AUAEAR | Which ear tested first? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAEXCMT | Comment code for an Audio Exam | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAEXSTS | Status of an Audiometry Exam | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAFMANL | Frequency at Which Switched From Auto to Manual Audio Testing (Left) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAFMANR | Frequency at Which Switched From Auto to Manual Audio Testing (Right) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUALEQC | Left Ear Quality Code | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAMODE | Mode of Audiometric Test (Manual/Automatic/Mixed) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUAREQC | Right Ear Quality Code | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDLOABC | Other Exam Abnormality, Left, Comment | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDROABC | Other Exam Abnormality, Right, Comment | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ010 | Do you now have a tube in your right or left ear? (If yes, indicate affected ear(s)) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020 | Have you had a cold, sinus problem, or earache in the last 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020A | Have you had a cold in the last 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020B | Have you had a sinus problem in the last 24 hours | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020C | Have you had an earache in the right ear in the last 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020D | Have you had an earache in left ear in the last 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ020E | Have you had an earache in both ears in the last 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ030 | Have you been exposed to loud noise or listened to music with headphones in the past 24 hours? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ040 | How many hours ago did the noise or music end? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUQ050 | Do you hear better in one ear than the other? | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLOABN | Other Exam Abnormality, Left Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLOCOL | Collapsing Ear Canal, Left Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLOEXC | Excessive Cerumen, Left Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLOIMC | Impacted Cerumen, Left Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXOTSPL | Normal: Left Ear Otoscopy | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR1K1L | Left retest threshold @ 1000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR1K1R | Right retest threshold @ 1000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR1K2L | Left retest threshold @ 1000Hz, second reading in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR1K2R | Right retest threshold @ 1000Hz, second reading (db) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR2KL | Left retest threshold @ 2000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR2KR | Right retest threshold @ 2000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR3KL | Left retest threshold @ 3000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR3KR | Right retest threshold @ 3000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR4KL | Left retest threshold @ 4000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR4KR | Right retest threshold @ 4000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR5CL | Left retest threshold @ 500Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR5CR | Right retest threshold @ 500Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR6KL | Left retest threshold @ 6000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR6KR | Right retest threshold @ 6000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR8KL | Left retest threshold @ 8000Hzin decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXR8KR | Right retest threshold @ 8000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXROABN | Other Exam Abnormality, Right Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXROCOL | Collapsing Ear Canal, Right Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXROEXC | Excessive Cerumen, Right Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXROIMC | Impacted Cerumen, Right Ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXROTSP | Normal: Right Ear Otoscopy | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTCOML | Compliance (tympanometry), left ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTCOMR | Compliance (tympanometry), right ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTMEPL | Middle ear pressure (tympanometry), left ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTMEPR | Middle ear pressure (tympanometry), right ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTPVL | Physical volume (tympanometry), left ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTPVR | Physical volume (tympanometry), right ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTWIDL | Tympanometric width, left ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXTWIDR | Tympanometric width, right ear | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU1K1L | Left threshold @ 1000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU1K1R | Right threshold @ 1000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU1K2L | Left threshold @ 1000Hz (second reading)in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU1K2R | Right threshold @ 1000Hz (second reading)in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU2KL | Left threshold @ 2000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU2KR | Right threshold @ 2000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU3KL | Left threshold @ 3000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU3KR | Right threshold @ 3000Hz in decibels (Hearing Levels) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU4KL | Left threshold @ 4000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU4KR | Right threshold @ 4000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU500L | Left threshold @ 500Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU500R | Right threshold @ 500Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU6KL | Left threshold @ 6000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU6KR | Right threshold @ 6000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU8KL | Left threshold @ 8000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXU8KR | Right threshold @ 8000Hz in decibels (Hearing Level) | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
WTSAU2YR | Audiometry Subsample 2 year MEC Weight | AUX_C | Audiometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL01 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 1 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL02 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 2 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL03 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 3 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL04 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 4 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL05 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 5 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL06 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 6 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL07 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 7 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL08 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 8 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL09 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 9 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL10 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 10 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL11 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 11 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL12 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 12 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL13 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 13 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL14 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 14 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL15 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 15 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL16 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 16 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL17 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 17 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL18 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 18 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL19 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 19 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL20 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 20 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL21 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 21 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL22 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 22 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL23 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 23 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL24 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 24 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL25 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 25 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL26 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 26 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL27 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 27 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL28 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 28 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL29 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 29 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL30 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 30 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL31 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 31 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL32 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 32 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL33 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 33 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL34 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 34 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL35 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 35 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL36 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 36 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL37 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 37 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL38 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 38 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL39 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 39 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL40 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 40 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL41 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 41 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL42 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 42 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL43 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 43 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL44 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 44 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL45 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 45 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL46 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 46 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL47 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 47 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL48 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 48 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL49 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 49 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL50 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 50 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL51 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 51 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL52 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 52 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL53 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 53 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL54 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 54 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL55 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 55 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL56 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 56 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL57 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 57 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL58 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 58 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL59 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 59 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL60 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 60 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL61 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 61 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL62 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 62 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL63 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 63 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL64 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 64 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL65 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 65 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL66 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 66 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL67 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 67 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL68 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 68 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL69 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 69 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL70 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 70 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL71 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 71 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL72 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 72 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL73 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 73 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL74 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 74 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL75 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 75 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL76 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 76 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL77 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 77 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL78 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 78 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL79 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 79 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL80 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 80 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL81 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 81 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL82 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 82 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL83 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 83 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYL84 | Tympanometry-Left Ear, Measurement 84 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR01 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 1 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR02 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 2 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR03 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 3 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR04 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 4 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR05 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 5 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR06 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 6 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR07 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 7 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR08 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 8 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR09 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 9 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR10 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 10 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR11 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 11 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR12 