratoryRDC Only
RHD018Derived from RHQ018 - In what month did {you/SP} have {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD043What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ074The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP} ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ076{Have you/Has SP} ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because {you have/she has} been unable to become pregnant?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ078{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated for an infection in {your/her} fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ163How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had diabetes during a pregnancy?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ166How many vaginal deliveries {have you/has SP} had? {Please count stillbirths as well as live births}RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ169How many cesarean deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Cesarean deliveries are also known as C-sections.) (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ173How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} delivered a baby that weighed 9 pounds or more? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ291How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542DWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_J_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1AMU5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (AAMU), Urine 1st collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU11-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU23-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU37-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU41,3-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU51,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU63,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MU71,3,7-Trimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX11-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX23-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX37-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX41,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline), Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX51,7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine), Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX63,7-dimethylxanthine (theobromine), Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1MX71,3,7-trimethylxanthine (caffeine), Urine 1st Collection (umol/L)U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1AMLC5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (AAMU), Urine 1st Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U1LC1-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U2LC3-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U3LC7-methyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U4LC1,3-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U5LC1,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U6LC3,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1U7LC1,3,7-Trimethyluric acid, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X1LC1-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X2LC3-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X3LC7-methylxanthine, Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X4LC1,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline), Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X5LC1,7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine), Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X6LC3,7-dimethylxanthine (theobromine), Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1X7LC1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (caffeine), Urine 1st Collection Comment CodeU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSUU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for BRRU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for BRRU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 01U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 02U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 03U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 04U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 05U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 06U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 07U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 08U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 09U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 10U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 11U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 12U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 13U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 14U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 15U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 16U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight - Jackknife 01U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight - Jackknife 02U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight - Jackknife 03U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight - Jackknife 04U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight - Jackknife 05U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight - Jackknife 06U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight - Jackknife 07U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight - Jackknife 08U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight - Jackknife 09U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight - Jackknife 10U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight - Jackknife 11U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight - Jackknife 12U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight - Jackknife 13U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight - Jackknife 14U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight - Jackknife 15U1CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2AMU5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (AAMU), Urine 2nd collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU11-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU23-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU37-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU41,3-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU51,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU63,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MU71,3,7-Trimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX11-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX23-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX37-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX41,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline), Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX51,7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine), Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX63,7-dimethylxanthine (theobromine), Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2MX71,3,7-trimethylxanthine (caffeine), Urine 2nd Collection (umol/L)U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2AMLC5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (AAMU), Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U1LC1-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U2LC3-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U3LC7-methyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U4LC1,3-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U5LC1,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U6LC3,7-Dimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2U7LC1,3,7-Trimethyluric acid, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X1LC1-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X2LC3-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X3LC7-methylxanthine, Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X4LC1,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline), Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X5LC1,7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine), Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X6LC3,7-dimethylxanthine (theobromine), Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2X7LC1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (caffeine), Urine 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance PSUU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for BRRU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for BRRU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 01U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 02U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 03U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 04U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 05U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 06U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 07U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 08U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 09U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 10U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 11U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 12U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 13U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 14U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 15U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight - Fay's BRR 16U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight - Jackknife 01U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight - Jackknife 02U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight - Jackknife 03U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight - Jackknife 04U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight - Jackknife 05U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight - Jackknife 06U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight - Jackknife 07U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight - Jackknife 08U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight - Jackknife 09U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight - Jackknife 10U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight - Jackknife 11U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight - Jackknife 12U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight - Jackknife 13U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight - Jackknife 14U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight - Jackknife 15U2CF_H_RCaffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberMGEA_J_RMycoplasma genitalium - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXMYGEMycoplasma genitalium, UrineMGEA_J_RMycoplasma genitalium - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberMGEN_J_RMycoplasma genitalium - Urine - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXMYGEMycoplasma genitalium, UrineMGEN_J_RMycoplasma genitalium - Urine - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TRIA_J_RTrichomonas - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, UrineTRIA_J_RTrichomonas - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TRIC_J_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, UrineTRIC_J_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CHLA_J_RChlamydia - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, UrineCHLA_J_RChlamydia - Urine - Adult20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberCHLM_J_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, UrineCHLM_J_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_J_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUD380FWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ211Have you ever smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for more than one year?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ213How old were you when you started smoking marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215QHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ215UHow long has it been since you last smoked marijuana or hashish at least once a month for one year?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ217During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how often would you usually use it?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ219During the time that you smoked marijuana or hashish, how many joints or pipes would you usually smoke in a day?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220QHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ220UHow long has it been since you last used marijuana or hashish?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ260How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ272During your life, altogether how many times have you used cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ280During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine, in any form?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ300How old were you the first time you used heroin?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ320During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use heroin?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ340How old were you the first time you used methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ352During your life, altogether how many times have you used methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ360During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ390How old were you when you first used a needle to inject any drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ410During your life, altogether how many times have you injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ420Think about the period of your life when you injected drugs the most often. How often did you inject then?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ430Have you ever been in a drug treatment or drug rehabilitation program?DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQY_J_RDrug Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD012NIn the last 12 months, how many people in your household received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have enough money to get more food.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost foods to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because there wasn't enough money for food.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because there wasn’t enough money for food.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because there wasn't enough money for food.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because there was't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were any of the children} ever hungry but there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD165NHow many people in your household ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230{Do you/Does any member of your household} currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230NHow many people in your household currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652CWAfter your {last} child was born, did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652ZWDuring {this/your last} pregnancy did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself? {Please include any stillbirth or miscarriage.}FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZWAre you now receiving WIC benefits for yourself?