National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

2001-2002 Questionnaire Variable List

2001-2002 Questionnaire Variable List

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Variable NameVariable DescriptionData File NameData File DescriptionBegin YearEndYearComponentUse Constraints
SEQNRespondent sequence number.WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD010These next questions ask about {your/SP's} height and weight at different times in {your/his/her} life. How tall {are you/is SP} without shoes?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD020How much {do you/does SP} weigh without clothes or shoes?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD050How much did {you/SP} weigh a year ago?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080AHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080BHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080CHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080DHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080EHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080FHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080GHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080HHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080IHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080JHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080KHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080LHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080MHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD080NHow did {you/SP} try to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100aWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100bWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100cWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100dWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100eWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100fWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100gWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100hWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100iWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100jWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100kWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100lWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100MWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD100NWhat did {you/SP} do to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD110How much did {you/SP} weigh 10 years ago? [If you don't know {your/his/her} exact weight, please make your best guess.]WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD120How much did {you/SP} weigh at age 25? [If you don't know {your/his/her} exact weight, please make your best guess.]WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD130How tall {were you/was SP} at age 25? [If you don't know {your/his/her} exact height, please make your best guess.]WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHD140Up to the present time, what is the most {you have/SP has} ever weighed?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ030{Do you/Does SP} consider {your/his/her}self now to be . . .WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ040Would {you/SP} like to weigh . . .WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ060Was the change between {your/SP's} current weight and {your/his/her} weight a year ago intentional?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ070During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} tried to lose weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ090During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} done anything to keep from gaining weight?WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
WHQ150How old {were you/was SP} then? [If you don't know {your/his/her} exact age, please make your best guess.]WHQ_BWeight History20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD010AWhat language(s) {do you/does SP} usually speak at home?ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD010BWhat language(s) {do you/does SP} usually speak at home?ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD010CWhat language(s) {do you/does SP} usually speak at home?ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD040What language(s) {do you/does SP} usually speak at home? Would you say...ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD070In what country was {your/SP's} father born?ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACD080In what country was {your/SP's} mother born?ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACQ020The next questions are about language. In general, what language(s) {do you/does SP} read and speak. Would you say . . .ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACQ030What was the language(s) {you/SP} used as a child? Would you say …ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACQ050In which language(s) {do you/does SP} usually think? Would you say...ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ACQ060What language(s) {do you/does SP} usually speak with {your/his/her} friends? Would you say...ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ACQ_BAcculturation20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALD100The next questions are about drinking alcoholic beverages. Included are liquor (such as whiskey or gin), beer, wine, wine coolers, and any other type of alcoholic beverage. In any one year, {have you/has SP} had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage? By a drink, I mean a 12 oz. beer, a 4 oz. glass of wine, or an ounce of liquor.ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ110In {your/SP's} entire life, {have you/has he/ has she} had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage?ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ120QIn the past 12 months, how often did {you/SP} drink any type of alcoholic beverage? PROBE: How many days per week, per month, or per year did {you/SP} drink?ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ120UUNIT OF MEASURE.ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ130In the past 12 months, on those days that {you/SP} drank alcoholic beverages, on the average, how many drinks did {you/he/she} have?ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ140QIn the past 12 months, on how many days did {you/SP} have 5 or more drinks of any alcoholic beverage? PROBE: How many days per week, per month, or per year did {you/SP} have 5 or more drinks in a single day?ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ140UUNIT OF MEASURE.ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ALQ150Was there ever a time or times in {your/SP's} life when {you/he/she} drank 5 or more drinks of any kind of alcoholic beverage almost every day?ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ALQ_BAlcohol Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD300The next questions are about certain prescription and over the counter pain relievers that {you/SP} may be using now or may have used in the past on a regular basis. You may have told me about some of these pain relievers earlier. I have some different questions specifically about pain relievers. {Have you/has SP} ever taken any of these prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers nearly every day for as long as a month?RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD310Which products {have you/has SP} taken?RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD320Please think about {your/SP's} use of pain reliever products during {your/his/her} lifetime. For how many years did {you/s/he} use {PRODUCT NAME} nearly every day? Please do not count the months or years when {you were/s/he was} not taking the medicine.RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD330{Do you/Does SP} currently use or take {PRODUCT NAME} daily or nearly every day?RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD331QOn average, how many pills or doses of {PRODUCT NAME} {do you/does SP} take in a single day?RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD331UUNIT OF MEASURE RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RXQANA_BAnalgesic Pain Relievers20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ130Which statement best describes {your/SP's} hearing (without hearing aid)? Would you say {your/his/her} hearing is good, that {you have/s/he has} a little trouble, a lot of trouble, or {are you/is s/he} deaf?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ140About how long has it been since {you/SP} last had {your/his/her} hearing tested?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ150{Have you/Has SP} ever worn a hearing aid?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ160{Are you/Is SP} now wearing a hearing aid?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ170In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} ever worn a hearing aid?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ180In the past 12 months, how often would you say {you/SP} wore a hearing aid? Would you say . . .AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ190In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} ever had ringing, roaring, or buzzing in {your/his/her} ears?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ200How often did this happen? Would you say . . .AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ210Outside of work, {have you/has SP} ever been exposed to firearms noise for an average of at least once a month for a year?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ220{Have you/Has SP} ever worn hearing protection devices when exposed to firearms noise?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ230Outside of work, {have you/has SP} ever been exposed to other types of loud noise, such as noise from power tools or loud music, for an average of at least once a month for a year? By loud noise I mean noise so loud that {you/s/he} had to speak in a rai sed voice to be heard.AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
AUQ240{Have you/Has SP} ever worn hearing protection devices when exposed to these loud noises?AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.AUQ_BAudiometry20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ010During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had dizziness, difficulty with balance or difficulty with falling?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ020AWhich of these problems {have you/has SP} had . . .dizziness?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ020BWhich of these problems {have you/has SP} had . . .difficulty with balance?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ020CWhich of these problems {have you/has SP} had . . .difficulty with falling?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ030AHow long did the... dizziness last? Would you say less than two weeks, 2 weeks to 3 months, or more than 3 months?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ030BHow long did the... difficulty with balance last? Would you say less than two weeks, 2 weeks to 3 months, or more than 3 months?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ040{Do you/Does SP} get dizzy when {you/s/he} turn{s} over in bed?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060AWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060BWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060CWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060DWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060EWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060FWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060GWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ060HWhich of the things on this list, if any, were related to {your/SP's} dizziness or balance problem?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ070{Have you/Has SP} ever been treated by a doctor or other health professional for dizziness, a balance problem, or falling?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ075How long ago {were you/was SP} treated? Would you say . . .BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ080ADid this treatment involve. . .medication?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ080BDid this treatment involve. . .surgery to the ear?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ080CDid this treatment involve. . .some other type of surgery?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ080DDid this treatment involve. . .exercises or physical therapy?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ090As a result of this treatment, did {your/SP's} condition. . .BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BAQ100Have any of {your/SP's} biological, that is, blood relatives (grandparents, parents, brothers, or sisters) had a problem with dizziness, balance, or falling not related to aging?BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.BAQ_BBalance20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD110A{Even though {you have/SP has} never had {your/his/her} blood cholesterol checked} {Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} that {your/his/her} blood cholesterol was high} we are now going to ask you if {you have/SP has} made any major changes on your own to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol. Specifically {do you/does s/he} eat fewer high fat or high cholesterol foods in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD110B{Even though {you have/SP has} never had {your/his/her} blood cholesterol checked} {Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} that {your/his/her} blood cholesterol was high} we are now going to ask you if {you have/SP has} made any major changes on your own to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol. Specifically {have you/has s/he} controlled {your/his/her} weight or lost weight in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD110C{Even though {you have/SP has} never had {your/his/her} blood cholesterol checked} {Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} that {your/his/her} blood cholesterol was high} we are now going to ask you if {you have/SP has} made any major changes on your own to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol. Specifically{have you/has s/he} increased {your/his/her} physical activity or exercise in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD120Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} to eat fewer high fat or high cholesterol foods, we are now going to ask if {you have/he/she has} made any major changes on {your/his/her} own to lower {your/his/her} cholesterol? Specifically, {do you/does he/she} eat fewer high fat or high cholesterol foods in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD130Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} to control {your/his/her} weight or lose weight, we are now going to ask if {you have/he/she/has} made any major changes on {your/his/her} own to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol? Specifically, {have you/has he/she} controlled {your/his/her} weight or lost weight in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol? BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPD140Even though a doctor or other health professional has never told {you/SP} to increase {your/his/her} physical activity or exercise, we are now going to ask if {you have/he/she has} made any major changes on {your/his/her} own to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol? Specifically, {have you/has he/she} increased {your/his/her} physical activity or exercise in order to lower {your/his/her} blood cholesterol? BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ010About how long has it been since {you/SP} last had {your/his/her} blood pressure taken by a doctor or other health professional? Was it . . .BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ020{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/s/he} had hypertension, also called high blood pressure?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ030{Were you/Was SP} told on 2 or more different visits that {you/s/he} had hypertension, also called high blood pressure?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040ABecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to . . . take prescribed medicine?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040BBecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to control {your/his/her} weight or lose weight?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040CBecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to cut down on salt or sodium in {your/his/her} diet?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040DBecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to exercise more?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040EBecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to cut down {your/his/her} alcohol consumption?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ040FBecause of {your/SP's} (high blood pressure/hypertension), {have you/has s/he} ever been told to do something else?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ043AWhat else?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ043BWhat else?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ043CWhat else?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ043DWhat else?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ050AHELP AVAILABLE (Are you/Is SP) now taking prescribed medicineBPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ050B(Are you/Is SP) now controlling (your/his/her) weight or losing weight?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ050C(Are you/Is SP) now cutting down on salt or sodium in (your/his/her) diet?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ050D(Are you/Is SP) now exercising more?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ050E(Are you/Is SP) now cutting down on (your/his/her) alcohol consumption?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ060{Have you/Has SP} ever had {your/his/her} blood cholesterol checked?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ070About how long has it been since {you/SP} last had {your/his/her} blood cholesterol checked? Has it been...BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ080{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that {your/his/her} blood cholesterol level was high?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ090ATo lower (your/his/her) blood cholesterol, (have/has) (you/SP) ever been told by a doctor or other health professional... to eat fewer high fat or high cholesterol foods?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ090B[To lower (your/his/her) blood cholesterol, (have/has) (you/SP) ever been told by a doctor or other health professional]... to control (your/his/her) weight or lose weight?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ090C[To lower (your/his/her) blood cholesterol, (have/has) (you/SP) ever been told by a doctor or other health professional]... to increase (your/his/her) physical activity or exercise?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ090D[To lower (your/his/her) blood cholesterol, (have/has) (you/SP) ever been told by a doctor or other health professional]... to take prescribed medicine?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ100A(Are you/Is SP) now following this advice to eat fewer high fat or high cholesterol foods?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ100B(Are you/Is SP) now following this advice to control (your/his/her) weight or lose weight?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ100C(Are you/Is SP) now following this advice to increase (your/his/her) physical activity or exercise?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
BPQ100D(Are you/Is SP) now following this advice to take prescribed medicine?BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.BPQ_BBlood Pressure & Cholesterol20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ001{Have you/Has SP} ever had any pain or discomfort in {your/her/his} chest?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ002{Do you/Does she/Does he} get it when {you/she/he} walk uphill or hurry?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ003{Do you/Does she/Does he} get it when {you/she/he} walk at an ordinary pace on level ground?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ004What {do you/does she/does he} do if {you/she/he} get it while {you/she/he} are walking? {Do you/Does she/Does he} stop or slow down or continue at the same pace?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ005If {you/she/he} stand still, what happens to it? Is the pain or discomfort relieved or not relieved?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ006How soon is the pain relieved? Would you say...CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ008Have {you/she/he} ever had a severe pain across the front of {your/her/his} chest lasting for half an hour or more?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009APlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009BPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009CPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009DPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009EPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009FPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009GPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ009HPlease look at this card and show me where the pain or discomfort is located.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CDQ010{Have you/Has SP} had shortness of breath either when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill?CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CDQ_BCardiovascular Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFD010 CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFD030 CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFD040 CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFD050 CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFDFINSH CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFDRIGHT CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
CFQ020Now I am going to ask you to copy some symbols. Do you usually wear glasses to read (other than the glasses you are currently wearing)? Please put on your reading glasses.CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CFQ_BCognitive Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSAQUEXSource of Health Status DataHSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSD010{First/Next} I have some general questions about {your/SP's} health. Would you say {your/SP's} health in general is . . .HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSD570During the past 12 months, that is, since (DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH, DISPLAY LAST YEAR), a year ago, (have you/has SP) donated blood?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ470The next set of questions are about {your/SP's} recent health during the 30 days outlined on the calendar. Thinking about {your/SP's} physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was {your/his/her} physical health not good?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ480Now thinking about {your/SP's} mental health, which includes stess, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was {your/his/her} mental health not good?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ490During the past 30 days, for about how many days did poor physical or mental health keep {you/SP} from doing {your/his/her} usual activities, such as self-care, work, school or recreation?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ500Did {you/SP} have a head cold or chest cold that started during those 30 days?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ510Did {you/SP} have a stomach or intestinal illness with vomiting or diarrhea that started during those 30 days?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ520Did {you/SP} have flu, pneumonia, or ear infections that started during those 30 days?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ580How long ago was {your/SP's} last blood donation?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
