National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES 2001-2002 Laboratory Methods

Laboratory Methods
Lab Method Name Documentation Release Date
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Core Antibody [PDF - 102 KB] February 2008
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody [PDF - 151 KB] February 2008
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen [PDF - 198 KB]
Lab 02 Hepatitis C EIA and RIBA [PDF - 167 KB]
Lab 02 Hepatitis D [PDF - 153 KB] February 2008
Lab 03 CD4+ and CD8+ [PDF - 205 KB]
Lab 03 HIV Serum EIA and Western Blot Test [PDF - 143 KB]
Lab 03 HIV Urine EIA [PDF - 65 KB]
Lab 04 Volatile Organic Compounds (Blood) [PDF - 352 KB] April 2008
Lab 04 Volatile Organic Compounds (Water) [PDF - 401 KB] April 2008
Lab 05 Chlamydia [PDF - 104 KB]
Lab 05 Gonorrhea [PDF - 105 KB]
Lab 06 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [PDF - 212 KB] October 2015
Lab 06 Blood Mercury [PDF - 233 KB]
Lab 06 Cotinine [PDF - 343 KB]
Lab 06 Ferritin [PDF - 116 KB]
Lab 06 Folate and B12 [PDF - 285 KB]
Lab 06 Homocysteine_Axsym [PDF - 223 KB]
Lab 06 Homocysteine_IMX [PDF - 166 KB]
Lab 06 Lead and Cadmium [PDF - 326 KB]
Lab 06 Methylmalonic Acid [PDF - 173 KB] Updated July 2009
Lab 06 Multiple Toxic Elements [PDF - 764 KB]
Lab 06 Urinary Iodine [PDF - 318 KB]
Lab 06 Urine Mercury [PDF - 214 KB]
Lab 06 Vitamins A, E, and Carotenoids [PDF - 410 KB]
Lab 09 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 [PDF - 113 KB]
Lab 10 Glycohemoglobin [PDF - 284 KB]
Lab 10AM C-Peptide [PDF - 254 KB]
Lab 10AM Insulin [PDF - 256 KB]
Lab 10AM Plasma Glucose [PDF - 263 KB]
Lab 11 Bone Alkaline Phosphatase - Beckman Coulter Ostase Assay [PDF - 795 KB]
Lab 11 Bone Alkaline Phosphatase - Hybritech Tandem-MP Ostase ImmunoEnzymetric [PDF - 137 KB]
Lab 11 C Reactive Protein [PDF - 126 KB]
Lab 11 Fibrinogen [PDF - 116 KB]
Lab 11 N Telopeptide in Urine - Enzyme Immunoassay [PDF - 175 KB]
Lab 11 N Telopeptide in Urine - Vitros Immunoassay [PDF - 173 KB]
Lab 11psa Free PSA [PDF - 148 KB]
Lab 11psa Total PSA [PDF - 152 KB]
Lab 13 Lipids [PDF - 329 KB]
Lab 16 Creatinine [PDF - 171 KB]
Lab 16 Urine Albumin [PDF - 219 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma confirmation tests [PDF - 36 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma IgG antibodies [PDF - 152 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma IgM antibodies [PDF - 79 KB]
Lab 18 Biochemistry Profile [PDF - 728 KB]
Lab 18 Follicle Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 122 KB]
Lab 18 Luteinzing Hormone [PDF - 129 KB]
Lab 18 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 194 KB]
Lab 18 Thyroxin [PDF - 163 KB]
Lab 19 Measles, Rubella, and Varicella [PDF - 293 KB]
Lab 20 Lead Dust [PDF - 132 KB]
Lab 25 Complete Blood Count [PDF - 504 KB]
Lab 26 Dialkyl Phosphate Metabolites of Organophosphorus Pesticides [PDF - 220 KB]
Lab 26 Phenolic Metabolites of Pesticides [PDF - 155 KB]
Lab 28 Dioxins [PDF - 568 KB]
Lab 28 PCBs and Persistent Pesticides [PDF - 1.19 MB]
Lab 34 Bacterial Vaginosis [PDF - 63 KB]
Lab 34 Trichomonas [PDF - 93 KB]
Lab 35 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus [PDF - 100 KB]
Lab 36 Syphillis IgG [PDF - 100 KB]
Lab 36 Syphillis Rapid Plasma Reagin [PDF - 96 KB]
Lab 36 Syphillis Serodia Treponema [PDF - 86 KB]
Lab 39 Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin [PDF - 282 KB]
Lab 40 Alanine Amino Transferase [PDF - 88 KB]
Lab 40 Albumin [PDF - 87 KB]
Lab 40 Alkalin Phosphatase [PDF - 89 KB]
Lab 40 Aspartate Aminotransferase [PDF - 88 KB]
Lab 40 Bicarbonate [PDF - 87 KB]
Lab 40 Bilirubin [PDF - 82 KB]
Lab 40 Blood Urea Nitrogen [PDF - 81 KB]
Lab 40 Calcium [PDF - 87 KB]
Lab 40 Chloride [PDF - 87 KB]
Lab 40 Cholesterol [PDF - 88 KB]
Lab 40 Creatinine [PDF - 84 KB]
Lab 40 Follicle Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 79 KB]
Lab 40 Gamma Glutanyl Transferase Sum [PDF - 79 KB]
Lab 40 Glucose Serum [PDF - 77 KB]
Lab 40 Iron (Beckman Synchron) [PDF - 85 KB] February 2008
Lab 40 Iron and TIBC [PDF - 279 KB] February 2008
Lab 40 Lactate Dehydrogenase [PDF - 80 KB]
Lab 40 Luteinzing Hormone [PDF - 80 KB]
Lab 40 Phosphorus [PDF - 85 KB]
Lab 40 Potassium [PDF - 79 KB]
Lab 40 Protein Total [PDF - 80 KB]
Lab 40 SMAC iron [PDF - 85 KB]
Lab 40 Sodium [PDF - 86 KB]
Lab 40 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 102 KB]
Lab 40 Thyroxin [PDF - 118 KB]
Lab 40 Triglycerides [PDF - 80 KB]
Lab 40 Uric Acid [PDF - 82 KB]
Phthalate Monoesters [PDF - 435 KB]