National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Anthropometric Procedure Videos

Anthropometric Procedure Videos

The NHANES Story

The NHANES III Anthropometric video contains the standardized anthropometric procedures used throughout NHANES III for the body measurement component of the survey. Standardized anthropometric procedures are important for health researchers and investigators involved in studies comparing data collected locally with nationally representative reference data.

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Weight

Part 3: Height (Standing height, Recumbent length, Sitting height)

Part 4: Limb Length (Upper leg length, Upper arm length, Knee height)

Part 5: Circumferences (arm, waist, buttocks, thigh)

Part 6: Skinfolds (including thighs, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac)

Part 7: Breadth (Biacromial, Biiliac, Elbow, Wrist, Head circumference)

Part 8: Closing