National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES 2013-2014 Laboratory Methods

Laboratory Methods
Lab Method Name Documentation Release Date
25-Hydroxyvitamin D [PDF - 1.13 MB] May 2018
Acrylamide and Glycidamide [PDF - 2.55 MB] December 2019
Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT) [PDF - 118 KB] October 2015
Albumin [PDF - 130 KB] October 2015
Albumin, 24-hour first collection [PDF - 676 KB] October 2015
Albumin, 24-hour second collection [PDF - 681 KB] October 2015
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) [PDF - 114 KB] October 2015
Apolipoprotein B [PDF - 619 KB] February 2016
Aromatic Amines [PDF - 2.52 MB] February 2020
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) [PDF - 117 KB] October 2015
BFRs, PCBs and PPs in Human Serum or Plasma [PDF - 2.73 MB] May 2018
Bicarbonate (HCO3) [PDF - 131 KB] October 2015
Bilirubin [PDF - 119 KB] October 2015
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) [PDF - 108 KB] October 2015
Cadmium, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, and Selenium [PDF - 1.41 MB] January 2016
Caffeine - 24-Hour Urine - First Collection [PDF - 2.32 MB] February 2020
Caffeine - 24-Hour Urine - Second Collection [PDF - 2.28 MB] February 2020
Caffeine and Caffeine Metabolites - Urine [PDF - 2.46 MB] June 2020
Calcium [PDF - 728 KB] October 2015
Chlamydia trachomatis [PDF - 143 KB] October 2015
Chlamydia trachomatis, Youth [PDF - 162 KB] October 2015
Chloride [PDF - 116 KB] October 2015
Cholesterol [PDF - 122 KB] October 2015
Complete Blood Count with 5-Part Differential [PDF - 8.34 MB] July 2016
Copper, Selenium and Zinc [PDF - 1.19 MB] January 2016
Cotinine and Hydroxycotinine [PDF - 1.19 MB] October 2017
Creatine kinase (CPK) [PDF - 117 KB] October 2015
Creatinine [PDF - 134 KB] October 2015
Creatinine, 24-hour first collection [PDF - 693 KB] October 2015
Creatinine, 24-hour second collection [PDF - 692 KB] October 2015
Eight monohydroxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PDF - 1.29 MB] December 2016
Endomysial Antibody Assay (EMA) [PDF - 143 KB] October 2015
Fasting Glucose in Plasma [PDF - 725 KB] Updated April 2018
Fatty Acids [PDF - 8.14 MB] March 2023
Fluoride in Water [PDF - 612 KB] August 2016
Fluoride, Ionic [PDF - 689 KB] August 2016
Fluoride, ionic, Plasma [PDF - 181 KB] October 2015
Fluoride, ionic, Water [PDF - 164 KB] October 2015
Fluoride, Urine [PDF - 2.93 MB] February 2023
Folate Vitamers [PDF - 1.46 MB] February 2019
Formaldehyde [PDF - 1.06 MB] March 2020
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) [PDF - 116 KB] October 2015
Glucose [PDF - 106 KB] October 2015
Glycohemoglobin [PDF - 538 KB] October 2015
HDL - Cholesterol - COBAS [PDF - 657 KB] October 2015
HDL - Cholesterol - MODP [PDF - 646 KB] March 2016
Hepatitis A Antibody [PDF - 103 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis B Core Antibody [PDF - 135 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBS) [PDF - 154 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) [PDF - 302 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis C Antibody / Hepatitis C Confirmatory Test (Anti-HCV) [PDF - 821 KB] January 2018
Hepatitis C Genotype [PDF - 229 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis C Virus RNA [PDF - 170 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis D Antibody [PDF - 81 KB ] October 2015
Hepatitis E IgG Antibody [PDF - 286 KB] October 2015
Hepatitis E IgM Antibody [PDF - 274 KB] October 2015
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 & 2 [PDF - 98 KB] October 2015
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 & 2, Youth [PDF - 95 KB ] October 2015
HIV Antibody / HIV Western Blot Confirmatory Test [PDF - 146 KB] October 2015
HPLC API Tandem Mass Spectrometry [PDF - 1.79 MB] September 2017
