Questionnaires are administered to NHANES participants both at home and in the mobile examination centers (MECs). The questionnaires and a brief description of each section follows.
Screener Module: In-person/Telephone Instrument
The following questionnaires are used by field interviewers to collect screener information during the in-person interview on the doorstep or through a telephone interview with an adult household member.
Family Questionnaire
Household and family level information is collected here. The sections are labeled to reflect content.
Sample Person Questionnaire
Individual level information on participants is collected here. The sections are labeled to reflect content. Please note that the Medical Conditions section covers many subject areas.
Mental Health Questionnaires
This questionnaire was conducted in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC).
Columbia University Diagnostic Schedule for Children (CDISC)
MEC ACASI and CAPI Questionnaires
Audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) and computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) questionnaires are administered in the MEC. During the visit to the examination center additional questions are administered that cover more sensitive areas such as reproductive health and illegal drug use. The sections are labeled to reflect content.
Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI) Questionnaire
Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) Questionnaire
These questions on dietary intakes and dietary supplement uses are asked to participants after their visits to the mobile examination center through telephone interviews.