National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

2003-2004 Demographics Variable List

2003-2004 Demographics Variable List

« Return to NHANES 2003-2004 Demographics Data

Variable NameVariable DescriptionData File NameData File DescriptionBegin YearEndYearComponentUse Constraints
AIALANGLanguage of the MEC ACASI Interview InstrumentDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDBORNIn what country {were you/was SP} born?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDCITZN{Are you/Is SP} a citizen of the United States? [Information about citizenship is being collected by the U.S. Public Health Service to perform health related research. Providing this information is voluntary and is collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on pending immigration or citizenship petitions.] DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDEDUC(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDEDUC2(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDEDUC3(SP Interview Version) What is the highest grade or level of school {you have/SP has} completed or the highest degree {you have/s/he has} received?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHHSIZTotal number of people in the HouseholdDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHRAGEAge in years of the household reference person at the time of HH screening. Individuals 85 and over are topcoded at 85 years of age.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHRBRNIn what country {were you/was NON-SP Head} born?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHREDUWhat is the highest grade or level of school {you have/NON_SP HEAD has} received?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHRGNDGender of the household reference personDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHRMARMarital Status of household reference personDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDHSEDUWhat is the highest grade or level of school {you have/NON-SP SPOUSE has completed or the highest degree {you have/he/she has} receivedDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDMARTLMarital StatusDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDSCHOL{Are you/Is SP} now . . . DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMDYRSUSLength of time SP has been in the US.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
DMQMILITDid {you/SP} ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
FIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the Family interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
FIALANGLanguage of the Family Interview InstrumentDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
FIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the Family Interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
INDFMINCTotal family income (reported as a range value in dollars)DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
INDFMPIRPoverty income ratio (PIR) - a ratio of family income to poverty thresholdDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
INDHHINCTotal household income (reported as a range value in dollars)DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
MIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the MEC CAPI interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
MIALANGLanguage of the CAPI MEC Interview InstrumentDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
MIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the MEC CAPI Interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIAGENDRGender of the sample personDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDAGEEXBest age in months at date of examination for individuals under 85 years of age at screening.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDAGEMNBest age in months at date of screening for individuals under 85 years of age.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDAGEYRBest age in years of the sample person at time of HH screening. Individuals 85 and over are topcoded at 85 years of age.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDEXMONSix month time period when the examination was performed - two categories: November 1 through April 30, May 1 through October 31.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDEXPRGPregnancy status at the time of MEC exam.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDRETH1Recode of reported race and ethnicity information.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDRETH2Linked NH3 Race and Ethnicity Recode.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
RIDSTATRInterview and Examination Status of the Sample Person.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SDDSRVYRData Release Number.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SDMVPSUMasked Variance Unit Pseudo-PSU variable for variance estimationDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SDMVSTRAMasked Variance Unit Pseudo-Stratum variable for variance estimationDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SIAINTRPWas an interpreter used to conduct the Sample Person (SP) interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SIALANGLanguage of the Sample Person Interview InstrumentDEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
SIAPROXYWas a Proxy respondent used in conducting the Sample Person (SP) interview?DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
WTINT2YRInterviewed Sample Persons.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone
WTMEC2YRBoth Interviewed and MEC Examined Sample Persons.DEMO_CDemographic Variables & Sample Weights20032004DemographicsNone