National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES Bibliogaphy

Results for Kidney Disease and Function

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Government Publications

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Associated Risk Factors --- United States, 1999--2004. Saydah S, Eberhardt M, Rios-Burrows N, Williams D, Geiss L, Dorsey RMMWR Weekly. March 2, 2007 / 56(08);161-165.
Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Associated Risk Factors --- United States, 1999—2004 Saydah S, Eberhardt M, Rios-Burrows N, Williams D, Geiss L, Dorsey RMMWR March 2, 2007 / 56(08);161-165

Journal Articles - authored or reviewed by NCHS staff

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Association of CKD with disability in the United States. Plantinga LC, Johansen K, Crews DC, Shahinian VB, Robinson BM, Saran R, Burrows NR, Williams DE, Powe NR; CDC CKD Surveillance TeamAm J Kidney Dis. 2011 Feb;57(2):212-27.
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in persons with undiagnosed or prehypertension in the United StatesCrews DC, Plantinga LC, Miller ER 3rd, Saran R, Hedgeman E, Saydah SH, Williams DE, Powe NRHypertension. 2010 May;55(5):1102-9
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in US adults with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetesPlantinga LC, Crews DC, Coresh J, Miller ER 3rd, Saran R, Yee J, Hedgeman E, Pavkov M, Eberhardt MS, Williams DE, Powe NRClin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Apr;5(4):673-82.
Chronic Kidney Disease Awareness, Prevalence and Trends Among U.S. Adults, 1999 to 2000.Coresh, J., Byrd-Holt, D., Astor, B.C., Briggs, J.P., Eggers, P.W., Lacher, D.A., Hostetter, T.H.J Am Soc Nephrol, 2005 Jan;16(1): 180-188.

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