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD672ZWHow many months pregnant were you when you first started to receive WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of {1 to {SP AGE/4} years old/12 to {SP AGE} months old}?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD760NHow many people in your household received WIC in the past 30 days?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD795During the past 12 months, for how many months did {you/{NAME(S)} get Food Stamps?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD855Have you or any members in your household recently been notified that {you/she/he/they} will start to get Food Stamps later this month or next month?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD860Number of days between the date of interview and the time the household will receive Food Stamp benefits.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ012In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program. In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. SNAP benefits are provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the DISPLAY STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in STATE}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ653Next are a few questions about the WIC program. Has {SP} ever received benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ760Did {you/you or anyone who lives here} receive WIC benefits in the past 30 days? {Here is the list of children 5 years and younger and women ages 12 to 59 years who live here, let me read it to you.}FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ865What amount in Food Stamps {do you/does he, does she/do they} expect to get at that time?FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_I_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20152016QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSCT_H_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTEIAChlamydia Pgp3 ELISASSCT_H_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTEIODChlamydia Pgp3 EIA Optical Density SSCT_H_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTMBAChlamydia Pgp3 MBASSCT_H_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTMBFIChlamydia Ppg3 MBA medium fluorescence intensitySSCT_H_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSCT_I_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTEIAChlamydia Pgp3 ELISASSCT_I_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTEIODChlamydia Pgp3 EIA Optical Density SSCT_I_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTMBAChlamydia Pgp3 MBASSCT_I_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SSCTMBFIChlamydia Ppg3 MBA medium fluorescence intensitySSCT_I_RChlamydia Pgp3 (plasmid gene product 3) ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and multiplex bead array (MBA) results - Youth20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_J_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1NO3Nitrate, urine - 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1SCNThiocyanate, urine - 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UP8Perchlorate, urine - 1st Collection (ng/mL)U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNO1LCNitrate, urine - 1st Collection Comment CodeU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2NO3Nitrate, urine - 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2SCNThiocyanate, urine - 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UP8Perchlorate, urine - 2nd Collection (ng/mL)U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
URDNO2LCNitrate, urine - 2nd Collection Comment CodeU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2PN_H_RPerchlorate, Nitrate & Thiocyanate - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD621How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD630How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new male partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD633How old were you when you first performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD642How long has it been since the last time you performed oral sex on a new female partner? A new sexual partner is someone that you had never had sex with before.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ295Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ296Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ590Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years older than you?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ600Of the persons you had any kind of sex with in the past 12 months, how many were five or more years younger than you?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQ_J_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDBPBLCBlood lead comment codePBY_J_RLead - Blood - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDBPBSIBlood lead (umol/L)PBY_J_RLead - Blood - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBPBBlood lead (ug/dL)PBY_J_RLead - Blood - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberPBY_J_RLead - Blood - Youth 20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_J_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_J_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have {'4' Female, '5' Male - DISPLAY NUMBER} or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_J_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_J_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_J_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 52HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVS_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR06HPV type 6HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR11HPV type 11HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR16HPV type 16HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR18HPV type 18HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR26HPV type 26HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR31HPV type 31HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR33HPV type 33HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR35HPV type 35HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR39HPV type 39HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR40HPV type 40HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR42HPV type 42HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR45HPV type 45 HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR51HPV type 51HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR52HPV type 52HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR53HPV type 53HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR54HPV type 54HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR55HPV type 55HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR56HPV type 56 HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR58HPV type 58HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR59HPV type 59HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR61HPV type 61HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR62HPV type 62HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR64HPV type 64HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR66HPV type 66HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR67HPV type 67HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR68HPV type 68HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR69HPV type 69HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR70HPV type 70HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR71HPV type 71HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR72HPV type 72HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR73HPV type 73HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR81HPV type 81HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR82HPV type 82HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR83HPV type 83HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR84HPV type 84HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDR89HPV type 89HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRHPRoche LA high positive globin controlHPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRLPRoche LA low positive globin controlHPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPCRRoche HPV linear array (LA) summary resultHPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRPIHPV type IS39HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVW_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Linear Array - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHP2CCobas HPV Swab High RiskHPWC_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPWC_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Adults20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHP2CCobas HPV Swab High RiskHPVC_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVC_J_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA - Vaginal Swab: Roche Cobas High-Risk - Youth20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDWFLLCFluoride, water comment codeFLDW_K_RFluoride - Water20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXWFLFluoride, water (mg/L)FLDW_K_RFluoride - Water20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FLDW_K_RFluoride - Water20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
PAXETLDYEnding time of data collection for the last day (HH:MM:SS)PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXFDAYDay of the week the accelerometer measures were started (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed)PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXFTIMEThe timestamp of the first data point in the GT3X file (HH:MM:SS)PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXHANDWas accelerometer worn on non-dominant hand?PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXLDAYThe last day that the participant had data recorded in the PAM (e.g., 7, 8, 9)PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXORENTSurface orientation of the PAM when it was placed on the wristPAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSENIDAccelerometer device identifier (e.g. NEOXXXXXXXXXXX)PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSTSIndicates which participants have PAM data available in the summary data filesPAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PAXA_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Header20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXAISMDDay count: 80hz data in idle sleep modePAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYDThe day (e.g., 1, 2, 3) when the PAM measurements for this day summary record were takenPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYWDDay of the week for this data row (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed)PAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXLXSDDay sum: the ambient light measures (lux) for valid minutesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMSTDStart time: (HH:MM:SS)PAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMTSDDay sum: MIMS triaxial valuePAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXNWMDDay sum: valid non-wear minutesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXQFDDay sum: data quality flag countPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSSNDPStarting data point number for the day summary record (from the 80hz sampled data)PAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSWMDDay sum: valid sleep wear minutesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXTMDTotal minutes with data for this dayPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXUMDDay sum: valid unknown minutesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXVMDDay count: minutes of valid data - not flagged for quality control issuesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXWWMDDay sum: valid wake wear minutesPAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PAXD_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Day20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXAISMHHour count: 80hz data in idle sleep modePAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYHThe day (e.g., 1, 2, 3) when PAM measurements for this hour summary record were takenPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYWHDay of the week for this hour (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed)PAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXLXSHHour sum: the ambient light measures (lux) for valid minutesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMTSHHour sum: MIMS triaxial valuePAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXNWMHHour sum: valid non-wear minutesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXQFHHour sum: data quality flag countPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSSNHPStarting data point number for the hour summary record (from the 80hz sampled data)PAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSWMHHour sum: valid sleep wear minutesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXTMHTotal minutes with data for this hourPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXUMHHour sum: valid unknown minutesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXVMHHour count: minutes of valid data - not flagged for quality control issuesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXWWMHHour sum: valid wake wear minutesPAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PAXH_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Hour20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXAISMMMinute count: 80hz data in idle sleep modePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYMThe day (e.g., 1, 2, 3) when PAM measurements for this minute summary record were takenPAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXDAYWMDay of the week for this minute (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed)PAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXFLGSMThe flag(s) triggered during quality review for measurements taken in this minute.PAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXLXMMMean ambient light (lux) for the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXLXSDMStandard deviation: the ambient light measures (lux) in this minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMTSMMIMS triaxial value for the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMXMMIMS X-axis value for the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMYMMIMS Y-axis value for the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXMZMMIMS Z-axis value for the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXPREDMEstimated wake/sleep/wear status during the minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXQFMMinute sum: data quality flag countPAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXSSNMPStarting data point number for the minute summary record (from the 80hz sampled data)PAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXTRANMTransition flag for wake/sleep/non-wearPAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
PAXTSMTotal seconds with data for this minutePAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PAXM_G_RPhysical Activity Monitor - Minute20122012ExaminationRDC Only
