National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES 2009-2010 Examination Data Overview

Examination Data Overview
Lab Method Name Documentation Release Date
Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT) [PDF - 244 KB] September 2011
Albumin [PDF - 263 KB] September 2011
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) [PDF - 237 KB] September 2011
Apolipoprotein B [PDF - 363 KB] September 2011
Arsenobetaine, Arsenocholine, Trimethylarsine oxide, Monomethylarsonic acid, Dimethylarsinic acid, Arsenous (III) acid, Arsenic (V) acid, Total Arsenic [PDF - 2.37 MB] September 2011
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) [PDF - 235 KB] September 2011
Bicarbonate (HCO3) [PDF - 416 KB] September 2011
Bilirubin [PDF - 238 KB] September 2011
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) [PDF - 238 KB] September 2011
C-Reactive Protein [PDF - 324 KB] September 2011
Caffeine and caffeine metabolites [PDF - 1.3 MB] July 2014
Chlamydia trachomatis [PDF - 121 KB] September 2011
Chloride [PDF - 278 KB] September 2011
Cholesterol [PDF - 256 KB] September 2011
Complete Blood Count [PDF - 5.48 MB] September 2011
Complex Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) [PDF - 266 KB] September 2011
Cotinine [PDF - 840 KB] September 2011
Creatinine [PDF - 250 KB] September 2011
Endomysial Antibody Assay [PDF - 42 KB] September 2012
Environmental Pesticides [PDF - 603 KB] August 2012
Environmental Phenol [PDF - 865 KB] August 2012
Fasting Glucose [PDF - 224 KB] September 2011
Ferritin [PDF - 195 KB] February 2012
Free Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) [PDF - 277 KB] September 2011
Free Thyroxine (Free T4) (Collaborative Laboratory Services ) [PDF - 305 KB] September 2011
Free Thyroxine (Free T4) (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 312 KB] September 2011
Free Triiodothyronine, Free T3 (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 295 KB] September 2011
Free Triiodothyronine, Free T3 (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 255 KB] September 2011
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) [PDF - 270 KB] September 2011
Glucose [PDF - 234 KB] September 2011
Glycohemoglobin [PDF - 248 KB] September 2011
HDL- Cholesterol [PDF - 314 KB] September 2011
HIV Antibody / HIV Western Blot Confirmatory Test [PDF - 172 KB] September 2011
Heavy Metals - Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Cesium, Cobalt, Lead, Molybdenum, Platinum, Thallium, Tungsten, and Uranium [PDF - 3.02 MB] September 2011
Hepatitis A Antibody [PDF - 666 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis B Core Antibody [PDF - 828 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs) [PDF - 706 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) [PDF - 870 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis C Antibody / Hepatitis C Confirmatory Test (Anti-HCV) [PDF - 805 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis C Genotype [PDF - 308 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis C RNA Qualitative Assay for Hepatitis C Virus [PDF - 218 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis D Antibody [PDF - 106 KB] September 2011
Hepatitis E Antibody (IgG) [PDF - 122 KB] January 2012
Hepatitis E Antibody (IgM) [PDF - 119 KB] January 2012
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 & 2 [PDF - 81 KB] September 2011
Human Papillomavirus [PDF - 85 KB] December 2013
Human Papillomavirus [PDF - 154 KB] September 2011
Insulin - Elecsys 2010 Immunoassay [PDF - 409 KB] August 2016
Insulin - Mercodia ELISA [PDF - 841 KB] August 2016
Iodine & Mercury [PDF - 779 KB] September 2011
Iron [PDF - 244 KB] September 2011
Lactate Dehydrogenase [PDF - 249 KB] September 2011
Lead Cadmium Mercury [PDF - 898 KB] September 2011
Measles Antibody [PDF - 117 KB] September 2011
Mercury [PDF - 571 KB] September 2011
Monohydroxy-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons [PDF - 1.6 MB] August 2015
Mumps Antibody [PDF - 104 KB] September 2011
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide, N,Ndiethyl-3-hydroxymethylbenzamide, and 3-diethyl-carbamoyl benzoic acid [PDF - 577 KB] January 2016
Osmolality [PDF - 502 KB] September 2011
Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Thiocyanate [PDF - 443 KB] April 2014
Phosphorus [PDF - 239 KB] September 2011
Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals [PDF - 3.18 MB] December 2011
Potassium [PDF - 253 KB] September 2011
Rubella Antibody [PDF - 126 KB] September 2011
Sodium [PDF - 292 KB] September 2011
Specific Organophosphorous Pesticides, Synthetic Pyrethroids, and Select Herbicides (Universal Pesticides) [PDF - 1.1 MB] August 2014
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 254 KB] September 2011
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 335 KB] September 2011
Thyroglobulin, (TGN) (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 254 KB] September 2011
Thyroglobulin, (TGN) (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 287 KB] September 2011
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 285 KB] September 2011
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 335 KB] September 2011
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (Collaborative Laboratory Services ) [PDF - 240 KB] September 2011
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 320 KB] September 2011
Tissue Transglutaminase Assay (IgA) [PDF - 42 KB] September 2011
Total Calcium [PDF - 245 KB] September 2011
Total Cholesterol [PDF - 337 KB] September 2011
Total Folate [PDF - 1.42 MB] October 2011
Total Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) [PDF - 264 KB] September 2011
Total Protein [PDF - 296 KB] September 2011
Total Thyroxine, Total T4 (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 345 KB] September 2011
Total Thyroxine, Total T4 (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 338 KB] September 2011
Total Triiodothyronine, Total T3 (Collaborative Laboratory Services) [PDF - 326 KB] September 2011
Total Triiodothyronine, Total T3 (University of Washington Medical Center) [PDF - 288 KB] September 2011
Total and Inorganic Mercury [PDF - 775 KB] September 2011
Trans Fatty Acids [PDF - 854 KB] April 2016
Transferrin Receptor [PDF - 195 KB] February 2012
Triglycerides (Beckman UniCel® DxC800 Synchron) [PDF - 271 KB] September 2011
Triglycerides (Roche/Hitachi Modular P Chemistry Analyzer) [PDF - 302 KB] September 2011
Two Hour Glucose (OGTT) [PDF - 231 KB] September 2011
Uric Acid [PDF - 249 KB] September 2011
Urinary Albumin [PDF - 492 KB] September 2011
Urinary Creatinine [PDF - 250 KB] September 2011
Urinary Phthalates [PDF - 1,321 KB] September 2012
Urinary Phytoestrogens [PDF - 760 KB] January 2013
Varicella Antibody (gp) [PDF - 86 KB] September 2011
Varicella Antibody (whole cell) [PDF - 88 KB] September 2011
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate; 4-pyridoxic acid) [PDF - 984 KB] October 2015
Vitamin D (25-Hydroxyvitamin D2, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, and 3-epi-25-Hydroxyvitamin D3) [PDF - 613 KB] October 2015