HSQ590Except for tests {you/SP} may have had as part of blood donations, {have you/has he/has she} ever had {your/his/her} blood tested for the AIDS virus infection?HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HSQ_BCurrent Health Status20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED011Next are some general questions about {your/SP's} skin and hair. How many moles {do you/does SP} have that are at least 1/4 inch in diameter?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED021What {is/was} {your/SP's} natural hair color {at 18}?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED031If after several months of not being in the sun, {you/SP} then went out in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing for a half hour, which one of these would happen to {your/his/her} skin?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED041{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/s/he/SP} had melanoma?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED051Have any of {your/SP's} close blood relatives ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that they had melanoma? By close blood relatives, we mean parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, or children.DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED061During the past 12 months, that is since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} a year ago, {have you/has SP} had dermatitis, eczema, or any other type of red, inflamed skin rash?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED071{Do you/Does SP} have this skin condition today?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082APlease look at this card and tell me the parts of the body that {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082BWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082CWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082DWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082EWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082FWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082GWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082HWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082IWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DED082JWhat parts of the body {were/are} affected by this skin condition? PROBE: Any other parts?DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DEQ_BDermatology20012002QuestionnaireNone
DID040GHow old {was SP/were you} when a doctor or other health professional first told {you/him/her} that {you/he/she} had diabetes or sugar diabetes?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DID040QHow old {was SP/were you} when a doctor or other health professional first told {you/him/her} that {you/he/she} had diabetes or sugar diabetes?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DID060GFor how long {have you/has SP} been taking insulin?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DID060QFor how long {have you/has SP} been taking insulin?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ010The next questions are about specific medical conditions. {Other than during pregnancy, {have you/has SP}/{Have you/Has SP}} ever been told by a doctor or health professional that {you have/{he/she/SP} has} diabetes or sugar diabetes?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ050{Is SP/Are you} now taking insulinDIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ060UUNIT OF MEASUREDIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ070{Is SP/Are you} now taking diabetic pills to lower {{his/her}/your} blood sugar? These are sometimes called oral agents or oral hypoglycemic agents.DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ080Has a doctor ever told {you/SP} that diabetes has affected {your/his/her} eyes or that {you/s/he} had retinopathy?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ090{Have you/Has SP} ever had an ulcer or sore on {your/his/her} leg or foot that took more than 4 weeks to heal?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ100During the past 3 months, {have you/has SP} had numbness or loss of feeling in {your/his/her} hands or feet, other than from {your/his/her} hands or feet falling asleep?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ110Has the numbness or loss of feeling been in {your/SP's} hands, feet, or both?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ120During the past 3 months, {have you/has SP} had a painful sensation or tingling in {your/his/her} hands or feet? Do not include normal foot aches from standing or walking for long periods.DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ130Has the painful sensation or tingling been in {your/his/her} hands, feet, or both?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ140{Do you/Does SP} ever get pain in either leg while {you are/s/he is} walking?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DIQ150Does this pain include pain in {your/SP's} calf or calves?DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DIQ_BDiabetes20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD020How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed something other than breastmilk or water?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD030How old was {SP} when {he/she} completely stopped breastfeeding or being fed breastmilk?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD040How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed formula on a daily basis?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD050How old was {SP} when {he/she} completely stopped drinking formula?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD060How old was {SP} when {he/she} was first fed milk on a daily basis?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD071aWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed on a daily basis? Was it . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD071bWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed on a daily basis? Was it . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD071cWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed on a daily basis? Was it . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD071dWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed on a daily basis? Was it . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD071uWhat type of milk was {SP} first fed on a daily basis? Was it . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD080How old was {SP} when {he/she} started eating solid foods [such as strained foods like baby food or any other non-liquid foods] on a daily basis?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD090{Next I have some general questions about {your/SP's} eating habits.} {First/Next} are questions about the kinds of food {you eat/SP eats}. On average, how many times per week {do you/does SP} eat meals that were prepared in a restaurant?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD102During the past 12 months, how often per day, per week, per month or per year did {you/SP} eat dark green vegetables, such as the food listed on this card?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD103During the past 12 months, how often per day, per week, per month or per year did {you/SP} eat cooked dried beans or peas, such as the food listed on this card?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD196Now I'm going to ask a few questions about milk products. Do not include their use in cooking. In the past 30 days, how often did {you/SP} have milk to drink or on {your/his/her} cereal? Please include chocolate and other flavored milks as well as hot cocoa made with milk. Do not count small amounts of milk added to coffee or tea. Would you say...DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD221aWhat type of milk was it? Was it usually . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD221bWhat type of milk was it? Was it usually . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD221cWhat type of milk was it? Was it usually . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD221dWhat type of milk was it? Was it usually . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD221uWhat type of milk was it? Was it usually . . .DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD229The next question is about regular milk use. A regular milk drinker is someone who uses any type of milk at least 5 times a week. Using this definition, which statement best describes {you/SP}?...DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD235aeNow, I'm going to ask you how often {you/SP} drank milk at different times in {your/his/her} life. How often did {you/SP} drink any type of milk, including milk added to cereal when {you were/s/he was} a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old? Would you say...DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD235beNow, I'm going to ask you how often {you/SP} drank milk at different times in {your/his/her} life. How often did {you/SP} drink any type of milk, including milk added to cereal when {you were/s/he was} a teenager between the ages of 13 and 17 years old? Would you say...DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD235ceNow, I'm going to ask you how often {you/SP} drank milk at different times in {your/his/her} life. How often did {you/SP} drink any type of milk, including milk added to cereal when {you were/s/he was} a young adult between the ages of 18 and 35 years old? Would you say...DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD301The next questions are about meals provided by community or government programs. In the past 12 months, did {you/SP} receive any meals delivered to {your/his/her} home from community programs, “Meals on Wheels”, or any other programs?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD381During the school year, about how many times a week {do you/does SP} usually get a complete school lunch?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD411During the school year, about how many times a week {do you/does SP} usually get a complete breakfast at school?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBD421{Do you/Does SP} get these breakfasts free, at a reduced price, or {do you/does he/she} pay full price?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ010Now I'm going to ask you some general questions about {SP's} eating habits. Was {SP} ever breastfed or fed breastmilk?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ330In the past 12 months, did {you/SP} go to a community program or senior center to eat prepared meals?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ360During the school year, {do you/does SP} attend a kindergarten, grade school, junior or high school?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ370Does {your/SP's} school serve school lunches? These are complete lunches that cost the same every day.DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ390{Do you/Does SP} get these lunches free, at a reduced price, or {do you/does he/she} pay full price?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DBQ400Does {your/SP's} school serve a complete breakfast that costs the same every day?DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DBQ_BDiet Behavior & Nutrition20012002QuestionnaireNone
DUQ100The following questions ask about drug use. Have you ever used cocaine, including crack or freebase, or other street drugs? Do not include marijuana.DUQ_BDrug Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
DUQ110In the past 12 months, how many days have you used cocaine, including crack or freebase, or other street drugs?DUQ_BDrug Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
DUQ120Have you ever used a needle to take street drugs?DUQ_BDrug Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
DUQ130In the past 12 months, how many days have you used a needle to take street drugs?DUQ_BDrug Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.DUQ_BDrug Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECD010First I have some questions about {SP NAME's} birth. How old was {SP NAME's} biological mother when {s/he} was born?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECD070AHow much did {SP NAME} weigh at birth?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECD070BHow much did {SP NAME} weigh at birth?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ020Did {SP NAME's} biological mother smoke at any time while she was pregnant with {him/her}?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ030At any time during the pregnancy, did {SP NAME's} biological mother quit or refrain from smoking for the rest of the pregnancy?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ040About what month of the pregnancy did {SP NAME's} biological mother stop smoking?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ060Did {SP NAME} receive any newborn care in an intensive care unit, premature nursery, or any other type of special care facility?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ080Did {SP NAME} weigh . . .ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ090Did {SP NAME} weigh . . .ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ100(First/Next) I have some questions about day care and preschool. By day care I mean child care where there is more than 1 child in care in someone else's home or in a center. Did {SP} ever attend day care or preschool?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
ECQ110Does {SP} now attend day care or preschool?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ121Is {SP} now attending {Head Start/Early Head Start}?ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.ECQ_BEarly Childhood20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD410I would now like to ask you a few questions about smoking. Does anyone who lives here smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes anywhere inside this home?SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD415Total number of smokers in homeSMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD415ATotal # of cigarette smokers in home SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD415BTotal # of cigar smokers in home SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD415CTotal # of pipe smokers in home SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD430How many cigarettes per day {do you/does PERSON} usually smoke anywhere inside the home?SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD440How many cigars per day {do you/does PERSON} usually smoke anywhere inside the home?SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD450How many pipes per day {do you/does PERSON} usually smoke anywhere inside the home?SMQFAM_BSmoking - Household Smokers20012002QuestionnaireNone
ADfdsecAdult food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
CHfdsecChild food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD160[In the last 12 months], did {you/you or any member of your household} receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants and Children program?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD170N[In the last 12 months], how many people in your household were authorized to receive Food Stamps?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD180In the last 12 months, {were you/was SP} authorized to receive Food Stamps?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD190In the last 12 months, about how many months {were you/was SP} authorized to receive Food Stamps?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD200{Are you/Is SP} now authorized to receive Food Stamps?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD450In the last 30 days, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD520In the last 30 days, did (child's name) not eat for a whole day because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD655Did (child's name) receive benefits from WIC in the past 12 months?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD660CIs (child's name) now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD660M{Are you/Is (woman's name)} now receiving benefits from the WIC Program?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD665How long did {(child's name) receive/ has (child's name) been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSD670How long {did (woman's name) receive/has (woman's name) been receiving} benefits from the WIC program?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ400In the last 30 days, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ410How many days did this happen in the last 30 days?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ420In the last 30 days, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ430In the last 30 days, were you ever hungry but did not eat because you could not afford enough food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ440In the last 30 days, did you lose weight because you did not have enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ460How may times did this happen in the last 30 days?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ470In the last 30 days, did (child's name) ever eat less than you felt (he/she) should because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ480In the last 30 days, did you ever cut the size of (child's name) meals because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ490In the last 30 days, was (child's name) ever hungry but you just could not afford more food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ500In the last 30 days, did (child's name) ever skip a meal because there was not enough money for food?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ510How many days did this happen in the last 30 days?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
FSQ650Did {you/(woman's name)} personally receive benefits from WIC, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children Program, in the past 12 months?FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
HHfdsecHousehold food security category for last 12 monthsFSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.FSQ_BFood Security20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID010The (first/next) questions are about health insurance. {Are you/Is SP} covered by health insurance or some other kind of health care plan? [Include health insurance obtained through employment or purchased directly as well as government programs like Medicare and Medicaid that provide medical care or help pay medical bills.]HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID030A{Are you/Is SP} covered by private insurance?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID030B{Are you/Is SP} covered by Medicare?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID030C{Are you/Is SP} covered by Medicaid/CHIP?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID030D{Are you/Is SP} covered by other government insurance?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID030E{Are you/Is SP} covered by any single service plan?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HID040Does the insurance {you have/SP has} cover any part of dental care?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HIQ210In the past 12 months, was there any time when {you/SP} did not have any health insurance coverage?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HIQ220About how long has it been since {you/SP} last had health care coverage?HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HIQ_BHealth Insurance20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCASCCT1Reasons the Interview was not doneHCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCASCST1Interview Status CodeHCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ020There are many types of hepatitis. Before receiving the letter with (your/SP's) test result, had you heard of hepatitis C?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ030Was the test result in our letter the first time you were told (you had/SP has) hepatitis C?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ040For about how long have you known that (you have/SP has) hepatitis C? Would you say ...HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ060Why were you first tested for hepatitis C? Was it because:HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ070Did (you/SP) see a doctor or other health professional about (your/his/her) hepatitis C test result?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ080(Do you/Does SP) have an appointment to see a doctor or other health care professional about (your/his/her) hepatitis C test result?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ090When (you/SP) saw a doctor or other health professional about (your/his/her) hepatitis C test results, did (you/he/she) have other blood tests to check how (your/his/her) liver is working?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ100Which of the following statements describes most closely what (your/SP's) doctor told you about (your/his/her) hepatitis C result?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ110Did (you/SP) have a liver biopsy (procedure to get a small piece of (your/his/her) liver through a needle)?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ120Did (your/SP's) doctor or health care professional tell you that (your/his/her) hepatitis C should be treated with medication such as Interferon and Ribavirin?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ130Did (you/SP) get treated with these medicines?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ140AWhy did (you/SP) not get treated? Was it because the side effects to the treatment are unpleasant?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ140BWhy did (you/SP) not get treated? Was it because the treatment shots must be self injected?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ140CWhy did (you/SP) not get treated? Was it because the treatment is too expensive?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ140DWhy did (you/SP) not get treated? Was it because there is a hope of better treatment in the future?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ140EWhy did (you/SP) not get treated? Was it because there is some other reason?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ150Did (your/SP's) doctor or health professional tell (you/him/her) to avoid or limit alcoholic beverages (in the future) because of (your/his/her) hepatitis C?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ160If someone is infected with hepatitus C virus, they will most likely carry the virus all their lives.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ170Infection with the hepatitis C virus can cause the liver to stop working.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ180Someone with hepatitis C can look and feel fine.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ190You can get hepatitis C by getting a blood transfusion from an infected donor.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ200You can get hepatitis C by shaking hands with someone who has hepatitis C.