National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES 2013-2014 Procedure Manuals

Procedure Manuals

These manuals are part of the protocol for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. Manuals listed below were developed for interviewer and examiner training. These are important references for NHANES as all correct procedures, policies, and standards are comprehensively detailed. Dates on the first page of each manual reflect the most recent revision.


Manual Name Document
Interviewer Procedure Manual [PDF - 12 MB]
MEC Interviewers Procedures Manual [PDF - 13.3 MB]


Manual Name Document
Laboratory Procedures Manual [PDF - 9 MB]


Manual Name Document
24-Hour Urine Study [PDF - 9.65 KB]
Anthropometry (Body Measures) [PDF - 5.6 MB]
Dietary Interviewer - In-Person [PDF - 7.7 MB]
Dietary Interviewer - Phone Follow-Up [PDF - 6.8 MB]
Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Scan [PDF - 5.7 MB]
Home Urine [PDF - 3.9 MB]
Muscle Strength [PDF - 4.3 MB]
Oral Glucose Tolerance [PDF - 944 KB]
Oral Health (Dental Examiner) [PDF - 4 MB]
Oral Health (Dental Recorder) [PDF - 1.36 MB]
Physical Activity Monitor (PAM) [PDF - 1.33 MB]
Physician Examination [PDF - 5.6 MB]
Taste and Smell [PDF - 3.4 MB]