National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES Bibliogaphy

Results for Physical limitation/disability

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Government Publications

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Vision, Hearing, Balance, and Sensory Impairment in Americans Aged 70 Years and Over: United States, 1999-2006 Dillon CF, Gu Q, Hoffman HJ, Ko CWData Brief No. 31. National Center for Health Statistics. April 2010
Prevalence of functional limitations among adults 60 years of age and over: United States, 1999-2002. Ervin RB. Advance Data No. 375. National Center for Health Statistics. August 23, 2006.
Mobility Limitation Among Persons Aged >40 Years With and Without Diagnosed Diabetes and Lower Extremity Disease --- United States, 1999--2002. Eberhardt MS, Saydah S, Paulose-Ram R, Tao MMMWR Weekly. November 25, 2005 / 54(46);1183-1186.
Lower Extremity Disease Among Persons Aged >40 Years With and Without Diabetes --- United States, 1999--2002. Paulose-Ram R, Gu Q, Eberhardt M, Gregg E, Geiss L, Engelgau MMMWR Weekly. November 18, 2005 / 54(45);1158-1160.

Journal Articles - authored or reviewed by NCHS staff

Publication TitleAuthorsCitation
Association of CKD with disability in the United States. Plantinga LC, Johansen K, Crews DC, Shahinian VB, Robinson BM, Saran R, Burrows NR, Williams DE, Powe NR; CDC CKD Surveillance TeamAm J Kidney Dis. 2011 Feb;57(2):212-27.
Prevalence of urinary incontinence in men: results from the national health and nutrition examination surveyMarkland AD, Goode PS, Redden DT, Borrud LG, Burgio KLJ Urol. 2010 Sep;184(3):1022-7
Fecal Incontinence in US Adults: Epidemiology and Risk Factors.Whitehead WE, Borrud L, Goode PS, Meikle S, Mueller ER, Tuteja A, Weidner A, Weinstein M, Ye W.Gastroenterology. 2009 Aug;137(2):512-7
Isokinetic leg muscle strength in older Americans and its relationship to a standardized walk test: data from the national health and nutrition examination survey 1999-2000. Ostchega Y, Dillon CF, Lindle R, Carroll M, Hurley BF.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2004;52(6):977-82.

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