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ210You can get hepatitis C by kissing someone who has hepatitis C.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ220You can get hepatitis C by having sex with someone who has hepatitis CHCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ230You can get hepatitis C by being born to a woman who had hepatitis C when she gave birth.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ240You can get hepatitis C by being stuck with a needle or sharp instrument that has hepatitis C infected blood on it.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ250You can get hepatitis C by working with someone who has hepatitis C.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ260You can get hepatitis C by injecting illegal drugs, even if only a few times.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HCQ270Who was the main respondent for the questionnaire?HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HCQ_BHepatitis C Follow Up20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUD070{During the past 12 months, were you/{Was/was} SP} a patient in a hospital overnight? Do not include an overnight stay in the emergency room.HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ010{First/Next} I have some general questions about {your/SP's} health. Would you say {your/SP's} health in general is . . .HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ020Compared with 12 months ago, would you say {your/SP's} health is now . . .HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ030Is there a place that {you/SP} usually {go/goes} when {you are/he/she is} sick or {you/s/he} need{s} advice about {your/his/her} health?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ040What kind of place {do you/does SP} go to most often: is it a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ050{During the past 12 months, how/How} many times {have you/has SP} seen a doctor or other health care professional about {your/his/her} health at a doctor's office, a clinic, hospital emergency room, at home or some other place? Do not include times {you were/s/he was} hospitalized overnight.HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ060About how long has it been since {you/SP} last saw or talked to a doctor or other health care professional about {your/his/her} health? Include doctors seen while {you were} {he/she was} a patient in a hospital. Has it been . . .HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ080How many different times did {you/SP} stay in any hospital overnight or longer {during the past 12 months}?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ082During the past 12 months, {were you/was SP} a patient at a long term care or rehabilitation facility? Do not include residential facilities where health care was not provided.HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ084How many total days did {you/SP}stay in a long term care or rehabilitation facility?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ086During the past 12 months, has anyone in your household (not including yourself) been in an acute care hospital, long term care facility, or rehabilitation facility overnight? Do not include clinics or same day stays.HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ088aWhat was the type of facility?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ088bWhat was the type of facility?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ088cWhat was the type of facility?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HUQ090During the past 12 months, that is since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of {DISPLAY LAST YEAR}, {have you/has SP} seen or talked to a mental health professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse or clinical social worker about {your/his/her } health?HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HUQ_BHospital Utilization & Access to Care20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD010I'd like to ask you a few questions about your home. Is your home . . .HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD030How many apartments are in this building? Would you say . . .HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD040When was this {mobile home/house/building} originally built?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD050How many rooms are in this home? Count the kitchen but not the bathroom.HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD060How many years {have you/has your family} lived at this address?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD140During the last 12 months, were any areas inside your home painted, such as walls, trim or ceilings?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD150When this painting was done did someone sand or scrape off any of the old paint?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD160Are there any rooms in your home where you can see paint that is peeling, flaking or chipping off the walls, ceilings, doors, or windows?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD170In any of these rooms, can you see at least one total area of peeling, flaking or chipping paint that is larger than one page of a regular newspaper?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD180How many rooms have this much peeling, flaking or chipping paint? [Areas that are larger than one page of regular newspaper.]HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD190Can you see paint that is peeling, flaking or chipping on any outside area of your {house/building}?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD210Can you see any total area of peeling, flaking or chipping paint on any outside area that is larger than a regular door?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOD220The next questions are about work that has been done in your home in the past 12 months. In the past 12 months, have you or anyone else . . .replaced a window, cabinet or wall in your home?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOQ065Is this {mobile home/house/apartment} owned, being bought, rented, or occupied by some other arrangement by {you/you or someone else in your family}?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOQ070What is the source of tap water in this home? Is it a private or public water company, a private or public well, or something else?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
HOQ080Are any of the water treatment devices listed on this card used in your home?HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.HOQ_BHousing Characteristics20012002QuestionnaireNone
IMQ010{Have you/Has SP} ever received the hepatitis A vaccine series? This is a two dose vaccine that is given to people who travel outside the United States. It has only been available since 1995.IMQ_BImmunization20012002QuestionnaireNone
IMQ020{Have you/Has SP} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine? This vaccine is given in three separate doses and has been recommended for all newborn infants since 1991. In 1995, it was recommended that adolescents be given the vaccine. Persons who may be exposed to other people's blood, such as health care workers, also may have received the vaccine.IMQ_BImmunization20012002QuestionnaireNone
IMQ030{Have you/Has SP} ever had a pneumonia vaccination? This shot is usually given only once in a person's lifetime and is different from a flu shot.IMQ_BImmunization20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.IMQ_BImmunization20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCD093In what year did {you/SP} receive {your/his/her} first transfusion?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCD147Have {SP's} periods or menstrual cycles started yet?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCD160MHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . . had a thyroid problem?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCD170M{Do you/Does SP} still . . . have a thyroid problem?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCD180MHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had a thyroid problem?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ010Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you have/s/he/SP has} asthma?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ025How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {he/she} had asthma?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ035{Do you/Does SP} still have asthma?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ040During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had an episode of asthma or an asthma attack?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ050[During the past 12 months], {have you/has SP} had to visit an emergency room or urgent care center because of asthma?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ053During the past 3 months, {have you/has SP} been on treatment for anemia, sometimes called "tired blood" or "low blood"? [Include diet, iron pills, iron shots, transfusions as treatment.]MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ060Has a doctor or health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he/SP} had attention deficit disorder?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ080Has a doctor or health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you were/s/he/SP was} overweight?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ083Has a representative from a school or a health professional ever told {you/SP} that {s/he/SP} had a learning disability?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ092{Have you/Has SP} ever received a blood transfusion?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ114Has {SP} ever been tested for lead poisoning?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ117QHow long has it been since {SP} was tested?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ117UUnit of measureMCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ120ADuring the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had . . .hay fever?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ120BDuring the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had . . .3 or more ear infections?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ120CDuring the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had . . .frequent or severe headaches, including migraines?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ120DDuring the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had . . .stuttering or stammering?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ140{Do you/Does SP} have trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, if {you/he/she} wear{s} them?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ150GDuring the past 12 months, that is, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of {DISPLAY LAST YEAR}, about how many days did {you/SP} miss school because of an illness or injury?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ150QDuring the past 12 months, that is, since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of {DISPLAY LAST YEAR}, about how many days did {you/SP} miss school because of an illness or injury?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160AHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had arthritis?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160BHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had congestive heart failure?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160CHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had coronary heart disease?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160DHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had angina, also called angina pectoris?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160EHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had a heart attack (also called myocardial infarction)?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160FHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had a stroke?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160GHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had emphysema?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160JHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .was overweight?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160KHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had chronic bronchitis?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ160LHas a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had any kind of liver condition?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ170K{Do you/Does SP} still . . . have chronic bronchitis?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ170L{Do you/Does SP} still . . . have any kind of liver condition?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180AHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . . had arthritis?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180BHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had congestive heart failure?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180CHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had coronary heart disease?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180DHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had angina, also called angina pectoris?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180EHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had a heart attack (also called myocardial infarction)?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180FHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had a stroke?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180GHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had emphysema?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180KHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had chronic bronchitis?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ180LHow old {were you/was SP} when {you were/s/he was} first told {you/s/he} . . .had any kind of liver condition?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ190Which type of arthritis was itMCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ220{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/s/he} had cancer or a malignancy of any kind?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ230AWhat kind of cancer was it?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ230BWhat kind of cancer was it?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ230CWhat kind of cancer was it?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ230DWhat kind of cancer was it?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240AHow old {were you/was SP} when {TYPE OF CANCER/cancer} was first diagnosed? How old (were you/was SP) when bladder cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240AAHow old (were you/was SP) when testicular cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240BHow old {were you/was SP} when blood cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240BBHow old (were you/was SP) when thyroid cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240CHow old (were you/was SP) when bone cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240CCHow old (were you/was SP) when uterine cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240DHow old (were you/was SP) when brain cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240DDHow old (were you/was SP) when some other type of cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240EHow old (were you/was SP) when breast cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240FHow old (were you/was SP) when cervical cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240GHow old (were you/was SP) when colon cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240HHow old (were you/was SP) when esophageal cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240IHow old (were you/was SP) when gallbladder cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240JHow old (were you/was SP) when kidney cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240KHow old (were you/was SP) when larynx or windpipe cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240LHow old (were you/was SP) when leukemia was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240MHow old (were you/was SP) when liver cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240NHow old (were you/was SP) when lung cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240OHow old (were you/was SP) when lymphoma or Hodgkin's Disease was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240PHow old (were you/was SP) when melanoma was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240QHow old (were you/was SP) when mouth, tongue, or lip cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240RHow old (were you/was SP) when cancer of the nervous system was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240SHow old (were you/was SP) when ovarian cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240THow old (were you/was SP) when pancreatic cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240UHow old (were you/was SP) when prostate cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240VHow old (were you/was SP) when rectal cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240WHow old (were you/was SP) when non-melanoma skin cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240XHow old (were you/was SP) when the unknown kind of skin cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240YHow old (were you/was SP) when soft tissue (muscle or fat) cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ240ZHow old (were you/was SP) when stomach cancer was first diagnosed?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ245ADuring the past 12 months, that is since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, about how many days did {you/SP} miss work at a job or business because of an illness or injury {do not include maternity leave}?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ245BDuring the past 12 months, that is since {DISPLAY CURRENT MONTH} of last year, about how many days did {you/SP} miss work at a job or business because of an illness or injury {do not include maternity leave}?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250AIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .diabetes?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250BIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .Alzheimer's disease?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250CIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .asthma?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250EIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .osteoporosis or brittle bones?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250FIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .high blood pressure or stroke before the age of 50?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ250GIncluding living and deceased, were any of {SP's/ your} biological that is, blood relatives including grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters ever told by a health professional that they had . . .heart attack or angina before the age of 50?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260ABWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260ACWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260ADWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260AIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BBWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BCWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BDWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260BIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CBWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CCWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CDWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260CIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EBWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260ECWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EDWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260EIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FBWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FCWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FDWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260FIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GAWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GBWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GCWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GDWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GEWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GFWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GGWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GHWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ260GIWhich biological [blood] family member?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ270Did {your/SP's} biological mother ever fracture her hip?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ280About how old was she when she fractured her hip (the first time)?MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MCQ290Was she. . . .MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.MCQ_BMedical Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD040How many weeks, in the past year, did {you/SP} have joint symptoms due to an injury?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050aPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050bPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050cPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050dPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050ePlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050fPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050gPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050hPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050iPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050jPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050kPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050lPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050mPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050nPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050oPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPD050pPlease look at this card and give me the joints that were affected.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ010During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} had pain, aching, stiffness or swelling in or around a joint?[Do not include neck pain.]MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ020Were these symptoms present on most days for at least 1 month?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ030Did these symptoms begin only because of an injury?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ060The following questions are about pain {you/SP} may have experienced in the past 3 months. Please refer to pain that lasted a whole day or more. Do not report aches and pains that were fleeting or minor. During the past 3 months, did {you/SP} have neck pain?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ070[During the past 3 months], did {you/SP} have low back pain?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ080Did this pain spread down either leg to areas below the knees?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ090During the past 3 months, did {you/SP} have severe headaches or migraines?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ100During the past month, {have you/has SP} had a problem with pain that lasted more than 24 hours?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ110For how long {have you/has SP} experienced this pain? Would you say . . .MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120aRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120aaRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120abRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120acRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120adRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120aeRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120afRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120bRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120cRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120dRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120eRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120fRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120gRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120hRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120iRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120jRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120kRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120lRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120mRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120nRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120oRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120pRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120qRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120rRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120sRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120tRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120uRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120vRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120wRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120xRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120yRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