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 12 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR13 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 13 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR14 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 14 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR15 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 15 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR16 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 16 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR17 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 17 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR18 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 18 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR19 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 19 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR20 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 20 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR21 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 21 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR22 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 22 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR23 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 23 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR24 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 24 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR25 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 25 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR26 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 26 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR27 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 27 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR28 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 28 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR29 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 29 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR30 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 30 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR31 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 31 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR32 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 32 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR33 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 33 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR34 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 34 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR35 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 35 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR36 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 36 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR37 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 37 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR38 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 38 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR39 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 39 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR40 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 40 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR41 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 41 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR42 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 42 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR43 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 43 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR44 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 44 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR45 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 45 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR46 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 46 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR47 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 47 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR48 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 48 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR49 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 49 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR50 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 50 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR51 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 51 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR52 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 52 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR53 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 53 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR54 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 54 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR55 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 55 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR56 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 56 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR57 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 57 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR58 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 58 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR59 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 59 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR60 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 60 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR61 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 61 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR62 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 62 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR63 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 63 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR64 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 64 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR65 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 65 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR66 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 66 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR67 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 67 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR68 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 68 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR69 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 69 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR70 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 70 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR71 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 71 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR72 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 72 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR73 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 73 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR74 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 74 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR75 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 75 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR76 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 76 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR77 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 77 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR78 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 78 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR79 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 79 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR80 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 80 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR81 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 81 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR82 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 82 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR83 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 83 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUDTYR84 | Tympanometry-Right Ear, Measurement 84 | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
WTSAU2YR | Audiometry Subsample 2 Year Mec Weight | AUXTYM_C | Audiometry - Tympanometry | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAAEXCMT | Comment code for an exam | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAAEXSTS | Status of a MEC exam | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAQ110 | Can you stand on your own? | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAQ120 | Do you have a leg brace? | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAQ130 | Are you feeling any dizziness or lightheadedness now? | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC11 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC12 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC21 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC22 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC31 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC32 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC41 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXFTC42 | Number of Seconds: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC11 | Feet together eyes open: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC12 | Feet together eyes open: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC21 | Feet together eyes closed: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC22 | Feet together eyes closed: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC31 | Feet together eyes open: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC32 | Feet together eyes open: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC41 | Feet together eyes closed: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BAXPFC42 | Feet together eyes closed: | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | BAX_C | Balance | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIAEXSTS | BIA Status | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDALPHA | Value of the exponent alpha from Cole modeling
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDCM | Capacitance (nF) of the cell membrane from Cole modeling
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDECF | Estimated extracellular fluid volume (L) | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDFAT | Estimated fat mass (kg) | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDFC | Characteristic frequency of the equivalent circuit (KHz) | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDFFM | Estimated fat-free mass (kg)
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDFIT | Quality of fit to Cole model | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDICF | Estimated intracellular fluid volume (L)
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDPFAT | Estimated percent body fat | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDRECF | Resistance (ohms) of extracellular fluid (ECF) from Cole modeling | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDRICF | Resistance (ohms) of intracellular fluid (ICF) from Cole modeling
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDTBW | Estimated total water body volume (L)
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIDTD | Time delay (ns) from Cole modeling
| BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC005K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 5 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC006K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 6 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC007K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 7 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC008K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 8 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC009K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 9 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC010K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 10 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC011K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 11 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC012K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 12 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC013K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 13 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC014K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 14 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC015K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 15 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC016K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 16 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC018K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 18 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC020K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 20 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC023K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 23 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC025K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 25 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC028K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 28 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC031K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 31 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC035K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 35 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC039K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 39 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC043K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 43 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC050K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 50 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC054K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 54 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC060K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 60 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC067K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 67 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC075K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 75 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC083K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 83 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC093K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 93 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC100K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 100 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC115K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 115 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC128K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 128 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC143K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 143 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC159K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 159 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC177K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 177 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC1M | Reactance (Ohms) @ 1 MHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC200K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 200 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC220K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 220 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC245K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 245 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC273K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 273 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC304K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 304 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC339K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 339 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC378K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 378 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC421K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 421 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC469K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 469 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC500K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 500 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC582K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 582 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC649K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 649 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC723K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 723 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC806K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 806 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXC898K | Reactance (Ohms) @ 898 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS005K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 5 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS006K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 6 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS007K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 7 