National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Vitamin, Supplements, and Prescription Drugs Public-Use Data Files Usage Notes

Prescription Medication file

Pupremed (Response to prescription medicine questions)

This file contains the responses to the prescription medicine questions for prescription medicine users ONLY; listed as one record per prescription medicine taken. In addition to the information listed in "Adultx" and "Youthk", this file also contains the prescription medicine product codes. Data for both youth and adults are combined in this file. This file can be linked to "Adultx" and "Youthk" through the SEQN number; however, the rest of the variables in this file, which also appear in "Adultx" or "Youthk", have been given new variable names. This file contains an overview discussion about the prescription medicine section of the questionnaire as well as specific notes on selected variables.

Vitamin and Mineral file

Puvitmin (Response to vitamin & mineral supplement questions)

This file contains the responses to the vitamin/mineral supplement questions for supplement users only; listed as one record per supplement taken. In addition to the information listed in "Adultx" and "Youthk", this file also contains the dietary supplement product codes and the dosage reported. Data for both youth and adults are combined in this file. This file can be linked to "Adultx" and "Youthk" through the SEQN number; however, the rest of the variables in this file, which also appear in "Adultx" or "Youthk", have been given new variable names. This file can be linked to the dietary supplements concentration database files through the dietary supplement product code (HQVMCODE). This file contains an overview discussion about the vitamin and mineral supplement section of the questionnaire as well as specific notes on selected variables.

Supplement Concentration file

Suplconc (Nutrient/Ingredient content of each supplement in database)

(This file contains the nutrient and ingredient values for the supplements reported.)

Note on dietary supplements concentration database: While efforts were made to provide complete and accurate data on the supplements in this database, errors may exist in the data. Supplement names, units on the label, or values in the database may be incorrect. Analysts should preview the data before using it in any analyses.

Supplement Product Information file

Supliden (Descriptive information about each supplement in database)

This is the first of 2 look-up files for the dietary supplements concentration database. This file contains descriptive information about each supplement reported including the standardized supplement name and associated product code, the source of the nutrient/ingredient values added to the concentration database, the product type, the dosage on which the concentration is based, and other product information. This file also contains an overview discussion about the supplements concentration database as well as specific notes on selected variables.