National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES Bibliogaphy

Results for Risk Factors: sociodemographic, nutrition/diet, weight and health behaviors

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Tables and Figures

Government Publications

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Health insurance affects diagnosis and control of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension among adults aged 20-64: United States, 2005-2008. Schober SE, Makuc DM, Zhang C, Kennedy-Stephenson J, Burt V. NCHS data brief, no 57. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2011.
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adults 20 years of age and over, by sex, age, race and ethnicity, and body mass index: United States, 2003–2006. Ervin RB. National Health Statistics Reports No 13. National Center for Health Statistics. May 5, 2009.
One-third of U.S adults embraced most heart healthy behaviors in 1999-2002. Wright JD, Hirsch R, Wang CY.Data Brief No. 17. National Center for Health Statistics. May 2009.

Journal Articles - authored or reviewed by NCHS staff

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration is associated with the metabolic syndrome among US youth aged 12-19 years. Li C, Ford ES, McBride PE, Kwiterovich PO, McCrindle BW, Gidding SSJ Pediatr. 2011 Feb;158(2):201-7.
Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome based on a harmonious definition among adults in the US.Ford ES, Li C, Zhao GJ Diabetes. 2010 Sep;2(3):180-93.
Racial and ethnic differences in weight management behavior by weight perception status. Dorsey RR, Eberhardt MS, Ogden CL. Ethn Dis. 2010 Summer;20(3):244-50.
Prevalence of coronary heart disease risk factors and screening for high cholesterol levels among young adults, United States, 1999-2006. Kuklina EV, Yoon PW, Keenan NL. Ann Fam Med. 2010 Jul-Aug;8(4):327-33.
Cardiorespiratory fitness levels among US adults 20-49 years of age: findings from the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyWang CY, Haskell WL, Farrell SW, LaMonte MJ, Blair SN, Curtin LR, Hughes JP, Burt VLAmerican Journal of Epidemiology. 2010 Feb 15;171(4):426-35
Control of risk factors among people with diagnosed diabetes, by lower extremity disease status.Dorsey RR, Eberhardt MS, Gregg EW, Geiss LS.Prev Chronic Dis. 2009 Oct;6(4):A114.
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2009 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee.Lloyd-Jones D, Adams R, Carnethon M, De Simone G, Ferguson TB, Flegal K, et al. Circulation. 2009 Jan 27;119(3):e21-181.
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2008 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Rosamond W, Flegal K, et al.Circulation. 2008 Jan 29;117(4):e25-146.
Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease and risk factors in persons aged 60 and older: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2004.Ostchega Y, Paulose-Ram R, Dillon CF, Gu Q, Hughes JP.J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007 Apr;55(4):583-9.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Levels among U.S. Youth 12 to 19 Years of Age: Findings From the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Pate RR, Wang CY, Dowda M, Farrell SW, O’Neill JR.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Oct;160(10):1005-12
Antihypertensive medication use among US adults with hypertension. Gu Q, Paulose-Ram R, Dillon C, Burt V. Circulation. 2006 Jan 17;113(2):213-221.

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