MPQ120zRegarding {your/SP's} pain problem, which regions are affected?MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.MPQ_BMiscellaneous Pain20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD150(SP Interview Version) In this part of the survey I will ask you questions about {your/SP's} work experience. Which of the following {were you/was SP} doing last week . . . (Family Interview Version) The next questions are about {your/NON-SP HEAD'S/NON- SP SPOUSE'S} current job or business. Which of the following {were you/was} {NON-SP HEAD/NON-SP SPOUSE} doing last week . . .OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD180How many hours did {you/SP} work last week at all jobs or businesses?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD230What kind of business or industry is this? (For example: TV and radio management, retail shoe store, state labor department, farm.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD240(SP Interview Version) What kind of work {were you/was SP} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.) (Family Interview Version) What kind of work {were/was} {you/NON-SP HEAD/NON-SP SPOUSE} doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD270About how long {have you/has SP} worked for {EMPLOYER} as a(n) {OCCUPATION}?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD310B[(Do you/Does SP) ever wear]... protective hearing devices?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD390Thinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD390GThinking of all the paid jobs or businesses {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD395About how long did {you/SP} work at that job or business?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD470Earlier I recorded that {you have/SP has} been told by a doctor that {you/s/he} had asthma. When {you/SP} first developed symptoms of asthma, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCD480What kind of business or industry was that? (For example, TV and radio manufacturing, retail shoe store, farm.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ210{Do you/Does SP} usually work 35 hours or more per week in total at all jobs or businesses?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ260Looking at the card, which of these best describes this job or work situation?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ290GThe next questions are about conditions {you/SP} may experience and equipment {you/he/she} may use at {EMPLOYER} as a(n) {OCCUPATION}. At this job or business, how many hours per day can {you/SP} smell the smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, and/or pipes?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ290QThe next questions are about conditions {you/SP} may experience and equipment {you/he/she} may use at {EMPLOYER} as a(n) {OCCUPATION}. At this job or business, how many hours per day can {you/SP} smell the smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, and/or pipes?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ340Thinking of all the jobs {you have/SP has} ever had, {have you/has s/he} ever been exposed to loud noise at work for at least three months? By loud noise I mean noise so loud that {you/s/he} had to speak in a raised voice to be heard?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ350At {your/SP's} job as a(n) {OCCUPATION} for {EMPLOYER}, {are you/is s/he} currently exposed to loud noise? [By loud noise I mean noise so loud that {you/s/he} {have/has} to speak in a raised voice to be heard?]OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ360On average, for how many hours per day {are you/is SP} currently exposed to this loud noise?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ380(SP Interview Version) What is the main reason {you/SP} did not work last week? (Family Interview Version) What is the main reason {you/NON-SP HEAD/NON-SP SPOUSE} did not work last week?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ420Thinking of all the previous jobs {you have/SP has} ever had, {have you/has s/he} ever been exposed to loud noise at work for at least three months? [By loud noise I mean noise so loud that {you/s/he} had to speak in a raised voice to be heard?]OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ430Remembering the kind of work {you/SP} did the longest, that is, as a(n) {KIND OF WORK DOING THE LONGEST}, {were you/was s/he} ever exposed to loud noise in that job for at least three months? [By loud noise I mean noise so loud that {you/s/he} had to speak in a raised voice to be heard?]OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ440On average, for how many hours per day {were you/was SP} exposed to loud noise in that job?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ450Did {you/SP} ever wear protective hearing devices while {you were/s/he was} exposed to loud noise in that job?OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OCQ470GEarlier I recorded that {you have/SP has} been told by a doctor that {you/s/he} had asthma. When {you/SP} first developed symptoms of asthma, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing? (For example, electrical engineer, stock clerk, typist, farmer.)OCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence numberOCQ_BOccupation20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050aaDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050abDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050acDid that fracture occur as a result of. . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050baDid that fracture occur as a result of. . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050bbDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050bcDid that fracture occur as a result of. . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050bdDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050caDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050cbDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050ccDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050cdDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050ceDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSD050cfDid that fracture occur as a result of . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ010aHas a doctor ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} had broken or fractured {your/his/her} . . .hip?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ010bHas a doctor ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} had broken or fractured {your/his/her} . . .wrist?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ010cHas a doctor ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} had broken or fractured {your/his/her} . . .spine?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ020aHow many times {have you/has SP} broken or fractured {your/his/her} hip?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ020bHow many times {have you/has SP} broken or fractured {your/his/her} wrist?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ020cHow many times {have you/has SP} broken or fractured {your/his/her} spine?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030aaHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} hip {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030abHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} hip {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030acHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} hip {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030baHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} wrist {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030bbHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} wrist {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030bcHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} wrist {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030bdHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} wrist {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030beHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} wrist {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030caHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030cbHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030ccHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030cdHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030ceHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ030cfHow old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} fractured {your/his/her} spine {the {1st/2nd . . .} time}?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040aa{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040ab{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040ac{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040ba{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040bb{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040bc{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040bd{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040be{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040ca{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040cb{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040cc{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040cd{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040ce{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ040cf{Were you/Was SP} . . .OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ060Has a doctor ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} had osteoporosis, sometimes called thin or brittle bones?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
OSQ070{Were you/Was SP} treated for osteoporosis?OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OSQ_BOsteoporosis20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD010Now I have a few questions about products {you use/your family uses} in or around your home. In the past month, were any chemicals used to treat this home to control fleas, roaches, ants, termites, or other insects?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD020[In the past month], which of the following areas of your home were treated with these chemical products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD021[In the past month], were the foundation or any areas outside of your home treated with these chemical products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD031[In the past month], did someone other than a professional member apply these chemical products in your home?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD032[In the past month], when these chemical products were used to treat your home, how many times did . . .a non-professional exterminator apply these products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD033[In the past month], did a professional member apply these chemical products in your home?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD034[In the past month], when these chemical products were used to treat your home, how many times did . . .a professional exterminator apply these products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD040Does the outdoor area around this home have a private lawn or yard?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD060In the past month, did anyone treat your lawn or yard with chemical products to kill insects, weeds, or plant diseases?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD071[In the past month], did someone other than a professional member apply these chemical products in your lawn or yard?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD072[In the past month], when these chemical products were used to treat your lawn or yard, how many times did . . .a non-professional exterminator apply these products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD073[In the past month], did a professional member apply these chemical products in your lawn or yard?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PUD074[In the past month], when these chemical products were used to treat your lawn or yard, how many times did . . .a professional exterminator apply these products?PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PUQ_BPesticide Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAAQUEX PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD020The next series of questions are about physical activities that {you/SP} {have/has} done over the past 30 days. First I will ask about activities that are related to transportation. Then I'll ask about physical activities that {you/he/she} do at school or in {your/his/her} leisure time. Over the past 30 days, {have/has} {you/SP} walked or bicycled as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD080On those days when {you/SP} walked or bicycled, about how long did {you/s/he} spend altogether doing this (minutes)?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD120[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do these tasks in or around {your/his/her} home or yard, that is tasks requiring at least moderate effort? [Such as raking leaves, mowing the lawn or heavy cleaning.] PROBE: How many times per day, per week, or per month did {you/s/he} do these activities?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD160About how long did {you/SP} do these tasks each time (minutes)?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD200The next questions are about physical activities including exercise, sports, and physically active hobbies that {you/SP} may have done in {your/his/her} leisure time or at school over the past 30 days. First I will ask you about vigorous activities that cause heavy sweating or large increases in breathing or heart rate. Then I will ask you about moderate activities that cause only light sweating or a slight to moderate increase in breathing or heart rate. Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any vigorous activities for at least 10 minutes that caused heavy sweating, or large increases in breathing or heart rate? Some examples are running, lap swimming, aerobics classes or fast bicycling.PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD320[Over the past 30 days], did {you/SP} do moderate activities for at least 10 minutes that cause only light sweating or a slight to moderate increase in breathing or heart rate? Some examples are brisk walking, bicycling for pleasure, golf, and dancing .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD440Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any physical activities specifically designed to strengthen {your/his/her} muscles such as lifting weights, push-ups or sit-ups? Include all such activities even if you have mentioned them before.PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD460[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do these physical activities? [Activities designed to strengthen {your/his/her} muscles such as lifting weights, push-ups or sit-ups.]PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD480Now I will ask about TV watching or computer use. Over the past 30 days, on a typical day how much time altogether did {you/SP} spend on a typical day sitting and watching TV or videos or using a computer outside of work? Would you say . . .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD590Over the past 30 days, on average about how many hours per day did {you/SP} sit and watch TV or videos? Would you say...PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAD600Over the past 30 days, on average about how many hours per day did {you/SP} use a computer or play computer games? Would you say...PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ050Q[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do this? [Walk or bicycle as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands.] PROBE: How many times per day, per week, or per month did {you/s/he} do these activities?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ050UUNIT OF MEASURE.PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ100Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any tasks in or around {your/his/her} home or yard for at least 10 minutes that required moderate or greater physical effort? By moderate physical effort I mean, tasks that caused light sweating or a slight to moder ate increase in {your/his/her} heart rate or breathing. [Such as raking leaves, mowing the lawn or heavy cleaning.]PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ180Please tell me which of these four sentences best describes {your/SP's} usual daily activities? [Daily activities may include {your/his/her} work, housework if {you are/s/he is} a homemaker, going to and attending classes if {you are/s/he is} a student, and what {you/s/he} normally {do/does} throughout a typical day if {you are/he/she is} a retiree or unemployed.] . . .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ500How does the amount of activity that you reported {for SP} for the past 30 days compare with {your/his/her} physical activity for the past 12 months? Over the past 30 days, {were you/was he/she} . . .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ520(MEC Interview Version) Compared with most {boys/girls} {your/SP's} age, would you say that {you are/SP is}... (SP Interview Version) Compared with most {men/boys/women/girls} {your/SP's} age, would you say that {you are/s/he is} . . .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ540Compared with {yourself/himself/herself} 10 years ago, would you say that {you are/SP is} . . .PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAQ560Now I'd like to ask you some questions about {SP's} activities. How many times per week {does SP} play or exercise enough to make {him/her} sweat and breathe hard?PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PAQ_BPhysical Activity20012002QuestionnaireNone
PAAQUEXQuestionnaire source flag for weightingPAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PADACTIV[Over the past 30 days], what {vigorous/moderate} activities did {you/SP} do?PAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PADDURAT[Over the past 30 days], on average about how long did {you/SP} do {activity} each time?PAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PADLEVELReported intensity level of activity.PAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PADMETSMetabolic equivalent(MET) intensity level for activity.PAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PADTIMES[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do {activity}?PAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence numberPAQIAF_BPhysical Activity - Individual Activities20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD040Does {SP} receive Special Education or Early Intervention Services?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD067AWhat condition or health problem causes {you/SP} to have difficulty with or need help with {NAME OF UP TO 3 ACTIVITIES/these activities}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD067BWhat condition or health problem causes {you/SP} to have difficulty with or need help with {NAME OF UP TO 3 ACTIVITIES/these activities}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD067CWhat condition or health problem causes {you/SP} to have difficulty with or need help with {NAME OF UP TO 3 ACTIVITIES/these activities}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD067DWhat condition or health problem causes {you/SP} to have difficulty with or need help with {NAME OF UP TO 3 ACTIVITIES/these activities}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD067EWhat condition or health problem causes {you/SP} to have difficulty with or need help with {NAME OF UP TO 3 ACTIVITIES/these activities}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069AHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had arthritis or rheumatism (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069BHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had back or neck problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069CHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had cancer (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069DHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had depression, anxiety or emotional problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069EHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had other developmental problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069FHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had diabetes (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069GHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had fractures or bone or joint injury problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069HHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had hearing problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069IHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had heart problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069JHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had hypertension or high blood pressure (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069KHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had lung or breathing problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069LHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had mental retardation (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069MHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had other injury problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069NHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had senility (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069OHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had stroke problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069PHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had vision problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069QHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had weight problems (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFD069RHow long (have/has) (you/SP) had the other impairment you mentioned (# of days)?