National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES 1999-2000 Laboratory Methods

Laboratory Methods
Lab Method Name Documentation Release Date
Lab 02 Hepatitis A Antibody [PDF - 151 KB] March 2008
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Core Antibody [PDF - 102 KB] February 2008
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody [PDF - 150 KB] February 2008
Lab 02 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen [PDF - 146 KB]
Lab 02 Hepatitis C EIA and RIBA [PDF - 271 KB]
Lab 02 Hepatitis D [PDF - 151 KB] February 2008
Lab 03 HIV Serum EIA and Western Blot Test [PDF - 208 KB]
Lab 03 HIV Urine EIA [PDF - 101 KB]
Lab 04 Volatile Organic Compounds - Water [PDF - 372 KB]
Lab 04 Volatile Organic Compounds - Whole Blood [PDF - 516 KB]
Lab 05 Chlamydia [PDF - 102 KB]
Lab 05 Gonorrhea [PDF - 100 KB]
Lab 06 Blood Lead and Cadmium [PDF - 222 KB]
Lab 06 Blood Mercury [PDF - 258 KB]
Lab 06 Cotinine [PDF - 327 KB]
Lab 06 Erythrocyte Protoporhyrin [PDF - 252 KB]
Lab 06 Fat Soluble Micronutrients - Vitamins A, E, and Carotenoids [PDF - 458 KB]
Lab 06 Ferritin [PDF - 217 KB]
Lab 06 Folate and B12 [PDF - 305 KB]
Lab 06 Homocysteine [PDF - 220 KB]
Lab 06 Iron and TIBC [PDF - 275 KB]
Lab 06 Lead and Cadmium [PDF - 222 KB]
Lab 06 Methylmalonic Acid [PDF - 285 KB]
Lab 06 Multiple Toxic Elements [PDF - 607 KB]
Lab 06 Selenium [PDF - 251 KB]
Lab 06 Urine Mercury [PDF - 228 KB]
Lab 07 Latex [PDF - 100 KB] February 2008
Lab 09 Herpes [PDF - 73 KB]
Lab 10 Glycohemoglobin [PDF - 246 KB]
Lab 10AM C-Peptide [PDF - 242 KB]
Lab 10AM Insulin [PDF - 254 KB]
Lab 10AM Plasma Glucose [PDF - 187 KB] February 2008
Lab 11 Bone Alkaline Phosphatase [PDF - 244 KB]
Lab 11 C Reactive Protein [PDF - 189 KB]
Lab 11 Fibrinogen [PDF - 185 KB]
Lab 11 Heliobacter [PDF - 102 KB] February 2008
Lab 11 N Telopeptide in Urine [PDF - 173 KB]
Lab 13 Lipids [PDF - 315 KB]
Lab 16 Creatinine [PDF - 251 KB]
Lab 16 Urine Albumin [PDF - 211 KB]
Lab 17 Cryptosporidium Parvum Surface Antigens [PDF - 121 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma confirmation tests [PDF - 20 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma IgG antibodies [PDF - 83 KB]
Lab 17 Toxoplasma IgM antibodies [PDF - 152 KB]
Lab 18 Biochemistry Profile [PDF - 315 KB] Updated January 2010
Lab 18 Follicle Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 182 KB]
Lab 18 Luteinzing Hormone [PDF - 183 KB]
Lab 18 T4 - Thyroxin [PDF - 159 KB]
Lab 18 TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [PDF - 123 KB]
Lab 19 Measles, Rubella, and Varicella [PDF - 233 KB]
Lab 20 Lead Dust [PDF - 203 KB]
Lab 21 Selected Group of Volatile Organic Compounds (Clayton) [PDF - 148 KB] February 2008
Lab 21 Selected Group of Volatile Organic Compounds (EOHSI) [PDF - 156 KB]
Lab 22 Hair Mercury [PDF - 231 KB]
Lab 25 Plasma Glucose [PDF - 508 KB]
Lab 26 Dialkylphosphate Metabolites of Organophosphorus Pesticides [PDF - 221 KB]
Lab 26 Phenolic Metabolites of Pesticides [PDF - 136 KB]
Lab 26 Phytoestrogens [PDF - 567 KB]
Lab 28 Dioxins [PDF - 1.11 MB]
Lab 28 PCBs and Persistent Pesticides [PDF - 1.03 MB]
Phthalate Monoesters [PDF - 400 KB]
Trans Fatty Acids [PDF - 1.3 MB] May 2016