LBDATGLCThyroglobulin antibodies Comment CodeTHYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDTGNLCThyroglobulin Comment CodeTHYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDTPOLCThyroid Peroxidase (TPO) antibodies Comment CodeTHYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXATGThyroglobulin antibodies (pmol/L)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXT3FTriiodothyronine, free (FT3) (pmol/L)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXT4FThyroxine, free (FT4) (ng/dL)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTGNThyroglobulin (ng/mL)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTPOThyroid Peroxidase (TPO) antibodies (IU/mL)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTSH1Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (mIU/L)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTT3Triiodothyronine, total (TT3) (ng/dL)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTT4Thyroxine, total (TT4) (nmol/L)THYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberTHYD_K_RThyroid Profile - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberUM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUPBLCUrinary Lead Comment CodeUM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUSRLCUSR Comment CodeUM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUURLCUrinary Uranium Comment CodeUM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUPBLead, urine (ug/L)UM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUSRStrontium, urine (ug/L)UM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUURUranium, urine (ug/L)UM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
WTSA2YRSubsample A WeightsUM_J_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium20172018LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTB1TB1 Antigen result - Primarily detects CD4 T cell responseTB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTB2TB2 Antigen result - Optimized for detection of CD4 and CD8 T cell responsesTB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTBINTB coded resultTB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTBMTB Mitogen control result - Positive ControlTB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTBNTB Nil control result - Negative ControlTB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TB_K_RTuberculosis - Quantiferon TB Gold Plus20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD17HLC17α-hydroxyprogesterone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD17HSI17α-hydroxyprogesterone (nmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDAMHLCAnti-Mullerian hormone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDAMHSIAnti-Mullerian hormone (pmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDANDLCAndrostenedione Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDANDSIAndrostenedione (nmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDDHELCDehydroepiandrosterone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDDHESIDehydroepiandrosterone (µmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDES1LCEstrone Sulfate Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDES1SIEstrone Sulfate (pmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDESOLCEstrone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDESOSIEstrone (pmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDESTLCEstradiol Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDESTSIEstradiol (pmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDFSHLCFollicle Stimulating Hormone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDLUHLCLuteinizing Hormone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPG4LCProgesterone Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPG4SIProgesterone (nmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDSHGLCSex Hormone Binding Globulin Comment CodeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDTSTLCTestosterone comment codeTST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDTSTSITestosterone, total (nmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX17H17α-hydroxyprogesterone (ng/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXAMHAnti-Mullerian hormone (ng/mL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXANDAndrostenedione (ng/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXDHEDehydroepiandrosterone (µg/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXES1Estrone Sulfate (pg/mL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXESOEstrone (ng/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXESTEstradiol (pg/mL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXFSHFollicle Stimulating Hormone (mIU/mL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXLUHLuteinizing Hormone (mIU/mL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPG4Progesterone (ng/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXSHBGSex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG, nmol/L)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXTSTTestosterone, total (ng/dL)TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.TST_K_RSex Steroid Hormone Panel - Serum20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
RHD018Derived from RHQ018 - In what month did {you/SP} have {your/her} first menstrual period?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD043What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD167How many deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Please count all vaginal and Cesarean deliveries and count stillbirths as well as live births.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ074The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP} ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ076{Have you/Has SP} ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because {you have/she has} been unable to become pregnant?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ078{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated for an infection in {your/her} fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ162During {any/your/SP's} pregnancy, {were you/was SP} ever told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/she} had diabetes, sugar diabetes or gestational diabetes? Please do not include diabetes that {you/SP} may have known about before the pregnancy.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ171How many of {your/her} deliveries resulted {Did {your/her} delivery result} in a live birth?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ172{Did {your/SP's} delivery/Did any of {your/SP's} deliveries} result in a baby that weighed 9 pounds (4082 g) or more at birth? (Please count stillbirths as well as live births.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ190How old were you at the time of your last live birth? P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ197How many months ago did {you/SP} have {your/her} baby?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ542DWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_RHQ_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_DPQY_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBXHIV1HIV-1 antibodyP_HIV_RHIV Antibody Test20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHIV2HIV-2 antibodyP_HIV_RHIV Antibody Test20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHIVCHIV-1, 2 Combo TestP_HIV_RHIV Antibody Test20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHNATHIV Confirmatory TestP_HIV_RHIV Antibody Test20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_HIV_RHIV Antibody Test20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
FSD012NIn the last 12 months, how many people in your household received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have enough money to get more food.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost foods to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because there wasn't enough money for food.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because there wasn’t enough money for food.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because there wasn't enough money for food.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because there was't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were any of the children} ever hungry but there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD165NHow many people in your household ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230{Do you/Does any member of your household} currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230NHow many people in your household currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652CWAfter your {last} child was born, did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652ZWDuring {this/your last} pregnancy did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself? {Please include any stillbirth or miscarriage.}FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZWAre you now receiving WIC benefits for yourself?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD672ZWHow many months pregnant were you when you first started to receive WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of {1 to {SP AGE/4} years old/12 to {SP AGE} months old}?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD760NHow many people in your household received WIC in the past 30 days?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD795During the past 12 months, for how many months did {you/{NAME(S)} get Food Stamps?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD855Have you or any members in your household recently been notified that {you/she/he/they} will start to get Food Stamps later this month or next month?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD860Number of days between the date of interview and the time the household will receive Food Stamp benefits.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ012In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program. In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. SNAP benefits are provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the DISPLAY STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in STATE}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ653Next are a few questions about the WIC program. Has {SP} ever received benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ760Did {you/you or anyone who lives here} receive WIC benefits in the past 30 days? {Here is the list of children 5 years and younger and women ages 12 to 59 years who live here, let me read it to you.}FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ865What amount in Food Stamps {do you/does he, does she/do they} expect to get at that time?FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_J_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172018QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2P_HSV_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-2 - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_HSV_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-2 - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE1Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1P_HSVA_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXHE2Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2P_HSVA_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_HSVA_RHerpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-220172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_MGEA_RMycoplasma genitalium- Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXMYGEMycoplasma genitalium, UrineP_MGEA_RMycoplasma genitalium- Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_MGEN_RMycoplasma genitalium- Urine -Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXMYGEMycoplasma genitalium, UrineP_MGEN_RMycoplasma genitalium- Urine -Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_CHLA_RChlamydia - Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, UrineP_CHLA_RChlamydia - Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_CHLM_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUCLChlamydia, UrineP_CHLM_RChlamydia - Urine - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_TRIA_RTrichomonas - Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, UrineP_TRIA_RTrichomonas - Urine - Adult20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_TRIC_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUTRITrichomonas, UrineP_TRIC_RTrichomonas - Urine - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you the first time you had any kind of sex, including {vaginal, anal, or oral / vaginal or anal / vaginal or oral / anal or oral / vaginal / anal / oral}?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ295Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ296Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.P_SXQ_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD031How old were you the first time you had any kind of sex, including {vaginal, anal, or oral / vaginal or anal / vaginal or oral / anal or oral / vaginal / anal / oral}?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ251In the past 12 months, about how often have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex without using a condom?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ267How old were you when you were first told that you had genital warts?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ610In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had {vaginal or anal/vaginal/anal} sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ624In your lifetime, on how many men have you performed oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ627In the past 12 months, on how many men have you performed oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ636In your lifetime, on how many women have you performed oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ639In the past 12 months, on how many women have you performed oral sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ645When you performed oral sex in the past 12 months, how often would you use protection, like a condom or dental dam?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ724In your lifetime, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ727In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means a man's penis in your vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ741Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ753Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ824In your lifetime, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ827In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had vaginal sex? Vaginal sex means your penis in a woman's vagina.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ836In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ841In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal sex?P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ853Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? Performing oral sex means your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.P_SXQY_RSexual Behavior - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDBPBLCBlood lead comment codeP_PBY_RLead - Blood - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDBPBSIBlood lead (umol/L)P_PBY_RLead - Blood - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXBPBBlood lead (ug/dL)P_PBY_RLead - Blood - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_PBY_RLead - Blood - Youth20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberP_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUPBLCUrinary Lead Comment CodeP_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUSRLCUSR Comment CodeP_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URDUURLCUrinary Uranium Comment CodeP_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUPBLead, urine (ug/L)P_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUSRStrontium, urine (ug/L)P_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