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ010The next set of questions is about limitations caused by any long-term physical, mental or emotional problem or illness. Please do not include temporary conditions, such as a cold. Is {SP} limited in the kind or amount of play activities {he/she} can do because of a physical, mental or emotional problem?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ015Is {SP} able to take part at all in the usual kinds of play activities done by most children {his/her} age?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ020{Do you/Does SP} have an impairment or health problem that limits {your/his/her} ability to {crawl, walk or play} {walk, run or play} {walk or run}?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ030Is this an impairment or health problem that has lasted, or is expected to last 12 months or longer?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ048The next set of questions is about limitations caused by any long-term physical, mental or emotional problem or illness. Please do not include temporary conditions, such as a cold [or pregnancy]. Does a physical, mental or emotional problem now keep {you/SP} from working at a job or business?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ050{Are you/Is SP} limited in the kind or amount of work {you/s/he} can do because of a physical, mental or emotional problem?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ055Because of a health problem, {do you/does SP} have difficulty walking without using any special equipment?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ056{Are you/Is SP} limited in any way because of difficulty remembering or because {you/s/he} experience{s} periods of confusion?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ059{Are you/Is SP} limited in any way in any activity because of a physical, mental or emotional problem?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060AThe next questions ask about difficulties {you/SP} may have doing certain activities because of a health problem. By "health problem" we mean any long-term physical, mental or emotional problem or illness {not including pregnancy}. By {yourself/himself /herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .managing {your/his/her} money [such as keeping track of {your/his/her} expenses or paying bills]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060BBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .walking for a quarter of a mile [that is about 2 or 3 blocks]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060CBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .walking up 10 steps without resting?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060DBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .stooping, crouching, or kneeling?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060EBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds [like a sack of potatoes or rice]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060FBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .doing chores around the house [like vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, or straightening up]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060GBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .preparing {your/his/her} own meals?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060HBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .walking from one room to another on the same level?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060IBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .standing up from an armless straight chair?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060JBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .getting in or out of bed?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060KBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .eating, like holding a fork, cutting food or drinking from a glass?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060LBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .dressing {yourself/himself/herself}, including tying shoes, working zippers, and doing buttons?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060MBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .standing or being on {your/his/her} feet for about 2 hours?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060NBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .sitting for about 2 hours?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060OBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .reaching up over {your/his/her} head?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060PBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .using {your/his/her} fingers to grasp or handle small objects?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060QBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .going out to things like shopping, movies, or sporting events?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060RBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .participating in social activities [visiting friends, attending clubs or meetings or going to parties]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ060SBy {yourself/himself/herself} and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .doing things to relax at home or for leisure [reading, watching TV, sewing, listening to music]?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
PFQ090{Do you/Does SP} now have any health problem that requires {you/him/her} to use special equipment, such as a cane, a wheelchair, a special bed, or a special telephone?PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.PFQ_BPhysical Functioning20012002QuestionnaireNone
KID182Was the enlargement due to cancer?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ081The next set of questions is about men's health including urinary and prostate problems. The prostate is a gland located just below the bladder. Do you usually have trouble starting to urinate (pass water)?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ101After urinating (passing water), does your bladder feel empty?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ106Have you ever been told by a doctor or health professional that you have any disease of the prostate? This includes an enlarged prostate.KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ121Have you ever been told by a doctor or health professional that you had an enlarged prostate gland?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ141Was it a benign enlargement - that is, not cancerous, also called benign prostatic hypertrophy?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ161How old were you when you were first told that you had benign enlargement of the prostate gland?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ321Have you ever had a blood test that your doctor told you was being used to check for prostate cancer, called PSA, or Prostate Specific Antigen?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ341Have you ever had a rectal examination? A rectal exam is when a finger is inserted in the rectum or bottom to check for problems.KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ361Was this done to check for prostate cancer?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ381Was this done to check for blood in the stool?KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ400Many men experience problems with sexual intercourse. How would you describe your ability to get and keep an erection adequate for satisfactory intercourse? Would you say that you are...KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.KIQ_P_BProstate Conditions20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD080Number of days since the last period started.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD120In the last 6 months, how often {have you/has SP} had hot flashes or night sweats?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD130The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history. {Have you/Has SP ever been pregnant? Please include (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies and abortions.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD170How many of {your/her} pregnancies resulted in a live birth?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD230How many of {your/SP's} children did {you/she} breast feed for at least 1 month?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD270How many of these babies were born preterm? A preterm delivery is one that occurs at 36 weeks or earlier in pregnancy.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD280{Have you/Has SP} had a hysterectomy including a partial hysterectomy, that is, surgery to remove {your/her} uterus or womb?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD350{Have you/Has SP} ever had both of {your/her} (Fallopian) tubes tied, cut, or removed? This procedure is often called a tubal ligation.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD440{Are you/Is SP} taking birth control pills now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHD470Please look at this chart and show me the brand of pills that {you/SP} {currently use/uses}/{were using/was using} when {you/she} stopped taking birth control pills.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ010The next series of questions are about {your/SP's} reproductive history. I will begin by asking about {your/SP's} periods or menstrual cycles. How old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} first menstrual period?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ020{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ030{Have you/Has SP} had regular periods in the past 12 months? {Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions or surgeries.}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ040What is the reason that {you have/SP has} not had regular periods in the past 12 months?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ050When did {you/SP} have {your/her} last period? PROBE: How many years or months ago was {your/her} last period?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ060About how old {were you/was SP} when {you/SP} had {your/her} last menstrual period?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ070{Were you/Was SP}...RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ090The next questions are about symptoms that can be associated with menopause. During the last 5 years, have {your/SP's} menstrual cycles become…RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ100During the last 5 years, has {your/SP's} menstrual flow or bleeding become...RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ110In the last 6 months, {have you/has SP} had hot flashes or night sweats?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ141{Do you/Does SP} think {you are/he/she is} pregnant now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ151{The next questions are about {your/SP's} pregnancy history.} Which month of pregnancy {are you/is she} in?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ160How many times {have you/has SP} been pregnant? ({Again, be/Be} sure to count all {your/her} pregnancies including (current pregnancy,) live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions.)RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ180How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} first live birth?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ190How old {were you/was SP} at the time of {your/her} last live birth?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ200{Are you/Is SP} now breast feeding a child?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ210Did {you/SP} breast feed {your/her} child/any of {your/her} children?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240AWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240BWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240CWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240DWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240EWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ240FWhat were {your/SP's} reasons for {not breast feeding {your/her} child at least 1 month?/not breast feeding all of {your/her} children at least 1 month?}RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ250{Did {your child/SP's child/Did any of {your/SP's} children} weigh less than 5 1/2 pounds (2,500g) at birth?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ260How many of {your/her} children weighed less than 5 1/2 pounds (2500g) at birth?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ290How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} (hysterectomy/uterus removed/womb removed)?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ300{Have you/Has SP} had at least one of {your/her} ovaries removed (either when {you/she} had {your/her} uterus removed or at another time)?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ310Were both ovaries removed or only one?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ320Were both of {your/SP's} ovaries removed at the same time or at different times?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ330How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had {your/her} {ovary/ovaries} removed?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ340How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} had the second ovary removed?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ360Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/she} had endometriosis? (Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissue that forms the lining of the uterus/womb attaches to other places, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, orRHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ370How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had endometriosis?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ380Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/she} had uterine fibroids? (Uterine fibroids are benign (not cancerous) tumors growing in various locations on or within the uterus/womb.)RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ390How old {were you/was SP} when {you were/she was} first told {you/she} had uterine fibroids?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ420Now I am going to ask you about {your/SP's} birth control history. {Have you/Has SP} ever taken birth control pills for any reason?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ430How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} began using birth control pills?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ450How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} stopped taking birth control pills?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ460QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} birth control pills?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ460UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ510{Have you/Has SP} ever used Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ520{Are you/Is SP} now using Depo-Provera or injectables to prevent pregnancy?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ540{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? Please include any forms of female hormones, such as pills, cream, patch, and injectables, but do not include birth control methods or use for infertility.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ541AWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ541BWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ541CWhich forms of female hormones {have you/has SP} used.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ550At the time {you/SP} started using female hormones or hormone replacement therapy, {were you/was she} still having {your/her} periods or had {you/she} completely stopped having {your/her} periods?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551AWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551BWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551CWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551DWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551EWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551FWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ551GWhat are {your/SP's} reasons for having used estrogen or progesterone?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ554{Have you/Has SP} ever taken female hormone pills containing estrogen only (like Premarin)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ556How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} first started taking pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ558{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing estrogen only now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ560QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing estrogen only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ560UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ562{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing progestin only (like Provera)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ564How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} first started taking pills containing progestin only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ566{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing progestin only now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ568QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you taken/did you take/has she taken/did she take} pills containing progestin only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ568UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ570{Have you/Has SP} taken female hormone pills containing both estrogen and progestin (like Prempro, Premphase)? (Do not include birth control pills.)RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ572How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} first started taking pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ574{Are you/Is SP} taking pills containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ576QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {{have you/has SP} taken/did {you/SP} take} pills containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ576UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ580{Have you/Has SP} ever used female hormone patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ582How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} first started using patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ584{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing estrogen only now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ586QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing estrogen only?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ586UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ596{Have you/Has SP} used female hormone patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ598How old {were you/was SP} when {you/she} first started using patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ600{Are you/Is SP} using patches containing both estrogen and progestin now?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ602QNot counting any time when {you/SP} stopped taking them, for how long altogether {have you used/did you use/has she used/did she use} patches containing both estrogen and progestin?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ602UUNIT OF MEASURE.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ700During the past month, {have you/has SP} used any of the following products for feminine hygiene?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710AWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710BWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710CWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710DWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710EWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710FWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ710GWhich of these products did {you/SP} use?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ720During the past 6 months, did {you/SP} douche? By douching, we mean putting a substance into {your/her} vagina either for routine cleansing or for vaginal irritation or signs of infection?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ730During the past 6 months, how often did {you/SP} douche? Would you say ...RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ740During the past month, did {you/SP} have any of the following problems: vaginal itching, an unpleasant vaginal odor, or an unusual vaginal discharge?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ750AWhich of these problems did {you/SP} have?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ750BWhich of these problems did {you/SP} have?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RHQ750CWhich of these problems did {you/SP} have?RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RHQ_BReproductive Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDD030{Do you/Does SP} usually cough on most days for 3 consecutive months or more during the year?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDD040For how many years {have you/has SP} had this cough?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDD060For how many years, {have you/has SP} had trouble with phlegm?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDD120[In the past 12 months], how many times {have you/has SP} gone to the doctor's office or the hospital emergency room for one or more of these attacks of wheezing or whistling?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDD134(In the past 12 months), (have you/has SP) taken medication, perscribed by a doctor, for wheezing or whistling?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ050{Do you/Does SP} bring up phlegm on most days for 3 consecutive months or more during the year?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ070In the past 12 months {have you/has SP} had wheezing or whistling in {your/his/her} chest?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ080[In the past 12 months], how many attacks of wheezing or whistling {have you/has SP} had?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ090[In the past 12 months], how often, on average, has {your/SP's} sleep been disturbed because of wheezing? Would you say this happens . . .RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ100[In the past 12 months], has {your/SP's} chest sounded wheezy during or after exercise or physical activity?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ135During the past 12 months, how much did {you/SP} limit {your/his/her} usual activities due to wheezing or whistling? Would you say…RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ137During the past 12 months, how many days of work or school did {you/SP} miss due to wheezing or whistling?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