Automated Data Collection

Each MEC examination had computerized data collection. The examination component data entry systems had built-in quality control checks. Unusual data entries were flagged and a message was sent to the technicians. The technicians were required to either verify the original entry or edit the response. At the end of each examination session, data were sent to a central survey database.

Spanish Translations of Protocol Instructions

All NHANES brochures, consent forms, hand cards, protocols, and correspondence were produced in English and Spanish. All materials were translated as part of the NHANES, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved, forward translation process. Extensive training was completed with MEC staff to ensure the quality and comparability of staff interactions with Spanish-speaking respondents.

Technician Training

The qualifications for MEC laboratory, physician, dental, and health technician staff are described in the component training manuals. All MEC staff completed the requirements for safety, subject privacy and confidentiality, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. In addition, all staff completed component-specific training to learn the standardized NHANES protocol for each of the examinations they performed.

Quality Control Monitoring- General Procedures

Quality control measures included equipment calibration and observations of examinations in the field. Experienced trainers and observers monitored technician performance in the field. Periodic retraining sessions were conducted with the survey staff.

For a subset of examination components (e.g., body measurements, blood pressure and the dental examination), a "gold standard" examiner performed the second examinations during a site visit.

Consistency Checks

An extensive series of quality assurance and quality control analyses were completed for each examination component. The MEC examination component training manuals, provided with these data files, describe the measures taken in greater detail.

Data Preparation

Routine data preparation procedures included a review of frequency data, outliers, and technician notes. Analysts should review the data reported for each component or laboratory assay, prior to beginning data analyses. Analysts should examine the data spread and consider whether or not it is appropriate to include or exclude extreme values in a given analysis.