National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Survey Methods and Analytic Guidelines

Survey Methods and Analytic Guidelines

Plan and Operations

Description Documentation
Plan and Operation of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971-1973 - Part A [PDF - 4.04 MB]
Plan and Operation of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971-1973 - Part B [PDF - 4.4 MB]
Plan and Operation of the HANES I Augmentation Survey of Adults 25-74 years, United States, 1974-1975 [PDF - 7.49 MB]

Analytic Guidelines

Description Documentation
Analytic and Reporting Guidelines: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES III (1988-1994) [PDF - 182 KB]
A Statistical Methodology for Analyzing Data From a Complex Survey: The First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey United States, 1971-1975 [PDF - 4.87 MB]
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Analytic Guidelines, 1999-2010
The Analytic Guidelines for the 1999-2010 cycles of the Continuous NHANES is an update of the NHANES III Analytic Guidelines and may be used for any NHANES
[PDF – 734 KB]

Other Resources for Analysts

Suggested NHANES Citation for Use in Publications