RDQ140[In the past 12 months], {have you/has SP} had a dry cough at night not counting a cough associated with a cold or chest infection lasting 14 days or more?RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RDQ_BRespiratory Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXD030How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXD240In the past 30 days, with how many people have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ020The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ100In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ120In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ150In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ170In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ190In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ200In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ220In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ250In the past 30 days, how many times have you had sex without using a condom?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as...SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as...SXQ_BSexual Behavior20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD011Now I would like to ask a few questions about {your/SP's} friends and family. Can {you/SP} count on anyone to provide {you/him/her} with emotional support such as talking over problems or helping {you/him/her} make a difficult decision?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021AIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021BIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021CIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021DIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021EIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021FIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021GIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021HIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021IIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021JIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021KIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021LIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021MIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD021NIn the last 12 months, who was most helpful in providing {you/SP} with emotional support?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD031[In the last 12 months], could {you/SP} have used more emotional support than {you/s/he} received?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD041Would you say that {you/SP} could have used . . .SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD051If {you/SP} need{s} some extra help financially, could {you/s/he} count on anyone to help {you/him/her}; for example, by paying any bills, housing costs, hospital visits, or providing {you/him/her} with food or clothes?SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SSD061In general, how many close friends {do you/does SP} have? PROBE: By "close friends" I mean relatives or non-relatives that {you s/he} feel{s} at ease with, can talk to about private matters, and can call on for help.SSQ_BSocial Support20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD030How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} first started to smoke cigarettes fairly regularly?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD055How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} last smoked cigarettes {fairly regularly}?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD057At that time, about how many cigarettes did {you/SP} usually smoke per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD070On average, how many cigarettes {do you/does SP} now smoke per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD075For about how many years {have you/has SP} smoked this amount?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD080On how many of the past 30 days did {you/SP} smoke a cigarette?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD090During the past 30 days, on the days that {you/SP} smoked, about how many cigarettes did {you/s/he} smoke per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD092May I please see the pack for the brand of cigarettes {you usually smoke/SP usually smokes}.SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100BRCigarette Brand/sub-brandSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100COFTC Carbon Monoxide ContentSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100FLFilter typeSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100LNLength in MillimetersSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100MNCIGARETTE PRODUCT MENTHOLATED OR NON-MENTHOLATEDSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100NIFTC Nicotine ContentSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD100TRFTC Tar ContentSMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD130How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} first started to smoke a pipe fairly regularly?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD160How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} first started to smoke a cigar fairly regularly?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD190How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} first started to use snuff fairly regularly?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD203How many "pinches", "dips" or "rubs" of snuff {do you/does SP} use per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD220How old {were you/was SP} when {you/s/he} first started to use chewing tobacco fairly regularly?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD233How many "plugs", "wads" or "chaws" of chewing tobacco {do you/does SP} use per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD235For about how many years {have you/has SP} used this amount?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMDUPCACigarette 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC)SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ020These next questions are about cigarette smoking and other tobacco use. {Have you/Has SP} smoked at least 100 cigarettes in {your/his/her} entire life?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ040{Do you/Does SP} now smoke cigarettes . .SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ050QHow long has it been since {you/SP} quit smoking cigarettes?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ050UUNIT OF MEASURESMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ077How soon after you wake up do you smoke? Would you say...SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ120{Have you/Has SP} smoked a pipe at least 20 times in {your/his/her} entire life?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ140{Do you/Does SP} now smoke a pipe . . .SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ143How many pipefuls of tobacco {do you/does SP} smoke per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ145For about how many years {have you/has SP} smoked this amount?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ150{Have you/Has SP} smoked a cigar at least 20 times in {your/his/her} entire life?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ170{Do you/Does SP} now smoke a cigar . . .SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ173How many cigars {do you/does SP} smoke per day?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ175For about how many years {have you/has SP} smoked this amount?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ180{Have you/Has SP} used snuff, such as Skoal, Skoal Bandit, or Copenhagen at least 20 times in {your/his/her} entire life?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ200{Do you/Does SP} now use snuff . . .SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ205For about how many years {have you/has SP} used this amount?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ210{Have you/Has SP} used chewing tobacco, such as Redman, Levi Garrett or Beechnut at least 20 times in {your/his/her} entire life?SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ230{Do you/Does SP} now use chewing tobacco . . .SMQ_BSmoking - Cigarette/Tobacco Use - Adult20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMAQUEXQuestionnaire Mode Flag.SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMD630How old were you when you smoked a whole cigarette for the first time?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ077How soon after you wake up do you smoke? Would you say...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ620The following questions are about cigarette smoking and other tobacco use. Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even 1 or 2 puffs?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ640During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ650During the past 30 days, on the days that you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ660During the past 30 days, on the days that you smoked, which brand of cigarettes did you usually smoke?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ664B{Were/Was} the Benson and Hedges cigarettes menthol or non-menthol?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ664C{Were/Was} the Camel cigarettes menthol or non-menthol?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ664M{Were/Was} the Marlboro cigarettes menthol or non-menthol?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ664O{Were/Was} the other brand cigarettes menthol or non-menthol?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ664W{Were/Was} the Winston cigarettes menthol or non-menthol?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666B{Were/Was} the Benson and Hedges cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666C{Were/Was} the Camel cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666K{Were/Was} the Kool cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666M{Were/Was} the Marlboro cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666N{Were/Was} the Newport cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666O{Were/Was} the other brand cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666S{Were/Was} the Salem cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ666W{Were/Was} the Winston cigarettes regulars, lights, or ultra-lights?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ670During the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ680The following questions ask about use of tobacco or nicotine products in the past 5 days. During the past 5 days, did {you/he/she} use any product containing nicotine including cigarettes, pipes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, orany other product containing nicotine?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690AWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690BWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690CWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690DWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690EWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ690FWhich of these products did {you/he/she} use?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ710During the past 5 days {including today}, on how many days did {you/he/she} smoke cigarettes?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ720During the past 5 days, on the days {you/he/she} smoked, how many cigarettes did {you/he/she} smoke each day?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ725When did {you/he/she} smoke {your/his/her} last cigarette? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ740During the past 5 days (including today), on how many days did {you/he/she} smoke a pipe?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ750During the past 5 days, on the days did {you/he/she} smoked a pipe, how many pipes did {you/he/she} smoke each day?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ755When did {you/he/she} smoke {your/his/her} last pipe? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ770During the past 5 days (including today), on how many days did {you/he/she} smoke cigars?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ780During the past 5 days, on the days {you/he/she} smoked cigars, how many cigars did {you/he/she} smoke each day?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ785When did {you/he/she} smoke {your/his/her} last cigar? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ800During the past 5 days (including today), on how many days did {you/he/she} use chewing tobacco, such as Redman, Levi Garrett or Beechnut?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ815When did {you/he/she} last use chewing tobacco? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ817During the past 5 days {including today}, on how many days did {you/he/she} use snuff, such as Skoal, Skoal Bandits, or Copenhagen?SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ819When did {you/he/she} last use snuff? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ830During the past 5 days (including today), on how many days did {you/he/she} use any product containing nicotine to help {you/he/she} stop smoking? Include nicotine patches, gum, or any other product containing nicotine.SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
SMQ840When did {you/he/she} last use a product containing nicotine? Was it...SMQMEC_BSmoking - Adult Recent Tobacco Use & Youth Cigarette/Tobacco Use20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIDUQUEX KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ022{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that {you/s/he} had weak or failing kidneys? Do not include kidney stones, bladder infections, or incontinence.KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ025In the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} received dialysis (either hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis)?KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ042Many people experience leakage of urine. The next few questions ask about urine leakage under different conditions. During the past 12 months, {have/has SP} leaked or lost control of even a small amount of urine with an activity like coughing, liftKIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ043How frequently does this occur? Would {you/he/she} say this occurs...KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ044During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} leaked or lost control of even a small amount of urine with an urge or pressure to urinate and {you/he/she} couldn't get to the toilet fast enough?`KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ045How frequently does this occur? Would {you/she/he} say this occurs...KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ046During the past 12 months, {have you/has SP} leaked or lost control of even a small amount of urine without an activity like coughing, lifting, or exercise, or an urge to urinate?KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ047How frequently does this occur? Would {you/she/he} say this occurs...KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ050During the past 12 months, how much did {your/her/his} leakage of urine bother {you/her/him}? Please select one of the following choices:KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
KIQ052During the past 12 months, how much did {you/her/his} leakage of urine affect {you/her/his} day-to-day activities? Please select one of the following choices:KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.KIQ_U_BKidney Conditions - Urology20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ030Next I have general questions about {your/SP's} vision. At the present time, would you say {your/SP's} eyesight, with glasses or contact lenses if {you/s/he} wear them, is . . .VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ040How much of the time {do you/does SP} worry about {your/his/her} eyesight? Would you say . . .VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ050AThe next questions are about how much difficulty, if any, {you have/SP has} doing certain activities, such as reading ordinary newsprint or going down steps. If {you/s/he} usually wear{s} glasses or contact lenses to do these activities, please rate {you r/his/her} ability to do them while wearing {your/his/her} glasses or contacts. How much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .reading ordinary print in newspapers?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ050BHow much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .doing work or hobbies that require {you/him/her} to see well up close such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house, or using hand tools?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ050CHow much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .going down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ050DHow much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .noticing objects off to the side while {you are/s/he is} walking?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ050EHow much difficulty {do you/does SP} have . . .finding something on a crowded shelf?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ055How much difficulty {do you/does SP} you have driving during the daytime in familiar places?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ060How limited {are you/is SP} in how long {you/s/he} can work or do other daily activities such as housework, child care, school, or community activities because of {your/his/her} vision? Would you say {you are/s/he is} limited . . .VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ070{Have you/Has SP} ever had a cataract operation?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
VIQ080Was the operation in {your/SPs} right eye, left eye, or both eyes?VIQ_BVision20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE1FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE2FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE3FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE4FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE5FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
FDACODE6FDA/NDC therapeutic drug class codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
NHCODEGeneric ingredient codeRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD030In the past month, {have you/has SP} used or taken medication for which a prescription is needed? Do not include prescription vitamins or minerals you may have already told me about.RXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD240BStandard generic ingredient nameRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD260For how long {have/has} {you/SP} been using or taking {PRODUCT NAME}? (days)RXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXD295The number of prescription medicines reportedRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXDDRGIDGeneric drug code RXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
RXQ250Prescription container seen by interviewerRXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.RXQ_RX_BPrescription Medications20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIAORDEROrder in which CIDI modules are askedCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDPPRBGeneral cause of problemCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDPSCORPanic ScoreCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP01(READ SLOWLY) In your entire lifetime, have you ever had an attack of fear or panic when all of a sudden you felt frightened, anxious or uneasy?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP02Another kind of attack is when all of a sudden your heart begins to race, or you feel dizzy or faint, or you can't catch your breath. I'm not talking about a heart attack or some other attack caused by physical illness or medication or drugs, but about an attack that occurs for no apparent physical reason, just out of the blue. Have you ever had an attack like this?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP03Have you had an attack like this in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP04In the past 12 months was there a month or more when you avoided certain situations or changed your everyday activities because of fear of the attacks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP05How recently have you avoided certain situations or changed your activities because of this fear in the past month, past six months or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP06In the past 12 months was there a month or more when you were often concerned that you might have another attack?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP07How recently did you have this ongoing concern in the past month, past six months or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP08In the past 12 months was there a month or more when you were concerned that the attacks might lead to something terrible happening, like dying, losing control, or going crazy?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP09How recently did you have this ongoing concern in the past month, past six months or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP11Did any of your attacks ever occur when you were in a life-threatening situation?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP12Did any of your attacks occur when you were NOT in a life-threatening situation?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13ADid your heart pound or race? (heart racing)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13BDid you sweat ? (sweating)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13CDid you tremble or shake? (trembling)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13DDid you have dry mouth? (having dry mouth)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13EWere you short of breath? (being short of breath)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13FDid you feel like you were choking? (choking)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13GDid you have pain or discomfort in your chest? (having discomfort in your chest)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13HDid you have pain or discomfort in your stomach? (having nausea)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13IWere you dizzy or feeling faint? (feeling dizzy)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13JDid you feel that you were unreal? (feeling unreal)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13KDid you feel that things around you were unreal? (feeling that things around you were unreal)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13LWere you afraid that you might lose control of yourself or act in a crazy way? (fearing that you might lose control of yourself)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13MWere you afraid that you might pass out? (fearing that you might pass out)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13NWere you afraid that you might die? (fearing that you might die)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13ODid you have hot flashes or chills? (having hot flashes)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP13PDid you have numbness or tingling? (having numbness)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP14About how many attacks (IF CIQP01 = YES: of fear or panic) when you also had some of these symptoms we just talked about have you had in your ENTIRE LIFETIME?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP15During your attack(s), did the problems like begin suddenly and then got worse within the first few minutes of the attack?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP16When did your attack occur--in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP17Can you remember your EXACT age when your attack occurred?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP18Exact age when attack occurred?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP19ABOUT how old were you?