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS008K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 8 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS009K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 9 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS010K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 10 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS011K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 11 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS012K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 12 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS013K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 13 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS014K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 14 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS015K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 15 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS016K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 16 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS018K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 18 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS020K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 20 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS023K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 23 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS025K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 25 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS028K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 28 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS031K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 31 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS035K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 35 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS039K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 39 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS043K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 43 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS050K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 50 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS054K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 54 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS060K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 60 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS067K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 67 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS075K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 75 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS083K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 83 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS093K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 93 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS100K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 100 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS115K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 115 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS128K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 128 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS143K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 143 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS159K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 159 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS177K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 177 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS1M | Resistance (Ohms) @ 1 MHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS200K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 200 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS220K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 220 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS245K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 245 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS273K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 273 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS304K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 304 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS339K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 339 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS378K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 378 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS421K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 421 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS469K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 469 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS500K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 500 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS582K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 582 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS649K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 649 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS723K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 723 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS806K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 806 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BIXS898K | Resistance (Ohms) @ 898 KHz | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number | BIX_C | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPAARM | Arm selected: | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPACSZ | Cuff size (cm) (width X length) | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPAEN1 | Enhancement used first reading | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPAEN2 | Enhancement used second reading | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPAEN3 | Enhancement used third reading | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPAEN4 | Enhancement used fourth reading | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPQ150A | Have you had any of the following in the past 30 minutes?: Food | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPQ150B | Have you had any of the following in the past 30 minutes?: Alcohol | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPQ150C | Have you had any of the following in the past 30 minutes?: Coffee | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPQ150D | Have you had any of the following in the past 30 minutes?: Cigarettes | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXCHR | 60 sec HR (30 sec HR * 2) | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXDB | # of dropped beats in 30 seconds | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXDI1 | Diastolic: Blood pressure (first reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXDI2 | Diastolic: Blood pressure (second reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXDI3 | Diastolic: Blood pressure (third reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXDI4 | Diastolic: Blood pressure (fourth reading if necessary) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXML1 | MIL: maximum inflation levels (mm Hg) | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXPLS | 60 sec. pulse (30 sec. pulse * 2): | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXPTY | Pulse type: | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXPULS | Pulse regular or irregular? | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXSY1 | Systolic: Blood pressure (first reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXSY2 | Systolic: Blood pressure (second reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXSY3 | Systolic: Blood pressure (third reading) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BPXSY4 | Systolic: Blood pressure (fourth reading if necessary) mm Hg | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PEASCCT1 | Blood Pressure Comment | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PEASCST1 | Blood Pressure Status | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PEASCTM1 | Blood Pressure Time in Seconds | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | BPX_C | Blood Pressure | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDARMLF | Unusual value noted during data review of BMXARML | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDCALFF | Unusual value noted during data review of BMXCALF | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDLEGF | Unusual value noted during data review of BMXLEG | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDRECUF | The difference between BMXRECUM and BMXHT for children 24-47 months is > 2.5cm. | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDSTATS | Body Measures Component status Code | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDSUBF | Unusual value noted during data review of BMXSUB | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMDTHICF | Unusual value noted during data review of BMXTHICM | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIARMC | Arm Circumference Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIARML | Upper Arm Length Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMICALF | Maximal Calf Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIHEAD | Head Circumference Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIHT | Standing Height Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMILEG | Upper Leg Length Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIRECUM | Recumbent Length Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMISUB | Subscapular Skinfold Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMITHICR | Thigh Circumference Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMITRI | Triceps Skinfold Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIWAIST | Waist Circumference Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMIWT | Weight Comment | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXARMC | Arm Circumference (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXARML | Upper Arm Length (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXBMI | Body Mass Index (kg/m**2) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXCALF | Maximal Calf Circumference (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXHEAD | Head Circumference (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXHT | Standing Height (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXLEG | Upper Leg Length (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXRECUM | Recumbent Length (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXSUB | Subscapular Skinfold (mm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXTHICR | Thigh Circumference (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXTRI | Triceps Skinfold (mm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXWAIST | Waist Circumference (cm) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
BMXWT | Weight (kg) | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | BMX_C | Body Measures | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVAARM | Arm selected for blood pressure monitoring | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVACUFF | Cuff size used for blood pressure monitoring | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVAPROT | Assigned exercise protocol | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVATEMP | Room temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVAVEST | Mesh vest used | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVAWG1 | Warm-up grade (% incline) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVAWS1 | Warm-up speed (miles per hour) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDESVO2 | Estimated maximal oxygen uptake (ml/kg/min). | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL1 | Excluded from exam due to selected physical functioning limitations | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL2 | Excluded from exam due to selected cardiovascular conditions/symptoms | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL3 | Excluded from exam due to selected lung/breathing conditions/symptoms | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL4 | Excluded from exam due to selected asthma symptoms | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL5 | Excluded from exam due to taking selected exclusionary medications | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCL6 | Excluded from exam due to other specific reasons | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXCMT | Comment code for CV fitness exam status | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXLEN | Length of the CV fitness exam (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXMER | Examiner ID code | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDEXSTS | CV fitness exam status | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDFITLV | Cardiovascular fitness level | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDPMHR | Predicted maximal heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDPROT | Exercise protocol used in stage 1 and stage 2 after adjustment for warm-up heart rate | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR1DI | Recovery 1 diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR1HR | Recovery 1 heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR1SY | Recovery 1 systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR1TIM | Amount of time spent in Recovery 1 (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR2DI | Recovery 2 diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR2HR | Recovery 2 heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR2SY | Recovery 2 systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR2TIM | Amount of time spent in Recovery 2 (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR3DI | Recovery 3 diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR3HR | Recovery 3 heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR3SY | Recovery 3 systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDR3TIM | Amount of time spent in Recovery 3 (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1DI | Stage 1 diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1G | Stage 1 grade (% incline) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1HR | Stage 1 heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1S | Stage 1 speed (miles per hour) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1SY | Stage 1 systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS1TIM | Amount of time spent in Stage 1 (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2DI | Stage 2 diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2G | Stage 2 grade (% incline) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2HR | Stage 2 heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2S | Stage 2 speed (miles per hour) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2SY | Stage 2 systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDS2TIM | Amount of time spent in Stage 2 (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDVOMAX | Predicted maximal oxygen uptake (ml/kg/min) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDWDI | Warm-up diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDWHR | Warm-up heart rate (per minute) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDWSY | Warm-up systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVDWTIM | Amount of time spent in warm-up (minutes) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220a | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Heart rate exceeds predetermined limit during first 2 minutes of stage 2 | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220b | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Heart rate exceeds predetermined limit during stage 1 | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220c | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Exercise blood pressure exceeds 260 mmHg systolic and/or 115 mmHg diastolic
| CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220e | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Significant drop (> 20 mm Hg) in systolic blood pressure during exercise | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220g | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Sudden, noticeable variability in heart rate (sudden change of more than 30 beats/minute during a stage)
| CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220h | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Participant requests to stop test or reports severe fatigue | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220i | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Equipment failure | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220j | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Participant is unable to stop gripping hand rails | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220k | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Participant reports a rating of perceived exertion more than 17 | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220l | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Technician discretion (technician notices signs of severe exertion) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVQ220m | Reason for Priority 2 Stop: Other specified reasons | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVXPARC | Physical activity readiness (PAR) code | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVXS1RPE | Stage 1 rating of perceived exertion (RPE) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVXS2RPE | Stage 2 rating of perceived exertion (RPE) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