URXUURUranium, urine (ug/L)P_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
WTSAPRPSubsample A Weights Pre-PandemicP_UM_RLead (Youth), Strontium, and Uranium - Urine20172020LaboratoryRDC Only
AIALANGALanguage of the MEC ACASI Interview InstrumentDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC2What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDEDUC3What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDFMSIZTotal number of people in the FamilyDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSZANumber of children aged 5 years or younger in the householdDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSZBNumber of children aged 6-17 years old in the householdDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHHSZENumber of adults aged 60 years or older in the householdDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHRAGZHH reference person's age in yearsDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHREDZHH reference person's education levelDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHRGNDHH reference person's genderDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHRMAZHH reference person's marital statusDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDHSEDZHH reference person's spouse's education levelDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDMARTLMarital statusDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMDYRUSZLength of time the participant has been in the US.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMQ135{Were you/Was {SP}} born in the United States or a United States territoryDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMQADFCDid {you/SP} ever serve in a foreign country during a time of armed conflict or on a humanitarian or peace-keeping mission? (This would include National Guard or reserve or active duty monitoring or conducting peace keeping operations in Bosnia and Kosovo, in the Sinai between Egypt and Israel, or in response to the 2004 tsunami or Haiti in 2010.)DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DMQMILIZ{Have you/Has SP} ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard? (Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard, but does include activation, for service in the U.S. or in a foreign country, in support of military or humanitarian operations.)DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
FIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the Family interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
FIALANGLanguage of the Family Interview InstrumentDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
FIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the Family Interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMIN2Total family income (reported as a range value in dollars)DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
INDFMPIRA ratio of family income to poverty guidelines.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
INDHHIN2Total household income (reported as a range value in dollars)DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
MIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the MEC CAPI interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
MIALANGLanguage of the MEC CAPI Interview InstrumentDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
MIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the MEC CAPI Interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIAGENDRGender of the participant.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEMNAge in months of the participant at the time of screening. Reported for persons aged 24 months or younger at the time of exam (or screening if not examined).DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDAGEYRAge in years of the participant at the time of screening. Individuals 80 and over are topcoded at 80 years of age.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXAGMAge in months of the participant at the time of examination. Reported for persons aged 19 years or younger at the time of examination.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXMONSix month time period when the examination was performed - two categories: November 1 through April 30, May 1 through October 31.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status for females between 20 and 44 years of age at the time of MEC exam.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin informationDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDRETH3Recode of reported race and Hispanic origin information, with Non-Hispanic Asian CategoryDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
RIDSTATRInterview and examination status of the participant.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
SDDSRVYRData release cycleDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
SIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the Sample Person (SP) interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
SIALANGLanguage of the Sample Person Interview InstrumentDEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
SIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the Sample Person (SP) interview?DEMO_K_RDemographic Variables20192020DemographicsRDC Only
DUD230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUD380FWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_DUQ_RDrug Use20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUD230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUD380FWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ200The following questions ask about use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Please remember that your answers to these questions are strictly confidential. The first questions are about marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is also called pot or grass. Marijuana is usually smoked, either in cigarettes, called joints, or in a pipe. It is sometimes cooked in food. Hashish is a form of marijuana that is also called 'hash.' It is usually smoked in a pipe. Another form of hashish is hash oil. Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ210How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ240Have you ever used cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270QHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ270UHow long has it been since you last used cocaine, in any form?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310QHow long has it been since you last used heroin?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ310UHow long has it been since you last used heroin?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350QHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ350UHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380AWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380BWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ380CWhich of the following drugs have you injected using a needle?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400QHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ400UHow long ago has it been since you last used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_DUQY_RDrug Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBD030How old was {SP} when {he/she} completely stopped breastfeeding or being fed breastmilk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBD041How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed formula?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBD050How old was {SP} when {he/she} completely stopped drinking formula?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBD055This next question is about the first thing that {SP} was given other than breast milk or formula. Please include juice, cow's milk, sugar water, baby food, or anything else that {SP} might have been given, even water. How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed anything other than breast milk or formula? (Days)DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBD061How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed milk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ010Now I'm going to ask you some general questions about {SP's} eating habits. Was {SP} ever breastfed or fed breastmilk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ035Some children might drink breast milk from a bottle, cup (including sippy cup), or spoon as well as at the breast. How was {SP} drinking breast milk in the past 2 weeks?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073AWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073BWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073CWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073DWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073EWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ073UWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed? Was it . . .DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ158In the past 2 weeks, was {SP} fed formula mixed with breast milk in the same bottle?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ161How were the formula and breast milk usually mixed?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ167In the past 2 weeks, how often was water added to breast milk before feeding it to {SP}?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ173In the past 2 weeks, how often did you add more water to the formula than the instructions on the package say?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ176In the past 2 weeks, was baby cereal added to {SP}'s bottle of formula or breast milk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ179In the past 2 weeks, was a sweetener, such as juice, honey, sugar, or flavored beverage, added to {SP}'s bottle of formula or breast milk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ182In the past 2 weeks, were vitamins or minerals added to {SP}'s bottle of formula or breast milk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ185In the past 30 days, was medicine such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, gas drops, colic drops, or antibiotics added to {SP}'s bottle of formula or breast milk?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ660How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed grains, such as cereal, puffs, teething biscuits, crackers, bread, pasta, or rice? Include baby cereal added to a bottle.DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ665How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed a vegetable, including jarred baby food or cooked, pureed, cut up or mashed vegetables, or vegetable juice?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ670How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed a fruit including jarred baby food or cooked, pureed, cut up, or mashed fruits or fruit juice?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ675How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed dairy products other than milk, such as yogurt, cottage cheese, or cheese?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ680How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed an egg, meat, poultry, or seafood (for example, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, sausage, fish, eggs)?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ685How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed legumes, such as black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans or lentils?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ690How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed soy products such as tofu, soy beans, meat substitutes made with soy, or other foods prepared with soy ingredients?DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
DBQ695How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed nuts or seeds, such as peanuts or peanut butter, almonds, or other nut or seed products? On this card are other examples.DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DB24_K_RDiet Behavior & Nutrition - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDSL1LCIodine, salt - 1st collection comment codeIODS_K_RIodine - Salt20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDSL2LCIodine, salt – 2nd collection comment codeIODS_K_RIodine - Salt20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXSL1Iodine, salt - 1st collection (mg/kg)IODS_K_RIodine - Salt20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXSL2Iodine, salt - 2nd collection (mg/kg)IODS_K_RIodine - Salt20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent Sequence NumberIODS_K_RIodine - Salt20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
ECD010First I have some questions about {SP NAME's} birth. How old was {SP NAME's} biological mother when {s/he} was born?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECD035How much did {SP NAME's} biological mother weigh before she was pregnant with {him/her} in pounds?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECD045How tall is {SP NAME's} biological mother without shoes in inches?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECD070AHow much did {SP NAME} weigh at birth?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECD070BHow much did {SP NAME} weigh at birth?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECQ020Did {SP NAME's} biological mother smoke at any time while she was pregnant with {him/her}?EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECQ080Did {SP NAME} weigh . . .EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ECQ090Did {SP NAME} weigh . . .EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.EC24_K_REarly Childhood - B24 Project20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CBD071The next questions are about how much money {your family spends/you spend} on food. First I'll ask you about money spent at supermarkets or grocery stores. Then we will talk about money spent at other types of stores. When you answer these questions, please do not include money spent on alcoholic beverages. During the past 30 days, how much money {did your family/did you} spend at supermarkets or grocery stores? Please include purchases made with food stamps. (You can tell me per week or per month.)P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CBD091About how much money was spent on nonfood items? (You can tell me per week or per month.)P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CBD111About how much money {did your family/did you} spend on food at these types of stores? Please do not include money you have already told me about. (You can tell me per week or per month.)P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CBD121During the past 30 days, how much money {did your family/did you} spend on eating out? Please include money spent in cafeterias at work or at school or on vending machines, for all family members. (You can tell me per week or per month.)P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CBD131During the past 30 days, how much money {did your family/did you} spend on food carried out or delivered? Please do not include money you have already told me about. (You can tell me per week or per month.)P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_CBQ_RConsumer Behavior20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?P_ALQY_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?P_ALQY_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have {'4' Female, '5' Male - DISPLAY NUMBER} or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?P_ALQY_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?P_ALQY_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_ALQY_RAlcohol Use - Youth20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDVAPLCBlood a-pinene Comment CodeVCWB_K_RVolatile Organic Compounds - A-Pinene - Blood 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVAPNBlood a-pinene (ng/mL)VCWB_K_RVolatile Organic Compounds - A-Pinene - Blood 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.VCWB_K_RVolatile Organic Compounds - A-Pinene - Blood 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