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP20Attacks of this sort can occur in three different situations. The first are when they occur "out of the blue" for no reason. The second are when they occur in situations where a person has an unreasonably strong fear. For example, some people have a terrible fear of bugs or heights or being in a crowd. The third are situations where a person is in real danger, like a car accident or bank robbery. In which of these kinds of situations did your attack occur?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21AGiving a speechCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21BFear: Party or social eventCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21CFear: Being in a crowdCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21DFear: Meeting new peopleCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21EFear: Being outside, awayCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21FFear: Traveling bus, train, carCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21GFear: Crowd, standing in lineCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21HFear: Being in a public placeCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21IFear: AnimalsCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21JFear: HeightsCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21KFear: Storms, thunder, lighteningCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21LFear: FlyingCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21MFear: Closed spacesCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21NFear: Seeing bloodCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21OFear: Getting an injectionCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21PFear: Going to the dentistCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21QFear: Going to a hospitalCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21RFear: Other 1CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21SFear: Other 2CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP21TFear: Other 3CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP23Can you remember your exact age the very first time you had one of these attacks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP24(IF NEC: How old were you?) (IF RESPONSE = REF, ENTER 99) __________ YEARS OF AGECIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP25Was that first attack in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP26Was that first attack in the past 12 months or more than 12 months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP27Was that first attack in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP28About how old were you the first time?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP29What's the earliest age you can clearly remember a particular time when you had one of these attacks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP31How old were you the last time you had one of these attacks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP32Attacks of this sort can occur in three different situations. The first are when they occur "out of the blue" for no reason. The second are when they occur in situations where a person has an unreasonably strong fear. For example, some people have a terrible fear of bugs or heights or being in a crowd. The third are situations where a person is in real danger, like a car accident or a bank robbery. The next question is about how many of your (# FROM CIQP14) attacks occurred in each of these three kinds of situations. First, in your lifetime, about how many attacks have you had "out of the blue" for no reason?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP33Did that out of the blue attack occur in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP34About how many of these (# FROM CIQP32) out of the blue attacks occurred in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP36And about how many attacks in your lifetime occurred in situations where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP37Did that attack occur in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP38About how many of these (# FROM CIQP36) attacks occurred in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP40And how many attacks in your lifetime have you had in situations where you were in real danger?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP41Did that attack where you were in real danger occur in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP42About how many of these (# FROM CIQP40) attacks where you were in real danger occurred in the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44A(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44B(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44C(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44D(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44E(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44F(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44G(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44H(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44I(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44J(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44K(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44L(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44M(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44N(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44O(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44P(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44Q(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44R(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44S(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP44T(SHOW CARD B) You had (about) (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s) in (a) situation(s) where you had an unreasonably strong fear of something about the situation. This card lists common situations of this sort. Briefly, which of these or other situations were associated with your (# FROM CIQP36) attack(s)? (PROBE: Any other situations?)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP49How recently did you have an attack that occurred either in a frightening situation or out of the blue -- in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP50In the past 12 months, about how many weeks out of 52 did you have at least one attack?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP51Was that a single period of (# OF WEEKS IN CIQP50) weeks in a row or was it two or more periods that added up to (# OF WEEKS IN CIQP50) weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP52In the past 12 months, what's the longest number of weeks in a row when you had at least one attack per week?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP54What's the largest number of attacks you had in any one week during the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP55What's the largest number of attacks you had in any four-week period during the past 12 months?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP57In the past 12 months, did you have a period of four weeks in a row when you had at least four attacks every week?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP58In the past 12 months, did you ever tell a doctor about (one of) your attack(s)?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP59There are three ways in which attacks of the sort we have been discussing can affect a person's life and activities. First, the attacks themselves can be incapacitating. Second, worry about having additional attacks can get in the way of daily activities. And, third, avoiding certain situations for fear of having additional attacks can interfere with daily activities. Think about all three of these ways in which your life and activities were affected in the past 12 months. Did these things interfere with your life or activities -- a lot, some, a little, or not at all?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP60About how many days in the past 12 months were you totally unable for the whole day to work and carry out your other normal activities because of these problems? You can answer with any number between 0 and 365.CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP61Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP62How many of these (# FROM CIQP60) days were in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP63[Not counting the day(s) you were totally unable to work,] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did you cut back either on the amount of work you got done or on the quality of your work because of the problems associated with attacks? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP64Thinking about (that cutback day/those # FROM CIQP63 cutback days), on a scale from 0 to 100 where zero means being totally unable to work and 100 means working a full high quality day, what number describes the quantity and quality of your work during (that day/those # FROM D62b days)? You can use any number between 0 and 100.CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP65Did that cutback day occur in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP66How many of these (# FROM CIQP63) cutback days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP67. [Not counting the day(s) (you were totally unable to work)/(or)/(you cut back on work),] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did it take an extreme effort to perform up to your usual level at work or at your other normal daily activities because of problems associated with attacks? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP68Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP69How many of these (# FROM CIQP67) days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP70And about how many days in the past 12 months did these problems seriously interfere with your personal or social life? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP71Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQP72How many of these (# FROM CIQP70) days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPADid you tell other professional about attack?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPBDid you take medication for attack?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPCDid attacks interfere with life?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPDWere attacks result of phys illness?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPEWere attacks result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPFWere attacks always result medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHADoctor said nerves causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHBDoctor said stress causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHCDoctor said anxiety causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHDDoctor said depression causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHEDoc said mental illness causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHFDoctor said medication causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHGDoctor said drugs causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHHDoctor said alcohol causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHIDoctor said phys illness causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHJDoctor said phys injury causing attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPHKDoctor gave no definite diagnosis for attacksCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPJWere attacks always result medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPKWhen attacks were not result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol, were attacks result of physical illness?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPNWere attacks always result of physical illness?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPOWhen attacks were not due to physical illness, were attacks always result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQPPQAnything abnormal when exam?CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI2YRCIDI Subsample 2 year MEC Weight CIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI4YRCIDI Subsample 4 Year MEC WeightCIQPAN_BMental Health - Panic Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIAORDEROrder in which CIDI modules are askedCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDGPRBGeneral cause of being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDGSCORGAD scoreCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG01The next questions are about longer periods of feeling worried, tense, or anxious. In the past 12 months, did you have a period of a month or more when most days you felt worried or tense or anxious about everyday problems such as work or family?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG02Did that period go on for at least six months?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG03How many months out of the last 12 did you feel worried or tense or anxious most days?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG04During (that/those) month(s), were you worried, tense, or anxious every day, nearly every day, most days, about half the days, or less than half the days?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG05And on the days you worried or were tense or anxious, did you usually feel that way all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG06People differ a lot in how much they worry about things. (READ THE NEXT SENTENCE SLOWLY.) In the past 12 months, did you have a period when most days you were a lot more worried or tense or anxious than most people would be in your same situation?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG07Did that period go on for at least six months?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG08How many months out of the last 12 did you feel worried or tense or anxious most days?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG09During (that/those) month(s), were you worried, tense, or anxious every day, nearly every day, most days, about half the days, or less than half the days?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG10And on the days you worried or were tense or anxious, did you usually feel that way all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG12Did R worry about health/drug use?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG13Did R have multiple worries?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG14Do you think your worry was excessive; that is, much stronger than it really should be in your situation?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG15How often did you find it difficult to control your worry -- often, sometimes, rarely, or never?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG16How often was your worry so strong that you couldn't put it out of your mind no matter how hard you tried -- often, sometimes, rarely, or never?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17ANow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17BNow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17CNow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17DNow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17ENow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17FNow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG17GNow look at this card. This is a list of problems some people have during periods of feeling worried, tense or anxious. In the past 12 months, during your period of worry, were you often restless? (feeling restless)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG18In the past 12 months did you tell a doctor about feeling worried, tense, or anxious when you also had some of the problems on the list?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG19Can you remember your exact age the very first time in your life you had a period of worry, tension, or anxiety like the one you had in the past 12 months (that lasted six months or longer) and you also had some of the other problems we just reviewed?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG20How old were you when first WTA?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG21About how old were you the first time you had a period of this sort?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG22What's the earliest age you can clearly remember a particular time when you had a period of this sort?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG23And how recently did you have a period of this sort -- in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG24In the past 12 months, how upset have you been with yourself for feeling worried, tense, or anxious -- very upset, somewhat, not very, or not at all upset?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG25Think about how your life and activities were affected in the past 12 months by your worry, tension or anxiety. Did these things interfere with your life and activities -- a lot, some, a little, or not at all?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG26About how many days in the past 12 months were you totally unable for the whole day to work and carry out your other normal activities because of your worry, tension, or anxiety? You can answer with any number between 0 and 365.CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG27Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG28How many of these days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG29[Not counting the day(s) you were totally unable to work,] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did you cut back either on the amount of work you got done or on the quality of your work because of your worry, tension, or anxiety? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG30Thinking about (that cutback day/those cutback days), on a scale from 0 to 100 where zero means being totally unable to work and 100 means working a full high quality day, what number describes the quantity and quality of your work during (that day/those days)? You can use any number between 0 and 100.CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG31Did that cutback day occur in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG32How many of these cutback days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG33[Not counting the day(s) (you were totally unable to work)/(or)/(you cut back on work),] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did it take an extreme effort to perform up to your usual level at work or at your other normal daily activities because of your worry, tension, or anxiety? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG34Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG35No. days extreme past 4 weeksCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG36And about how many days in the past 12 months did your worry, tension, or anxiety seriously interfere with your personal or social life? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG37Did that day occur in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQG38How many of these days occurred in the past four weeks?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPADid you tell other professional about being, worried, tense, or anxious?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPBDid you take medication for being, worried, tense, or anxious?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPCDid being, worried, tense, or anxious interfere with life?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPDWas being, worried, tense, or anxious result of physical illness?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPEWas being, worried, tense, or anxious result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPFWas being, worried, tense, or anxious always result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHADoctor said nerves causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHBDoctor said stress causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHCDoctor said anxiety causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHDDoctor said depression causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHEDoctor said mental illness causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHFDoctor said medication causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHGDoctor said drugs causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHHDoctor said alcohol causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHIDoctor said physical illness causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHJDoctor said physical injury causing being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPHKDoc gave no definite diagnosis for being, worried, tense, or anxiousCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPJWas being, worried, tense, or anxious always result of midicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPKWhen being, worried, tense, or anxious was not the result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol, was being, worried, tense, or anxious result of physical illness?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPNWas being, worried, tense, or anxious always result of physical illness?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPOWhen being, worried, tense, or anxious was not result of physical illness, was being, worried, tense, or anxious always result medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQGPQAnything abnormal when examined?CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI2YRCIDI Subsample 2 year MEC WeightCIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI4YRCIDI Subsample 4 Year MEC Weight CIQGAD_BMental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIAORDEROrder in which CIDI modules are askedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDDPRBGeneral cause of problemCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIDDSCORDepression ScoreCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD001In the past 12 months, have you had a period of two weeks or longer when you felt sad or depressed or empty?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD002Think of the two weeks during the past 12 months when this feeling was most persistent. During that two-week period, did you feel sad or depressed or empty every day, nearly every day, most days, about half the days, or less than half the days?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD003And did this feeling usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD004Please look at Card C. People who have periods of being sad, depressed, or empty often have other problems on this list at the same time, like changes in sleep or energy or appetite or concentration or feelings of low self-worth. During the time you were sad, depressed or empty, did you also have any of these other problems?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD005For the next questions, please think of the two weeks during the past 12 months when you were sad, depressed, or empty and had the largest number of these other problems. During that two-week period, did you lack energy or feel tired all the time nearly every day, even when you had not been working very hard?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD006During that two-week period, did you lose interest in most things like work, hobbies, and other things you usually enjoy?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD007During that two-week period, did you feel irritable or grouchy or in a bad mood most of the time?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD008In the past 12 months, have you had a period of two weeks or longer when you lost interest in most things like work, hobbies, and other things you usually enjoy?