CVXWRPE | Warm-up rating of perceived exertion (RPE) | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number | CVX_C | Cardiovascular Fitness | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEA6RTYP | Reader 6 code | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEABACK | Back with elbows image captured | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEABKRSN | Back image not captured reason | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEAFLRSN | Front leg image not captured reason | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEAFRLEG | Front of legs with hands image captured | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEAIARSN | Inner arm image not captured reason | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEAINARM | Inner arm image captured | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEALLRSN | Lower leg image not captured reason | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEALOLEG | Back of leg with palms image captured | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED1HDDX | Reader 1 hand dermatitis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED1PSDX | Reader 1 psoriasis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED2HDDX | Reader 2 hand dermatitis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED2PSDX | Reader 2 psoriasis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED6HDDX | Reader 6 hand dermatitis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DED6PSDX | Reader 6 psoriasis | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1BPFO | Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1BPOT | Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1BPPO | Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1BPSH | Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1ELFO | Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1ELOT | Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1ELPO | Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1ELSH | Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1FHFO | Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1FHOT | Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1FHPO | Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1FHSH | Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1IAFO | Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1IAOT | Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1IAPO | Reader 1 psoriasis presetn inner arm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ1IASH | Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2BPFO | Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2BPOT | Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2BPPO | Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2BPSH | Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2ELFO | Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2ELOT | Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2ELPO | Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2ELSH | Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2FHFO | Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2FHOT | Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2FHPO | Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2FHSH | Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2IAFO | Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2IAOT | Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2IAPO | Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ2IASH | Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6BPFO | Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6BPOT | Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6BPPO | Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6BPSH | Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6ELFO | Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6ELOT | Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6ELPO | Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6ELSH | Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6FHFO | Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6FHOT | Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6FHPO | Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6FHSH | Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6IAFO | Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm focus | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6IAOT | Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm other | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6IAPO | Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm position | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEQ6IASH | Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm shadow | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1COMM | Reader 1 comment | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1CRFU | Reader 1 condition require follow-up | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1FITZ | Reader 1 Fitzpatrick skin type | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1HDCF | Reader 1 hand dermatitis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1HDFH | Reader 1 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1HDPM | Reader 1 hand dermatitis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSAL | Reader 1 psoriasis present anterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSBK | Reader 1 psoriasis present back | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSCF | Reader 1 psoriasis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSFH | Reader 1 psoriasis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSPL | Reader 1 psoriasis present posterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX1PSPM | Reader 1 psoriasis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2COMM | Reader 2 comment | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2CRFU | Reader 2 condition require follow-up | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2FITZ | Reader 2 Fitzpatrick skin type | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2HDCF | Reader 2 hand dermatitis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2HDFH | Reader 2 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2HDPM | Reader 2 hand dermatitis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSAL | Reader 2 psoriasis present anterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSBK | Reader 2 psoriasis present back | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSCF | Reader 2 psoriasis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSFH | Reader 2 psoriasis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSPL | Reader 2 psoriasis present posterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX2PSPM | Reader 2 psoriasis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6COMM | Reader 6 comment | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6CRFU | Reader 6 condition require follow-up | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6FITZ | Reader 6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6HDCF | Reader 6 hand dermatitis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6HDFH | Reader 6 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6HDPM | Reader 6 hand dermatitis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSAL | Reader 6 psoriasis present anterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSBK | Reader 6 psoriasis present back | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSCF | Reader 6 psoriasis confidence | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSFH | Reader 6 psoriasis present forearms/hands | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSPL | Reader 6 psoriasis present posterior legs | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEX6PSPM | Reader 6 psoriasis present palms | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DEXFCOMM | Report of Findings comment | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
MXAEXSTS | | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | DEX_C | Dermatology | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEAANKL | Ankle(s) tested | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEAANKLC | Ankle comment | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEAARM | Arm tested | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEAARMC | Arm comment | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALAPNC | Left ankle systolic blood pressure > 255 mm Hg? | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALPTPD | Left posterior tibial pulse detected? | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARAPNC | Right ankle systolic blood pressure > 255 mm Hg? | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARPTPD | Right posterior tibial pulse detected? | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEDANKCF | Ankle cuff size used for BP measurement | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEDARMCF | Brachial cuff size used for BP measurement | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEDSCCT2 | ABPI section comment | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEQ020 | Large adult cuff selected due to poor thigh cuff fit? | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXBRP1 | Brachial systolic blood pressure 1 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXBRP2 | Brachial systolic blood pressure 2 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXBRPM | Mean brachial systolic blood pressure (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLABPI | Left ABPI | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLPTS1 | Left posterior tibial systolic blood pressure 1 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLPTS2 | Left posterior tibial systolic blood pressure 2 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLPTSM | Left mean posterior tibial systolic blood pressure (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRABPI | Right ABPI | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRPTS1 | Right posterior tibial systolic blood pressure 1 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRPTS2 | Right posterior tibial systolic blood pressure 2 (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRPTSM | Right mean posterior tibial systolic blood pressure (in millimeters of mercury) | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number | LEXAB_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALAMP | Left amputation | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALBUN | Left bunions | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALHAC1 | Left halux comments, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALHAC2 | Left halux comments, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALHAC3 | Left halux comments, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALLES | Left lesion | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALLESS | Left lesion site | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM1C1 | Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM1C2 | Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM1C3 | Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM5C1 | Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM5C2 | Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALM5C3 | Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEALPN | Left Foot - Number of insensate areas | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARAMP | Right amputation | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARBUN | Right bunions | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARHAC1 | Right halux comment, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARHAC2 | Right halux comment, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARLES | Right lesion | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARLESS | Right lesion site | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARM1C1 | Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARM1C2 | Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARM5C1 | Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARM5C2 | Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARM5C3 | Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEARPN | Right Foot - Number of insensate areas | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEDSCCT1 | PN section comment | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLHAL1 | Left halux, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLHAL2 | Left halux, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLHAL3 | Left halux, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH11 | Left metatarsal head 1, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH12 | Left metatarsal head 1, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH13 | Left metatarsal head 1, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH51 | Left metatarsal head 5, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH52 | Left metatarsal head 5, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXLMH53 | Left metatarsal head 5, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRHAL1 | Right halux, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRHAL2 | Right halux, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRHAL3 | Right halux, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH11 | Right metatarsal head 1, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH12 | Right metatarsal head 1, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH13 | Right metatarsal head 1, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH51 | Right metatarsal head 5, test 1 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH52 | Right metatarsal head 5, test 2 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
LEXRMH53 | Right metatarsal head 5, test 3 | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number | LEXPN_C | Lower Extremity Disease - Peripheral Neuropathy | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAEXSTS | Overall Oral Health Exam Status
| OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHDDEST | Status code for Tooth "Wear"
| OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHDFCST | Status code for Contacts
| OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03ESO | Occlusal surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08ESI | Incisal surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14ESO | Occlusal surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19ESO | Occlusal surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27ESF | Facial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27ESI | Incisial surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27ESL | Lingual surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30ESO | Occlusal surface code for erosion assessment | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCANT | Number of Anterior Functional Contacts | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ1 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 1 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ2 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 2 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ3 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 3 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ4 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 4 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ5 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 5 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ6 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 6 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ7 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 7 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCLZ8 | Posterior Left FOC Zone 8 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ1 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 1 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ2 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 2 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ3 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 3 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ4 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 4 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ5 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 5 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ6 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 6 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ7 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 7 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXFCRZ8 | Posterior Right FOC Zone 8 | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXMAXIN | Facial Exam: maximal incisal opening (mm) | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | OHXADD_C | Oral Health - Addendum | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAEXSTS | Overall Oral Health Exam Status
| OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHASCST3 | Dentition Status Code
| OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX01TC | Tooth Count: Upper right 3rd molar (3M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02SE | Dental Sealants: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02TC | Tooth Count: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 1st molar (1M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 1st molar (1M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03SE | Dental Sealants: Upper right 1st molar (1M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03TC | Tooth Count: Upper right 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04SE | Dental Sealants: Upper right 2nd biscuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04TC | Tooth Count: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 1st biscuspid/1st primary molar (1B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05SE | Dental Sealants: Upper right 1st biscuspid/1st primary molar (1B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05TC | Tooth Count: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right cuspid (C) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right cuspid (C) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06TC | Tooth Count: Upper right cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07SE | Dental Sealants: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07TC | Tooth Count: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07TR | Incisor Trauma: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper right central incisor (CI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper right central incisor (CI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper right central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08TC | Tooth Count: Upper right central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08TR | Incisor Trauma: Upper right central incisor (CI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left central incisor (CI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left central incisor (CI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09TC | Tooth Count: Upper left central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09TR | Incisor Trauma: Upper left central incisor (CI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10SE | Dental Sealants: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10TC | Tooth Count: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10TR | Incisor Trauma: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left cuspid (C) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left cuspid (C) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11TC | Tooth Count: Upper left cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12SE | Dental Sealants: Upper left 1st biscuspid/1st primary molar (1B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12TC | Tooth Count: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13SE | Dental Sealants: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13TC | Tooth Count: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 1st molar (1M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 1st molar (1M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14SE | Dental Sealants: Upper left 1st molar (1M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14TC | Tooth Count: Upper left 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15CSC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15CTC | Coronal Caries: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15SE | Dental Sealants: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15TC | Tooth Count: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX16TC | Tooth Count: Upper left 3rd molar (3M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX17TC | Tooth Count: Lower left 3rd molar (3M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18SE | Dental Sealants: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18TC | Tooth Count: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 1st molar (1M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 1st molar (1M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19SE | Dental Sealants: Lower left 1st molar (1M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19TC | Tooth Count: Lower left 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20SE | Dental Sealants: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20TC | Tooth Count: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21SE | Dental Sealants: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21TC | Tooth Count: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left cuspid (C) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left cuspid (C) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22TC | Tooth Count: Lower left cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23TC | Tooth Count: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23TR | Incisor Trauma: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower left central incisor (CI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower left central incisor (CI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower left central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24TC | Tooth Count: Lower left central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24TR | Incisor Trauma: Lower left central incisor (CI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right central incisor (CI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right central incisor (CI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25TC | Tooth Count: Lower right central incisor (CI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25TR | Incisor Trauma: Lower right central incisor (CI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26TC | Tooth Count: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26TR | Incisor Trauma: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) traumatic injury code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right cuspid (C) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right cuspid (C) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27TC | Tooth Count: Lower right cuspid (C) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28SE | Dental Sealants: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28TC | Tooth Count: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29SE | Dental Sealants: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29TC | Tooth Count: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 1st molar (1M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 1st molar (1M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30SE | Dental Sealants: Lower right 1st molar (1M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30TC | Tooth Count: Lower right 1st molar (1M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31CSC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) surface calls | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31CTC | Coronal Caries: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) tooth code | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31DI | Fluorosis Deans Index: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31SE | Dental Sealants: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) sealant codes | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31TC | Tooth Count: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX32TC | Tooth Count: Lower right 3rd molar (3M) | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXEDEN | Tooth Count: Edentulous | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXIMP | Tooth Count: Ever had a tooth replaced with a surgical implant? | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXRCAR | Root Caries: Whole mouth root caries | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHXRRES | Root Caries: Whole mouth root restorations | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | OHXDEN_C | Oral Health - Dentition | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAEXSTS | Overall Oral Health Exam Status | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHASCST4 | Periodontal Status Code
| OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD18PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD19PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD20PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD21PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD22PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD23PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD24PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD25PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD26PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD27PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD28PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD29PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD30PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31CJD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31CJM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31CJS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31LAD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31LAM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31LAS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31PCD | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31PCM | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD31PCS | Loss of Attachment: Lower right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd molar-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd molar-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX18BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd molar-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st molar-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st molar-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX19BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st molar-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX20BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 2nd bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX21BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left 1st bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left cuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left cuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX22BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left cuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left lateral incisor-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX23BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left lateral incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left lateral incisor-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left central incisor-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left central incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX24BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower left central incisor-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right central incisor-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right central incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX25BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right central incisor-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right lateral incisor-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right lateral incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX26BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right lateral incisor-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right cuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right cuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX27BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right cuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX28BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX29BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st molar-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st molar-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX30BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 1st molar-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd molar-distal site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd molar-midfacial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX31BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Lower right 2nd molar-mesial site | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | OHXPRL_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Lower | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAEXSTS | Overall Oral Health Exam Status | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHASCST4 | Periodontal Status Code
| OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD02PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD03PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD04PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD05PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD06PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD07PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD08PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD09PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD10PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD11PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD12PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD13PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD14PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15CJD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15CJM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15CJS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15LAD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15LAM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15LAS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15PCD | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15PCM | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHD15PCS | Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm) | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd molar-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd molar-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX02BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd molar-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st molar-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st molar-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX03BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st molar-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX04BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 2nd bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX05BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right 1st bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right cuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right cuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX06BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right cuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right lateral incisor-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right lateral incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX07BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right lateral incisor-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right central incisor-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right central incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX08BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper right central incisor-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left central incisor-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left central incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX09BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left central incisor-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left lateral incisor-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX10BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left lateral incisor-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left lateral incisor-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left cuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX11BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left cuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left cuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX12BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd bicuspid-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd bicuspid-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX13BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd bicuspid-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st molar-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st molar-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX14BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 1st molar-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15BPD | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd molar-distal site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15BPM | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd molar-midfacial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHX15BPS | Periodontal bleeding from probing: Upper left 2nd molar-mesial site | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | OHXPRU_C | Oral Health - Periodontal/Upper | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAEXSTS | Overall Oral Health Exam Status | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAPOS | Was the SP in a recumbent (laying down) position for all eligible assessments of the oral health exam? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHARCMT | Other Referral Comments | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAREC | Overall recommendation for care | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHARNF | F. No significant findings | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROCCI | D. Clinical impression of soft tissue condition | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROCDE | E. Denture/Partial Denture/plates | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROCDT | A. Decayed teeth | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROCGP | B. Gums/gum disease | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROCOH | C. Oral hygiene | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHAROTH | Some other finding (specify w/ referral letter) | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHASCST5 | Referral Status Code | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ011 | How would you describe the condition of your teeth? Would you say...... | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ131 | Q1. Has a doctor or dentist ever told you that you must ALWAYS take antibiotics (e.g. penicillin) before you get a dental check up or care? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ132 | Q2. A heart problem? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ134 | Q3. Congenital heart murmurs? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ136 | Q4. Heart valve problem? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ138 | Q5. Congenital heart disease? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ140 | Q6. Bacterial endocarditis? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ142 | Q7. Rheumatic fever? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ144 | Q8. Kidney disease requiring renal dialysis? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ146 | Q11. Other artificial material in your heart, veins, or arteries? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ148 | Q12. A hip, bone, or joint replacement? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ410 | Do you have an upper removable partial or full denture? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ420 | Do you usually wear it during the day? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ430 | Do you have a lower removable partial or full denture? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ440 | Do you usually wear it during the day? | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490a | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Toothache | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490b | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Sensitivity | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490c | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Cavities/Caries | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490d | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Broken/missing fillings or restorations | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490e | What specific problems do you have with your teeth?- Broken / fractured teeth | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490f | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Staining/discoloration of teeth | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490g | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Crooked teeth, or teeth that need braces | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490h | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Teeth needing extractions | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490i | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Missing teeth | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490j | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Denture problems | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490k | What specific problems do you have with your teeth? - Periodontal problems | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490l | Unsatisfactory prior dental experience | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490m | None/no specific problem | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
OHQ490n | Other | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | OHXREF_C | Oral Health - Recommendation of Care | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXCAL | Was the monitor in calibration? | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXDAY | The day of the week. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXHOUR | The hour of the day for which the intensity value was recorded. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXINTEN | The intensity value recorded by the physical activity monitor. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXMINUT | The minute of the hour for which the intensity value was recorded. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXN | The person-level sequential observation number recorded in the device. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
PAXSTAT | Flag indicating whether or not the data is reliable. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | PAXRAW_C | Physical Activity Monitor | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDLOVA | The visual acuity with objective refraction of the left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDLVA | The presenting visual acuity of the left eye with usual correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDOLFM | The confidence level of the objective refraction reading of the left eye (mean of three measures). | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDORFM | The confidence level of the objective refraction reading for the right eye (mean of three measures). | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDROVA | The visual acuity with objective refraction of the right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIDRVA | The presenting visual acuity of the right eye with usual correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ110 | Does SP appear to have a severe eye infection in one or both eyes? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ121 | if VIQ110 = "Yes" record which eye(s) is/are affected. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ130 | Is SP wearing an eye patch? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ141 | If VIQ130 = "Yes" record which eye(s) is/are affected. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ150 | Do you wear glasses or contact lenses for reading or near work? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ160 | If VIQ150 = "Yes", record if the examinee brought their near work glasses, contacts, or a combination of glasses and/or contacts to the testing facility. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ170 | If VIQ160 = "Yes", record whether the examinee wore glasses, contacts, or a combination of glasses and/or contacts for test of near vision. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ180 | Have you ever had eye surgery to treat or prevent nearsightedness or myopia? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ191 | If VIQ180 = "Yes", record which eye(s) was/were operated on. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ200 | Have you ever had eye surgery to treat cataracts? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ211 | if VIQ200 = "Yes", record which eye(s) was/were operated on for cataracts. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ220 | Do you wear glasses or contact lenses for distance vision, such as when you watch television? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ230 | If VIQ220 = "Yes", record if examinee brought their distance correction to the testing center. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ240 | If VIQ230 = "Yes", record the type of correction (glasses, contacts, or a combination of glasses and contacts) the SP has with them. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIQ250 | Did the examiner capture the prescription of the examinee's lens? | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLCD | Keratometric measure. Difference in dioptric power between meridians of the cornea in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLCG | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the steepest meridian of the cornea in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLD1 | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power in the least power meridian of the cornea in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLD2 | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power in the meridian of the cornea with the greatest power in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLDM | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power of the cornea averaged across meridians in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLG1 | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the least power median of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLG2 | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the greatest power meridian of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLM1 | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) in the least power meridian of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLM2 | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) in the greatest power meridian of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKLMM | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) averaged across meridians in the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRCD | Keratometric measure. Difference in dioptric power between meridians of the cornea in the examinee's right eye | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRCG | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the steepest meridian of the cornea in the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRD1 | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power in the least power meridian of the cornea in the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRD2 | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power in the meridian of the cornea with the greatest power in the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRDM | Keratometric measure. Dioptric power of the cornea averaged across meridians in the examinee's right eye | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRG1 | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the least power meridian of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRG2 | Keratometric measure. Axis of corneal astigmatism (in degrees) in the greatest power meridian of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRM1 | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) in the least power meridian of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRM2 | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) in the greatest power meridian of the examinee's right eye | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXKRMM | Keratometric measure. Radius of corneal curvature (in mm) averaged across meridians in the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXNC1 | The number of the last line the examinee read with one or fewer misses, that is the number of the last line where the examinee read at least four out of the five characters correctly. Line 1 has the largest print: line 5 has the smallest print. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXNC2 | Record to the nearest inch the distance from the center of the card to the examinee's brow. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXOCMT | The examiner can note special circumstances related to a visual acuity test. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXOLAM | Axis of refractive astigmatism (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXOLCM | Cylindrical dioptric power (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXOLSM | Spherical dioptric power (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's left eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXORAM | Axis of refractive astigmatism (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXORCM | Cylindrical dioptric power (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXORSM | Spherical dioptric power (median value of three objective refractions) of the examinee's right eye. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPLA | Prescription of the axis in the left lens used for distance correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPLC | Prescription of the cylinder in the left lens used for distance correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPLS | Prescription of the sphere in the left lens used for distance correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPRA | Prescription of the axis in the right lens used for distance correction | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPRC | Prescription of the cylinder in the right lens used for distance correction | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
VIXPRS | The prescription of the sphere in the right lens used for distance correction. | VIX_C | Vision | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXATRST | Trunk scan status | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXATRTV | Trunk tissue invalidity code | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXAGRAT | Android to gynoid ratio | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXANFM | Android fat mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXANLM | Android lean mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXANTOM | Android total mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXAPFAT | Android percent fat | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXGPFAT | Gynoid percent fat | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXGYFM | Gynoid fat mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXGYLM | Gynoid lean mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
DXXGYTOM | Gynoid total mass | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | DXXAG_C | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - Android/Gynoid | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR101 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 01 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR102 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 02 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR103 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 03 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR104 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 04 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR105 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 05 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR106 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 06 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR107 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 07 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR108 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 08 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR109 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 09 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR110 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 10 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR111 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 11 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR112 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 12 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR113 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 13 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR114 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 14 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR115 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 15 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR116 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 16 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR117 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 17 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR118 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 18 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR119 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 19 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR120 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 20 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR121 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 21 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR122 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 22 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR123 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 23 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR124 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 24 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR125 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 25 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR126 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 26 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR127 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 27 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR128 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 28 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR129 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 29 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR130 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 30 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR131 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 31 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR132 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 32 