HOQ065Is this {mobile home/house/apartment} owned, being bought, rented, or occupied by some other arrangement by {you/you or someone else in your family}?P_HOQ_RHousing Characteristics20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_HOQ_RHousing Characteristics20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ400Now I am going to ask you some questions about {your/SP’s} ability to do different activities, and how {you have/he has/she has} been feeling. {Do you/Does SP} wear glasses or contact lenses?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ410{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty seeing {even if wearing glasses or contact lenses}? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ420{Do you/Does SP} use a hearing aid?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ430{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty hearing {even if using a hearing aid}? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ440{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty walking or climbing steps? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ450Using {your/his/her} usual language, {do you/does SP} have difficulty communicating, for example, understanding or being understood? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ460{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty remembering or concentrating? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ470{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty with self-care, such as washing all over and dressing? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ480{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty raising a 2 liter bottle of water or soda from waist to eye level? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ490{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty using {your/his/her} hands and fingers, such as picking up small objects, for example, a button or pencil, or opening or closing containers or bottles? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ500Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, {do you/does SP} have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping? [Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?]FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ510How often {do you/does SP} feel worried, nervous, or anxious? Would you say…FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ520Thinking about the last time {you/SP} felt worried, nervous, or anxious, how would {you/he/she} describe the level of these feelings? Would you say…FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ530How often {do you/does SP} feel depressed? Would you say…FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ540Thinking about the last time {you/SP} felt depressed, how depressed did {you/he/she} feel? Would you say…FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ550{Do you/Does SP} have difficulty participating in social activities such as visiting friends, attending clubs and meetings, going to parties? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or {you/he/she} cannot do this at all?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ560{Are you/Is SP} limited in the kind or amount of work {you/he/she} can do because of a physical, mental, or emotional problem?FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FNQA_K_RFunctioning - Adult 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ010I would like to ask you some questions about difficulties {you/SP} may have. {Do you/Does SP} wear glasses or contact lenses?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ020{When wearing {your/his/her} glasses or contact lenses}, {do you/does SP} have difficulty seeing? Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ030{Do you/Does SP} use a hearing aid?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ040{When using {your/his/her} hearing aid}, {do you/does SP} have difficulty hearing sounds like peoples’ voices or music? [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ050{Do you/Does SP} use any equipment or receive assistance for walking?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ060Without {your/his/her} equipment or assistance, {do you/does SP} have difficulty walking 100 yards/meters on level ground? That would be about the length of 1 football field. Would you say {you have/SP has}: some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ070Without {your/his/her} equipment or assistance, {do you/does SP} have difficulty walking 500 yards/meters on level ground? That would be about the length of 5 football fields. [Would you say {you have/SP has}: some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ080Compared with children of the same age, {do you/does SP} have difficulty walking 100 yards/meters on level ground? That would be about the length of 1 football field. [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ090Compared with children of the same age, {do you/does SP} have difficulty walking 500 yards/meters on level ground? That would be about the length of 5 football fields. [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ100When {you speak/SP speaks}, {do you/does he/does she} have difficulty being understood by people inside of this household? [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ110When {you speak/SP speaks}, {do you/does he/does she} have difficulty being understood by people outside of this household? [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ120Compared with children of the same age, {do you/does SP} have difficulty learning things? [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ130Compared with children of the same age, {do you/does SP} have difficulty controlling {your/his/her} behavior? [Would you say {you have/SP has}: no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or cannot do at all?]FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ140How often {do you feel/does SP seem} very anxious, nervous or worried? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year or never?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FNQ150How often {do you feel/does SP seem} very sad or depressed? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year or never?FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FNQC_K_RFunctioning - Child20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ311The next questions are about dizziness sensations and difficulty with balance. {Have you/Has SP} ever had a problem with dizziness, light-headedness, feeling as if {you are/SP is} going to pass out or faint, or with unsteadiness or feeling off-balance? Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320aThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...vertigo - a sensation of spinning, tilting, swaying or rocking of {yourself/himself/herself} or {your/his/her} surroundings?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320bThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...blurring of {your/his/her} vision when {you move your/he moves his/she moves her} head?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320cThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...unsteady - a feeling of being off-balance or not stable when standing or sitting upright?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320DThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...light-headed - a feeling {your/his/her} sense of space is mildly distorted, or not quite sharp, but not that {you/he/she} or objects around {you/him/her} are moving?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320EThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...fainting - a feeling {you are/he is/she is} going to pass out or faint?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320FThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...disconnected - a detached, floating, or spacey sensation?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ320GThe next questions are about symptoms of dizziness, light-headedness, or balance problems. Do not include times when drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, or taking medications that cause dizziness. In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} experienced...other - problems with balance, dizziness or light-headedness that are not well-described by the symptoms already mentioned?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ340This next section focuses on {your/the SP's} most bothersome symptom in the past 12 months. During the past 12 months, which one of these problems with dizziness, balance, or light-headedness bothered {you/SP} the most?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ350About how old {were you/was SP} when {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} first happened?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ360During the past 12 months, how long from the beginning-to-end did each occurrence - episode, bout, or attack - of {your/SP's} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} usually last?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ370During the past 12 months, about how often {have you/has SP} had the {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340}?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380aDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380bDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380cDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380dDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380eDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380fDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380gDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380hDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380iDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380jDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ380kDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} triggered by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390aDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390bDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390cDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390dDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390eDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390fDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390gDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ390hDuring the past 12 months, were {your/SP's} episodes for {your/his/her} {RESPONSE FOR BAQ.340} accompanied by any of the following?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ400During the past 12 months, {did your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem(s) prevent {you/SP} from doing things {you/he/she} otherwise would do?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410aDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Working?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410BDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Attending school?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410cDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Attending social activities?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410dDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Driving or riding in a moving vehicle?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410eDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Exercising or taking walks?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410fDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Reading while sitting at rest?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410gDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Doing routine household chores (cleaning, laundry, etc.)?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410hDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Standing on your feet for 30 minutes or longer?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ410iDuring the past 12 months, did problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness prevent {you/SP} from doing any of the following? Walking up or down a flight of stairs?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ420During the past 12 months, how much of a problem was {your/his/her} problem with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Was it...BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ430Think of any time {you have/SP has} had symptoms of dizziness, imbalance, etc. {Have you/Has SP} ever seen a doctor or other health professional, including emergency room physicians, about {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ440How long ago did {you/SP} first see a doctor or other health professional, including emergency room physicians, about {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ450Did any doctors or health care professionals ever tell {you/SP} the cause or give {you/him/her} a diagnosis for {your/SPs} problem(s) with balance, dizziness or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460aDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460bDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460cDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460dDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460eDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460fDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460gDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460hDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ460iDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was any of the following health conditions?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470aDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470bDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470cDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470dDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470eDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470fDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470gDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470hDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470iDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ470jDid {your/SP's} doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell {you/him/her} the cause or causes of {your/his/her} problems with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness was due to any of the following specific reasons?