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD009Think of the two weeks when this loss of interest was most persistent. During that two-week period, did you lose interest in things every day, nearly every day, most days, about half the days, or less than half the days?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD010And did this feeling usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD011Please look at Card C again. People who have periods of losing interest in most things often have other problems on this list at the same time. During the time that you lost interest in most things, did you also have any of these other problems?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD012For the next questions, please think of the two weeks during the past 12 months when you lost interest in most things and had the largest number of these other problems. During that two-week period, did you lack energy or feel tired all the time nearly every day, even when you had not been working very hard?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD013During that two-week period, did you feel irritable or grouchy or in a bad mood most of the time?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD014In the past 12 months, Did you have a period of two weeks or longer when you were irritable or grouchy or in a bad mood most of the time?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD015Think of the two weeks when this bad mood was most persistent. During that two-week period, did you feel irritable or grouchy or in a bad mood every day, nearly every day, most days, about half the days, or less than half the days?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD016And did this feeling usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD017Please look at Card C again. People who have periods of being irritable or grouchy often have other problems on this list at the same time. During the time you were irritable or grouchy, did you also have any of these other problems?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD018For the next questions, please think of the two weeks during the past 12 months when you were irritable and had the largest number of these other problems. During that two-week period, did you lack energy or feel tired all the time nearly every day, even when you had not been working very hard?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD019(During that two-week period,) Did you have less appetite than usual almost every day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD020(During that two-week period,) Did you lose weight without trying to?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD021How much weight did you lose during that two week period?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD022Did you have a much larger appetite than is usual for you almost every day during that two weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD023(During that two-week period,) Did you gain weight?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD024How much did you gain during that two week period?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD025Did you have a lot more trouble than usual sleeping for these two weeks -- either trouble falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night, or waking up too early?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD026Did this happen every night, nearly every night, or less often during those two weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD027Did you wake up at least two hours before you wanted to every day during these two weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD028Did you sleep too much almost every day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD029(During that two-week period,) Did you feel particularly bad when you first got up, but felt better later in the day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD030(During that two-week period,) Was your interest in sex a lot less than usual?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD031(During that two-week period,) Did you lose the ability to enjoy having good things happen to you, like winning something or being praised or complimented?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD032Did you talk or move more slowly than is normal for you almost every day during these two weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD033Did anyone else notice that you were talking or moving slowly?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD034(During that two-week period,) Did you have to be moving all the time -- that is, you couldn't sit still and paced up and down or couldn't keep your hands still when sitting?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD035Did anyone else notice that you were moving all the time?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD036(During that two-week period,) Did you feel worthless nearly every day?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD037Did you feel guilty?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD038Was there a particular reason for feeling (worthless/or/guilty)?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD040Was R worthless/guilty about depression?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD041Did you feel that you were not as good as other people?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD042Did you have so little self-confidence that you wouldn't try to have your say about anything?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD043(During that two-week period,) Did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than is normal for you?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD044Were you unable to read things that usually interest you or watch television or movies you usually like because you couldn't pay attention to them?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD045(During that two-week period,) Did your thoughts come much slower than usual or seem mixed up?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD046(During that two-week period,) Were you unable to make up your mind about things you ordinarily have no trouble deciding about?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD047(During that two-week period,) Did you think a lot about death?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD048Did you feel so low you thought a lot about committing suicide?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD049Did you make a suicide plan?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD050Did you attempt suicide?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD051I'm going to review what you told me. You had a period of two weeks or longer when you (stem phrase)?You also had other problems at the same time. For example, you (fill with first 3 phrases endorsed on list), and had other problems you mentioned.CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD052Was this one period of ("NUMBER FROM CIQD051 weeks") in a row, or was it two or more periods that add up to ("NUMBER FROM CIQD051 weeks").CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD053Was this one period or was it two or more periods?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD054Is this period still going on or has it ended?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD055How long has this period been going on so far?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD056When did it end -- in the past month or more than a month ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD057When did it end -- in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD058How long did this period go on before it ended? (Answer has been converted to weeks) CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD059Did this period begin just after someone close to you died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD060Who was it that died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD061Did this period begin within a month of you having a baby?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD062Did anything else happen shortly before this period began that might have caused it to happen?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD064How many periods?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD065How many weeks, months or years did the first of these periods go on before it ended? (Answers has been converted to weeks) CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD066Did this first period begin just after someone close to you died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD067Who was it that died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD068Did this period begin within a month of you having a baby?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD069Did anything else happen shortly before this period began that might have caused it to happen?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD071How much time went on between the end of this first period and the beginning of the second? (Answer has been converted to weeks)CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD072Did you feel OK for at least two months between the two periods?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD073Between these two periods, did you have at least two months when you were able to carry out your daily activities and enjoy being with other people as much as before the first period began?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD074Is the second period still going on now or has it ended?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD075How long did it go on before it ended? (Answer has been converted to weeks)CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD076When did it end -- in the past month or more than a month ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD077When did it end -- in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD078Did this second period begin just after someone close to you died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD079< blank >CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD080Did this second period begin within a month of you having a baby?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD081Did anything else happen shortly before this second period began that might have caused it to happen?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD083In the past 12 months, what was the longest number of weeks in a row that you felt that way?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD084Is the most recent of these (NUMBER FROM CIQD064) periods still going on or has it ended?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD085When did it end -- in the past month or more than a month ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD086When did it end -- in the past month, past six months, or more than six months ago?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD087In between any of these periods were you feeling OK for at least two months?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD088Between these periods, did you have at least two months when you were able to carry out your daily activities and enjoy being with other people as much as before the first period began?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD089Think about what was going on in your life shortly before each of your periods of (being sad, depressed, or empty/losing interest in most things/being irritable) in the past 12 months. Did any of these periods occur just after someone close to you died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD090Who was it that died?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD091Were all these periods shortly after the death of someone close to you?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD092Did any of these periods in the past 12 months occur within a month of you having a baby?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD093Did anything else happen shortly before any of these periods began that might have caused them to happen?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD095Think about how your life and activities were affected in the past 12 months by your (being sad, depressed or empty/losing interest in most things/being irritable) and other related problems. Did these problems interfere with your life or activities -- a lot, some, a little, or not at all?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD096About how many days in the past 12 months were you totally unable for the whole day to work and carry out your other normal activities because of (being sad, depressed or empty/losing interest in most things/being irritable) and other related problems? You can answer with any number between 0 and 365.CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD097Did that day occur in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD098How many of these days occurred in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD099[Not counting the day(s) you were totally unable to work,] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did you cut back either on the amount of work you got done or on the quality of your work because of these problems? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD100Thinking about (that cutback day/those # FROM CIQD099 cutback days), on a scale from 0 to 100 where zero means being totally unable to work and 100 means working a full high quality day, what number describes the quantity and quality of your work during (that day/those # FROM CIQD099 days)?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD101Did that cutback day occur in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD102How many of these cutback days occurred in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD103[Not counting the day(s) you were totally unable to work /(or)/(you cut back on work,] about how many (other) days in the past 12 months did it take an extreme effort to perform up to your usual level at work or at your other normal daily activities because of (being sad/losing interest/being irritable)? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD104Did that day occur in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD105How many of these days occurred in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD106And about how many days in the past 12 months did (being sad/losing interest/being irritable) and other related problems seriously interfere with your personal or social life? (Again, you can use any number between 0 and 365.)CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD107Did that day occur in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD108How many of these days occurred in the past 4 weeks?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD109In the past 12 months, did you tell a doctor about (feeling sad, empty, or depressed/losing interest in most things/being irritable)?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD110Can you remember your exact age the very first time in your life you had a period lasting two weeks or longer of (being sad, depressed, or empty/losing interest in most things/being irritable) and having some of the other problems we reviewed?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD111How old were you when first SED?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD112About how old were you the first time you had a period of this sort?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQD113What's the earliest age you can clearly remember a particular time when you had a period of this sort?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPADid you tell other professional about being sad, empty, or depressed?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPBDid you take medication for being sad, empty, or depressed?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPCDid being sad, empty, or depressed interfere with life?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPDWas being sad, empty, or depressed result of physical illness?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPEWas being sad, empty, or depressed result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPFWas being sad, empty, or depressed always result of medicine, drugs, alcohol?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHADoctor said nerves causing being sad, empty, or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHBDoctor said stress causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHCDoctor said anxiety causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHDDoctor said depression causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHEDoctor said mental illness causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHFDoctor said medication causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHGDoctor said drugs causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHHDoctor said alcohol causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHIDoctor said physical illness causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHJDoctor said physical injury causing being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPHKDoctor gave no definite diagnosis for being sad, empty or depressedCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPJWas being sad, empty or depressed always result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPKWhen being sad, empty, or depressed was not result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol, was being sad, empty, or depressed always the result of physical illness?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPNWas being sad, empty, or depressed always result of physical illness?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPOWhen being sad, empty, or depressed not result of physical illness, was being sad, empty, or depressed always result of medicine, drugs, or alcohol?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
CIQDPQAnything abnormal when exam?CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI2YRCIDI Subsample 2 year MEC Weight CIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
WTSCI4YRCIDI Subsample 4 Year MEC WeightCIQDEP_BMental Health - Depression20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ010Now I have some questions about {your/SP's} mouth and teeth. How would you describe the condition of {your/SP's} mouth and teeth? Would you say . . .OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ020How often {do you/does SP} limit the kinds or amounts of food {you/s/he} eat{s} because of problems with {your/his/her} teeth or dentures? Would you say . . .OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ030About how long has it been since {you/SP} last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ033What was the main reason {you/SP} last visited the dentist?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ040During the past 3 years, {have/has} {you/SP} been to the dentist for routine check-ups or cleanings?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ050During the past 3 years, how often {have you/has SP} gone to the dentist for routine check-ups or cleanings?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ060Is there a particular dentist or dental clinic that {you/SP} usually {go/goes} to if {you/he/she} need{s} dental care or dental advice?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ070QFor how long has this been {your/SP's} regular source of dental care?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ070UUNIT OF MEASUREOHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ085{Do you/Does SP} sip liquids to aid in swallowing any foods?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ095Does the amount of saliva in {your/SP's} mouth seem to be too little, too much, or {do you/does s/he} not notice it?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ105{Do you/Does SP} have difficulties swallowing any foods?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
OHQ115Does {your/SP's} mouth feel dry when {you/s/he} eat{s} a meal?OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.OHQ_BOral Health20012002QuestionnaireNone
SEQNRespondent sequence number.YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ010The next set of questions ask about things you may have done that can get people in trouble. In the last year, have you been expelled from school for misbehavior—that is, told you could never go back to that school at all?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ020In the last year, have you shoplifted—that is, stolen something from a store when you thought no one was looking?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ030In the last year, have you lied to get money or something else you wanted?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ040In the last year, have you snatched someone's purse or jewelry?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ050In the last year, have you broken something or messed up some place on purpose, like breaking windows, writing on a building, or slashing tires?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ060In the last year, have you stolen from anyone else when they weren't around or weren't looking?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ070In the last year, have you been physically cruel to an animal and hurt it on purpose?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
YCQ080In the last year, have you broken into a house, a building, or a car?YCQ_BMental Health - Conduct Disorder - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SEQNRespondent sequence number.SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD030How old were you when you had sex for the first time?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXD240In the past 30 days, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ020The next set of questions is about your sexual behavior. By sex, we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Please remember that your answers are strictly confidential. Have you ever had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ040During your life, with how many people have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ050The last time you had sex, did you or your partner use a condom?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ100In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ120In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ130In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ150In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ170In your lifetime, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ190In the past 12 months, with how many women have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ200In your lifetime, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ220In the past 12 months, with how many men have you had sex?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ250In the past 30 days, how many times have you had sex without using a condom?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ260Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ265Has a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ270In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or clap?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ272In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ280Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ292Do you think of yourself as... SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only
SXQ294Do you think of yourself as... SXQYTH_BSexual Behavior - Youth20012002QuestionnaireRDC Only