What is the Continuous NHANES Selected Bibliography
This bibliography contains many published articles, studies, and reports using data
collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).
These articles, studies, and reports were authored or reviewed
for accuracy by the Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys or
National Center for Health Statistics staff.
How to use the Continuous NHANES Selected Bibliography
The bibliography is organized by topics in a tree. Click a plus sign next to a
topic to expand it. Click a minus sign to collapse it. Click items without a
plus or minus sign to view the Tables and Figures, Government Publications, and
Journal Articles for that topic.
On the Publication Results page, click any hyperlinked "Publication Title" to
view the publication. To return to the topic tree, click the "Return to
Categories" button located near the top and bottom of the Publication Results
Skip Navigation Links.
| |  | Physical activity - see Risk Factors, Physical Functioning |
| |  | Supplements - see Medications/Supplement Use |