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ480{Have you/has SP} ever been treated by a doctor or other health professional for problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ490{Have you/Has SP} ever tried anything to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500aDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500bDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500CDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500dDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500eDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500fDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500gDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500HDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500IDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500jDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ500KDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following to treat {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510aDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510bDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510cDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510dDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510eDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510fDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510gDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510hDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ510iDuring the past 5 years, {have you/has SP} had or tried any of the following alternative treatments for {your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness? Please respond for any treatments {you/he/she} tried, whether recommended by a healthcare provider, friend or relative, or the internet.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ520{Do you/Does SP} regularly take medicine that makes (your/his/her} problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness worse?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ530The next questions are about frequency of falling and associated injuries. By "falling", we mean unexpectedly or unintentionally dropping to a lower surface – the floor or ground– for example, from a standing, seated, walking, or bending position. During the past 5 years, how many times {have you/has SP} fallen?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ540During the past 5 years, how often did any of {your/SP's} falls occur just before or around the time {you were/he was/she was} having problem(s) with balance, dizziness, or light-headedness?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ550During the past 12 months, how many times {have you/has SP} fallen?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ560During the past 12 months, did {you/SP} have an injury that resulted from falling?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ570During the past 12 months, how many times {have you/has SP} tripped or slipped, losing {your/his/her} balance, but {were/was} able to regain balance before/without falling?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580a{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580b{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580c{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580d{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580e{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580f{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580g{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580h{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580i{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580j{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
BAQ580k{Have you/Has SP} ever had any of the following health problems?BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.BAQ_K_RStanding Balance20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFD3NUMNow I am going to say some more numbers, but when I am through, I want you to repeat them to me in the backwards order. READ THE THREE NUMBER SEQUENCE TO THE RESPONDENT AT A RATE OF ONE DIGIT PER SECOND. HAVE R REPEAT DIGITS IN THE BACKWARDS ORDERCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFD5NUMNow, I am going to say some numbers and when I am through, repeat them to me exactly as I said them. READ THE FIVE NUMBER SEQUENCE TO THE RESPONDENT AT A RATE OF ONE DIGIT PER SECOND. 2, 1, 8, 5, 4. HAVE RESPONDENT REPEAT DIGITS CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDALIKEFor this exercise, tell me how an orange and a banana alike? Now tell me another way that they are alike. Yes, they are both fruit. Now, tell me how a ruler and a watch are alike?CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCFACEThe next few things I will ask you to do are pencil and paper tasks. PLACE BLANK CLOCK PAPER FROM ALL-IN-ONE BOOKLET AND PEN BEFORE RESPONDENT. Now, I'd like you to draw a clock. Put in all the numbers and set the time to 10 after 11. (PROMPT IF NECESSARY: Try your best to complete this task without using clues from around the room, such as a clock or a watch.)CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCHANDClock handsCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCHUR1This next section tests your memory. I am going to read a list of words that you will have to remember now and later on. Listen carefully. When I am through, tell me as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Ready? READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCHUR2I'm going to read the same list for a second time. Try to remember and tell me as many words as you can, including words you said the first time. READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. I will ask you to recall these words again later on. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCHUR3I read a list of words to you earlier, which I asked you to repeat and remember. Tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCLOCKClock drawing - administrationCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDCNUMNow, I'd like you to draw a clock. Put in all the numbers and set the time to 10 after 11. (PROMPT IF NECESSARY: Try your best to complete this task without using clues from around the room, such as a clock or a watch.) CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDDATE2Now, tell me the exact date.CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDFACE1This next section tests your memory. I am going to read a list of words that you will have to remember now and later on. Listen carefully. When I am through, tell me as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Ready? READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDFACE2I'm going to read the same list for a second time. Try to remember and tell me as many words as you can, including words you said the first time. READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. I will ask you to recall these words again later on. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDFACE3I read a list of words to you earlier, which I asked you to repeat and remember. Tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDFWCNTTotal of correct words that start with letter F CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDMTH2The next questions are about problem solving and memory. The questions may seem unusual, but they are routine questions we ask everyone. Some of the questions are very easy and some are difficult, so don’t be surprised if you have trouble with some of them. Try your best to answer all of the questions without using clues from around the room. If you wear glasses for reading, please use them. Tell me the date today. First, tell me the month.CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDRED1This next section tests your memory. I am going to read a list of words that you will have to remember now and later on. Listen carefully. When I am through, tell me as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Ready? READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST.CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDRED2I'm going to read the same list for a second time. Try to remember and tell me as many words as you can, including words you said the first time. READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. I will ask you to recall these words again later on. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDRED3I read a list of words to you earlier, which I asked you to repeat and remember. Tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDRHINONow, I want you to name this animal.CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSDAI1This next section tests your memory. I am going to read a list of words that you will have to remember now and later on. Listen carefully. When I am through, tell me as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Ready? READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSDAI2I'm going to read the same list for a second time. Try to remember and tell me as many words as you can, including words you said the first time. READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. I will ask you to recall these words again later on. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSDAI3I read a list of words to you earlier, which I asked you to repeat and remember. Tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSENTI am going to read you a sentence. Repeat it after me, exactly as I say it. (PAUSE) READ SENTENCE: The cat always hid under the couch when dogs were in the room. HAVE R REPEAT SENTENCE. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSTATCFQ Section StatusCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSUB7CSerial 7s subtractions correct CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSUBTNow, starting with 100, I would like you to subtract 7 and then keep counting down by 7. (YOU CAN REPEAT THESE INSTRUCTIONS IF NECESSARY.)CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSVEL1This next section tests your memory. I am going to read a list of words that you will have to remember now and later on. Listen carefully. When I am through, tell me as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Ready? READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSVEL2I'm going to read the same list for a second time. Try to remember and tell me as many words as you can, including words you said the first time. READ SLOWLY (AT A RATE OF 1 WORD PER SECOND) AND PRONOUNCE CLEARLY: Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO REPEAT LIST. I will ask you to recall these words again later on. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSVEL3I read a list of words to you earlier, which I asked you to repeat and remember. Tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSWR1Word recall trial 1: TotalCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSWR2Word recall trial 2: Total CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDSWR3Word recall delay: Total CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDTIMECFQ Section time in secondsCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDTRAILPLACE TRAIL PAPER FROM ALL-IN-ONE BOOKLET AND PEN BEFORE RESPONDENT Take a minute to look over the paper. Notice, there are both numbers and letters. Please draw a line, going from a number to a letter in increasing order. Begin here (POINT TO 1), and draw a line from 1 to A, then from A to 2, and so on. End here (POINT TO E). The first two lines have been drawn for you. CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFDWORDTell me as many words as you can think of that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet that I will tell you in a moment. You can say any kind of word you want, except for proper nouns and names like Bob or Boston, and numbers or words that begin with the same sound, but have a different ending, for example, love, lover, loving. I will tell you to stop after 1 minute. Are you ready? CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575BComment: Hearing problem CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575CComment: Vision problemCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575DComment: Physical limitation affecting writing/drawingCFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575EComment: Unable to read/write (literacy)CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575FComment: Does not understand English well CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575GComment: SP reported cognitive limitation CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575HComment: Reported taking medications CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575IComment: SP was restless or fidgety CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575JComment: SP reported wanting to quit CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
CFQ575KComment: Interruptions/distraction during testing CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CFQ_K_RCognitive Functioning 20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD012NIn the last 12 months, how many people in your household received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032ANow I am going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for {you/your household} in the last 12 months, that is since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}. The first statement is . . . {I/we} worried whether {my/our} food would run out before {I/we} got money to buy more.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032B[The next statement is . . .] The food that {I/we} bought just didn't last, and {I/we} didn't have enough money to get more food.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032C[The next statement is . . .] {I/we} couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032D[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low-cost foods to feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} because there wasn't enough money for food.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032E[The next statement is . . .] (I/we) couldn't feed {CHILD'S NAME / THE CHILDREN} a balanced meal, because there wasn’t enough money for food.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD032F[The next statement is . . .] {CHILD'S NAME WAS /THE CHILDREN WERE} not eating enough because there wasn't enough money for food.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD041In the last 12 months, since last {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD052How often did this happen?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD061In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD071[In the last 12 months], were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD081[In the last 12 months], did you lose weight because there was't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD092[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or other adults in your household} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD102How often did this happen? P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD111In the last 12 months, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH AND LAST YEAR}, did you ever cut the size of {CHILD'S NAME's/any of the children's} meals because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD122[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD132How often did this happen?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD141In the last 12 months, {was CHILD'S NAME/were any of the children} ever hungry but there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD146[In the last 12 months], did {CHILD'S NAME/any of the children} ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD151In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, or a food bank, or eat in a soup kitchen?