Public-Use Data Files Errata
PrintNHANES III Public Use Data Files Errata
This is a listing of errata that currently exist in the Web-based datasets. This listing does not include errata found in the CD-ROM or DVD releases of NHANES III data that have been corrected in the Web-based datasets. Users should use the Web-based data files as they are the most current and up-to-date.
Appearance of 9998 value instead of missing value
For the following variables, the 9999 fill value was inadvertently coded as 9998 in the data file. Please treat these 9998 values as if they were 9999, as reflected in the documentation. In other words, for the listed data items, the value indicated as 9999 in the documentation will appear as 9998 in the actual data file, due to a programming error in the data production process. We regret the error.
Variables with Incorrect 9998 values