HPV Penile Swab Linear Array [PDF - 248 KB] Updated November 2018
HPV Vaginal Swab Cobas High Risk [PDF - 128 KB] December 2016
HPV Vaginal Swab Linear Array [PDF - 202 KB] December 2016
Human Papillomavirus - Oral Rinse [PDF - 729 KB] October 2016
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52 and 58 Antibodies [PDF - 2.86 MB] Updated September 2024
Inorganic Mercury, Methyl Mercury, Ethyl Mercury [PDF - 1.16 MB] January 2016
Insulin [PDF - 850 KB] April 2016
Iodine and Mercury [PDF - 1.24 MB] January 2016
Iron [PDF - 122 KB] October 2015
Lactate Dehydrogenase [PDF - 113 KB] October 2015
Magnesium [PDF - 734 KB] October 2015
Methylmalonic Acid [PDF - 978 KB] October 2018
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide, N,N-diethyl-3-hydroxymethylbenzamide, and 3-diethyl-carbamoyl benzoic acid [PDF - 905 KB] March 2017
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test [PDF - 723 KB] Updated April 2018
Oxalate [PDF - 742 KB] October 2015
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances [PDF - 1.3 MB] July 2016
Personal Care and Consumer Product Chemicals and Metabolites [PDF - 1.51 MB] Updated September 2016
Pesticides - Organochlorine Pesticides [PDF - 1.76 MB] May 2018
Phosphorus [PDF - 119 KB] October 2015
Phosphorus, home urine collection [PDF - 735 KB] October 2015
Phthalates and Phthalate Alternative Metabolites [PDF - 1.61 MB] December 2016
Phytoestrogen - Urine [PDF - 2.39 MB] October 2019
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) [PDF - 2.05 MB] May 2018
Potassium [PDF - 119 KB] October 2015
Serum Aldehydes [PDF - 2.10 MB] April 2019
Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin [PDF - 758 KB] November 2018
Sodium (Na) [PDF - 127 KB] October 2015
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride (Electrolytes) [PDF - 1.70 MB] August 2016
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, 24-hour first collection [PDF - 1.02 MB] October 2015
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, 24-hour second collection [PDF - 1.02 MB] October 2015
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, home urine collection [PDF - 1.03 MB] October 2015
Tissue Transglutaminase Assay (IgA) [PDF - 109 KB] October 2015
Total Calcium [PDF - 111 KB] October 2015
Total Cholesterol - COBAS [PDF - 654 KB] October 2015
Total Cholesterol - MODP [PDF - 646 KB] March 2016
Total Estradiol and Total Testosterone [PDF - 1.64 MB] November 2018
Total Protein [PDF - 129 KB] October 2015
Total Testosterone [PDF - 1.08 MB] November 2018
Trichomonas vaginalis [PDF - 129 KB] December 2016
Triglycerides [PDF - 113 KB] October 2015
Triglycerides - COBAS [PDF - 727 KB] March 2016
Triglycerides - MODP [PDF - 653 KB] March 2016
TSNA [PDF - 1.53 MB] April 2019
UPHOPM [PDF - 1.39 MB] May 2020
Urea Nitrogen [PDF - 726 KB] October 2015
Uric Acid [PDF - 122 KB] October 2015
Urinary Albumin [PDF - 220 KB] October 2015
Urinary Albumin, home urine collection [PDF - 731 KB] October 2015
Urinary Arsenic Speciation [PDF - 1.16 MB] January 2016
Urinary Cotinine and Hydroxycotinine [PDF - 1.22 MB] May 2019
Urinary Cotinine and Hydroxycotinine [PDF - 1.21 MB] May 2019
Urinary Creatinine [PDF - 228 KB] October 2015
Urinary Creatinine, home urine collection [PDF - 731 KB] October 2015
Urinary Metals and Total Arsenic [PDF - 1.74 MB] January 2016
Urinary Nicotine Metabolites and Analogs [PDF - 1.98 MB] May 2019
Urinary Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Thiocyanate [PDF - 1.24 MB] July 2020
Urinary VOCs and Metabolites [PDF - 2.65 MB] February 2018
Vitamin B12 [PDF - 394 KB] May 2016
Volatile N-Nitrosamine Compounds [PDF - 1.5 MB] December 2018
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) & Trihalomethanes/MTBE [PDF - 3.05 MB] January 2017
Whole Blood Folate [PDF - 1.18 MB] February 2019