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD165NHow many people in your household ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD225Number of days between the time the household last received Food Stamp benefit and the date of interview.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230{Do you/Does any member of your household} currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD230NHow many people in your household currently receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD235How much did {you/your household} receive in food stamp benefits the last time you got them? ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652CWAfter your {last} child was born, did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD652ZWDuring {this/your last} pregnancy did you use WIC benefits to buy food for yourself? {Please include any stillbirth or miscarriage.}P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZCIs {SP} now receiving benefits from the WIC program?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD660ZWAre you now receiving WIC benefits for yourself?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD670ZCHow long {did SP receive/has SP been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD672ZWHow many months pregnant were you when you first started to receive WIC benefits to buy food for yourself?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD675Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} was less than one year old?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD680Did {SP} receive benefits from WIC when {he/she} {was/is} between the ages of {1 to {SP AGE/4} years old/12 to {SP AGE} months old}?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD760NHow many people in your household received WIC in the past 30 days?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD795During the past 12 months, for how many months did {you/{NAME(S)} get Food Stamps?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD855Have you or any members in your household recently been notified that {you/she/he/they} will start to get Food Stamps later this month or next month?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSD860Number of days between the date of interview and the time the household will receive Food Stamp benefits.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDADAdult food security category for last 12 monthsP_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDCHChild food security category for last 12 monthsP_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSDHHHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsP_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ012In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ162Next are a few questions about the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program. In the last 12 months, did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ165The next questions are about SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. SNAP benefits are provided on an electronic debit card {or EBT card} {called the DISPLAY STATE NAME FOR EBT CARD}} card in STATE}. Have {you/you or anyone in your household} ever received SNAP or Food Stamp benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ653Next are a few questions about the WIC program. Has {SP} ever received benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ690Did {SP's} mother receive benefits from WIC, while she was pregnant with {SP}?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ695What month of the pregnancy did {SP's} mother begin to receive WIC benefits?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ760Did {you/you or anyone who lives here} receive WIC benefits in the past 30 days? {Here is the list of children 5 years and younger and women ages 12 to 59 years who live here, let me read it to you.}P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
FSQ865What amount in Food Stamps {do you/does he, does she/do they} expect to get at that time?P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.P_FSQ_RFood Security - Pregnant Women20172020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDRF1LC5-Methyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF2LCFolic acid, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF3LC5-Formyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF4LCTetrahydrofolate, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF5LC5,10-Methenyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF6LCMefox oxidation product, RBC comment codeFFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDRF7SITotal folate, washed Red Blood Cells (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF1SI5-Methyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF2SIFolic acid, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF3SI5-Formyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF4SITetrahydrofolate, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF5SI5,10-Methenyl-tetrahydrofolate, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXRF6SIMefox oxidation product, RBC (nmol/L)FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FFMR_K_RFolate Forms - Total & Individual – Washed RBCs 20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD911LCHPV 11 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD916LCHPV 16 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD918LCHPV 18 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD931LCHPV 31 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD933LCHPV 33 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD945LCHPV 45 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD952LCHPV 52 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD958LCHPV 58 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD96NLCHPV 6 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M11HPV11 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M11NHPV 11 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M16HPV16 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M16NHPV 16 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M18HPV18 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M18NHPV 18 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M31HPV31 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M31NHPV 31 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M33HPV33 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M33NHPV 33 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M45HPV45 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M45NHPV 45 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M52HPV52 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M52NHPV 52 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M58HPV58 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M58NHPV 58 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M6HPV6 9-plex coded resultHPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M6NHPV 6 (Quantitative)HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVN_D_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody - Serum: M9ELISA 20052006LaboratoryRDC Only
INSTANCEInstance of saltSUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IOSALTIodized salt?SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SUD010QNow I'll be asking some questions about the types of salt used most often in {your/this} household. May I please see the container for the salt that is usually added to food at the table and the salt that is usually used in cooking or preparing foods. This includes ordinary salt, sea salt, seasoning salts, lite salt and salt substitutes.SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SUD070NHANES is studying the salt used in people's homes. I would like to collect about 2 teaspoons of this salt for our study. May I please take a small sample of this salt?SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SUQ010GNow I'll be asking some questions about the types of salt used most often in {your/this} household. May I please see the container for the salt that is usually added to food at the table and the salt that is usually used in cooking or preparing foods. This includes ordinary salt, sea salt, seasoning salts, lite salt and salt substitutes.SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SUQ020Is this salt used most frequently at the table, in cooking, or do you use it for both?SUQ_K_RSalt Use20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1CRCreatinine, Urine 1st Collection (mg/dL)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1FLFluoride, Urine 1st collection (mg/L)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1FLFluoride, Urine 1st collection (mg/L)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR1UCSTSUrine collection statusU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1FLLCFluoride, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD1FLLCFluoride, Urine 1st Comment CodeU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U1FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - First Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence numberU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2CRCreatinine, Urine 2nd Collection (mg/dL)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2FLFluoride, Urine 2nd collection (mg/L)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2FLFluoride, Urine 2nd collection (mg/L)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
UR2UCSTSUrine collection statusU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2FLLCFluoride, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
URD2FLLCFluoride, Urine 2nd Comment CodeU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUVariance primary sampling unit (PSU)U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VPSUBRRVariance PSU for use with BRR weightsU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRAVariance stratumU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
VSTRABRRVariance stratum for use with BRR weightsU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB011 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 01U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB021 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 02U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB031 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 03U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB041 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 04U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB051 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 05U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB061 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 06U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB071 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 07U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB081 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 08U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB091 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 09U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB101 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 10U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB111 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 11U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB121 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 12U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB131 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 13U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB141 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 14U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB151 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 15U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUB161 year urine weight: Fay's adjusted balanced repeated replication (Fay's BRR) weight 16U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR1 year urine weightU2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR011 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 01 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR021 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 02 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR031 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 03 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR041 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 04 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR051 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 05 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR061 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 06 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR071 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 07 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR081 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 08 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR091 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 09 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR101 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 10 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR111 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 11 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR121 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 12 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR131 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 13 U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR141 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 14U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
WT1YUR151 year urine weight: Jackknife replicate weight 15U2FL_H_RFluoride- 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection20142014LaboratoryRDC Only
IFD001Now I'd like to know about any infant and toddler formulas {SP} had in the past two weeks. May I please see the containers for all the infant and toddler formulas that were fed to {SP} (in the past two weeks)?IFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFDCOUNTTotal # of Infant Formulas Taken FormulaIFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFDMTCHMatching codeIFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNAMEFormula nameIFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFPIDFormula product ID numberIFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFQ010Infant formula container seenIFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFQ055For how long has {SP} been fed this formula?IFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.IFQF_K_RInfant Formula Questionnaire File20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFBASEFormula baseIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFCONAGFormula consumer ageIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFFORMFormula formIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNAMEFormula nameIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFPIDFormula product ID numberIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFSERQNTFormula serving quantityIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFSERUNTFormula serving unitIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFSOURCEFormula SourceIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFTARGETFormula targetIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFVERSONFormula versionIFPI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Product Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNAMEFormula nameIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNIDNutrient ID numberIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNUNAMENutrient nameIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFPIDFormula product ID numberIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