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR133 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 33 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR134 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 34 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR135 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 35 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR136 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 36 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR137 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 37 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR138 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 38 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR139 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 39 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR140 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 40 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR141 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 41 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR142 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 42 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR143 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 43 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR144 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 44 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR145 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 45 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR146 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 46 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR147 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 47 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR148 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 48 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR149 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 49 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR150 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 50 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR151 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 51 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR152 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 52 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR153 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 53 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR154 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 54 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR155 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 55 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR156 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 56 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR157 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 57 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR158 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 58 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR159 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 59 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR160 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 60 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR161 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 61 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR162 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 62 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR163 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 63 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR164 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 64 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR165 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 65 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR166 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 66 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR167 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 67 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR168 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 68 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR169 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 69 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR170 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 70 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR171 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 71 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR172 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 72 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR173 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 73 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR174 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 74 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR175 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 75 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR176 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 76 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR177 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 77 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR178 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 78 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR179 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 79 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR180 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 80 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR181 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 81 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR182 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 82 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR183 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 83 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR184 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 1KHz, 84 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR201 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 01 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR202 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 02 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR203 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 03 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR204 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 04 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR205 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 05 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR206 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 06 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR207 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 07 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR208 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 08 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR209 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 09 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR210 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 10 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR211 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 11 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR212 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 12 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR213 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 13 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR214 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 14 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR215 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 15 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR216 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 16 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR217 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 17 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR218 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 18 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR219 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 19 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR220 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 20 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR221 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 21 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR222 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 22 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR223 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 23 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR224 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 24 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR225 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 25 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR226 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 26 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR227 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 27 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR228 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 28 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR229 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 29 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR230 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 30 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR231 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 31 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR232 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 32 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR233 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 33 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR234 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 34 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR235 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 35 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR236 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 36 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR237 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 37 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR238 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 38 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR239 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 39 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR240 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 40 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR241 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 41 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR242 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 42 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR243 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 43 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR244 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 44 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR245 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 45 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR246 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 46 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR247 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 47 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR248 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 48 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR249 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 49 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR250 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 50 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR251 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 51 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR252 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 52 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR253 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 53 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR254 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 54 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR255 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 55 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR256 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 56 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR257 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 57 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR258 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 58 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR259 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 59 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR260 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 60 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR261 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 61 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR262 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 62 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR263 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 63 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR264 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 64 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR265 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 65 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR266 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 66 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR267 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 67 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR268 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 68 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR269 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 69 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR270 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 70 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR271 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 71 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR272 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 72 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR273 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 73 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR274 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 74 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR275 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 75 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR276 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 76 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR277 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 77 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR278 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 78 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR279 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 79 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR280 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 80 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR281 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 81 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR282 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 82 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR283 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 83 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXLR284 | Acoustic Reflex Left Ear, 2kHz, 84 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR101 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 01 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR102 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 02 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR103 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 03 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR104 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 04 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR105 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 05 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR106 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 06 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR107 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 07 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR108 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 08 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR109 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 09 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR110 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 10 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR111 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 11 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR112 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 12 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR113 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 13 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR114 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 14 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR115 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 15 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR116 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 16 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR117 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 17 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR118 