NUCATNutrient categoryIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
NUOPERNutrient OperatorIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
NUQNTYNutrient quantityIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
NUUNITNutrient unitIFNI_K_RInfant Formula Database – Nutrient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFIIDIngredient ID numberIFII_K_RInfant Formula Database – Ingredient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFINNAMEIngredient nameIFII_K_RInfant Formula Database – Ingredient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNAMEFormula nameIFII_K_RInfant Formula Database – Ingredient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFPIDFormula product ID numberIFII_K_RInfant Formula Database – Ingredient Information20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFLDIDLabel Descriptor ID numberIFLD_K_RInfant Formula Database – Label Descriptor20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFLDNAMELabel Descriptor nameIFLD_K_RInfant Formula Database – Label Descriptor20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFNAMEFormula nameIFLD_K_RInfant Formula Database – Label Descriptor20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
IFPIDFormula product ID numberIFLD_K_RInfant Formula Database – Label Descriptor20192020QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBDP1ALCArachidic acid (C20:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDP1ELC11-Eicosenoic acid (C20:1n-9) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDP1GLCTetracosanoic acid (C24:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPANLCalpha-Linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPD3LCDocosapentaenoic acid 3 (C22:5n-3) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPD6LCDocosapentaenoic acid (C22:5n-6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPDALCDocosanoic acid (C22:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPEDLC11,14-Eicosadienoic acid (C20:2n6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPGHLChomo-gamma-Linolenic acd (C20:3n-6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPHALCDocosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPLGLCgamma-Linolenic acid (C18:3n6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPMRLCMyristic acid (C14:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPNLLCLinoleic acid (C18:2n-6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPNRLC15-Tetracosenoic acid (C24:1n9) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPOLLCOleic acid (C18:1n-9) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPPELCEicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPPLLCPalmitoleic acid (16:1n-7) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPPMLCPalmitic acid (C16:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPRALCArachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPSTLCStearic acid (C18:0) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBDPTALCDocosatetraenoic acid (C22:4n-6) comment codeFAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXP1AArachidic acid (C20:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXP1E11-Eicosenoic acid (C20:1n-9) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXP1GTetracosanoic acid (C24:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPANalpha-Linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPD3Docosapentaenoic acid 3 (C22:5n-3) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPD6Docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPDADocosanoic acid (C22:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPED11,14-Eicosadienoic acid (C20:2n6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPGHhomo-gamma-Linolenic acid(C20:3n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPHADocosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPLGgamma-Linolenic acid (C18:3n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPMRMyristic acid (C14:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPNLLinoleic acid (C18:2n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPNR15-Tetracosenoic acid (C24:1n9) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPOLOleic acid (C18:1n-9) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPPEEicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPPLPalmitoleic acid (16:1n-7) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPPMPalmitic acid (C16:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPRAArachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPSTStearic acid (C18:0) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXPTADocosatetraenoic acid (C22:4n-6) (%)FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FAR_K_RFatty Acids - Washed RBCs20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVCHemoglobin Variant C (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVDHemoglobin Variant D (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVEHemoglobin Variant E (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVFHemoglobin Variant F (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVSHemoglobin Variant S (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
LBXVUHemoglobin Variant U (%)HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HBVR_K_RHemoglobin Variants20192020LaboratoryRDC Only
DUQ230During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or cannabis?DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ250The following questions are about cocaine, including all the different forms of cocaine such as powder, 'crack', 'free base', and coca paste. Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form?DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ290The following questions are about heroin. Have you ever, even once, used heroin?DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ330The following questions are about methamphetamine, also known as crank, crystal, ice or speed. Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine?DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DUQ370The following questions are about the different ways that certain drugs can be used. Have you ever, even once, used a needle to inject a drug not prescribed by a doctor?DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQ_L_RDrug Use20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
LBD911LCHPV 11 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD916LCHPV 16 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD918LCHPV 18 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD931LCHPV 31 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD933LCHPV 33 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD945LCHPV 45 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD952LCHPV 52 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD958LCHPV 58 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD96NLCHPV 6 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M11NHPV 11 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M16NHPV 16 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M18NHPV 18 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M31NHPV 31 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M33NHPV 33 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M45NHPV 45 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M52NHPV 52 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M58NHPV 58 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M6NHPV 6 (IU/mL)HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M11HPV11 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M16HPV16 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M18HPV18 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M31HPV31 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M33HPV33 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M45HPV45 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M52HPV52 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M58HPV58 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M6HPV6 9-plex coded resultHPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVN_H_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20132014LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD911LCHPV 11 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD916LCHPV 16 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD918LCHPV 18 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD931LCHPV 31 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD933LCHPV 33 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD945LCHPV 45 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD952LCHPV 52 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD958LCHPV 58 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD96NLCHPV 6 (Quantitative) comment codeHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M11NHPV 11 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M16NHPV 16 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M18NHPV 18 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M31NHPV 31 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M33NHPV 33 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M45NHPV 45 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M52NHPV 52 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M58NHPV 58 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBD9M6NHPV 6 (IU/mL)HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M11HPV11 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M16HPV16 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M18HPV18 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M31HPV31 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M33HPV33 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M45HPV45 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M52HPV52 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M58HPV58 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
LBX9M6HPV6 9-plex coded resultHPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HPVN_I_RHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) - 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, & 58 Antibody – Serum: M9ELISA 20152016LaboratoryRDC Only
ALD020During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_L_RAlcohol Use - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD030During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?ALQY_L_RAlcohol Use - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALD040During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have {DISPLAY NUMBER} or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?ALQY_L_RAlcohol Use - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
ALQ010How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?ALQY_L_RAlcohol Use - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQY_L_RAlcohol Use - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ010Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems: little interest or pleasure in doing things? Would you say...DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ020[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ030[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ040[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling tired or having little energy?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ050[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] poor appetite or overeating?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ060[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ070[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ080[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ090[Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems:] Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
DPQ100How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with people?DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DPQY_L_RMental Health - Depression Screener - Youth20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD043What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had a period in the past 12 months?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD143{Are you/Is SP} pregnant now?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ031{Have you/Has SP} had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? (Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.)RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ078{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated for an infection in {your/her} fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ131The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ167How many deliveries {have you/has SP} had? (Please count all vaginal and Cesarean deliveries and count stillbirths as well as live births.)RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ305{Have you/Has SP} had both of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
RHQ332How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} ovaries removed or last ovary removed if removed at different times?RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_L_RReproductive Health - Women 12 Years and Older20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ295Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ296Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQ_L_RSexual Behavior - Adult 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD021Ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD101In your lifetime, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD171In your lifetime, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD450In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD510In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had any kind of sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ410In your lifetime, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ490In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ550In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had anal or oral sex?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ648In the past 12 months, did you have any kind of sex with a person that you never had sex with before?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ700Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a man? This means a man's penis in your vagina.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ703Have you ever performed oral sex on a man? This means putting your mouth on a man's penis or genitals.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ706Have you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a man's penis and your anus or butt.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ709Have you ever had any kind of sex with a woman? By sex, we mean sexual contact with another woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ800Have you ever had vaginal sex, also called sexual intercourse, with a woman? This means your penis in a woman's vagina.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ803Have you ever performed oral sex on a woman? This means putting your mouth on a woman's vagina or genitals.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ806Have you ever had anal sex with a woman? Anal sex means contact between your penis and a woman's anus or butt.SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ809Have you ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal?SXQY_L_RSexual Behavior - Youth 20212023QuestionnaireRDC Only