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 18 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR119 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 19 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR120 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 20 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR121 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 21 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR122 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 22 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR123 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 23 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR124 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 24 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR125 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 25 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR126 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 26 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR127 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 27 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR128 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 28 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR129 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 29 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR130 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 30 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR131 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 31 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR132 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 32 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR133 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 33 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR134 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 34 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR135 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 35 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR136 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 36 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR137 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 37 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR138 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 38 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR139 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 39 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR140 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 40 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR141 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 41 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR142 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 42 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR143 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 43 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR144 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 44 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR145 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 45 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR146 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 46 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR147 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 47 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR148 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 48 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR149 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 49 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR150 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 50 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR151 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 51 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR152 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 52 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR153 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 53 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR154 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 54 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR155 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 55 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR156 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 56 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR157 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 57 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR158 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 58 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR159 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 59 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR160 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 60 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR161 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 61 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR162 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 62 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR163 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 63 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR164 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 64 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR165 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 65 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR166 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 66 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR167 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 67 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR168 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 68 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR169 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 69 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR170 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 70 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR171 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 71 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR172 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 72 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR173 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 73 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR174 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 74 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR175 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 75 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR176 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 76 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR177 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 77 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR178 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 78 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR179 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 79 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR180 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 80 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR181 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 81 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR182 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 82 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR183 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 83 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR184 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 1KHz, 84 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR201 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 01 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR202 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 02 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR203 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 03 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR204 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 04 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR205 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 05 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR206 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 06 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR207 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 07 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR208 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 08 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR209 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 09 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR210 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 10 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR211 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 11 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR212 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 12 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR213 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 13 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR214 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 14 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR215 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 15 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR216 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 16 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR217 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 17 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR218 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 18 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR219 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 19 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR220 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 20 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR221 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 21 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR222 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 22 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR223 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 23 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR224 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 24 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR225 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 25 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR226 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 26 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR227 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 27 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR228 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 28 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR229 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 29 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR230 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 30 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR231 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 31 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR232 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 32 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR233 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 33 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR234 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 34 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR235 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 35 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR236 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 36 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR237 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 37 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR238 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 38 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR239 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 39 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR240 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 40 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR241 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 41 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR242 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 42 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR243 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 43 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR244 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 44 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR245 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 45 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR246 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 46 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR247 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 47 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR248 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 48 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR249 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 49 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR250 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 50 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR251 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 51 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR252 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 52 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR253 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 53 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR254 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 54 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR255 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 55 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR256 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 56 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR257 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 57 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR258 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 58 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR259 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 59 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR260 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 60 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR261 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 61 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR262 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 62 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR263 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 63 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR264 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 64 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR265 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 65 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR266 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 66 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR267 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 67 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR268 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 68 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR269 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 69 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR270 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 70 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR271 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 71 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR272 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 72 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR273 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 73 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR274 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 74 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR275 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 75 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR276 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 76 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR277 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 77 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR278 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 78 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR279 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 79 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR280 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 80 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR281 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 81 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR282 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 82 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR283 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 83 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
AUXRR284 | Acoustic Reflex Right Ear, 2kHz, 84 | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
SEQN | Respondent sequence number. | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |
WTSAU2YR | Audiometry Subsample 2 Year Mec Weight | AUXAR_C | Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex | 2003 | 2004 | Examination | None |